This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Shock & Awe: Great look into the Psy-Ops going on.

The Psychology of America's Foreign Policy (MUST WATCH)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obuma Doesn't Care About Dead Children.

It's not too harsh to say.  To push a "solution" to "mass shootings" that even your side says is not a solution, is both the height of arrogance, and a cruel unfeeling joke at "protection".

So... Obuma doesn't care about dead children.  He's indifferent to the suffering of their parents.  There isn't a single coherent argument on his side of the case.  He lies about the issue.  It's NOTHING but pure politics.

That's the way the dispute would be presented if Obuma's opponents deployed the kind of demagogic language he slips on like comfortable loafers.  Sounds harsh, doesn't it... possibly even racist?  Funny how touchy the progessives are about the way Obuma is criticized but how indifferent most are to his low accusations.  His opponents are always guilty of bad faith, whereas he is concerned about preventing children from being mowed down by crazed gunmen.

Except he isn't.  The gun-control measures ObuttHead worked so hard to pass and that the Senate has voted down would have done nothing to prevent Newtown and would do nothing to prevent the next Newtown.   Adam Lanza did not obtain his guns through the gun-show loophole.  More rigorous background checks would not have prevented most of the mass shootings we've suffered in the past 15 years.

If the clown were sincere in his concern for the children of Newtown and other victims of mass violence, he might have responded with more than a knee-jerk resort to de-minimus gun control.  Guns have always been widely available in America, yet mass shootings in public places are a relatively new phenomenon.  A sincere reformer would have given more than lip service to the problems of the mentally ill.  The mentally ill commit an estimated 10 percent of the homicides in America, but they commit a much larger share of mass killings.

Unlike gun policy, America's handling of the severely mentally ill has changed profoundly over the course of the past 50 years.  The deinstitutionalization movement emptied the mental hospitals.  Family members of the mentally ill report the frustration of being unable to get treatment for their relatives even when they have threatened violence. Reform of civil-commitment laws to permit 72-hour emergency interventions, even over the objections of the patient, would correct this. Our excessive libertarianism when it comes to mental-health treatment serves neither the mentally ill themselves nor the larger society.

If Obuma were sincere about Newtown, he would consider these overdue reforms. But, apparently, he doesn't care about dead children.


More dumb quotes from our marxist president.

Obama: "We Can Absorb A Terrorist Attack"

Can anyone imagine Ronald Reagan saying that?  The one obligation the government actually has under the Constitution is to "provide for the common defense", not "absorb" the attacks.  When you have that kind of thought pattern, it colors your approach to security and terrorism-hence "the war on terror is over."  

"We can absorb a terrorist attack. We'll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever ... we absorbed it and we are stronger."

How dare this damn jackass opine that "we can absorb a terrorist attack?"  This isn't a gravel spill or an overturned apple cart in which no one gets hurt.  No, we're talking about an act of terror, an act of murder in which innocent people are killed simply because they woke up one day and decided to drive to work, take their children to school or otherwise go about their daily lives.  On Sept. 11, 2001, 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered, killed, incinerated and fell from the sky due to an act of terrorism.

"We can absorb a terrorist attack," says President Obama.

I say, "No, sir, your job is to do everything you can to protect us all regardless of our race, religion, party or any other affiliation.  You are our commander in chief and you have been presented a sacred trust to protect us from senseless acts of terrorism... you idiot!" 

The scary thing is, even after Ft. Hood and Boston, the Obuma regime still insists we're not engaged in a war with jihadism.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obuma Admin To Supply Syrian Rebels
With An Additional $123 Million In Aid

(These are the same rebels that recently announced
its plans to install sharia law.)

ISTANBUL (AP) — The United States is providing Syrian rebels with $123 million in new nonlethal aid that may include armor and other types of supplies that haven't been part of the assistance package in the past.

U.S. Secretary of State Idiot John Kerry says the additional money will double the nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition as well as increase humanitarian aid.

Speaking Saturday in Istanbul, Kerry says the situation in Syria is at a critical moment and that the bloodshed needs to stop.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Food Stamp Use Has Increased 10 Times
That Of Job Creation Under Obuma

South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune and Indiana Republican Rep. Marlin Stutzman introduced legislation Thursday aimed at saving $30 billion in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program over a decade.

Thune and Stutzman said their "Streamlining the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Act" would eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse and close loopholes in a program that, under President Obama, has seen participation increase from 32 million to 47.8 million people and spending double to $80 billion in fiscal year 2012.

