Cattle folks will love this part of the plan...

Started by Patriot, November 12, 2012, 10:22:15 AM

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Well, since she' claims to be neither a liberal nor a blue blood, it would seem my reference had nothing to do with her.  But your knight in shining armor attempt is duly noted.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


No thank you to being forced off of my land to live in one of your Sustainable Communities as well!
No thank you United Nations!
I will eat red meat anytime I so desire or any other color of meat for that matter!
Isn't it time to say to HELL with the United Nations  Sustainable Growth Plan and Agenda 21 ?

Isn't it time to stop the NGO's that unknowingly use United Nations tools of deception?

Isn't it time to get some gonads like our founding fathers had?

Or do we simply accept their treatment as a bunch of girly men, until it is to late?
Just say no!

No more United Nations !
No more NGO's
No more Government Abuse on the local level!
Then the proper attitude may float up to the State and Federal Levels!

Just say no, instead of being a kiss ass!

Kissing ass may make you popular
Saying no shows character!

Diane Amberg

Hey Patriot..if ya weren't talking about me, please tell me who you were talking about. You consider me all sorts of things I deny, so who else would fit your unnecessary smarty mouth comment? Hmmm? Nana nana na-na. ;D ;D ;D It does get old ya know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 21, 2012, 10:51:16 AM
Hey Patriot..if ya weren't talking about me, please tell me who you were talking about. You consider me all sorts of things I deny, so who else would fit your unnecessary smarty mouth comment? Hmmm? Nana nana na-na. ;D ;D ;D It does get old ya know.

Al Gore & John Kerry come to mind.  As for you, while convinced you're a liberal, I'm not sure you have blood of any color in your veins.

If it all gets so old & is so painful, why do you take such obvious delight in returning for more?  Hidden masochistic tendencies?  Or just a codependent enabler?

"Smarty mouth comment"?  Now that's rich coming from the Great Poke-Poker.
To quote a victimized collectivist: Nana nana na-na. ;D ;D ;D

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Just havin' some fun whilst I may. According to my blood test from last Monday, my blood is purple.
I just finished reading some reports from a friend who is helping out on Staten Island.They are in really bad shape and will be for some time yet. And you think you have problems? Those heavily populated areas are totally unprepared for what happened there to be so severe. Yes, I know you could care less.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 21, 2012, 12:27:59 PM
Yes, I know you could care less.

Your self-centered arrogance is unending.  To suggest I have no concern about people who are hurting & in need when I had said it was your petty bragging of volunteerism that is insignificant, is beyond the pale.  I care a great deal about those in really bad straights, and their situation proves clearly the inefficiencies of your big brother government.  And the failures of government (and its self proclaimed redeemer status) IS my problem... and that of every citizen.  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 21, 2012, 01:09:43 PM
  I care a great deal about those in really bad straights, and their situation proves clearly the inefficiencies of your big brother government.  And the failures of government (and its self proclaimed redeemer status) IS my problem... an that of every citizen. 

Might I add the NGO planners and all their facilitators pushing their own agendas might be part of the problem.
And I bet they have a ton of NGO's and facilitators up there.
And most likely pulling in many Leadership abilities?
Are their ideas ridiculous?

You Decide go to,11780.0.html and read their ideas and decide how ridiculous they are for yourself.

Are they failures in what they want to do?
Check their own list at   .

Do you read any solutions for the things they point out?
I did not think so!

Their motto or whatever they call it says, "Stay with us as we grow!"
Are they growing?
I've heard otherwise!

Even their followers that were on this forum seem to have disappeared.
Go figure?

Yes, thanks a bunch for NGO's.

Another $40 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank will fix it.

Diane Amberg

Patriot, get over yourself. You are clueless and perhaps we'd all be better off if you stay that way. You care? Fooey! Don't lie about it now. You have made your position abundantly clear!
You can try to ridicule me and it won't work. You can set yourself up on a pedestal as a great example of Kansas perfection and there are those who will laugh until they throw up. We here actually DO things here. You gripe and complain but you don't accomplish much, now do ya?
   Do have any idea how things really work in Emergency Services? Or do you just listen to your own recycled rumors and crap stirrers who have something to sell.
"My'' big brother Gov't? You are indeed a fool! Do you have any idea the lengths the fire companies have gone to, on their own time and money to set up outdoor cooking banks to feed people who are literally starving? Huge kettles of soup and chili etc.
Wanna know what almost happened to a city food sanitation inspector who showed up and tried to shut one group down?  It's not wise to get in the way of a bunch of firefighters on the nets indeed!
  As far as the cheap shots about the military. My husband really appreciated that. Now go enjoy Thanksgiving and think about what you should really be grateful for, not who you can scuttle next.


Looks like our Goose has been cooked, the stuffing is still posting, the yam- I- ams are tasty and the pecan pie still looks like a swirly pieclod!
Happy Thanksgiving to all who are late to dinner, politically incorrect, knows what a fork is , and above all....
I am  thankful to our servicemen, present, past and those they made it possible for me to type this.
Also to those that piss me it means I am still alive and thinking.

ready to stuff it!   ;D


and by the way....this thread started out as a 'no red meat' alarm. 
I am having a Ribeye as we any PETA  lovers are invited to stop by my house and possibly convince me why their mamsy-pambsy beliefs are not about survival and the food chain.   
ready to ....see  red meat

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