Questions for Christians, Democrats & Voters

Started by Patriot, September 07, 2012, 12:36:18 PM

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Quote from: ELK@KC on September 07, 2012, 02:20:57 PM
That is the most irresponsible statement I can think of. I have been a republican all my life, but I know many democrats that are Christians in every sense of the word. How often do you attend church.

DID i say anything about a democrat? 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Oh to be perfect and live in a perfect elk county world.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: greatguns on September 07, 2012, 05:39:19 PM
Oh to be perfect and live in a perfect elk county world.

LOL  Or the existing imperfect world with a dash more common sense.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Actually Patriot, I was talking more about the political "pick and choose "buffet" if you would, not the faith part, though the contradictions in the Bible are well known and we've beat this to death before. I do know that some people disregard parts of the Bible as interesting but impossible.That doesn't mean they don't have great faith, they are just more realistic and more into the science of it all.
  Unless you can read ancient Greek or the ancient languages such as Aramaic, you only know what the translators wrote and they were under the control of whomever was in control at the time. Some books were forbidden, others were changed to suit the times.
  The old Hebrew linguists still argue about what some things really means if a letter or following word is changed or mistranslated. If someone deliberately changed a translation or meaning long ago, later readers would believe what they were expected to believe, not because it was what was originally intended. That was another way people could be controlled and not know it was happening. Sound familiar? It can be very complicated. If you want to take every word as true that's fine.
   I  think the story of Jonah is an interesting tale and had it's place...but is not meant to believed as truth. Besides a whale isn't a fish! Same as the earth being only six thousand years old. Nope, can't be. But this is very dangerous territory so I'll let it be. Now then there is the burning bush. Do you know what I know?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2012, 09:09:42 PM

   I  think the story of Jonah is an interesting tale and had it's place...but is not meant to believed as truth. Besides a whale isn't a fish! Same as the earth being only six thousand years old. Nope, can't be. But this is very dangerous territory so I'll let it be. Now then there is the burning bush. Do you know what I know?

You are correct on both counts.   The burning bush was not a consuming fire, but a fire of the holy spirit.  Unless your christian you really cannot understand that fire.
As for the fish, its not fantasy that a man can be swallowed by a fish.  Two p;ossibilities.  Sperm whale which has a 20" wide esophagus that would accomodate the size of a man, and whales are like rumanents that have multichambered stomachs.  The only thing is that he would have to survive being crushed by the first compartment.  Being like ruminants they can regurgitate their contents.  :)  Secondly great white shark. Sharks metabolism is much much slower where they would not digest a man in the three days time.  And there are many times where great whites are found with skeletons of men in them.   I thought it could have been the leviathan but that is not possible since it is a reptile or dinosaur.   Since it says great fish we have to stay with that species.
It is also interesting that when he was swallowed he was in the mediteranean sea, the fish traveled down the nile then around saudi arabia and back up through the persian sea up the tigris river to deposit him on land.

Now there is a symbolic message or prophetic message in there in that Israel's mission and failure in being God's
missionary agent to the Gentiles. Jonah's flight to Tarshish represents Israel's failure
before the Exile, and the great fish symbolizes Babylon. The disgorging of Jonah stands
for Israel's second chance following her restoration to the land.

It is quite a facinating event and one that Christ himself compared himself to.  He said it was a real event so we much believe that it was.

You say lots of error in the bible?  I say no lots if misinterpretation by those who read it.  Yes i do know how to use the aramaic and the Greek definitions to find the real meaning in the translations.    Where people claim there is discrepancies is only because they do not use the correct definition of the word when multiple definitions exist for the word. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


      Though this does not involve what has been discussed here, it does involve voters.

   Is it true that the social security checks are now labled " Federal Entitlement Benefit", or is this just some falsehood circulating ?
A lot of people have their checks direct deposited so they wouldn't see this. If true, it's an outrage.

    I guess this should have been put in Warph's This and That.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 08, 2012, 09:03:44 AM
     Though this does not involve what has been discussed here, it does involve voters.

   Is it true that the social security checks are now labled " Federal Entitlement Benefit", or is this just some falsehood circulating ?
A lot of people have their checks direct deposited so they wouldn't see this. If true, it's an outrage.

this is an attempt ad redefining what social security is.  the gooberment realizes that we have paid our social security and it is ours not a gooberment benefit. It is paid for by us out of our wages.   So they in turn know that if they try to take it away they will encounter a force that will bear arms and fight for it.   So they are redefining it so that they can at a future date sieze our social security and claim it was a gooberment benefit not a trust fund so we aren't entitled to receive what we pay in. 

Same shI* different day. Time to toss the assh**** out
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


The Fed's have already captured your money and spent it. 

How they gonna pay it back and all the other money they've borrowed?  They don't have to.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2012, 09:09:42 PM
Actually Patriot, I was talking more about the political "pick and choose "buffet" if you would, not the faith part, though the contradictions in the Bible are well known and we've beat this to death before. I do know that some people disregard parts of the Bible as interesting but impossible.That doesn't mean they don't have great faith, they are just more realistic and more into the science of it all.
  Unless you can read ancient Greek or the ancient languages such as Aramaic, you only know what the translators wrote and they were under the control of whomever was in control at the time. Some books were forbidden, others were changed to suit the times.
  The old Hebrew linguists still argue about what some things really means if a letter or following word is changed or mistranslated. If someone deliberately changed a translation or meaning long ago, later readers would believe what they were expected to believe, not because it was what was originally intended. That was another way people could be controlled and not know it was happening. Sound familiar? It can be very complicated. If you want to take every word as true that's fine.
   I  think the story of Jonah is an interesting tale and had it's place...but is not meant to believed as truth. Besides a whale isn't a fish! Same as the earth being only six thousand years old. Nope, can't be. But this is very dangerous territory so I'll let it be. Now then there is the burning bush. Do you know what I know?

So tell us which things in the Bible you believe to be true?   

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