"Since President Obama came into office, SNAP participation has increased at 10 times the rate of job creation, the annual spending on SNAP has doubled, and one in seven Americans now participates in SNAP," Thune said in a statement.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


When John Atta Mills, the President of Ghana, died last year, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally led the delegation to his funeral along with such figures as Johnnie Carson, the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, General Carter F. Ham, the Commander of the United States Africa Command and Grant T. Harris, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs.

But under Barack Obama, what Ghana gets, the United Kingdom does not. Instead the US delegation to the Thatcher funeral looks a lot like the US delegation to the Chavez funeral. Two former secretaries of state friendly to Thatcher and several congressmen who agreed with her views, including Michelle Bachmann.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is coming. Barack Obama obviously is not. Neither is any high ranking member of his government. As at Chavez's funeral, the highest ranking Federal official will be the charge d'affaires at the American embassy. It's hard to get any lower profile than that.

Obama Snubs Thatcher Funeral... bastard!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


MUST, MUST SEE: Beck Issues DIRE Warning,
Accuses Obama Of Unnamed UNIMAGINABLE
CRIME, Gives Him Til Monday, April 22 To Confess

Beck Gives Obama Till Monday to Admit Boston
Bombing was Inside Job

Glen Beck claiming he has proof the federal government carried out the boston marathon bombing as a false flag opperation. He said that Obama has till monday to admit it or his show will reveal the evidence for his conspiracy theory!

"The depth of what my government would stoop to." – Just what crime involving this Saudi that Beck couldn't otherwise have imagined his government committing is he referring to here? Conspiracy theorists say it's related to an inside job of Boston or some such. I have no idea, perhaps this Saudi is the third party involved in this attack and Obama is letting him go, or perhaps he is part of some nefarious plan for a future one. Who knows, but I guess we're gonna find out on Monday...should Beck still be around!

Related – Bombshell Obama Background: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Arab Purchase Of U.S. Presidency

Related – Report: Michelle Obama Visited Saudi Terrorist In Hospital Instead Of Meeting With Boston Survivors

Related – WATCH – Napolitano On Why Saudi Person Of Interest Being Deported: I'll Get Back To You On That

Related – Saudi 'Person Of Interest' Allegedly Cleared Of Invovlement Suddenly Being Deported

Related – Obama Secretly Meets With Saudi Foreign Minister – Not On Public Schedule

Related – 'Innocent' Saudi Cleared In Boston Bombings Actually Has Ties To Several Al-Qaeda Terrorists

Related – Saudi King Condemns Boston Marathon Bombings


Bombshell Obama Background: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law
Reveals Start Of Arab Purchase Of U.S. Presidency

Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question: 1. a Palestinian state and 2. the advancement of Islam in America. The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means "change") in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939: "The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population. They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution." Substitute the word "Islam" for the words "the proletarian revolution," and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that communist Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born "Anthony"). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.

Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king's ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.

Lastly, it's very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, "the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988." (Valerie Jarrett, by the way, was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let's face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense. – Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Daily Interlake: Searching old newspapers is one of my favorite pastimes, and I have tried to use them many times to shed light on current events — or to inform readers about how the past is prologue to our very interesting present-day quandaries.

Recently, I came across a syndicated column from November 1979 that seemed to point 30 years into the future toward an obscure campaign issue that arose briefly in the 2008 presidential campaign.

Though by no means definitive, it provides an interesting insight, at least, into how Chicago politics intersected with the black power movement and Middle Eastern money at a certain point in time. Whether it has any greater relevance to the 2012 presidential campaign, I will allow the reader to decide. In order to accomplish that, I will also take the unusual step of providing footnotes and the end of this column so that each of you can do the investigative work for yourself.

The column itself had appeared in the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Evening Independent of Nov. 6, but it was the work of a veteran newspaperman who at the time was working for the prestigious Chicago Tribune and whose work was syndicated nationally. (1)

So far as I know, this 1979 column has not previously been brought to light, but it certainly should be because it broke some very interesting news about the "rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions." The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said, "It's not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states."

Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer — Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour.

Al-Mansour told Jarrett that he had presented the "proposed special aid program to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz" in September 1979, and that "the first indications of Arab help to American blacks may be announced in December." Maybe so, but I looked high and wide in newspapers in 1979 and 1980 for any other stories about this aid package funded by OPEC and never found it verified.

