Propagandist for State-Run Media Wants More Money . . .

Started by redcliffsw, October 11, 2012, 09:20:13 AM

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There is no such thing as "government investment." All government spending is consumption spending, not investment. An investor is someone who puts up his own money, takes a risk, and reaps the profits or suffers the losses from his decisions. No politician or bureaucrat ever puts up his own money, takes on any personal risk whatsoever, or is punished with financial losses for his bad decisions. In fact, his bad decisions are routinely subsidized by taxpayers for decades on end with no negative personal consequences to him.
-Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Diane Amberg

Wrong! The loser in any political race has put up hefty filing fees just like the winner, and often has bills to pay when the election is over and the money runs out. Not all can be as shifty as our "Witch" here who managed to wiggle out of paying her bills after the primary and left people who were owned money holding bad checks. Most are held accountable for their bills like Mike Castle was. He lost and owed money...and paid it.


No, you're wrong.  Politicians have been and are committing money to socialist programs
and it's not their money.

Of course that's mighty fine with you as long as it's part of your agenda - your socialist agenda.

Diane Amberg

 Give it up Red.This country is never going to go back to the 1700's. You can stick ugly labels on people but that doesn't make any of what you say true or useful. If you want to live a little contracted life and never take advantage of what your taxes provide, I guess that's your business. But then I don't have to fight with my neighbors over gravel roads. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Not everyone in this big country has to march to your beat.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 12, 2012, 08:52:44 AM
Give it up Red.This country is never going to go back to the 1700's.

(Dripping sarcasm on)

Yea Red, who needs that pesky old constitution.  We live in a demoncracy now... simple rule of the majority (what did Jefferson know anyway).  The rule of law & individual liberty ideas are worn out.  Those might have been OK in 1780 when we were trying to be a republic, but times have changed.  Get with the program, man!  It's the 21st century, for heavens sake.

We all know that the money taken from producers by government under penalty of jail becomes an 'investment' when it's handed to non-producers to satisfy some social need.  It must be an 'investment'.... the politicians said so.  Besides that, we're talking about the campaign debt of individual politicians now, not government spending, oops - investing.  Can't you keep up?  Sheesh!

Oh, while were at it, get off that God clinging thing!  That Bible you're hanging on to is even more outdated than your Declaration of Independence.  The idea that the Bible or God had anything to do with the founding principles of America is just a lie anyway.  Just listen to Diane.  She's got it figured out.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 08, 2012, 02:40:13 PM
But I do have my faith and I am a very spiritual being. Let me walk in the woods with slanting sun rays, a gentle breeze, a nearby brook and birds singing and I am in my church.

Go spend some time out in the woods.  Commune with nature & see some sunshine coming through the trees.  Talk to the birdies.  We're all one with nature........ oohhhhmmmmmmm  oohhhhmmmmmmm  oohhhhmmmmmmm  

(Dripping sarcasm off)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Actually I recently did. Bad stuff happening to good friends. Even I need support sometimes. Sometimes the helpers need help too.
Oh, and I got another nice thank you card from some good folks in Howard.
As usual you are adding things I never said ..One has to ask why. What do you personally get out of poking at me?
  Out tonight to see high school classmates and have some fun. Bye

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