This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Here's the story of a man named Brady....

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


There was an interesting headline over at Breitbart last night.

Clinton – 30 Days, 8 Press Questions; Fiorina – 8 Days, 322 Press Questions

Interesting, ain't it?  Read on:

Clinton — 30 Days, 8 Press Questions;
Fiorina — 8 Days, 322 Press Questions

by Alex Swoyer - 11 May 2015

Washington, DC - Tuesday will mark exactly 30 days since Hillary Rodham Clinton launched her official presidential bid for the White House, yet she still hasn't done a formal sit down interview with national media, setting a record for the longest running presidential candidate without doing so following a campaign launch, as first reported by Breitbart News.

Unlike Clinton, GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has been on what CNN coined a "media blitz" introducing herself to voters.

"Carly has actually answered 322 questions since her announcement on Monday," said Anna Epstein, spokesperson for Fiorina. "In the last eight days, Carly has been interviewed almost 30 times and answered well over 300 questions."

Following Breitbart News' first report noting Clinton's record media silence, CNN reported, "Since her presidential campaign announcement on April 12, Clinton has not held a formal press conference. While on the campaign trail, she has responded – reluctantly at times – to roughly eight questions from journalists."

"Unlike Hillary Clinton, I am not afraid to answer questions about my track record or my accomplishments or my principles," said Fiorina.


Today marks the 30th day of Hillary Clinton's alleged Presidential Campaign, and yet, she still has not granted one single interview.

While the Enslaved Press chase after every Republican candidate in order to find out their positions on those significant things facing Americans today — like whether or not they'd attend a gay wedding — Hillary has glided along without being subjected to even the most puffy puff-piece, soft-ball interviews.

Now, it's not the entirely the Enslaved Press' fault. I'll admit that.

Hillary isn't making herself available.

I've said before that Hillary's campaign people seem to think they can market Hillary the same way the Obama campaign marketed that unknown, caramel-colored pseudo-rock star.

Problem is, Hillary is about as unknown as George W. Bush. She has a very storied track record and a very public life. She can't let voters superimpose whatever they want on her the way voters did with Obama.

And do not doubt for a moment just how terrified the Clinton camp is of the book Clinton Cash

I can guaran-damn-tee you they do not want Hillary doing interviews because they do not want to have her answer the probing questions about all that foreign money and all those shady deals.

This book is doing a hell of a lot of damage to Hillary Clinton, and trust me, her people know it.

Why do you think they're attacking Peter Schweizer?

The Clinton War Machine has one operating principle:

Deny, attack, and for the love of God, do NOT let Hillary speak.

What's interesting about it all is that Hillary isn't doing herself any favors. By turning into the Greta Garbo of politics, she only makes herself look even more guilty.

While Jeb Bush tries to secure the Republican nomination without the benefit of Republican voters, Hillary is trying to secure the Democrat nomination without ever having to actually answer a single question.

And these two are the ones considered shoe-ins.

How pathetic is that?

Meanwhile, Lanny Davis went on C-SPAN to compare Peter Schweizer to Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Okay, fine.

But, what Lanny fails to mention is, McCarthy was right. There were communist spies in the government.

The declassified Venona Papers confirmed it.

So, if Schweizer is a modern-day McCarthy, that doesn't bode well for Hillary.

Which may explain why she won't give an interview.

Let's be honest here. Hillary Clinton is a dreadful politician. She is secretive, harsh, vindictive, with a sense of entitlement that would make Henry the VIII say, "Whoa! Nobody has that much divine right!"

Hillary Clinton really does believe that she owes us no explanation. She really does believe that she should be President whether we want her or not.

And the truth is, her support among the Enslaved Press is being eroded by her own unwillingness to grant them the same all-access pass they have come to expect after over six years of kissing Barack Obama's regal ring.