You would think that a program to spend "$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans" would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven't found any other word of it.

Maybe the funding materialized, maybe it didn't, but what's particularly noteworthy is that this black Islamic lawyer who "for several years [had] urged the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America's blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students" was also the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.

That tale had surfaced in 2008 when Barack Obama was a candidate for president and one of the leading black politicians in the country — Percy Sutton of New York — told an interviewer on a Manhattan TV news show that he had been introduced to Obama "by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend's name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men. He told me about Obama." (2)

This peculiar revelation engendered a small hubbub in 2008, but was quickly dismissed by the Obama campaign as the ditherings of a senile old man. I don't believe President Obama himself ever denied the story personally, and no one has explained how Sutton came up with this elaborate story about Khalid al-Mansour if it had no basis in fact, and in any case al-Mansour no longer denies it. (3)

Back in 2008, while actually supporting Hillary Clinton in the New York primary, Percy Sutton was interviewed on TV and said that he thought Barack Obama was nonetheless quite impressive. He also revealed that he had first heard about Obama 20 years previously in a letter where al-Mansour wrote, "there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?"

Sutton concluded in the interview, "I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly."

Until now, there really has been no context within which to understand the Sutton story or to buttress it as a reliable account other than the reputation of Sutton himself as one of the top leaders of the black community in Manhattan — himself a noted attorney, businessman and politician. But the new discovery of the 1979 column that established Khalid al-Mansour's interest in creating a fund to give "financial help to disadvantaged students" does provide a clue that he might indeed — along with his patron, Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal — have taken an interest in the "genius" Barack Obama.

It also might be considered more than coincidence that the author of that 1979 newspaper column was from Chicago, where Barack Obama settled in 1986 a few years after his stint at Columbia University. It is certainly surprising that the author of that column was none other than Vernon Jarrett, the future (and later former) father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, who ultimately became the consigliatore of the Obama White House.

It is also noteworthy that Vernon Jarrett was one of the best friends and a colleague of Frank Marshall Davis, the former Chicago journalist and lifelong communist who moved to Hawaii in the late 1940s and years later befriended Stanley and Madelyn Dunham and their daughter Stanley Ann, the mother of Barack Obama. (4)

And to anyone who has the modicum of a spark of curiosity, it is surely intriguing that Frank Davis took an active role in the rearing of young Barack from the age of 10 until he turned 18 and left Hawaii for his first year of college at Occidental College in Los Angeles. (5)

It is also at least suggestive that Obama began that college education as a member of the highly international student body of Occidental College in 1979, the same year when Vernon Jarrett was touting the college aid program being funded by OPEC and possibly Prince Alwaleed. The fact that President Obama has studiously avoided releasing records of his college years is suggestive also, but has no evidentiary value in the present discussion. (6)

The nature of Vernon Jarrett's relationship to Khalid al-Mansour is likewise uncertain, but it is very likely they had known each other as leaders of the black civil-rights movement for many years. Under his previous name of Donald Warden, al-Mansour had founded the African American Association in the Bay Area in the early 1960s. He had also helped inspire the Black Panther Party through his association with black-power leaders such as Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Seale, of course, had a famous association with Chicago later, when he was part of the Chicago Eight charged with conspiracy and inciting to riot at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. (7)

In any case, it doesn't matter if Vernon Jarrett and Khalid al-Mansour had a personal relationship or not. For some reason, al-Mansour had used Jarrett as the messenger to get out the word about his efforts to funnel Arab oil money to black students and minority colleges at about the same time that Barack Obama began his college career. That doesn't mean either Jarrett or al-Mansour knew Obama at that time, but eight years later when Obama was a rising star in Chicago, a friend of Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, it is much more likely that he did indeed have the assistance of very important people in his meteoric rise. The words of Percy Sutton about what al-Mansour told him regarding Obama certainly have the ring of truth:

"His introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends back there... Would you please write a letter in support of him? (That's before Obama decided to run.) ... and he interjected the advice that Obama had passed the requirements, had taken and passed the requirements necessary to get into Harvard and become president of the Law Review. That's before he ever ran for anything. And I wrote a letter in support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them that I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly..." (2)

What possible significance could all this have? We may never know, but Vernon Jarrett, back in 1979, thought that OPEC's intention to fund black and minority education would have huge political ramifications. As Jarrett wrote:

"The question of financial aid from the Arabs could raise a few extremely interesting questions both inside and outside the black community. If such contributions are large and sustained, the money angle may become secondary to the sociology and politics of such an occurrence." (1)

He was, of course, right.

