Must Read... know the enemy

Started by Patriot, November 08, 2012, 08:08:13 PM

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And it's here, now.  Read these excerpt then read the entire article.  Do you like the idea of an elite few planning your life?

Agenda 21, Socialists & Unelected Planners

Planners. You don't elect them. You likely don't even know them. They sit at desks in your city and county government buildings. They sit on bureaucratic boards you didn't elect and you don't see. Higher up in the echelons are the unelected planners and enforcers in Washington. They are appointed for their political ideology....which just happens to be far left Progressive Socialism. Surprise surprise. Planners like to plan and Socialists like unelected planners. And since Progressives have been ensconced into our government and schools, the packs of planners have continued to grow in numbers and in power. As long as they all sing from the same song book, i.e. global Marxism, they get to plan your life to their hearts content.

You would think to yourself that these are Americans and they live among us, so surely they can't be that bad. But you would be missing a core problem. They don't think for themselves. And they are living on your money.

Who dreamed, for instance, that the American Planning Association would be co-opted by Bill Clinton to create a master planning book for the entire country, a planning book you either use or you don't get Federal money. The American Planning Association is the non-profit organization whose credentials you supposedly must have in order to get a job in planning.

The next time you read the local paper to find another grant has been handed out to your area, take a look at what program or project is being funded. Is it a greenway? Is it for a "multi-modal" transit center? Is it for bike lanes? Is it for a mixed use inner city project located close to public transit?

When planners once again learn to actually think about and plan your local area without using the cookie cutter, one size fits all plans from the APA, the UN, the International Code Council, the US Green Building Council, and all of the other Federal agencies who are implementing Agenda 21, that will be a great day. Meanwhile, know thy enemy.

Read the complete article:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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