This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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"Obama Flowers"

> (Receptionist) Hello, Welcome to ObamaFlowers, My name is Trina. How
> can I help you?
> (Customer) Hello, I received an email from Professional Flowers stating that my flower order has been canceled and I should go to your exchange to reorder it. I tried your website, but it seems like it is not working. So I am calling the 800 number.
> (Receptionist) Yes, I am sorry about the website. It should be fixed by the end of November. But I can help you.
> (Customer) Thanks, I ordered a "Spring Bouquet" for our anniversary, and wanted it delivered to my wife's work..
> (Receptionist Interrupting) Sir, "Spring Bouquets" do not meet our minimum standards, I will be happy to provide you with Red Roses.
> (Customer) But I have always ordered "Spring Bouquets", done it for years, my wife likes them.
> (Receptionist) Roses are better, sir, I am sure your wife will love them.
> (Customer) Well, how much are they?
> (Receptionist) It depends sir, do you want our Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum package.
> (Customer) What's the difference?
> (Receptionist) 6, 12,18, or 24 Red Roses.
> (Customer) The Silver package may be okay, how much is it?
> (Receptionist) It depends sir, what is you monthly income?
> (Customer) What does that have to do with anything?
> (Receptionist) I need that to determine your government flower subsidy, then I can determine how much your out of pocket cost will be. But if your income is below our minimums for a subsidy, then I
> can refer you to our FlowerAid department.
> (Customer) FlowerAid???
> (Receptionist) Yes, Flowers are a Right, everyone has a right to flowers. So, if you can't afford them, then the government will
> supply them free of charge.
> (Customer) Who said they were a Right?
> (Receptionist) Congress passed it, the President signed it and the Supreme Court found it Constitutional.
> (Customer) Whoa.....I don't remember seeing anything in the Constitution regarding Flowers as a Right.
> (Receptionist) It is not really a Right in the Constitution, but  ObamaFlowers is Constitutional because the Supreme Court Ruled it a "Tax". Taxes are Constitutional. But we feel it is a Right.
> (Customer) I don't believe this....
> (Receptionist) It's the law of the land sir. Now, we anticipated most people would go for the Silver Package, so what is you monthly income sir?
> (Customer) Forget it, I think I will forego the flowers this year...
> (Receptionist) In that case sir, I will still need your monthly income.
> (Customer) Why???
> (Receptionist) To determine what your 'non-participation' cost would be.
> (Customer) WHAT????  Your can't charge me for NOT buying flowers!!!
> (Receptionist) It's the law of the land, sir, approved by the Supreme Court. It's $9.50 or 1% of your monthly income.....
> (Customer, interrupting) This iridiculous, I'll pay the $9.50..

> (Receptionist) Sir, it is the $9.50 or 1% of your monthly income, whichever is greater.

> (Customer) ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? What a ripoff!!

> (Receptionist) Actually sir, it is a good deal. Next year it will be 2%.
> (Customer) Look, I'm going to call my Congressmember to find out what's going on here. This is ridiculous. I'm not going to pay it.
> (Receptionist) Sorry to hear that sir, that's why I had the NSA track this call and obtain the make and model of the cell phone you are using.
> (Customer) Why does the NSA need to know what kind of CELL PHONE I AM USING????
> (Receptionist) So they can get your GPS coordinates sir.

> (Door Bell rings followed immediately by a loud knock on the door)

> (Receptionist) That would be the IRS sir. Thanks for calling ObamaFlowers, have a nice day...and God Bless America.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Piece-Of-Sh!t Obuma Declassifies Top-Secret Doc That Reveals Israel's Nuclear Secrets

by Jordan Schachtel - 25 Mar 2015-Washington, D.C.1000

The Pentagon has declassified a document that was once labeled "top-secret," which goes into sophisticated detail about Israel's nuclear weapons program. The document was released quietly just prior to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's March 3 speech to a joint session of Congress.

Israel has never officially confirmed or denied the existence of a nuclear weapon's program within its borders.

The Pentagon declassified sections covering Israel's nuclear program, but "kept sections on Italy, France, West Germany and other NATO countries classified, with those sections blocked out in the document," Israel National News reported.

The 386-page top-secret memo, titled, "Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations," goes into great detail about how Israel turned into a nuclear power in the 1970s and 80s.

"As far as nuclear technology is concerned the Israelis are roughly where the U.S. was in the fission weapon field in about 1955 to 1960," the report assesses.