Hillary's arrogance will be her own undoing.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"I think I'm  gonna be sick" Article of the Day

When the gay couple are green, please cross:
Vienna traffic lights changed to feature same-sex couples as city prepares for Eurovision Song Contest

*Traffic lights programmed to show male or female gay couples with hearts
*The aim of the campaign is to present Vienna as an open-minded city
*Launched ahead of the city's hosting of the Eurovision Song Contest
*The competition has long been a fixture on the international gay calendar

By Sam Tonkin For Mailonline
Read more:

Gay-themed traffic lights are getting Vienna in the mood to host the annual Eurovision Song Contest later this month - and the hope is they may even improve traffic safety.

Dozens of traffic lights in the centre of the Austrian captial have been programmed to show male or female gay couples with hearts - in red for stop and green for go - replacing the usual single, gender-neutral figure.

The campaign is intended to present Vienna as an open-minded city and also to improve traffic safety in the hope the unusual symbols will attract the attention of drivers and pedestrians, a spokesman for Vienna's city lighting department said.

Dozens of traffic lights in the heart of Vienna have been programmed to show male or female gay couples with hearts (pictured) - in red for stop and green for go - replacing the usual single, gender-neutral figure

The city of Vienna will then collate data to see whether the campaign has indeed helped traffic safety, he added.

The Eurovision Song Contest, now in its 60th year, has long been a fixture on the international gay calendar.

Last year, bearded transvestite Conchita Wurst won the contest for Austria with the song Rise like a Phoenix and immediately became a global gay icon.

About 40 countries are taking part in the 2015 Eurovision contest and the final will be held on May 23.

Electro Velvet, made up of duo Alex Larke and Bianca Nicholas, will fly the flag for the UK in front of an estimated global audience of more than 180 million viewers.

They will be hoping to end a catalogue of disappointment for the British entry.

A lack of success in recent years saw former shop assistant Molly Smitten-Downes placing a lowly 17th, Bonnie Tyler finishing 19th and crooner Engelbert Humperdinck placing second to last.

Safety improvements? The traffic light campaign (pictured) is intended to present Vienna as an open-minded city and also to improve traffic safety in the hope the unusual symbols will further attract people's attention

The UK also endured a string of failures in previous years with Javine Hylton, Andy Abraham, Jade Ewen and boyband Blue.

Electro Velvet's debut song was selected from hundreds of entries received by the BBC following an open selection process inviting anyone who wished to submit a song for consideration.

Vienna will also host a Life Ball charity event on May 16 to raise money for the fight against HIV and AIDS.

Hollywood actress Charlize Theron and French fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier will be among the guests, along with Conchita.

Sick-looking Bearded transvestite Conchita Wurst won the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest and immediately became a global sick-looking gay clown icon.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Naked Anti-Gun State Senator Virgil Smith Blasts Away at Ex-Wife's Car With Shotgun in Detroit

No wonder Michigan State Senator Virgil Smith is such a staunch opponent of our right to bear arms. It could ruin everything to be filling an ex-wife's Mercedes with blasts from a shotgun and have her return fire while you are standing there naked in broad daylight.

The Detroit lawmaker accused of shooting at his ex-wife was naked at the time of the shooting, FOX 2 has learned. Sen. Virgil Smith is still in custody as police continue to investigate what lead up to the shooting over the weekend. Smith was arrested Sunday at his home on Wexford on Detroit's east side. According to a police report, the Senator was completely naked at the time of the shooting and fired multiple shots into his ex wife's Mercedes Benz after a fight around 1:00 a.m. She wasn't hurt but the bullets [sic; other reports say he used a shotgun] did hit her car. Detroit Police Chief James Craig said about ten rounds were found in the car. "In investigating, looking at the vehicle, it appears that the vehicle had, what appeared to be ten rounds fired into it, possibly," Craig said. Craig said the State Senator was cooperative and according to the report told police his actions were the most stupid thing he'd done in his life.

