Rudy Taylor and Dale Smith.

Started by Fire Elk, October 08, 2012, 06:00:51 PM

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Fire Elk

Ross, to pick on Larry J and say he bullies people is asinine. He is one of the few standing on the moral high ground.

Fire Elk


Quote from: frawin on October 19, 2012, 03:52:55 PM
Ross you have totally lost it. I ask all of you, would you take the advice of someone like Ross that sees bad in everything.

Talk about bashing, how low can you go, but to lie about a person?
And your statementis just that a bald faced lie.
Because, you don't know me and everything covers a lot of territory.
I am supportive of things in Elk County, you don't even know about.
So, will people listen to such twisting of words?

Quote from: frawin on October 19, 2012, 03:52:55 PM
 He doesn't like people being asked to volunteer, he has tried to stir up people in the county against Howard, he has tried to stir up people in Elk County against West Elk and the people on the West Elk School Board who have done a great job in making it one of the best ranked schools in the area.

Again, another low blow that is unsupportable. I have no idea what you are talking about.
I have never been against anyone volunteering; in fact I do my own volunteering without some organization telling me to.

As far as trying to turn anyone against Howard, again not true, that was going on way before I even moved to this area. As I have been told it is ancient history.

I visit in Howard and I shop in Howard and I use the veterinarians in Howard and I eat in Howard, now why would I try to turn anyone against Howard and still do all that while tying to turn people against Howard? Wouldn't I take my business elsewhere, if what you say is true?

Quote from: frawin on October 19, 2012, 03:52:55 PM
Ross is against a group of people that is trying to make life better for people of all ages in Elk County. Would you take the advice of someone like that trying to tell you who to vote for.

Would you take advice from someone that is less then forthright?
For instance what group is he talking about?
Oh, the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks group Elk Konnected, LLC is that the group?
No, I'm not against the group, who are they anyway? You can't tell us can you?

What, I am against is the very strong appearance of Elk Konnected, LLC controlling our County Government, by holding the two out of three votes that control our county government. Don't we have enough of that type of control in our federal government? I don't believe any LLC, Corporation or business should be controlling our government, do you frawin?

Quote from: frawin on October 19, 2012, 03:52:55 PM
I know one of the new candidates running for County Commission and I like him but I won't vote for anyone that Ross is for, and I have heard others say the same thing. Think about it and go to the polls and let Ross know that that his constant repetitve trashis not the Elk County way.

Not to vote for someone just because you don't appreciate the idea that I like them is rather childish, and you have my sypathies.
You are running the same, quoting you letter for letter "repetitve trashis" again and again, IMHO!
And I have heard others say the same thing about you <- <- <- (only, I'm lying about it and admitting it!) Ain't it fun! See how easy it is.

And didn't your Fellow Elk Konnected, LLC Follower ask not to do politics on this thread;
Quote from: flintauqua on October 18, 2012, 04:29:51 PM
Please keep Politics in the Politics section and leave the rest of the Forum sections for what they were created for.


I was actullly enjoying this thread until page 2  post # 15:

QuoteQuote from: proelkco on October 11, 2012, 11:21:19 am
We are all in need of rain. Good post Ross.

I think the best way to shut Ross up will be a big voter turn out for Ken and Liz.

I was ready to join in the nice jostling.  But not so much anymore.  This was started in the coffee, just wow!
not so ready


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 19, 2012, 04:51:15 PM
Ross, to pick on Larry J and say he bullies people is asinine. He is one of the few standing on the moral high ground.

Fire Elk

I never said he bullies anyone.
Read again, please!
Never used the word bully, did I?
So try to get it right, okay?
Thank You!

Quote from: larryJ on October 18, 2012, 09:14:06 AM
Jarhead and most of the rest of you know that I shun the politics thread, mostly because of the bickering and lack of useful information.  I have posted there when something bothered me or if someone asked me something.  But, for the most part, I find that there is too much bashing and not enough actual information someone could use.  I still read it in case something worthwhile gets posted, but I rarely comment.  If someone slams me or my thoughts (like that would every happen  ;) I would not respond.  There is an old physics adage:


Quote from: Ross on October 19, 2012, 02:44:15 PM
I know Larryj thinks he is better then everyone else and that he doesn't do any bashing. But that's exactly what this post of his is doing. Why would he perpetrate the situation by Bashing people on the political thread, right here on ths KIND INVITATION thread. Just read it for yourself, simply by making the remark about bashing he is bashing, IMHO!

I think that if noone would react or respond to any meaningless gibberish on any thread, then that thread would go away.  

Just saying.......

Enough said!


Quote from: readyaimduck on October 19, 2012, 05:24:39 PM
I was actullly enjoying this thread until page 2  post # 15:

I was ready to join in the nice jostling.  But not so much anymore.  This was started in the coffee, just wow!
not so ready

It doesn't take much for Ross and others to bring their politics over to pollute the Coffee Shop.  Just because the door is left ever so slighly ajar, does not mean they have to push it on open and barge in.  

They do remind me of school yard bullies.  When they take over the monkey bars and all the other kids start playing on the merry-go-round, the bullies decide that they will take over the merry-go-round!

I wish they and everyone would stay true to what the Forum home page says about the Coffee Shop section "General topics and friendly conversations among the people of Elk County, Kansas.."
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


In reviewing this thread, which started out as a kind inquiry about silent members, I find that the first bit of "name calling" occurred in Post No. 7, page 1.  If any of you who are calling each other out on the bashing, bullying, etc., would review your own posts, you might be surprised just who is fanning the flames.

Can't we just drop the nastiness and continue with the kind words about members we like to hear from?

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on October 19, 2012, 05:28:31 PM
I never said he bullies anyone.
Read again, please!
Never used the word bully, did I?
So try to get it right, okay?
Thank You!

Enough said!

Ross, change bully to the word of your choice. He still has the moral high ground, you do not. Back to the politics section.


Quote from: Wilma on October 19, 2012, 05:35:52 PM
If any of you who are calling each other out on the bashing, bullying, etc., would review your own posts, you might be surprised just who is fanning the flames.

Can't we just drop the nastiness and continue with the kind words about members we like to hear from?


Even with disagreements you & I have had in the past, you are spot on here.  There's plenty of room for heated discussion in Politics and there's plenty of blame to go around for the direction this thread has taken, to be sure.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Angietown, Devynn-Leann, Dan Cookson


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 19, 2012, 05:39:37 PM
Ross, change bully to the word of your choice. He still has the moral high ground, you do not. Back to the politics section.

You sure did change it didn't you, and it did not work, did it?
But the words are not interchangable are they?
You'll do anything to put a person down, right?

Not nice at all.

Apparently you don't have the moral high ground,  what ever that means, coming from you!

You know Wilma is 100 percent correct.
My apologize, Wima. I quit on this thread, I'll try to play nice.


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