Agenda 21, Elk County & you, the small farmer and rancher

Started by Patriot, November 19, 2012, 05:48:15 PM

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Don't think you're in the crosshairs... think again.

Here's what Agenda 21 "regional planning" can ultimately mean to you, the small rancher or farmer.  And it's beginning to show up into Kansas and Elk County.

My younger brother owns a thirty acre blueberry farm in southern New Jersey, and recently, we have discussed the possibilities of combining forces. He, with his blueberries, and my wife and I with our expertise in poultry, egg, and squab production, together with the addition of any other farm crops that would surely find a ready market in the local area. It is the "garden state", after all, and if you have never had the pleasure of the legendary "Jersey Tomato", then you have missed one of the world's great culinary treats. It sounded like a grand idea, at least on the hypothetical and hopeful face of it. However, just under the surface of it all lurked the state of New Jersey's well deserved reputation for over regulation, government over reach, bureaucratic red tape, and corruption....

...The Pinelands Commission has final authority in what you may do or not do on your own farm. Incredulous, I asked for further clarification on allowable uses of this land. I explained that with the exception of a small pond, there was no standing water or boggy areas on the property. Could we free range some turkeys or other poultry amongst the blueberries, to clean up bugs or weeds? The answer was a resounding "No"!. Could one build a small chicken coop, perhaps even a temporary structure, in an effort to provide a few farm fresh eggs. Again, the answer was no. Could we turn loose a goat, or a cow, or any other livestock animal? You guessed it, the answer was no. Could we plant any type of vegetable anywhere on the property, or start a small home garden, or tend a tomato plant or two? No!, came the response. There is no debate on these matters. There is also no appeal process...

...Who could anticipate that it would be considered an illegal act to harvest a tomato from your own property, in an area known worldwide for the quality of it's essence? How could it be a crime to free range a chicken, and gather it's eggs on a glorious spring morning in the beauty of the pines? How can it be?

..The Pinelands National Reserve may be the most restrictive and intensively managed regional land use regime in the United States. But it gets worse. Did I mention that in 1983 the Pinelands Reserve was designated a U.S. Biosphere Reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, otherwise known as Unesco? Or that in 1988, it was further designated as an International Biosphere Reserve? What mechanism was applied to grant authority to an international
body in the land use decisions of an independent and free nation?

If this concerns or disturbs, you may wish to become acquainted with, and in fact very familiar with, the term "Agenda 21″! This many-headed monster grows larger, and more powerful, every day.

Read the entire nightmare here:

Agenda 21 isn't about Democrats or Republicans.  This is about personal & property rights.  It affects you regardless of your political persuasion or geographic location.  Think:  Flint Hills Plan.  This is just one story comes from

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


       I wonder if these organizations had anything to do with the governor's decision not to allow phase 2 of the Caney wind farm.  In my opinion, that was telling land owners what they could or couldn't do with their property, after the planning was already complete and leases signed.

     What is odd, is that he was recently on the front page of the Eagle pushing for tax subsidies for wind power.

     If I lived in Jersey, I would turn out a flock of turkeys, chickens, and sow vegetable seeds every where I went if they told me this BS. Wonder what Johnny Appleseed would have thought?


Quote from: Bullwinkle on November 20, 2012, 09:54:04 AM
       I wonder if these organizations had anything to do with the governor's decision not to allow phase 2 of the Caney wind farm.  In my opinion, that was telling land owners what they could or couldn't do with their property, after the planning was already complete and leases signed.

And any other such development in eastern Kansas.  But it's interesting that the 'local' citizens who are now foisting Agenda 21 'sustainable' controls of the Flint Hills on the public are the very same folks who previously exercised their political position & power to secure millions of dollars in personal & family benefits for themselves from the existing project...  and who now are pushing for tax rebates for a limited segment of the population under a government controlled Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.... in spite of reasonable objections and with virtually no prior explanation to the public at large.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 20, 2012, 10:14:09 AM
And any other such development in eastern Kansas.  But it's interesting that the 'local' citizens who are now foisting Agenda 21 'sustainable' controls of the Flint Hills on the public are the very same folks who previously exercised their political position & power to secure millions of dollars in personal & family benefits for themselves from the existing project...  and who now are pushing for tax rebates for a limited segment of the population under a government controlled Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.... in spite of reasonable objections and with virtually no prior explanation to the public at large.

