This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Except that Reagan's victory was a victory compromised with the Republican agenda.

That watered-down much of the Reagan stand and kept the liberals and socialists agoing to give the neocons a foothold in government against the liberty of the American people. 

The progressives run the show in this country and it's the Republicans and reconstructed Democrats who are the progressives.

So how are we gonna gain liberty from a Republican victory? 



This is probably of no interest to anyone but ol WARPH but seeing as I'm "blocked" by several readers he might be the only one that reads it anyway. :D

This aired this past week on Fox and Friends. At the end the guy getting his dog tag back gives the other guy a copy of "Matterhorn:A Novel of the Vietnam War " and says the book is written by a college classmate of his. The author is Lt Karl Marlantes who had been the 1st platoon, commander and later XO of the company I so proudly served in. Now we find out the guy getting his dog tag returned is Rick Tilgman who had been a platoon commander himself but after being wounded twice he was made an air observer, riding back seat in a Bronco recon plane. In one particular battle for a hill , the plane he was in flew round and round  "chopper hill " while Tilgman was radioing machine gun positions to the troop (s ) on the ground. The troop on ground used that info to take out a machine gun position and at least another bunker, by himself, earning the Navy Cross for valor and that was Lt. Marlantes .
Of coarse back then they didn't know that ol college classmates were even talking to each other on the radio. I tell you ,my beloved Corps is a small world and seems like we were always intertwined one way or the other.


Jar I read ALL OF YOUR POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!! You served your Country with HONOR and I respect you for that. Keep on Posting I Read all of your Posts and will continue to do so.


Jar I might add that there are some on the Forum that say they have people Blocked and You and I know they DO NOT. There are some I just Simply do not read but I DO NOT Block them.


That is the way I do it, too, Frank.  I find it easy to just pass on posts by people that I don't care to read.  And I do read all of Jar's posts.


Jar, I'm not blocking or ignoring posts - I read yours and most others if I see 'em. 

Good story.  I know Marines and they're some of the best Confederate men I know.

You stay right in there.


I miss the funnin from Marines for me being a swab jockey !
Great post Jar. It is a very small world these days.


Damn, I feel like Andy Warhol. ;D


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