Elk Taxes... the part they didn't mention

Started by Patriot, October 29, 2012, 11:52:10 PM

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You surely read the recent article in the Prairie Rag where Commissioner Liz Hendricks bragged about the commission not raising the county property tax mill levy for 2013.... but she failed to fully discuss one minor detail....

While the mill levy didn't increase, property values did go up. For the taxpayer that means the tax dollars to be collected will go up!  For voters, that means the commission will be collecting and spending an extra $150,000 (give or take a few bucks) next time around.

So the reality is while the commission can say they didn't raise the mill, they did allow your taxes and government spending to go up.  Heck, even USD 282 was smart enough to see that and reduce their mill levy.  But not the county.... even with an extra $900,000+ in wind farm PILOT money due by January 1!

Not so much the Longton school district either... even with increased revenue per mill, they raised their levy!

Guess somebody forgot to let them in on the secret about the lousy economy... so, they just keep taxing & spending.  Seems the only difference between Elk County and Washington, D.C. are the size of the numbers.

Speaking of Elk tax and spend plans, look at this:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,14540.0.html

Must be nice to have a never ending money tree on the west lawn at the courthouse in Howard.  With management like this & among the highest tax rates in Kansas, it's no wonder growth & prosperity elude us.  Shhhhhh... we likes it that way, right?

Better yet, let's pass a tax rebate plan for a few favored folks that spend at least $20,000 in taxable improvements:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,13278.0.html

No problem, the vast majority of taxpayers don't mind taking up the slack.... again.

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