Questions for Christians, Democrats & Voters

Started by Patriot, September 07, 2012, 12:36:18 PM

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My apologies.  Perhaps the concepts or questions were too difficult.  Or maybe real honest answers would require a level of  personal courage & public commitment that would be uncomfortable, I don't know.  I hope not.  Here, I'll leave out the foundation & try again...

Quote from: Patriot on September 07, 2012, 12:36:18 PM
...So if one self identifies as a member of the Democrat party, aren't they saying they support the general plan and direction of that group... including all the things listed above?  

How can one attend a church, claiming to be a Christian and support the Democrat party/platform at the same time?  In what do Democrats really believe?  

I just can't reconcile these three positions:  Liberty loving American, Professing Christian and Declared Democrat.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Patriot ,not being a Democrat I can't answer your question and since you are so ridiculing with the way you asked it, wouldn't have anyway. So I'll take risk and address Red instead.
   Quite a lot of it actually.
  Much, IMHO, is metaphor and allegory which is very useful. Also science can explain a lot .Plagues of locusts,etc. really happened, but can be explained as a natural occurrence. Rivers turning to "blood" tide.They still happen.They meant as to blood, not real blood.
 Science and religion don't have to be exclusive and separate. When ones allows them to blend naturally it can be wonderful and fascinating.
 The burning bush story is more or less real .There really were and still are burning bushes. Rare, but it does happen. I saw a story about them several years ago. Some dry plants create volatiles that do burn in the presence of very dry conditions and a spark, as  from a stone sparking as it rolled down hill. It goes off with such a flash that it goes out before the plant is damaged.(Or maybe they were into funny weed which was used then. ;))  I find it interesting that it was a "bush", not a palm or some other plant. There are other explanations too, but it makes for a wonderful story even though there is more than one account of the burning bush encounter as most of us know it.
  Bread and fishes for 5,000? Must have been huge fish..or did they make fish soup and croutons ? Still an interesting story regardless.
   I'm not big into hard core organized religion because of it's history and the horrible things that were done, and still are, in it's name.
 But I do have my faith and I am a very spiritual being. Let me walk in the woods with slanting sun rays, a gentle breeze, a nearby brook and birds singing and I am in my church.


Quote from: redcliffsw on September 08, 2012, 11:11:42 AM
The Fed's have already captured your money and spent it. 

How they gonna pay it back and all the other money they've borrowed?  They don't have to.

if they don't they get to face the bullet end of the barrel of my gun along with another 60 million Social security recipients.  What else will we have to lose if they take it away?  Not a damn thing.  Might as well go out with a fight than to starve to death.
we paid for our social security and by God we'll extract it either in dollars or a pound of flesh. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Yes Sir!  I'm hearing what you're saying.

Where are all the communists who had a hand in the government in the Soviet Union?

How much money did they pay back to the citizens? 

The communists accomplished so much for the citizens - public service and community service but
we don't hear about it anymore.

Diane Amberg

Wow, waffle much.    Red ...oh never mind I have to make some pickled eggs.    Aha! pickle...nickle..or is it pickel and nickel...or one of each? ;D ;D ;D ;D Tain't English fun?


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 08, 2012, 02:40:13 PM
Patriot ,not being a Democrat I can't answer your question and since you are so ridiculing with the way you asked it, wouldn't have anyway. So I'll take risk and address Red instead.
   Quite a lot of it actually.
  Much, IMHO, is metaphor and allegory which is very useful. Also science can explain a lot .Plagues of locusts,etc. really happened, but can be explained as a natural occurrence. Rivers turning to "blood" tide.They still happen.They meant as to blood, not real blood.
 Science and religion don't have to be exclusive and separate. When ones allows them to blend naturally it can be wonderful and fascinating.
 The burning bush story is more or less real .There really were and still are burning bushes. Rare, but it does happen. I saw a story about them several years ago. Some dry plants create volatiles that do burn in the presence of very dry conditions and a spark, as  from a stone sparking as it rolled down hill. It goes off with such a flash that it goes out before the plant is damaged.(Or maybe they were into funny weed which was used then. ;))  I find it interesting that it was a "bush", not a palm or some other plant. There are other explanations too, but it makes for a wonderful story even though there is more than one account of the burning bush encounter as most of us know it.
  Bread and fishes for 5,000? Must have been huge fish..or did they make fish soup and croutons ? Still an interesting story regardless.
   I'm not big into hard core organized religion because of it's history and the horrible things that were done, and still are, in it's name.
 But I do have my faith and I am a very spiritual being. Let me walk in the woods with slanting sun rays, a gentle breeze, a nearby brook and birds singing and I am in my church.