The report was written by the Institute for Defense Analysis in 1987, which was federally funded and contracted by the Pentagon.

Israel is "developing the kind of codes which will enable them to make hydrogen bombs. That is, codes which detail fission and fusion processes on a microscopic and macroscopic level," the report states.

The report commends that the Israelis found "ingeniously clever" solutions to solve its problems in advancing the nuclear program, largely due to the "ingenious Israeli inventions" at a "key research and development laboratory in Israel."

The Pentagon declassified the document after Grant Smith, an activist who heads a radical anti-Israel group, filed a Freedom of Information Act request, according to reports.

Smith's Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy organizes an anti-Israel conference each year in Washington, D.C. Last year, the conference featured speakers from anti-Semitic and pro-Islamist publications. During the Q & A session, a speaker openly called for education about the supposed "Zionist-Nazi collaboration" during the Holocaust, while another endorsed the possibility that "Israel had a hand in 9/11."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I just received this in an e-mail from a friend.
No, I haven't not yet taken the time to check out all of the provided sources.
I'll leave that up to you to verufy on your own, for your self.



The biggest factor of why seniors are losing more and more benefits.... They are getting blamed for the country going broke.

This has gone out to almost two million people . It's easy to dismiss individual programs that benefit non-citizens until they're put together and this picture emerges. Someone did a lot of research to put together all of this data. Often these programs are buried within other programs making them difficult to find.

A Real Eye Opener WHY is the USA BANKRUPT?
Read this:We have been hammered with the propaganda that it was the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us.

I hope the following
14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL's for verification of all the following facts.

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments. Verify At: <>

2. $22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. Verify At: <>

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. Verify at:<>

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!  Verify At: <>

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. Verify At<>

6. 3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
Verify at:<>

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. Verify at: <>

8. 90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers. Verify At: <>

9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. Verify At: <>

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US. Verify at:

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U.S. from the Southern border. Verify at: Homeland Security Report:

12. The National policy Institute, estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 – $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 – $46 billion annually over a five year period. Verify at:

13. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin. Verify At:. < http://www/ < http://www/> / <>

14. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the United States . Verify At: http:// <>


Do we still feel sorry for the poor illegal immigrant children that ar being used and exploited by their parents and our government ?

Are we THAT Stupid?

YES, FOR ALLOWING THOSE IN THE U.S.. CONGRESS TO GET AWAY WITH DOING THIS YEAR AFTER YEAR!!!!! If this doesn't bother you, then just delete the message.

If, on the other hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you forward it to every legal resident in the United States.

COMMENT FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA. Figure the cost of diseases like TB resurrecting in America due to illegal immigrants bringing these to the American people and the total cost is higher than this report indicates though written by a good researcher. Obama is a con artist in the White House over this border issue that he is trying to use to undermine America as a nation. He is backed by con artists in Congress who technically violating their oath of allegiance to uphold the U.S. Constitution are also con artist, criminals in nature, and traitors to the nation engaged in high treason when it comes to this border issue in America. We can handle some foreigners coming to America who are entering America legally after being checked out as to their background and should normally prove to be good future citizens of America if naturalized. But we are being flooded with criminal elements and other elements which are detrimental to the future of America if allowed to illegally enter and then remain in America. Other nations can protect their border security. Why America cannot when our national money has been larger than most nations could commit to border security is other nations are serious about border security and our nation under con artist corrupt politicians are playing games as they are working to undermine and overthrow the future of America using Wash., D.C. as their front. We need to get the radicals out of Congress this coming election! The Republicans are too jellyfish in backbone to do the really right stands for America, but they are a better choice than the Democrats who are so radical that they try to be the wrecking crew of America operating inside Congress for the overthrow of America as a nation.
The real answer that restores control of the government back to the American people is passage of our proposed Omni Law. Full technical name on our website is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America. It gives to the American people the right of referendum over the national government which at this time is a wildly runaway government pretty much holding in contempt the American people which it does not want to that seriously represent the American people but rather wild radical agendas and corrupt elements behind the scenes controlling many key politicians so they serve the corrupt elements instead of the American people. As one of the top bankers once boasted to me that he and some of the other top bankers were the secret government of America and used Wash., D.C. as their front to rule the American with as the American people "were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too immoral to be allowed to govern America." As it was a Satanist banker saying this, I wonder what his concept of being moral was? By the way he owned a foreign bank for the laundering of money in Europe so no record would exist in America of some accounts that he carried.

