Cattle folks will love this part of the plan...

Started by Patriot, November 12, 2012, 10:22:15 AM

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You are a braver man than me, visiting the coffee shop. I do agree with several of the posters there. This name calling---veiled threats---cussing---this nastiness, needs to end. I know of several fine folks that are afraid to post anymore because of the fear of being attacked. I listed just a few of the name calling and etc, quotes below---and these were from just this one thread !! No wonder Varmit is scared to come aboard anymore and I fear that Warph will quit posting too, out of fear. I will not mention the name of the person who said these things but if you can't figure it out let me know in a PM.

Quotes from someone back east:
Bull....Bite me!
Cave people aren't nearly as funny
Yes, I'm pissed
I forgot about Ross.(Why does Charles Manson come to mind?)
Red, ooooh, you are SO scary. I might have ta' get out my 38 and clean it
how backward and immature some Elk Countians can be
This is retort to some smart Alecs
If you don't see that as at least as valuable as cutting lawns for free then to H...with you.
so stuff it ya big dummy
So go ahead be a sour puss
You just aren't up to it mentally or emotionally.
your unnecessary smarty mouth comment
You are indeed a fool
Patriot go sit in a meat grinder.


I said I walked PAST the area, not that I went in!  Good lawdy, with the way some of those folks attack, it's not safe.  Imagine how they must conspire together in the back room!  As for those quotes.... ain't no secret there.  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Not to be outdone, jarhead.  Remember these oldies but goodies from the peace teacher:

You are a sad, small man, Steve

And we will be here, long after nimrods like yourself are dead and buried whether you in your backwards, pigheaded manner believe it or not.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Heh,heh,heh... Yup, I'm real proud of fighting back with those. A few years ago I wouldn't have had the courage to stand up to the the attacks and toss them back.
Ya can't shame me any more. I'm immune.  The crack about being a teacher...  Personal much?  But I would expect no different, considering the source. Same with the fat comments. There are many out there who have no room to talk! I wasn't drastically heavy when I was young.
  I have managed to ditch 33 pounds, but need to go for more, how about you?
I especially enjoyed the "meat grinder" come back to Patriot, who started it with reply #11! A great joke was made of that, but he missed it and had the nerve to accuse ME of misbehaving! Really funny. Please notice my come back wasn't until reply #13
I have been assured I'm just fine and can continue to fight back as I choose...or not.  It's up to me, not you. It's very easy for readers to go back a few posts and see who said what and in what order. ( If they haven't quickly deleted it .) I'm sure it took awhile to look up those comments. I'm flattered. ;)
I have said many, many times, ya cut out  the personal attacks that add nothing to real issues, I won't need to fight back. But that would ruin your fun. No? Of course I can now do the same and hunt up your personal attacks... dueling replies at 40 paces, eh?


If you are talking to me then knock yourself out to find where I have ever called you a name, except long ago I called you Lady Di, and if you remember right that was a joke ,on a bet. It is you that needs to go back and read the posts. I was talking to Patriot about mowing yards and stuff, never mentioned you at all, and you came at me with fangs bared ---and got personal---I believe it was you that called me a big dummy. I have NEVER said a thing about your weight so I have no idea what the hell you are even talking about. Why don't you be open minded just once and go back and read every post on this thread, then you tell me who got personal with the attacks---and NO, I have never deleted any of my posts---I don't know how. Just a hint for you---I don't think the posts Patriot posted were quotes of yours. I do believe they came from another teach---but they do sound like some of the personal attacks you post. No need in replying back because I know you would rather play the victim, than ever admit you might be wrong

Diane Amberg

Well shucks ,I don't have to admit when I'm wrong, I have a whole group of people who will tell me  that and as often as possible....HA!
Why do you assume I always talk about you when it's usually Patriot who delights in skewering me...or Ross.. Bull pucky or that hillbilly.
  Now who is being a victim? ;) I already did say I was sorry to you recently. Did you forget already?  I was responding on the mowing business because another poster,I think you know who, was taking shots at volunteer firefighters and I will not tolerate that. This ''who volunteers for what" was turning into a contest of who can twist my words more tightly or quote someone else and say it was me, and was getting silly.  Not everything is right VS left and who is using what "method" on whom.
The poor folks on the east coast north of here who are having such a hard time don't care a hoot about the politics of the person bringing supplies or food and water or whether they are from  a blue state or a red state. Yes, this is off topic again but it has been taken off many many times that didn't have anything to do with me either. So go talk meat if you want..I just had a good Philly cheese steak with fried onions and a touch of ketchup.


Diane, it appears you've become the very thing you've so vigorously complained about others being.  Now that you're down in what you've essentially described as a sewer... welcome aboard!  Now, let's see if being a fellow gutter dweller will change any of your perspectives on issues that matter.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from Diane :
I'm sure it took awhile to look up those comments. I'm flattered.

I should have pointed out that I sure didn't waste my time looking up all "your nastiness".
They were sent to me in a PM from none other than----------------------- someone that has been mentioned in the coffee shop thread as a person "the masses" miss and want them to "come back". This "missing person" left the forum not because of Ross, Patriot & Co but because of the examples of personal attacks he / she  sent, that I posted.
I do see humor in how you have" learned how to fight" but when you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar it's "ha ha --tee hee' let's just laugh it off because I'm just having fun"


      And I find it humorous that pointing out the obvious is considered a personal attack. Tsk, Tsk.  :laugh:

      Ketchup, on a cheese steak ?  Some people will put it on anything/everything.

Diane Amberg

 On my.... Jar, please put your lid back on. :-[  I went back and looked at my recent posts and you mistook my rebuttals to Patriot and especially Ross ,but also several others for who I just try to consider the source.
 I guess I didn't make it clear enough as to whom I was referring, but I can see how it could be misunderstood by you.
   I am sorry and do apologize...just to you though. The big dummy comment was not at you, it was at Ross, who had made some really unnecessary, ugly and uneducated comments about the volunteer fire service and I won't tolerate that. Yes, I'm repeating myself. Would you like it if someone called your Marines girly men? Who go hide when things get tough? I didn't think so. Now watch what they do with that sentence. Mr......with the 5 syllable words to make himself seem credible, will twist that around and use his "system" to connect it to something that has nothing to do with it.
I have never had my hand in anyone's cookie jar, Jar. I speak for myself and if I post wrong facts,  I will say so.  My opinions are mine though. You may disagree, but you can't say I was "caught" with them. I will decide what issues matter to me.
In a few cases you all have been much too close to some of your own issues and can't see the whole picture. As hard as it has been, I have not interfered except to say,in several different ways, and I repeat ,if you have proof of wrong doing, then report it.
Jar, as far as your list of my fighting comments, now go back and look what preceded mine and post the ones I was fighting back against. There has been some pretty rough stuff thrown at me. Even if I haven't been around for several days, I find my name has been in play. Why?
 Pat, if you few atypical Kansans are determined to live in your gutters, and looking up from the dark is the only way you let yourselves see things, help yourself.  I have much brighter and more useful places to gather more complete information.   If you have to have someone to push around to feel manly, so be it.
If I tear into someone, rest assured they deserved it, not because we differ in opinion, but because of the personal, idiotic and uncivilized way they attack the other poster, usually me.
Along time ago I was  told that a few of you are not very bright, poorly educated and really don't know any better. I didn't want to believe it...... Oh well.
So Mr. Bull, how do you eat cheese steaks? obviously no ketchup. What kind of cheese? Mushrooms? Sweet pickled peppers? Hot peppers? Which kind ,red round or long yellow?  Gino's or Pat's
Amazon order is next. Find someone else to kick around for awhile.

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