Well maybe. Other stupid things he has done include taking a antigun stance: Sen. Virgil Smith (D-MI) represents parts of Detroit, Dearborn and all of Allen Park. As a Democrat, it should come as no surprise that he is rated at 0% by the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Ownership. Smith has voted anti-gun since taking office in the House of Representatives back in 2003 to 2008, and now as a state senator. The NRA rated Smith "D" regarding his voting on gun rights, which translates to 21% overall.

If Smith hates guns so much, he should have stayed away from them. Don't feel bad, Baltimoreans. At least Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Marilyn Mosby manage to refrain from running around naked blasting cars with shotguns, so they may not be the most embarrassing government figures in the country after all.

Virgil Smith doesn't trust us with guns.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Twenty-Two Inconvenient Truths That Debunk the Global Warming Hoax

Eco-authoritarian Al Gore has his so-called inconvenient truth. Watts Up With That counters with 22 inconvenient truths, which are all the more inconvenient for oligarchical collectivists because they are actually true.

• The Mean Global Temperature has been stable since 1997.

• 57% of the cumulative anthropic emissions since the beginning of the Industrial revolution have been emitted since 1997. We could stop right there. Those two alone debunk the hoax. But let's have a few more, even if it's overkill:

• The amount of CO2 of the air from anthropic emissions is today no more than 6% of the total CO2 in the air.

• The lifetime of CO2 molecules in the atmosphere is about 5 years instead of the 100 years said by IPCC.

• In some geological periods the CO2 content of the air has been up to 20 times today's content, and there has been no runaway temperature increase!

• The maximum surface of the Antarctic ice-pack has been increasing every year since we have satellite observations.

• The trace gases absorb the radiation of the surface and radiate at the temperature of the air which is, at some height, most of the time slightly lower that of the surface. The trace-gases cannot "heat the surface", according to the second principle of thermodynamics which prohibits heat transfer from a cooler body to a warmer body.

• The temperatures have always driven the CO2 content of the air, never the reverse. Nowadays the net increment of the CO2 content of the air follows very closely the inter-tropical temperature anomaly.

• The forecasts of the "climate models" are diverging more and more from the observations.

• As said by IPCC in its TAR (2001) "we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."

• Last but not least the IPCC is neither a scientific organization nor an independent organization: the summary for policy makers, the only part of the report read by international organizations, politicians and media is written under the very close supervision of the representative of the countries and of the non-governmental pressure groups. The governing body of the IPCC is made of a minority of scientists almost all of them promoters of the environmentalist ideology, and a majority of state representatives and of non-governmental green organizations.

***See All Twenty-Two Inconvenient Truths That Debunk the Global Warming Hoax at: ***

You can see why warmests resort to silencing dissent.  Objective reality has never been a friend to socialists.  Put all 22 inconvenient truths in your pipe and smoke them, Al.  Don't worry about the carbon emissions; they obviously are not a problem.
The Goracle reacts to the 22 inconvenient truths.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Barack Hussein "I Will Stand With the Muslims" Obama Releases Terrorist Who Killed American Soldier

Killing terrorists is a great idea, but capturing them has become largely a waste of time under Barack Hussein "I Will Stand With the Muslims" Obama. Effectively interrogating them is off limits; that is now deemed to be "torture," in support of enemy propaganda. As for keeping them locked up so that they can't kill any more Americans...

A terrorist is now free after serving only eight years of a 40-year sentence for killing a U.S. Delta Force medic in Afghanistan in 2002, thanks to a deal the Obama administration made with Canadian authorities. Omar Khadr was 15 when he threw a grenade that killed Sgt. 1st class Christopher Speer. After a military court found Khadr guilty, the Justice Department reduced his sentence to eight years, to be served in a Canadian facility, according to The Washington Times. Sgt. Lane Morris, who served alongside Speer and who lost an eye in the attack, told Fox News host Greta Van Susteren that the terrorist's release "all started with the Obama administration" in a deal made "behind the prosecutor's back."

