The Busy Bee Daycare

Started by Patriot, October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM

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It was with interest that I read the article in this week's Prairie Star announcing the new Busy Bee Daycare.  Call me a cynic, but one can't help but wonder if the new, non-profit, company will be an LLC whose managing partner will be Elk Konnected, LLC.  After all, it's the EK 'Action Team' that's starting this venture, no?  Who is/are the action team this week anyway?

All legal, I'm sure, but what a wonderful arrangement for the EK folks.  Busy Bee charges parents for daycare.  EK then gets a management fee from Busy Bee.  I'm sure those proceeds will be most helpful in paying Elk Konnected's annual membership dues to Public Squares, Inc.  Ultimate tax consequences to Busy Bee/Elk Konnected?  Zero. 

Very clever, but at least they would be taking the money from willing parents/guardians and not out of the county coffers... that is unless they anticipate trying to take county rec fund monies as well.  Let's hope not.

It will be an interesting study.  We'll be waiting anxiously to review their state health dept licensing records & corporate filings.  We'll hope this venture has better outcomes than the Howard Wellness Center had under Elk Konnected's planning & leadership.  Unless it's the resume entry that really counts.

Remember, if it has involved EK in the past, real transparency has been a hard thing to come by.  Heck, we're still waiting for answers to questions asked and tabled at the 'Who is Elk Konnected' kommunity konversation in Grenola last year.  Answers that the facilitator promised would be provided soon after the meeting.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



I'm borrowing your post and posting it at,11780.msg197839.html#msg197839

I find it amazing the twist and turns in Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks operations.

Just think if the sole purpose is for their resume' the numbers of people that may be hurt by it.

The family's that rely on the income from in home daycare that my be hurt by the loss of income.
Then the familys that may use Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks daycare if it fails after two or three months,
those familys may not be able to find daycare again.

Great Economic Development move right?

Does Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks care and she knows her record of failure, right?
But does she care?

What the heck do I know, I'm just a retired, uneducated, redneck?

Only time will tell, and I hope and pray for the best of the families and children of Elk County.


Does Patriot or Ross have children that are in need of daycare? Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care? Just because Elk Konnected is trying to help is no reason to  not want help for parents that do not have daycare.


Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:16:53 AM
Does Patriot or Ross have children that are in need of daycare? Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care? Just because Elk Konnected is trying to help is no reason to  not want help for parents that do not have daycare.

Ha! Ha! Ha? Elk Konnected, LLC is not helping, from what I read it is Elk Konnected, LLC's Daycare?

See even you Followers are confused? Can't seem to draw any lines between Elk Konnected, LLC and Elk County Government!

I gotta keep repeating this until, someone, anyone understands.

Human beings are simply more willing to believe falsehoods that confirm their own view, so Instead some in the public increasingly takes issue with those who deliver the facts. To see just how easy it is to be fooled, one need only visit the controlled confines of the university laboratory.

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negative again and again. You are a nut case.


Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:16:53 AM
Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care?

I can't speak for Ross, but I think the idea of daycare is a great idea.  Never mentioned the place for that daycare so I'm neutral on that.  

I do believe, however, the old saying goes something like this:  The ends don't justify the means.  In your knowledge about such things, share with us the means.  When Commissioner Liebau said setting back the start date on the local tax rebate program was great 'if it helped some guy'.  His narrow thinking & ignorance about how that attitude is cheating others who weren't hand picked for favorable treatment under the program is amazing.  In fact, it now appears that the entire issue in that case was a manipulation to 'justify' the ends.  I'm finding that this 'by any means possible' approach often overrides common sense & equitable treatment in Elk County.  So yes, I do question the means.  Free Obamaphones anybody?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:53:27 AM
negative again and again. You are a nut case.

Now was that personal attack on an individual really necessary?  Talk about negative.  And you base your psychological diagnosis of Ross on your perception of his negative view?  Wow.  So I guess everybody who is an Elk Konnected cheerleader is happy and mentally well adjusted.  Interesting.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:16:53 AM
Does Patriot or Ross have children that are in need of daycare? Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care? Just because Elk Konnected is trying to help is no reason to  not want help for parents that do not have daycare.

Looks like if those boys need/want daycare, then they ought to determine and discover their own childcare service.

The government intervention into the child care business should not be.

"We're the government and we're here to help".

Think liberty!


In fairness, red, I never suggested that government was directly involved in the daycare scare.  I simply posited a theory about the possible structure of the entities involved and how the cash flow rom Busy Bee could operate to the benefit a private community organizing company.  The fact that the community organizing group is headed up by two elected officials (Commissioner Hendricks & USD 282 Board President Whetstone) is surely just a coincidence.  The chance that the monies from parents might flow in a manner that pays dues to third private community organization (Public Squares) which is headed by and employs Commissioner Hendricks is also surely just the way the cookie crumbles. 

My, my... as I look at all that, if the theory is right, an old phrase comes to mind:  What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:53:27 AM
negative again and again. You are a nut case.

You are quite wrong, again!

I'm pretty positive that things are pretty screwy in Elk County with Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Konnected Visionaries and such. There is no seperation, no line in the sand!

I'm not a nut case, I may be crazy, but I'm not insane, I can see there is a lot wrong in Elk County, are you blind!

I'm high, but I'm not high on drugs, I'm high on life!

Can you draw a straight line between Elk County Government and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Elk Konnected, LLC with out severing one of the groups being severed?

Show us what is right?

I believe Konnected Kounty Kommissioners  Elk Konnected, LLC, is simply "The Old Guard" she claimed to be avoiding? But she won't talk with us, I believe, she stays in hiding to avoid the issues.

She has bigger things to promote then Elk County, Right?
She hasd President of Public Squares Communities, INC Founder of Elk Konnected, LLC and their Visionaries to promote, right? And least we forget she also has to promote the Action Teams too, right?

Yea, I'm positive we need positive change!
What do you find negative about positive change?
Here is some real positive change, he is not busy with all that other stuff and wanting to confuse Elk County Government with a privately owned business that is a self appointed savior of Elk County with no accomplishements in seven years.

So if you really are Pro Elk County and not Pro Elk Konnected, LLC, if you have such a positive attitude, let's hear it from you about this positve change?

Unless of course you are one of those human beings that are simply more willing to believe falsehoods that confirm their own view, so Instead some in the public increasingly takes issue with those who deliver the facts. To see just how easy it is to be fooled, one need only visit the controlled confines of the university laboratory.

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