Questions for Christians, Democrats & Voters

Started by Patriot, September 07, 2012, 12:36:18 PM

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Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 09, 2012, 09:57:59 AM
       I see no way that one could claim to be Christian and Democrat after what occurred at their convention, however, there was clearly not a two-thirds majority either way when the vote was taken. So, it's up to those against it passing to decide if they want to remain in the party.
Yeah you noticed that too!  I would say at least 51% were shouting no to restoring God to the platform.  What a Godless bunch they are!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

 Marx and Lenin were suspicious of all religions, especially after Marx's father converted, because being Jewish was "in convenient'' It didn't fit into his thinking, so he would have had no interest in me at all. Sorry, you strike out again.
Red, you are a false Christian at best. A real Christian would never have as black a soul as you are so proud of, or look with such hate and disdain on any other man. I really feel sorry for you. Ok. I'm selling fresh new insults, three for ten dollars. How many ya wanna buy? 50 might last ya about 10 posts.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 04:28:23 PM
Marx and Lenin were suspicious of all religions, especially after Marx's father converted, because being Jewish was "in convenient'' It didn't fit into his thinking, so he would have had no interest in me at all. Sorry, you strike out again.
Red, you are a false Christian at best. A real Christian would never have as black a soul as you are so proud of, or look with such hate and disdain on any other man. I really feel sorry for you. Ok. I'm selling fresh new insults, three for ten dollars. How many ya wanna buy? 50 might last ya about 10 posts.

You're pretty suspicious of the Bible as you don't believe it.  The Bible is to Christians for Christians and so it must not apply to you.

Acts 11:26  And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.


"It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits... and humbly to implore His protection and favor.".... George Washington

You can try, but you just cannot separate a nation from the Creator.  And, if you do, it is always a losing proposition.

When the name of God was re-introduced back into the Democrat platform, the vote was booed by those who wanted no part of that.  And, despite what was said, those who heard the vote knew that it was equal on both sides.  Those for and against were in almost equal numbers!  It was all about removing the competition.  Well, that is not the United States of even 20 years ago.  Instead, it is a new mind set, a new people who have a completely different vision of what America should be.

Slick Willie Clinton was prodded by Newt Gingrich to balance the budget.  He rang up a new high in the debt as president and it took closing the government down twice to get him to straighten up and fly right, but he did it.  He did work with Congress and with Newt.

Slick Willie is no fan of Obuma yet politics is so corrupt that he is willing to talk him up to get him elected in spite of everything.

But Clinton is not Obuma whose idea of change for America is to make it a 3rd world Marxist clone complete with a huge pervasive and invasive bureaucracy lording it over servile citizens who stand in line for their daily one ply sheet of environmentally correct recycled toilet paper.  After pulling up their pre-owned underwear, they head off to the soup kitchens for a ladle of  government approved genetically modified  soup.

Obuma sees the United States as a problem that needs to be removed from the world scene.   He has no fond memories of America because it is not his nation, born here or not.

His father's dreams are his dreams and he told you so.   And those dreams include the end of the West as a great power.  His father's dream is to punish the West for their supposed wrongs.  Hence his apologies for America in foreign nations.

America embarrasses the Obamas' and they fail to see the great good America has done for the world.

In looking around for information on this post I came across George Will's piece on Obama's desire to change America.  Notice the difference between the new Progressives ideas on government versus those of our Founding Fathers who felt that  rights are God given, not government allowed.

"Progress, as progressives understand it, means advancing away from, up from, something. But from what?

From the Constitution's constricting anachronisms. In 1912, Wilson said, "The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of governmental power." But as Kesler notes, Wilson never said the future of liberty consisted of such limitation.

Instead, he said, "every means . . . by which society may be perfected through the instrumentality of government" should be used so that "individual rights can be fitly adjusted and harmonized with public duties." Rights "adjusted and harmonized" by government necessarily are defined and apportioned by it. Wilson, the first transformative progressive, called this the "New Freedom." The old kind was the Founders' kind — government existing to "secure" natural rights (see the Declaration) that preexist government. Wilson thought this had become an impediment to progress. The pedigree of Obama's thought runs straight to Wilson.

And through the second transformative progressive, Franklin Roosevelt, who counseled against the Founders' sober practicality and fear of government power: "We are beginning to wipe out the line that divides the practical from the ideal" and are making government "an instrument of unimagined power" for social improvement. The only thing we have to fear is fear of a government of unimagined power:

"Government is a relation of give and take." The "rulers" — FDR's word — take power from the people, who in turn are given "certain rights."

This, says Kesler, is "the First Law of Big Government: the more power we give the government, the more rights it will give us."

Do you see why God needed to be removed from the Democrat platform and why there was booing when God and Jerusalem were reinstated?

It is God who orders life. Not governments and not men.  Anyone else is a poor substitute.  Thousands of years of history show abysmal failure by governments.
The Founding Fathers  realized that and tried as best as they could to make sure that no one could come into possession of such power that might lead to oppression of the people.  That is why they reject rights that are government ordained in favor of rights that are God ordained.

They held the government to a standard that demanded acknowledgement of  the Creator and saw itself as subservient to Him.
It's the best there is for now.

Once that is gone, all hell breaks loose.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 04:28:23 PM
Red, you are a false Christian at best. A real Christian would never have as black a soul as you are so proud of, or look with such hate and disdain on any other man.

How judgmental for one who has so often & loudly railed against being judged by others.  A black soul? And then you end with yet another cry against judgement.  And this from a person who is so devoid of heart as to judge Christianity and yet has no part in it, as you said,  "But I do have my faith and I am a very spiritual being. Let me walk in the woods with slanting sun rays, a gentle breeze, a nearby brook and birds singing and I am in my church."

How about you stick with your babbling brook and leave Christianity to those who are not ashamed of their Savior.  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2012, 04:28:23 PM
Marx and Lenin were suspicious of all religions..

Looks as if the three of you have even more in common, Diane.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Unfortunately i seem more and more of Americans worshipping the creation instead of its creator!   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 09, 2012, 06:42:08 PM
Unfortunately i seem more and more of Americans worshipping the creation instead of its creator!   

Which, it is written, is the direct evidence & result of having changed the truth of God into a lie.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

There is no point in trying to talk to either of you and I don't know how anybody else can either.  You cannot speak for what's in my mind or heart.To try to pretend otherwise is pure folly. Just keep it up, so people can keep on seeing what you are really like.The devil really has you in his grip, doing his bidding.
   I don't ever judge other people's faith and I cannot believe your comprehension level is so poor for someone who talks so high and mighty. I just explained my feelings on that a few posts ago. BUT I will not be insulted about my own faith without calling you on it.
  You are free to play with rattlesnakes ,drown witches , refuse medical treatment or whatever religion suits you, store front or otherwise. That is entirely up to you.  I'll ask you once again to stop adding things or editing what I say to something I didn't say.
I'm no Bible expert and neither are you. That's why there are several versions of the Bible. Much more educated Bible scholars than you don't even agree. IMHO, not being able to agree to disagree on something as complicated as religion is extremely immature and childish. So be it. Enough on that.
 Red, don't you dare ever ask me a question again.You are not to be trusted.  Enjoy keeping on with the name suits you. Pat you have lost the ability to tell the truth from a lie. Have fun. Some day you will have to account for your attitude.

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