Also the super rich evil cabal have a secret world monetary market the governments leave alone as the governments are paid off to keep their mouths shut. The deals there are not registered with securities agencies. One of the most interesting deals I saw there when seeing on the internet this secret world market was that you could for as little as one million dollars get 1,500% return on that one million dollars at the end of 90 days. When the evil cabal found out that I had access to their ultra-secret world monetary market, my house was smashed into and the back door could not lock after that, They stole the copies of the 47 page list of contacts across the world for this ultra-secret world monetary market from the office in my house. I had shown this listing to a couple of friends of mine before it was stolen and as one commented, this list was worth a fortune as it was the secret confidential financial contact list for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other powerful sources beyond the law as they had bought off the U.S. Government and other governments to leave them alone with their secret world monetary market. I later repaired the door but left the wood not repaired in appearance so it still showed the breakin and how the door had been smashed by the federal operatives acting under their orders. My wife then said that she felt raped by them by how they had smashed into our house.

Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders and payments not placed through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether a product from our website or else a loan payment into our Omni Law Loan Program all of which helps finance the coming passage of the Omni Law in America. We can't let the other side know our true hand as they like to play dirty tricks from the White House and federal sources working under Obama, but we have a strong hand and when we play it will likely have the Omni Law passed soon after that. We are looking to win likely before the election is held in 2014.

Pass this report around as your government has been hyjacked by criminal elements that make the Mafia look like Sunday School choirboys in comparison!

Yours for God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American patriot who despite federal murder attempts on my life and other ultra-criminal acts is not intimidated, not stopped and probably will have the Omni Law passed in 2014. I know how these criminals operate and wrote the proposed national law called the Omni Law that checkmates them and restores control of the federal government back to the American people who they try to control by tactics of national propaganda and selective massive censorship of news in America. Their actions say that they are scared to death of this planned Omni Law and realize that it takes national power away from these criminals in high places and restores honest government to America by restoring control of the federal government back to the American people!)




U.S. and World Population Clock
Note: The Population Clock is consistent with 2010 Census data and the most recent national population estimates.

One birth every 8 seconds   
One death every 12 seconds   
One international migrant (net) every 33 seconds   
Net gain of one person every 15 seconds

You have to go to the web site to see the clock and several charts.

Immigrants filling the void
as residents flee N.J.
By the Tens of Thousands
(Interactive Map)

People enjoy the shops and restaurants in downtown Morristown, NJ. (Frances Micklow/The Star-Ledger)

Stephen Stirling | NJ Advance Media for By Stephen Stirling | NJ Advance Media for

New Jersey residents are fleeing the state in droves, but the loss is primarily being offset by a continued influx of immigrants from other countries, without which the state's population would be declining precipitously.

Between 2013 and 2014, New Jersey lost at least 55,000 residents who left for other states, the continuation of a trend that's been going on for decades as people flee the state to retire, to seek a lower-cost of living and jobs in places that have been quicker to recover from the recession.

But in the same span, more than 51,000 people have moved to the Garden State from other countries, at the same time reshaping the state's population and stabilizing its slow growth.

It's the same thing that has spurred the state's massive growth in the early part of the 20th century, but today, it's preventing an exodus.

"This is really what we'd call a demographic long wave," said James Hughes, dean of the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. It's been going on for a long time and it will continue to go on. The result is a sustained increase in diversity and population."

Will Delaware be next for inhabitation by illegal immigrants?
I truly hope not Diane?
I just read New York is getting a lot of them.
Will New Jersy be an extension of the caliphate?
What's to happen in our country?
Remarks to this final article by people,
who apparently live in New Jersey,
say the immigrants are not assimilating.
Do you like what Obama and the Liberal Democrats are doing to our country?



The SCAM of the Century continues
First Global Warming
Then Climate Change
And now Climate Resilience
What will it be called next?
  Climate Adaptation !!!!!
I wonder how many NGO's
are involved in this mess?

No it's not Henny Penny. Please come home.
March 28, 2015 by nolathe
Recently we became aware of and shared with you a communal involving Johnson County, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri governments conducting greenhouse gas surveys. At the end of the posting dated February 8, 2015  we noted the need for more discovery via Kansas Open Record Act (KORA) requests.

