Secession Petitions . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 13, 2012, 07:24:19 PM

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Have you considered a confederation of states with no Washington income tax, no federal interference in the internal affairs of individual states, no involvement in perpetual wars around the world without a declaration of war, no Washington tax-feeding bureaucrats telling individual citizens, state legislatures or state agencies what to do?

Maybe it is time to consider the benefits of sovereign states voluntarily participating in a decentralized republic or confederation similar to America's first central government, the Articles of Confederation, created by our patriot founding fathers. In such a decentralized nation issues such as marriage, religious practice, history, symbolism, culture, abortion, gay rights etc. are determined at the state level and citizens can live their lives with regulations and conduct governed by the norms of a state or locality rather than a distant federal government.
-Ron Holland


I've considered it.  But twice now (The American Revolution and that debacle in the 1860s) demonstrated that existing bonds usually aren't broken without armed conflict.  Are enough citizens willing to go that far to be unloosed from our bloated federal government?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Okay, I will post in politics.  When states seceded in 1860, it led to a war that was the bloodiest and deadiest war Americans have ever been involved in.  It was senseless in hindsight.  A better solution is to organize on a grandiose scale and have our reprensentatives change things.  A long slow process, I'm sure, but a better way than to cause civil unrest.  I think if a lot of pressure is put on them to make some changes, it could happen and without all the bad problems that would come from seceding.  Obviously, Americans didn't vote them out but with enough public pressure, I think (hope) they could come to their senses.  If you remember, Americans protested Vietnam and it was enought pressure to cause an end to that.  I think secession is not the answer.

Who knows?  This is just IMHO. ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Fire Elk

Quote from: larryJ on November 13, 2012, 08:26:15 PM
Okay, I will post in politics.  When states seceded in 1860, it led to a war that was the bloodiest and deadiest war Americans have ever been involved in.  It was senseless in hindsight.  A better solution is to organize on a grandiose scale and have our reprensentatives change things.  A long slow process, I'm sure, but a better way than to cause civil unrest.  I think if a lot of pressure is put on them to make some changes, it could happen and without all the bad problems that would come from seceding.  Obviously, Americans didn't vote them out but with enough public pressure, I think (hope) they could come to their senses.  If you remember, Americans protested Vietnam and it was enought pressure to cause an end to that.  I think secession is not the answer.

Who knows?  This is just IMHO. ;D


Larry you are right on. I think the secession petitions are just a way for everyone to let the government know that we are still unhappy with all of them even  though the election is over. We need to pressure them now to solve the "fiscal cliff" before the end of the year. If we go over the "fiscal cliff" it won't hurt the politicians they have plenty of money to survive. It will be the middle class and the poor that get slammed. While we all have been impacted by the 2nd great depression in the US, the folks we have making the decisions have enough money and clout to weather it ok. I just saw a picture of Boehner and Biden having a drink out at the 19th hole after a round of golf. A round of golf and a few bourbons are not something many of us can even fathom anymore. Put the pressure on all these guys.


Sorry boys, I have to disagree.  Political pressure isn't going to work, they haven't listened yet and they aren't about to start now.  Will secession lead to armed conflict if not all out war...probably.  But unfortunately it has come that.  There will be no stopping the "fiscal cliff", we are to far gone.  This country has become divided to such an extent that there is no more middle ground.  I'm afraid that civil war is inevitable, just a matter of when.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Fire Elk on November 13, 2012, 08:51:18 PMWhile we all have been impacted by the 2nd great depression in the US

We aren't in the 2nd Great Depression quite yet... when the true 2nd Great Depression happens everyone will absolutely know it because it will be worse than the first.


they didn't listen from the first  time.  The southern states pressured them for 20+ years prior to the secession.  So what makes anyone think that they would listen today with a even bigger bloated government?

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


So now I read that all 50 states have secession petitions going. 

Here is a scenario for you to ponder.  Let's say, oh, Texas, which has the required number of signatures to warrant the attention of the federal government, secedes.  Let's say that Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, New Mexico and Colorado each manage to secede.  But Oklahoma doesn't.  Does this mean that if you live in Oklahoma you will need a passport to go out of state?  Will Oklahoma cease to exist because all merchandise and everything else has to be "imported?"  Perhaps Oklahoma will have to sign a "NAFTA" type treaty in order to keep from starving.  On the other hand, Oklahoma could become very well off by raising the price of oil and natural gas.  Maybe not, cuz Texas got that stuff too. 

I know................just too ridiculous to think about. ::)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


You ever ponder about seceding from California?


Quote from: redcliffsw on November 16, 2012, 08:08:51 PM

You ever ponder about seceding from California?

Heck, CA would be way better off if it would just secede from Sacramento.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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