Questions for Christians, Democrats & Voters

Started by Patriot, September 07, 2012, 12:36:18 PM

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I realize what follows will offend and likely enrage a few citizens.  So be it.  Unvarnished truth is often inconvenient & sometimes painful.

As a group, the Democrat party of today is NOT the Democrat party of JFK and surely not the party of its founder, Thomas Jefferson.  Reading the article at the end of this post below will clearly spell that out.  But I have some down home observations & some questions.

Observing that the primary leaning of the modern Democrat party is one of godless trends that support many things totally antithetical to even the most basic Judeo-Christian values, what does that say about everyday local voters who voluntarily identify themselves as Democrats?  If I were to hang out with a gang of thieves or a in house of prostitution, what would that say about me?  If I spent my time touting my support for the KKK, what would that say?  Wouldn't a reasonable person be right to conclude that I'm no different than the groups I support and identify with?  Sure they would... and rightly so.  We lend our names, our time and our resources to the things we love, support, and believe in, don't we?

The Democrat party of today supports:

 Not only unrestricted abortion on demand, it supports the payment for abortion by moneys taken from taxpayers, by force of law.
 The termination of the life of a partially born infant by stabbing a sharp instrument into the base of its brain as an abortion right.
 Ongoing payments to welfare recipients with little or no expectation, requirement or incentive to seek productive work.
 Government sanctioned 'marriage' (and all the benefits thereof) between men who engage in sex with men & women who engage in sex with women.
 Forced payment of union membership dues by workers as a condition of employment.
 Government run educational system to the utter exclusion of private or homeschool options and with virtually no consideration of parental wishes.
 The requirement that all adults purchase health insurance simply as a condition of citizenship.
 The unequal taxation of all citizens.
 A less substantial military resulting in a reduced capacity for national defense.
 A greater involvement of government  in the affairs of all businesses & farms through onerous regulations enforceable by fines and/or imprisonment.
 A significantly reduced enforcement of immigration policies at our borders.
 A vast reduction of states rights to govern their own internal affairs & a replacement of those rights with increased central government influence & control.
 The endorsement of & participation in global government options including gun ownership rights & United Nations Agenda 21 initiatives.

So if one self identifies as a member of the Democrat party, aren't they saying they support the general plan and direction of that group... including all the things listed above?  Are these things representative of the protection of the individual liberties that are codified in our Constitution?  Is simple ignorance of these facts an excuse to identify with the values of the Democrat party or elect others who share those values?  How can one attend a church, claiming to be a Christian and support the Democrat party/platform at the same time.  In what do Democrats really believe.  I just can't reconcile these three positions:  Liberty loving American, Professing Christian and Declared Democrat.

Remember, we already have one such Democrat in power as an Elk County Commissioner.  And another who clearly (by a number of measures) supports these values.  If we look carefully, we can see what that leadership has (or has not) produced for Elk County.  We also have an opportunity to make changes this November.  When you vote, read the foregoing & think about what you are really voting for.  When you register to vote, read the foregoing and ask yourself, "Are these the things I really believe in?"

Register & Vote the way you really believe.  It's OK to make a change!

A Godless Party Expels the Creator
Thursday - September 6, 2012
By Patrick J. Buchanan

The authors of the Democratic platform have inadvertently revealed to the world the sea change that has taken place in that party we once knew.

For the first time — and in the longest Democratic platform in history, 26,000 words — there was not a single mention of God, the Creator, whom Thomas Jefferson himself, father of the party, proclaimed to be the author of our right to life and liberty...

...No platform celebrating homosexual marriage and backing a woman's right to abort her child at any time in her pregnancy can be credibly adopted by a party that also purports to revere the God of our Founding Fathers.

In truth, this Democratic Party was a godless institution long before its platform writers declared it to be so.

The howlers had it right. God doesn't belong in that platform.

Full article:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


i've said quite often you can't be liberal and a christian at the same time.   The two are diametrically opposed.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 07, 2012, 01:35:58 PM
i've said quite often you can't be liberal and a christian at the same time.   The two are diametrically opposed.