As Jarrett suggests, any black institutions and presumably individuals who became beholden to Arab money might be expected to continue the trend of American "new black advocacy for a homeland for the Palestinians" and presumably for other Islamic and Arabic interests in the Middle East. For that reason, if for no other, the question of how President Obama's college education was funded is of considerably more than academic interest.

Percy Sutton on Obama and Khalid Mansour:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Down The Rabbit Hole... Again

Abject bald faced lies from the government about terror. And do you think this is the first time the story from the government is completely full of baloney?  

Why is the USA putting the Muslim Brotherhood into power through out the Middle East?

Why is the USA running guns to the evil Syrian 'rebels'?

Why are the Saudis allowed favored status?

The Saudi national who was a person of interest was visited in his hospital room by Michelle Obama. Why on earth would Michelle Obama visit this guy?

Why was Obama visited by the Saudis after the bombing?

John Kerry visited with the Saudis and then the government began to back off the story that this man was involved in any way.

For the sake of Saudi interests Americans in Boston gave up their 4th amendment rights and allowed their homes to be searched without warrants.  (4th Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
4th Adm. Condition: Dead... there is very little chance that this portion of the Constitution will be saved in anyone's lifetime who is over forty years of age.)

America needs to WAKE UP.

The Blaze has now released the information on this person whom Glenn Beck labeled as 'bad,bad,bad'.

Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, is listed as an absolute certified terrorist with the highest classification as Beck explains in his video. You need to hear it.

Listen to this video start to finish please before you decide what you believe or don't believe.

All of this gives more credence to the previous story by the New York Times about the FBI coordinating terror attacks for many, many years now.  The FBI files have been altered to cover up the information.

Who's running this Country... the Saudi's or Washington.  We have a president that doesn't give a damn, but himself.  He is supposed to be working for us, not the other way around.  He is going to sell us down the river and YOU my friends are going to let him.  How many of you have written your Congressman or Senator and expressed your concern about this POS POTUS.  Congress will not move against this creep unless they know you have their backs.

Typical "America Sucks" leftist perspective.   When Rush Limbaugh predicted the media would "circle the wagons" if the bombers were muslim perhaps he should have gone wolverine and predicted they would actually BLAME US for it.   

Tom Brokaw represents the Modern-Progressive Perspective.  This is how the current Democrat Party followers actually think and believe.   Don't make excuses for them, or try to rationalize what they are saying... "just accept it."   The Obuma modern progressives hate America... they hate everything about America... they hate freedom and principles of freedom.   Everything bad that happens is "our fault", and nothing is the fault of their ideological followers. 

                               "Yesterday, Brokow on "Meet The press":

If you doubt this is actually their view, think about what they would be saying if the Boston Bomber was a Tea Party member.   Do you think they would be saying it's "our fault" for not accepting a smaller government model more in line with the foundational principle of our republic? 
.... Ha, not even close.

...Warph[/color] [/font] [/size] [/b]  

Moran, Jerry - (R - KS)  Class III
(202) 224-6521

Roberts, Pat - (R - KS)  Class II
(202) 224-4774

Congressman, 4th District

Mike Pompeo:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Chaos engulfs Boston as mainstream media
can't get its cover story straight

Boston is now in a state of near-chaos over the Boston marathon bombing investigation. Their story keeps changing, too: first there was a "controlled explosion" planned at the Kennedy Library on the same day as the bombing (Boston Globe), but that was later explained away as a "building fire" that had nothing to do with the bombing.

Then there's CNN reporting a suspect has been arrested, after which the network was blasted by the FBI for fabricating news. CNN has since retracted its arrest claim.

Today, the Boston federal courthouse was suddenly evacuated over a "code red" bomb threat, causing chaos to reign over planned press conferences and announcements by the FBI.

CNN deeply engaged in total news fabrication
As part of its total fabrication of fake news surrounding the Boston marathon bombings, CNN has proclaimed an episode of "Family Guy" to somehow be a "hoax" even when the episode actually exists. According to CNN, Paul Joseph Watson's highlighting of two scenes from the same episode of the Family Guy cartoon -- which depicted cell-phone bomb detonations and a character winning the Boston marathon by murdering other runners -- is somehow equivalent to a "hoax."

