Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril

Started by Ross, October 09, 2012, 03:33:20 PM

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Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril
It could become illegal to resell your iPhone 4, car or family antiques.

CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — Tucked into the U.S. Supreme Court's agenda this fall is a little-known case that could upend your ability to resell everything from your grandmother's antique furniture to your iPhone 4.

At issue in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons is the first-sale doctrine in copyright law, which allows you to buy and then sell things like electronics, books, artwork and furniture, as well as CDs and DVDs, without getting permission from the copyright holder of those products.


Ross... had this on my "This & That" yesterday.  The way things are going in this country, the next step is the gov. will be taking our computers away.  They are already trying to put controls on the internet.

            "Don't fire until you see the stack of DVDs"

Well whoop-de-do.... the Supreme Court to decide whether you really own your stuff.  It's all about copyright, even of your grandmother's furniture, and your right to a garage sale.

"At issue in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons is the first-sale doctrine in copyright law, which allows you to buy and then sell things like electronics, books, artwork and furniture, as well as CDs and DVDs, without getting permission from the copyright holder of those products.

"Under the doctrine, which the Supreme Court has recognized since 1908, you can resell your stuff without worry because the copyright holder only had control over the first sale.

"That's being challenged now for products that are made abroad, and if the Supreme Court upholds an appellate court ruling, it would mean that the copyright holders of anything you own that has been made in China, Japan or Europe, for example, would have to give you permission to sell it.

"'It means that it's harder for consumers to buy used products and harder for them to sell them,' said Jonathan Band, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, who filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of the American Library Association, the Association of College and Research Libraries and the Association for Research Libraries. 'This has huge consumer impact on all consumer groups.'

"Another likely result is that it would hit you financially because the copyright holder would now want a piece of that sale."

What is going on in this country?  Religious freedom, freedom of speech, and now the freedom to sell your junk... all being challenged in the courts?  Do we have to fight a frickin' War of Independence every generation?  I guess so, because the Redcoats just won't stay dead.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



It's a matter of enslavement and I think it will all probably come to a head some time soon.
When people wake up and learn they have to fight for their freedom.

It's like right here in Elk County with our county government wanting to give special property tax breaks to a few.
And the business of Elk Konnected, LLC wanting to enforce clean up of properties and such.

Soon, I see a lot more community and county regulations and rules, and further errosion of peoples rights.

Just my opinion.

Once they get all the regulations and rules they want, the rules and regulations will never go away.

And to get Elk County tied in with Companies and organizations from half way across the nation will not be good for Elk County.
I'm sure you can count on them to screw up a lot of freedoms here at home.

And I believe Elk Konnected, LLC and Public Squares Communities, INC and our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners will be announcing a meeting soon that will be aimed at us with all kinds of goodies and kind words and talk of positive attitude and prosperity to convience a few people of how good it is for Elk County.

Where is Public Squares Communities, INC located, you know the organization that our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks is President of ?
Is it here in Elk County?

Well, people had better wake up, IMHO, before it is too late.  

Do the citizens of Elk County like Elk County as it is?
Or do they want it controlled by outside Agency's, Corporations or Organizations?
Don't we already have Public Squares Communities, INC  through our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?
And where is Public Squares Communities, INC located?
Is it located in Leotia, Wichita County, Kansas?
Is it located in Kansas City, Kansas?

What do you actually know about Public Squares Communities, INC or Elk Konnected, LLC for that matter?
Do you need Konnected Kounty Kommissioners running your County Government?

Will you continue to listen to their sweet talk?
Or will you vote in people that care to keep Elk County Government Business local and out of the hands of Agency's, Corporations or Organizations?

Lot's to think about and consider in November when you vote, isn't it?

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