The Busy Bee Daycare

Started by Patriot, October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM

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Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:07:22 PM
If Elk Konnected found jobs for every American, stopped childhood hunger worldwide. cured cancer, ended domestic violence, and acheived world peace, some on this forum would still complain about the way they accomplished it.  

I am so sorry you had to say that?
Once again I am not attacking you, I am asking what that statement really means.
Does it mean people shouldn;t have the right of freedom of speech? I don't believe for a minute that is what it means.
Are you saying no one should question the organizations methods or actions?
I think we seriously should since they are our County Commissioners, they are our County Government, answerable to the citizens of Elk County!
Are you saying the end justifies the means?
I.E.: Are you saying, anyone can use deception or bad or immoral methods as long as they accomplish something good by using them.
There have been scientist's and doctors and others that have been questioned and tried in a court of law, because they thought the end justifies the means.


Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:07:22 PM
If Elk Konnected found jobs for every American, stopped childhood hunger worldwide. cured cancer, ended domestic violence, and acheived world peace, some on this forum would still complain about the way they accomplished it.  

That, ma'am, is a total exaggeration (if not an untruth), IMO.  IF  they did ANY of those things without using undue government influence and in stark opposition to the precepts of limited, constitutional government (that is by doing so by operating totally in the private sector as a private company), I would gladly speak for them, both vocally and with my checkbook.

Unfortunately, however, they have engaged in the misuse (abuse?) of government position, power, and resources to achieve their limited ends to date.  Moreover, they are about to engage in the furtherance of a plan that is a clear extension of the UN Agenda 21 'smart growth' plan. Those shameful things, I can never support.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:27:55 PM

Does it mean people shouldn;t have the right of freedom of speech? I don't believe for a minute that is what it means

Of course not, EVERYONE should have the right to freedom of speech.
Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:27:55 PM

Are you saying no one should question the organizations methods or actions?
I think we seriously should since they are our County Commissioners, they are our County Government, answerable to the citizens of Elk County!
No I'm not saying that methods and actions should not be questioned.  IMHO you are EXTREMELY over exagerating the small amount of money that has been given to EK.  I believe there is no way you will accept this statement but I said it anyway. 
Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:27:55 PM
Are you saying the end justifies the means?
I.E.: Are you saying, anyone can use deception or bad or immoral methods as long as they accomplish something good by using them.
There have been scientist's and doctors and others that have been questioned and tried in a court of law, because they thought the end justifies the means.

I think you have morphed EK in this cyber world to a viscous greedy group of individuals who are following one person so blindly that they can't think for themselves.  That is so far from the truth that it makes me sick!  We are not exploiting the children.  The children and Elk County's future are our true inspiration.  The small amount of money that has been used to invest in the future of Elk County IMO is in NO WAY excessive.  Again, I'm sure you won't agree, but it is true and I said it.



I see we agree on a couple of things and that is good.
I just hope we can agree to disagree on others without damaging our relationship in business, because I truely do like and respect you!

As far as the monies I have discussed the numbers come from Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks in the thread,11780.0.html

But you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that.

Diane Amberg

Ross, what is your beef with the fire safety classes I've been teaching all week?..... All as a volunteer.  (The devil better watch out or I'll throw a bucket of water on him!)
   I'm sure if Red tried hard enough he'd find some way to call the classes I taught those kids socialistic, but I don't really care. Fire safety isn't a time for freedom, it's a time to shut up and do as you were told, if there is a real fire.
  I know in a few cases over the years several kids I taught did experience fires, and knew what to do. So said their parents, or I would never have known. By the way Ross, I got another nice thank you card. See how I'm contributing to your local economy? They'll be buying pizza.


Ross, et al:   
Howdy.  Had to go away for awhile.
   If Elk Konnected LLC and some members that were not affiliated with the County Commissioner's list as well as the School Board, etc.  would you still have this thread regarding a Daycare?

In my thoughts, yes.......   As it is about internal corruption, as you see it.  ( I have read all thread jumpings)
Yes, I said it.
Show us the scanned Public documents ( as we all know the internet is just a big ego typing medium )that hides Elk Konnected LLC to the scum that they are and taking away our monies.

Kids need daycare.  I agree.
Parents have to pay for daycare.   I agree
Some parents only make minimum wage and to pay for that with the gas to travel only makes to make the ends meet.
Please don't spin my words.  Just answer the question:
If Elk Konnected LLC wasn't involved, would this topic even come to light?



Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 03:29:29 PM
Ross, et al:   
Howdy.  Had to go away for awhile.
   If Elk Konnected LLC and some members that were not affiliated with the County Commissioner's list as well as the School Board, etc.  would you still have this thread regarding a Daycare?