Now accomplished we have a better understanding for why we are hated by JoCo Staff and feared by JoCo Commissioners. Our simple and dates specific request resulted in hundreds and hundreds of documents. We received three emails, each with attachment containing the maximum amount of data transferable electronically.

The order in which we share this information is not in order of importance, events or dates.

With todays post we must start with a brief introduction to

Heartland Local Government Sustainability Network

Dubuque, Iowa. Photo credit: Pete Zarria on flickr

September 17, 2010 marked the inaugural meeting of the Heartland Local Government Sustainability Network (HLGSN). HLGSN is an independent peer forum of municipal professionals in sustainability, energy, planning, environment, and allied disciplines. The geographic scope of the network includes Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas—aligning decidedly with U.S. EPA Region 7. The network allows some participation from South Dakota and North Dakota, which reside within U.S. EPA Region 8. The impetus for HLGSN is to help member local governments with the administration of federal initiatives, build capacity for members to improve sustainability performance locally, and provide a forum to exchange ideas and information with regional peers who share a common economy, culture, and climate.

HLGSN is self-governing, and membership is invite-only through peer review. The only requirement is that members are local government professionals. Current members include top-level managers from 14 cities and counties. Thus far, the network is comprised of mostly ICLEI USA communities, but ICLEI USA affiliation is not a requirement.  Kansas City, Missouri, is the founding member of HLGSN.

The 3 page document reviewed today may be viewed here Heartland CALL_2014_01_24

Portions shared and commented on below in order:

NOlathe note: All past (?) and current ICLEI members.


NOlathe note: Brendle is the recommended ICLEI contractor.

Eileene heard an

NOlathe note: As hard as we have tried, that makes no sense.

In response to some of Pete's other comments

NOlathe note: We concede that corn is not the crop of choice in Oklahoma nor is cotton in Nebraska. But lets get another grant to study this?

NOlathe note: ICLEI has already concluded there is Global Warming Climate Change but hasn't any data to support that. Heartland group founded in 2010 and atleast partially responsible for massive mandates/spending is just now talking about acquiring data.


NOlathe note: Global Warming Climate Change Climate Resiliency.
    Climate Adaptation.                           


NOlathe note: Brendle is the recommended ICLEI contractor.


NOlathe note: As hard as we have tried, that makes no sense.


NOlathe note: We concede that corn is not the crop of choice in Oklahoma nor is cotton in Nebraska. But lets get another grant to study this?


NOlathe note: ICLEI has already concluded there is Global Warming Climate Change but hasn't any data to support that. Heartland group founded in 2010 and atleast partially responsible for massive mandates/spending is just now talking about acquiring data.


NOlathe note: Global Warming Climate Change Climate Resiliency.


NOlathe note: Global Warming Climate Change Climate Resiliency Climate Adaptation.

Conclusion- As recently as January 24, 2014 participants in ICLEI aka Agenda 21 have no data to support their mandates. Our elected have once again been duped with Chicken Little hysteria .

Commissioners- This is the time of year to hatch and add new chicks to ones flock. Henpecked Acres currently has 18 under a heat lamp. Please tell Henny Penny we'll keep the light on for her, it's time to come home.

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It"
Ken Dunwoody                GOD
Henpecked Acres            One Nation
14850 W. 159th St.
Olathe, Ks. 66062


**** They used yellow highlighting which is not available to me
So I used blue lettering because yellow lettering does not show up well. ****
Note  ICLEI is used and ICLEI is associated with the UN's Agenda 21.


Heartland network monthly meeting
January 24, 2014

Facilitator: Eileen Horn LAWRENCE, KS
Note-taker: Barbara Buffaloe, COLUMBIA, MO
Dennis Murphey KANSAS CITY, MO
Jerry Schechter KANSAS CITY, MO
Laura Graham (+intern Jenna) DES MOINES, IA
Milo Mumgaard, LINCOLN, NE
Mona Menezes, BRANSON, MO

LED streetlights
LAWRENCE - 3,500 streetlights owned by the WestStar utility and the City is considering purchasing
them and converting them to LED. Utility does not seem to be that interested in selling and it appears to
be lucrative to them. Just had 9% increase in

IOWA CITY – Started changing their lights out 5 years ago (and also accidentally got charged extra by the
utility) – check with Brenda

COLUMBIA – We have a few pilot studies of LED streetlights. Now that the standards are more
consistent, the City is drafting policies that will require that all new streetlighting that goes in be LEDs.
We are also replacing all of our mercury vapor streetlights (about 815) with LED in the next couple of

OKLAHOMA CITY – interested in the discussion

FAYETTEVILLE – Switched out their lights 5 years ago

DES MOINES – A few pilot projects. Mid-American Energy and Iowa utility board has been working to
incorporate LEDs into the tariff. They are also looking to integrate it into their standard streetscape
design. Own very few of our utility poles.