Lenin and Marx would agree......


Quote from: redcliffsw on September 08, 2012, 03:07:23 PM
Yes Sir!  I'm hearing what you're saying.

Where are all the communists who had a hand in the government in the Soviet Union?

How much money did they pay back to the citizens? 

The communists accomplished so much for the citizens - public service and community service but
we don't hear about it anymore.

I dont' know if you knew anyone from russia when the soviet collapsed, but i have many friends that were there.  The difference is that they did not have social security as it was implemented here, they only were allowed to make so much for their product and then government took the profit. uhm When the soviet collapsed, there was the folks that took up arms against the government when their pension checks did not pay out.   It was quietly fought, meda was not allowed to report it. A lot of my friends participated in it til it got suppressed then they got out while they could. Came here to the US under political whatyamacallit.  Now they are citizens.  But the fact is that SS was setup not as a benefit, but a savings plan albeit a ponzi scheme that employers were coerced into forcing upon us.  Now the SS can be changed before it goes insolvent.  I don't care if they don't like it, but when i have shelled out tens of thousands of dollars into the fund, then i expect to get it back as that was the promise aka promissory note/or contract given to us.  Constitutionally it is not a legal program but they made a contractual debt to generations that have paid in. We fulfilled that obligation in our lifetime and by God they will either pay up or face the consequences.   When you have a populace that is too old to go back out and work, and you take away the funds that many if not most need to live, then you create a situation that will cause these same people to make a choice to die or fight. And i'll tell you if you anger the older generations, (stupid move) as they are the ones who arent' afraid to fight, that will create a civil war that will be fought and won by those who have nothing to lose.

They call ww2 generation the greatest, imagine todays elderly standing up to a totalitarian government that takes their life sustaining funds and medical care.   I'l bet on the old folks! 

Red your right on the constitutionality of this government but cutting out everything all at one time isn't going to save a thing.  I agree cut and chop down to bare bones. THEN take out social security as we know it, Make it private accounts for those under 50 or so, and then pay out what is owed. Thats a simple solution to the ponzi scheme and it stops the theft of the funds from the trust fund. IF this government had not stolen the money from SS there would be money in there now in surplus to take care of these obligations.

Once the older folks are paid out in 50 years then the SS is gone, no unfunded liabilities, and you eliminate that expense.  IT goes back towards a constitutional government.  ALong with that hammer all the other agencies to the bone.  That is number one reason why ron paul or anyone like him will never get in office. Even romney with his plan on ss and medicare by privatizing it is going to have a difficult time getting in.   This all did not happen overnight and it won't happen overnight to return us to the constitutional government our forefathers set up, unless civil war breaks out and those who fight against the government wins.

We unfortunately as a people have a moral not constitutional obligation to make sure that all that have been suckered by the gooberment, are not left to die. You just can't morally allow that. So what if you got your way and social security and medicare are tossed out tomorrow. What about everyone that can't go back to work?  Do you advocate allowing them to starve to death?  Some of us are unable in any way to go work a pt job much less a full-time and don't have family to care for them.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


       I see no way that one could claim to be Christian and Democrat after what occurred at their convention, however, there was clearly not a two-thirds majority either way when the vote was taken. So, it's up to those against it passing to decide if they want to remain in the party.

Diane Amberg

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