In addition, the Boston police department claims there was no drill taking place on the day of the bombings, yet we have an interview with a credible eyewitness who describes in great detail the "drills" that were announced over loudspeakers.

The media has also reported there were no additional explosive devices found, yet this recording of police audio sharply contradicts that, revealing the apparent existence of other explosive devices.

Media refuses to acknowledge existence of
private military contractors on the scene

But the real story... and perhaps the biggest story of all.... has been blown wide open, first by researchers at, and then covered by Anthony Gucciardi, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones.  It reveals that there were private military contractors with backpacks operating at the scene.

Here's an image of the private military operatives, snapped on the day of the marathon:

As you can see from the above image, these private military operatives are both wearing the exact same uniforms:
tan BDUs, tan military boots, dark jackets, communications gear and black backpacks.

But what gets really interesting is when you look at the symbols on the hat one of them is wearing:

This "skull" symbol just happens to be the symbol of a group of military contractors called "The Craft."

The following picture shows former group member Chris Kyle (who was recently murdered),
sitting with his sniper rifle and wearing the "Craft" hat with the skull symbol:

But an even better look at the symbol comes from the Craft's own website, where
training photos show the symbol with great clarity:

"The Craft" has a reputation of being something like an "elite Blackwater," and the presence of
"Craft" operatives on scene at the Boston marathon bombing is an absolute bombshell of a news story.

Yet the mainstream media absolutely refuses to mention it at all.  Ever wonder why?

Because as usual, you are being spoon-fed a cesspool of lies by the mainstream media... an institution of false information that has already decided to make sure the aftermath of this event follows a predetermined outcome of blaming patriots... even if it means fabricating, ignoring or selectively deleting evidence.

Whatever happened to the era when the media's job was to ask questions?  Now that job rests solely with the alternative media... the only institution that still has the integrity to question the official cover stories and get to the bottom of real-world events.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Army Orders Soldiers To Scrape Bible Verses Off Their Rifle Scopes...
Posted on April 23, 2013 

(Via Fox News --The U.S. Army is directing troops to remove a Bible inscription that a vendor etched into the serial numbers of weapon scopes, Fox News has learned.

Soldiers at Fort Wainwright in Alaska told Fox News they received a directive to turn in their scopes so the Bible references could be removed.

The scopes were made by Trijicom and referenced New Testament passages in John 8:12 and Second Corinthians 4:6. The verses appeared at the end of the scope serial numbers – "JN8:12" and "2COR4:6."

"The vendor etched those inscriptions on scopes without the Army's approval," Army spokesman Matthew Bourke told Fox in a written statement. "Consequently, the modified scopes did not meet the requirement under which the contract was executed."

Bourke said the vendor agreed to remove all Bible references on future deliveries.

"Some of these scopes had already been fielded," Bourke explained. "Corrective measures were taken to remove inscriptions during the RESET/PRESET process in order to avoid a disruption in combat operations."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Follow-UP: Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi – The Mysterious Saudi National Foreign Exchange Student – Visa For Study In Ohio, But Lived In Boston Apartment....

Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi is on the left

Background points:

*A Saudi national originally identified as a "person of interest" in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — "Security and related grounds" — "Terrorist activities" after the bombing.

*As the story gained traction, 'The Blaze's' Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi

*Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.

*An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is "in no way" connected to the bombings.

*A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was "linked" in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.

*Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano.

*Fox News' Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.  Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation.

*New information provided to 'The Blaze' reveals Alharbi's file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges

*Sources say the Saudi's student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts

*Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.

Monday morning Glenn Beck laid out what he knows about the Saudi connection to the Boston marathon bombings.  

It is a story that the mainstream media has all but completely ignored, though Beck says 'The Blaze's' Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood reached out to numerous other networks in an effort to get the story out.  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to acknowledge the story even existed when questioned by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) last Friday.

But now a number of congressional sources have confirmed that the story is as TheBlaze reported last week, and Beck is presenting more pieces of the big picture.

"This week has changed me," he said at the top of his radio program on Monday.  "The events in Boston changed me....The events in Washington around Boston changed me."

We crossed an "extraordinarily disturbing threshold" last week, Beck said, but we know "exactly who we're dealing with now."

After a discussion of how Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is currently under guard in the hospital, wasn't read his Miranda rights, Beck proceeded to lay out a number of key points on the case.

