Rudy Taylor and Dale Smith.

Started by Fire Elk, October 08, 2012, 06:00:51 PM

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Diane Amberg

 Nope, Pat, just telling the truth as quite a few see it.  You have different standards for different people, speaking of being a classic hypocrite. Just look in the mirror before you label anyone else.You and Ross just urge each other on...a real wolf pack when one adds a few others. And what does it accomplish?
You can be as condescending as you want, but you expect higher quality responses from others?. WHY? If you set the tone, others will follow. Look how Red eggs Ross on.  Go ahead Ross,verbally punch that little kid again..I know if you punch him out, I won't be held will.  Safe, huh?
I just read Red's buddy and his blog on sodomy, among other things. Real quality stuff that is... And no reasonable answers on how things should be done to represent ALL People, not just a few extremists. FOO-YUK!
   We don't have the choice of just pretending large segments of the population don't exist or count. If they exist we have to deal with them. It's nice you are so sheltered from the rest of life and pretend other kinds of people don't exist. Don't you have signs at the border saying no "_________"( Fill in the blank) welcome here? Sounds real friendly, especially since you guys so happily label folks to suit your needs and don't care two hoots about who they really are or what they could contribute to your community.
Off track again, not that either Dale or Rudy would likely see it anyway. Ross should go over to politics...and I'll follow him over there with a copy of Miss Manners in hand. ;)
 I hope your new commissioners, whoever they may be, are up to the twists and turns and personal attacks they may have to face by a few who are going to feel owed..IMHO. I have a prediction, but I'll keep it to myself for now.
  Back to doing things that make a difference.

Dale Smith

Actually, I did see this. I thought "Wow, how nice to be remembered" until I actually just read all of this and was reminded why I no longer enjoy coming here.  Life is hard enough without the nastiness that seems to ooze out of this forum. I'm sorry that I did read this. 


Hey, Dale, no worries.  This thread started as a kind invitation to those who haven't been around lately.  I'm sorry that it turned into some nastiness.  I, we, most of the members of this forum would like to see your continued participation.  You can always pick and choose what and who you wish to read.  Not all of us are mean and nasty.............well, I don't know for sure about Warph!

Stay with us.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: larryJ on October 19, 2012, 02:26:34 PM
Hey, Dale, no worries.  This thread started as a kind invitation to those who haven't been around lately.  I'm sorry that it turned into some nastiness.  I, we, most of the members of this forum would like to see your continued participation.  You can always pick and choose what and who you wish to read.  Not all of us are mean and nasty.............well, I don't know for sure about Warph!

Stay with us.


I know Larryj thinks he is better then everyone else and that he doesn't do any bashing. But that's exactly what this post of his is doing. Why would he perpetrate the situation by Bashing people on the political thread, right here on ths KIND INVITATION thread. Just read it for yourself, simply by making the remark about bashing he is bashing, IMHO!

Quote from: larryJ on October 18, 2012, 09:14:06 AM
Jarhead and most of the rest of you know that I shun the politics thread, mostly because of the bickering and lack of useful information.  I have posted there when something bothered me or if someone asked me something.  But, for the most part, I find that there is too much bashing and not enough actual information someone could use.  I still read it in case something worthwhile gets posted, but I rarely comment.  If someone slams me or my thoughts (like that would every happen  ;) I would not respond.  There is an old physics adage:


I think that if noone would react or respond to any meaningless gibberish on any thread, then that thread would go away. 

Just saying.......


Let's see now, he says if none would react or respond to any meaningless gibberish! So why respond on a different thread?
Just saying!
Will he respond to this gibberish, let's wait and see!

Thank You!

Diane Amberg

Ouch! Sorry Dale. I was doing fine until that Bull Moose called me out ...again. I had been busy and gone for some time until he meanly brought my name up.They just won't quit and still feel justified with anything they want to say to anyone for any reason. I'm sorry I added to it.I should know better.


I hit you last---no I ht you last---no, I hit you last !!!!

Diane Amberg

If I hit you you won't get up. I cheat.
   I can't believe now Ross is going after Larry? One couldn't ask for a nicer more level headed person. Ross, have you come totally unglued? That was very much uncalled for IM not very HO. >:(


Quote from: Ross on October 19, 2012, 02:44:15 PM
I know Larryj thinks he is better then everyone else and that he doesn't do any bashing. But that's exactly what this post of his is doing. Why would he perpetrate the situation by Bashing people on the political thread, right here on ths KIND INVITATION thread. Just read it for yourself, simply by making the remark about bashing he is bashing, IMHO!

Let's see now, he says if none would react or respond to any meaningless gibberish! So why respond on a different thread?
Just saying!
Will he respond to this gibberish, let's wait and see!

Thank You!

Ross you have totally lost it. I ask all of you, would you take the advice of someone like Ross that sees bad in everything.  He doesn't like people being asked to volunteer, he has tried to stir up people in the county against Howard, he has tried to stir up people in Elk County against West Elk and the people on the West Elk School Board who have done a great job in making it one of the best ranked schools in the area. Ross is against a group of people that is trying to make life better for people of all ages in Elk County. Would you take the advice of someone like that trying to tell you who to vote for. I know one of the new candidates running for County Commission and I like him but I won't vote for anyone that Ross is for, and I have heard others say the same thing. Think about it and go to the polls and let Ross know that that his constant repetitve trashis not the Elk County way.


Finally a person with sanity. And Diane you are much liked and your views are read and appreciated. Yes you were right in calling Patriot a hypocrite. Now lets sit back and watch Patriot and Ross be more hateful


Dale, it is good to hear from you.  Sorry that this forum has become such a mess that you don't want to be a part of it, no matter how nice you are.  The problem is that the people that are causing the problem don't see it as a problem.  Now I will be called out for bashing someone.  If anyone wants to contradict me, consider whether or not you are part of the problem.

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