In my opinion it is a scam against the taxpayers of Elk County. Those taxpayersthat pay more then their fair share so others don't have to pay their fair share. I also consider it WELFARE for those that lest need it.

Diane Amberg

There is no point in turning out chickens in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. They won't survive. The huge mosquitoes carry them off or the Jersey Devil will take them.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 20, 2012, 05:56:52 PM
There is no point in turning out chickens in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. They won't survive. The huge mosquitoes carry them off or the Jersey Devil will take them.

Thanks Delaware Di.  Minimizing the import of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 programs inside the sovereign United States by both elected officials an through bureaucratic regulation is definitely a laughing matter.  It's really sad that you take the liberty that so many have fought and died to preserve so lightly.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 20, 2012, 06:02:15 PM
Thanks Delaware Di.  Minimizing the import of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 programs inside the sovereign United States by both elected officials an through bureaucratic regulation is definitely a laughing matter.  It's really sad that you take the liberty that so many have fought and died to preserve so lightly.

Amen Patriot.

Apparently she does not comprehend the seriousness of the subject.

Diane Amberg

As far as Jersey goes you don't get it and there is no point trying to explain it to you, you have such closed minds. A lot of people up north there found out the hard way what can happen. Oh well ,they lost everything.Too bad for them, huh. Where there are large populations, it can't be as you have it .Isolated pockets of ugliness doesn't cut it with most.
Back to the dripping ugly twisting I see. It's nice a very few of you run the forum now and can do as you like. You have very few  folks left who are even remotely interested in reading about people being bombed at every post.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 20, 2012, 06:45:11 PM
As far as Jersey goes you don't get it and there is no point trying to explain it to you, you have such closed minds. A lot of people up north there found out the hard way what can happen. Oh well ,they lost everything.Too bad for them, huh. Where there are large populations, it can't be as you have it .Isolated pockets of ugliness doesn't cut it with most.
Back to the dripping ugly twisting I see. It's nice a very few of you run the forum now and can do as you like. You have very few  folks left who are even remotely interested in reading about people being bombed at every post.

No, Diane.. YOU don't get it.  If a man owns a private farm property and wants to take a business risk on that land, so long as that business causes no harm to others, it is his right.  It's not up to government, or you, to tell him he can't to tell him he can't.  

I repeat. It's sad that you have so little regard for the private property rights of others and that you're interpretation of the intent of the Framers regarding the importance of the subject is so patently collectivist & un-American.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 20, 2012, 06:45:11 PM
Isolated pockets of ugliness doesn't cut it with most.

That is just plain nasty of you Diane.
Unless you are refering to whats happening in Delaware.
If so, Then, I can't comment, because I don't know Delaware.
Just as you don't know Kansas in my opinion.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 20, 2012, 06:45:11 PM
Back to the dripping ugly twisting I see.

Why do you have such a problem with the truth.
The twisting is coming from you, as in your next quote.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 20, 2012, 06:45:11 PM
It's nice a very few of you run the forum now and can do as you like.

I believe it is the owners of this forum that run this forum. And they make it available for anyone that registers to use it, even you, who in my opinion can not handle the truth.
Just like in the next Part of your post.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 20, 2012, 06:45:11 PM
You have very few  folks left who are even remotely interested in reading about people being bombed at every post.

Let's look at the "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" thread, that has been running about 20 months? Over that period of time the number of reads on that thread averages out to 171 reads per day. That is far more reads per day than elk konnected, llc ever have attend one of their so called konnected community conversations.  Lately it has been read more then that per day. So try again with more of your B. S. And the truth is not bombing, it's the truth, you don'tseem to comprehend the truth.

I guess it must be all that organizational training you must have received that causes that problem, IDK.
NGO's must be everything to you,
or there is something in your drinking water up there in Delaware?
And I am terribly sorry for you.

Good Night.

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