That is the most irresponsible statement I can think of. I have been a republican all my life, but I know many democrats that are Christians in every sense of the word. How often do you attend church.


The democratic party died with JFK... and LBJ finally figured that out.  It's a fair assessment.  Democrats have gone from being Liberals who simply sought to give the poor a fair shake, to flat out 'hate the rich' .... Marxists bent on destroying private wealth in the name of Socialist equality.

Here's a clip of JFK describing... believe it or not... Reaganomics

It is no small irony that Kennedy was assassinated by a Marxist.  Remember, it was JFK's Executive Order 11110 to "...strip the Federal Reserve of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest.  With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business."

Good post, Patriot[/font][/size][/b]
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: ELK@KC on September 07, 2012, 02:20:57 PM
That is the most irresponsible statement I can think of. I have been a republican all my life, but I know many democrats that are Christians in every sense of the word. How often do you attend church.

Recent Bible readings indicate that where you put your butt for an hour each week isn't near as important as where you put your heart every day.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Uh, well, gee golly...I basically said that once and Steve told me I was wrong.  :angel:



I see these questions, like so many on another popular thread, go unanswered and/or addressed with personal pops and pokes.  I'm beginning to think that high fructose corn syrup has finally rotted the majority of brains in America.

So, how, exactly, can an American be a professing Christian and still so openly & affirmatively associate with a political party that advocates so many things that oppose the teachings of the Bible that they claim to follow?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

How? Easy. One can be true to ones own self for most things and only participate in the things they agree with. Just like many Catholics are true to their faith, but use birth control and not feel guilty about it. In modern life today, for many, the exception can be the rule. Ask any teenager. ;D People can still be individuals and not have to be cookie cutters of the more forward, often aggressive types who see themselves in a very rigid inflexible way. Usually they see themselves as right and the only "right."  Many very self righteous  people only follow the parts of the Bible that they find useful to themselves. I'd never do it here, but I could easily come back with Bible contradictions and argue them until I'd be red in the face. But I don't see that as my role here.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2012, 04:00:39 PM
How? Easy. One can be true to ones own self for most things and only participate in the things they agree with. Just like many Catholics are true to their faith, but use birth control and not feel guilty about it. In modern life today, for many, the exception can be the rule. Ask any teenager. ;D People can still be individuals and not have to be cookie cutters of the more forward, often aggressive types who see themselves in a very rigid inflexible way. Usually they see themselves as right and the only "right."  Many very self righteous  people only follow the parts of the Bible that they find useful to themselves. I'd never do it here, but I could easily come back with Bible contradictions and argue them until I'd be red in the face. But I don't see that as my role here.

So when it comes to a professed faith in the Bible, it's really just a buffet... take the stuff you like and pass on the rest?  Well that sure sounds like a solid stand based on faith.  As for your 'contradictions,' I submit you perceive contradictions because of a serious lack of study and understanding on your part, not because there are actually contradictions. 

That said, my question about claiming to be a professing Christian and clear association with groups holding non-Christian agendas still stands.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2012, 04:00:39 PM
How? Easy. One can be true to ones own self for most things and only participate in the things they agree with. Just like many Catholics are true to their faith, but use birth control and not feel guilty about it. In modern life today, for many, the exception can be the rule. Ask any teenager. ;D People can still be individuals and not have to be cookie cutters of the more forward, often aggressive types who see themselves in a very rigid inflexible way. Usually they see themselves as right and the only "right."  Many very self righteous  people only follow the parts of the Bible that they find useful to themselves. I'd never do it here, but I could easily come back with Bible contradictions and argue them until I'd be red in the face. But I don't see that as my role here.

hence my original statement.  Its diametrically opposed if you have to select and choose which parts you want to follow.  There is no compromise on the belief side.  IN fact my statement was recently proved at the DNC.  Where over 50% voted to leave God out of this primary and this country.  DId you hear the boo's for God??  SHeesh. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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