Elk County Commission: To tree, or not to tree!

Started by Patriot, September 12, 2012, 07:04:50 PM

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Diane Amberg

OK, you lose. The ones I give out now are 24 karat gold.Too bad. Back to your trees.


Quote from Diane
. Save yourself for the really important stuff, like wine making and bunkers.

Here I sit minding my own business and then get drug into this---Don't deny it---I know you meant me---and it really hurts my feelers !!!!
Patriot, you should know by now, silly boy, that when she asks how things are done in Elk county, she already has a rant typed out telling how it's done there---or is it their---or they're ?

Quote from Diane:
What did you do in San Antonia?

Is that a suburb of San Antonio? Perhaps it's that baaaaad ol computer  again. Now before you rip me a new one about my mis-spelled words and all---just remember I have never repeatedly bragged about being highly educated---or even being educated at all.

Quote from Diane:
Bull. If I went to a party where marijuana was being smoked, I'd have to leave or go outside

I'll bet every time you walked into the door at a party that everyone--including the dogs and cats, lit up a big doobie

Diane Amberg

You still haven't figured out aht I;ve been doing have ya? ;D ;D ;D. just ben having fun. and I've walked through a few doors, but never "into" one, luckily. At some point you'll all figure out what i've been doing today, but the missing c really was the computer. End of day I tell ya what';s been going on.


Quote from Diane :
End of day I tell ya what';s been going on.

Oh please---pleasee--pleaseeee tell me now---I can't wait.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 13, 2012, 03:44:19 PM

Why on earth would we want to leave this little wonderland tour you've manipulated us into.  You've often bragged in the past about your manipulative skills.  About your ability to 'lead' folks where you want them to go.  You pied piper, you.  We c what you're (your) doing.  And we would rather follow your sour pipes and let you get it out of your liberal, language twisting system.  So, by all means, weave us another tale.  Tell us more of gold stars & fiction writers & your elite education.  We're hooked now, so please carry on.  We can always discuss serious matters that effect the citizens of Elk County another day.  Think of this tour as a local mirror of your friend Obama playing the fiddle as Rome burns.  

So, please press on.  We're all aglow waiting for your next tale from the hallowed borders of Dinkyware.   :D
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


       I think she walked through the same door as Alice. Guess the mushrooms are on her OK list.  :P

Diane Amberg

Fine, then I won't bother and you can think as mean as you want. It was for my benefit anyway, not yours. That last was so disgusting as to not even deserve a rebuttal.
   Now when Kansas takes it into its head to start combining things again perhaps Elk County will evaporate all together, then where will you be? >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 13, 2012, 04:09:30 PM
       I think she walked through the same door as Alice. Guess the mushrooms are on her OK list.  :P

Or maybe she walked into a tree infested with the southern pine beetle........  or sat on a pine cone.  Perhaps we could get her to tell us about the dangers of smoking pine needles!  I'm sure the volunteer fire departments in Delaware have experience with that.

  < Can't wait for class to start.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 13, 2012, 04:19:04 PM
   Now when Kansas takes it into its head to start combining things again perhaps Elk County will evaporate all together, then where will you be?

My guess would be parts in Butler, Wilson, Greenwood, Montgomery and/or Chautauqua... and as long as we continue doing what we've done for the last 10 or20+ years, we're liable to end up in that boat!  Thanks for helping us speed along to a different path... NOT.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


       Guess some people can "poke poke " but can't take being poked , er smoked , by those with more of a sense of humor.

    ( I feel sorry for that pine cone )  :P

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