Notes Max Abrahms, a terrorism expert at Northeastern University:

"The terrorism recidivism rate is quite high, particularly for Islamist terrorists. Indeed, a very large portion of the most senior Islamic State leadership was once behind bars. When you release from prison an Islamist terrorist, do not be surprised if he re-engages in terrorism."

But at least this is one Guantanamo alumnus Obama didn't trade for a deserter. Maybe next time Khadr is captured.

Khadr: all smiles.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Gun-Grabber Feinstein: ISIS is Saying 'Kill, Kill, Kill' on Social Media

(Feinstein is the true politician, playing BOTH sides of the issue... this is the female clown who supports Obama's appeasement policies with Iran... she sucks)

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee said the United States should not underestimate the power of ISIS on social media.

"I think [their message] is 'kill, kill, kill,'" Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"It's a force that we really haven't seen before, and we have to begin to cope more seriously with it, and that includes social media."

Feinstein said a trend is emerging in which ISIS leaders encourage sympathizers around the world to carry out attacks for which the group takes credit.

"It is putting that lone wolf [attacker] in a position that they have never been in before: 'You do it, we'll take credit for it,'" she said.

She also encouraged law enforcement to ask for more funding from President Obama and Congress if they need it to combat the group's powerful recruitment campaign online.

"This is a matter of prime defense of the homeland, and it would come first," she said.

Meanwhile, former director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Michael Leiter, said authorities have a "hugely difficult" challenge in monitoring ISIS on social media.

"Today, it is probably the single thing they are watching more than anything else," he said.

"What we should be doing is enabling moderate Muslims around the world to counter this message."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


LOL...: King Of Bahrain Skips POS Obuma Meeting For Horse Show

(The Horse Show vastly better than Obuma's horsesh!t...)

Via Politico:

The king of Bahrain has apparently snubbed President Barack Obama to attend a horse show with Queen Elizabeth.

According to Reuters, King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa has elected to attend the Royal Windsor Horse Show, which begins Wednesday, at Windsor Castle outside London.

Obama had invited the leaders of the six Gulf Cooperation Council nations — Bahrain, Oman, the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia — to discuss regional security and other issues at a Camp David summit this week.

But Saudi King Salman announced Sunday that he would send a surrogate instead of attending himself, joining the leaders of the UAE and Oman, who have cited health concerns in their decisions not to attend. The Bahraini king's decision not to attend was reported earlier this week, though his trip to the United Kingdom was first announced Wednesday.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


ISIS Second-In-Command Killed By U.S. Airstrike,
Obuma Regime Won't Take Credit Because He Was
Bombed While In A Mosque

(No victory lap for ObuttHead today....)

Via BBC:

The second-in-command of Islamic State (IS) has been killed in a US-led coalition air strike in northern Iraq, the Iraqi ministry of defence says.

Abdul Rahman Mustafa Mohammed, also known as Abu Alaa al-Afari, was at a mosque near Tal Afar that was targeted, spokesman Brig-Gen Tahsin Ibrahim said.

However, the US military later denied coalition planes had attacked a mosque.

In recent weeks, there were unconfirmed reports that Afari had taken temporary charge of IS operations.

Iraqi sources claimed IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been incapacitated as a result of an air strike in Iraq in March.

Gen Ibrahim told the BBC that Afari was killed alongside dozens of militants who he had been meeting at the al-Shuhada (Martyrs) mosque in the village of al-Iyadhiya, near Tal Afar, where he was reportedly a well-known preacher.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Watch: Here's A Real Navy SEAL Watching And Critiquing An ISIS "Navy SEAL" Video


Via IJ Review:

The most recent development in the ISIS propaganda war is a highly stylized video showcasing the skills of their newly minted 'Navy SEALS' force. In the video, ISIS Navy SEALs swim doggie style downstream, do karate and carry sharp knives in their mouths. Very intimidating stuff.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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