"While the media continues to look at what the causes were of these two guys, there are, at this hour, three people involved," he said.  "The first one is the one we are going to address."

Beck proceeded to highlight the background of the Saudi national first identified as a "person of interest" in the Boston bombings, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, noting that the the NTC issued an event file calling for his deportation using section 212, 3B which is proven terrorist activity.

"We are not sure who actually tagged him as a '212 3B,' but we know it is very difficult to charge someone with this — it has to be almost certain," Beck explained.  "It is the equivalent in civil society of charging someone with premeditated murder and seeking the death penalty — it is not thrown around lightly."

Beck continued, noting that after Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud on Tuesday, the FBI began backtracking on the Saudi national from suspect, to person of interest, to witness, to victim, to nobody.

Then, on Wednesday, President Obama had a "chance" encounter with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud and Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir.

"Wednesday at 5:35 p.m. the file is altered," Beck said.  "This is unheard of, this is impossible in the timeline due to the severity of the charge....You don't one day put a 212 3B charge against somebody with deportation, and then the next day take it off.  It would require too much to do it."

"There are only two people that could revoke the deportation order — the director of the NTC could do it after speaking with each department, the FBI, the ATC, etc. — which is impossible to do in such a short period of time, — or, somebody at the very highest levels of the State Department could do it.  We don't have any evidence to tell you which one did it," Beck said.

A photo allegedly of Abdul
Rahman Ali Alharbi in the hospital.

Congressman Duncan has detailed information about the Saudi national in his possession, and he and other members of the House Homeland Security Committee have sent a formal letter of request (which we have a copy of) to Napolitano for a classified briefing on the Saudi national and the deportation order.  

Beck proceeded to highlight more key points: The Saudi national was allegedly once flagged on a terror watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.

If, as an ICE official said last week, there is actually a ​second ​Saudi in custody, who is it? Beck asked.  "Why were there were no names, no pictures presented?  The fact is, an event was created for one Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi indicating he was to be deported for terrorism activity related to the Boston bombing. If this file was created with another Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi in mind, don't you think we should know about it?"

Beck continued with more exclusive information:

The Saudi's student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findley, Ohio.  He has been in this country six months.  He has an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts.

If this is a case of mistaken identity, then who is the person named in the file, with the same name, with the 3B charge?  And If DHS was working with the person as a source to out the bombers, then why was there a 3B Charge? 

Exclusive: Why wasn't the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security notified?  Why are they being cut out of all information?  This is protocol. 

We are working on the family connections, and there is more to come. 

Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.  This will be the reason Napalitano won't answer the Homeland Security Committee's request for a briefing.  Like Benghazi they have heavy into a disinformation campaign floating a variety of scenarios to confuse the media — but that apparently doesn't take much — to prevent the story from being pursued... They are also working very hard to discredit those on the scent.   

It is still unclear why the government is stonewalling the media on information as to why the file initially labeled Alharbi as a threat, only to change that designation later in the week.  Is there a legitimate threat that's being covered up?  Did the government have actual concerns about Alharbi, but was too quick to connect him in this instance and is now trying to stave off embarrassment?

Bottom line, Beck said: "I need you to call your congressmen right now.  There are congressmen who are aware of this, have seen the documentation — they need your support, they need your help...If we do not stand up, he is on a plane tomorrow or he is already gone."

"We demand answers from the Justice Department and this administration."

Beck proceeded to put the issue in a larger perspective, noting that multiple news outlets reported after 9/11 that prominent Saudis were allowed to leave the country, even as all flights were grounded.

"The Bush administration would later block the investigation into Saudi involvement into 9/11, even though 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, and would eventually force the redaction of a 28-page chapter of the 9/11 Commission report regarding foreign, specifically Saudi, support for some of the Al-Qaeda hijackers," Beck said, noting that the questionable relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States goes back further than the current administration.

But, he said, we have now taken that relationship to a whole new level. "On January 14, 2013 President Obama met with Saudi Minister of Interior," Beck remarked.  "Two days later Janet Napolitano signed agreement with Saudi minister allowing 'trusted traveler' status on Saudi student visitors, meaning greatly reduced security checks and scrutiny."

This is trusted traveler status that we don't give to some of our most trusted allies, and we gave it to Saudi Arabia last January?" Beck said.  "So they can just walk into our country no questions asked?"

"There is a pattern," he said.  "There is a relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia the American public doesn't know about. The case of Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi is only the latest example."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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