In my thoughts, yes.......   As it is about internal corruption, as you see it.  ( I have read all thread jumpings)
Yes, I said it.
Show us the scanned Public documents ( as we all know the internet is just a big ego typing medium )that hides Elk Konnected LLC to the scum that they are and taking away our monies.

Kids need daycare.  I agree.
Parents have to pay for daycare.   I agree
Some parents only make minimum wage and to pay for that with the gas to travel only makes to make the ends meet.
Please don't spin my words.  Just answer the question:
If Elk Konnected LLC wasn't involved, would this topic even come to light?


Hi Ready,

I agree with what you say bout daycare, no argument there.

My position in all of this is the confusion and blurred lines between Elk konnected, LLC and our County Government and our School Boards.
If Elk Konnected, LLC were not involved in politics, I could care less what they did.

I hope that answers your question.


Now that was an answer I can read over and over.
the scrolled advertisment for Commissioners I will just ignore  no offense.

thank you.  ready


Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 04:05:44 PM
Now that was an answer I can read over and over.
the scrolled advertisment for Commissioners I will just ignore  no offense.

thank you.  ready

No offense taken.


Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
Of course not, EVERYONE should have the right to freedom of speech.

Well we definitely agree on this one!

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
No I'm not saying that methods and actions should not be questioned.  

Again we agree!

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
IMHO you are EXTREMELY over exagerating the small amount of money that has been given to EK.  I believe there is no way you will accept this statement but I said it anyway.

Here we definitely disagree! And you are quite right your statement is unacceptable to me.
There is the question of the $85,000 that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner discussed with us on the,11780.0.html thread.
And while we are discussing money how many thousands did Elk Konnected, LLC acquire for the Wellness Center, when they closed it and sold it? Wasn't that 100% profit, considering everything was bought with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money called a grant?

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
I think you have morphed EK in this cyber world to a viscous greedy group of individuals who are following one person so blindly that they can't think for themselves.  That is so far from the truth that it makes me sick!  

I do not believe, I have ever said, Elk Konnected, LLC is a vicious greedy group of individuals, those are your words alone! Also, I lack the power to morph anything and I lack the power of a visionary, sorry about that!

And as far as your statement, "are following one person so blindly that they can't think for themselves." Again that is your personal statement not mine. I have stated that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks takes credit for founding the organization. And if you haven't noticed, she has never removed herself from the Steering Committee, even after what seven years on the Steering Committee.
I wonder why?
When the organization first started they made the comment, that the members on the Steering Committee would rotate off every two years. Oh, but they changed that recently to every four years, right?                              
But if you add the two periods of time together 2+4=6 years right?

However, hasn't Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks been on the Steering Committee 7 years? I like to call the Steering Committee the Board of Governors, because, I don't see any difference in their responsibilities can you explain a difference?

And I believe, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks when she accepts the responsibility as founder of Elk Konnected, LLC, because she was employed by the (for lack of a better term) mother organization Public Squares Communities, INC., Right?
She is now President of Public Squares Communities, INC., Right?

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
We are not exploiting the children.  The children and Elk County's future are our true inspiration.  
The very word exploit means to use unfairly for one's own advantage. I personally feel you are using and have used the children of Elk County to furthur your organizations growth, and I am entitled to my opinion.

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
The small amount of money that has been used to invest in the future of Elk County IMO is in NO WAY excessive.  Again, I'm sure you won't agree, but it is true and I said it.

I totally agree with you on this one!

The monies you appear to have spent were the county taxpayers money or other "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" monies? And it appears to me that the larger sums of "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" or grants were spent not to benefit Elk County but, to benefit Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks progression to, most likely a paid position, as President of Public Squares Communities, INC!
But, I'm human and I could very easily be wrong.

Where is the investment in the future of Elk County that you allude to?
Please, tell us about this investment?

Truthfully though, I think our beloved Elk County deserves far better leadership in our County Government, instead of leaders with displaced loyalties, IMHO!

Then, those that I feel that have displaced loyalties, can concentrate on their other loyalties fully and perhaps do a better job.
Doesn't that sound like a very positive position for both groups?
I mean even at the "Meet and Greet the Candidates"  several times the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners each discussed Elk Konnected, LLC, it sounded to me that Elk Konnected, LLC was running for those two seats.

I'd like to suggest we let Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau concentrate on Elk Konnected, LLC
By writing in
M I c k e y   W u n d e r l I c h
Please read this,

I'd like to suggest we let Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks concentrate on Elk Konnected, LLC
By voting for Mr. Hebb

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