KANSAS CITY – purchased their streetlights from the utility. We play a flat rate to the utility company per
streetlight because they don't separately meter them.

LINCOLN, NE – We have a couple of new pilot developments and questions have arisen why we allow
new developments to be adopted that do not have LEDs

Update on RFP
DENNIS – Feedback from Pete Plastrik
 Can we confirm commitment from the network members not included in the application to
participate in the workshop?
o Besides CORE team, the majority will attend (NEED TO ASK THOSE NOT IN
o Who would the City staff be? Public Works, Planning, etc.
 How will additional collaboration projects come from this?
 Where are the different locations in their climate adaptation planning?
o We are all at the beginning.

MOST - Need to stress resiliency – a lot of our regional areas do not politically support climate change.

LAURA – Should align with STAR metrics

APWA leadership conference update (Mona)
MONA – Ian Hill offered free presentation on leadership for frontline employees. She shared the link
with the group via email.

Barbara – GUEP

Eileen – Urban Sustainability Accelerator – not spam. Lawrence is considering working with them

MILO – local food advocates have lobbied for a local food policy and modeled some activity of
Lawrence's common ground. Put together a grant proposal with local community health fund to do an
assessment of potential lands.

Who has a local food policy council? Iowa City, Lawrence, Kansas City

DENNIS – about to sign the contract with our ghg emissions inventory contractor. JOHNSON COUNTY, KS
has already signed their portion of contract (budget $70,000/JC, $80,000/KC). Brendle group out of Fort

The intent is to use the ICLEI protocol and the BRENDLE software. Contract is to train City staff
on their software so that they can use it after the contract.

DENNIS – KC will be passing legislation urging voting the anti-Agenda 21 down.
Eileen heard an effective speech in the Kansas Senate (Marcy Francisco) about how voting against
sustainability is also voting against highway improvements.
She will share.

Items for next agenda (Barbara will be facilitator and Cori will be notetaker)
Earth Day public or employee engagements activities

 Send blurbs to Becky in Iowa and she will share them with the group
Laura – did not get agenda check to make sure she's on your lists. LMGRAHAM@DMGOV.ORG Need to
also add her to the rotation for note-taking and facilitating. Laura will not be in attendance in February
but has a potential March topic – collaboration with watershed management authorities. See what
other communities experiences have been.

Barbara – Can we invite Debra Knoble (St. Peters, MO) to the network?
 Yes , from everyone

Post-call discussion on Regional Network RFP (Dennis, T.O., Milo, Eileen, Barbara)
Brenda is supposed to be lead but we are not sure if she has been putting the information from PETE
and Barbara's outline. Barbara will check.

In response to some of Pete's other comments, we are not sure how climate change will impact our
different regions and if they will be similar. Perhaps we'll discover 4 different sub regions and then that
would foster additional collaboration projects related to those problems.

We should all give examples how these weather events are effecting our city budget (i.e. snow plowing,
soil draught causing water main breaks, etc.)

We have not even begun this process. We first need the data. What are the key impacts of this data.
Then we need to find like-minded, similarly-sized communities.

** speech by Obama on preparing local governments for climate resiliency?

Is there any relation to the fact that we're AG states and partnership with the land-grant university?
This will help shape our larger network priorities.

In our region – the weather conversation is the lead to climate adaptation or resiliency planning. While
we have these great national examples, our local level policies have been modest, at best. Having the
ability to share best practices from our region will be key.

If Brenda hasn't yet, Barbara will make the first stab at incorporating Pete's comments and these notes
into the outline and share it with the group. Eileen and T. O. are going to check with City staff and see
what role weather currently has on operations
and what changes they've noticed with more extreme
weather events.
(01/27 – 01/31)
 Barbara and Brenda update the outline and send it out to the group to edit/add to/ review.
 T. O. and Eileen connect with staff on their additions.
EVERYONE – get with local climatologists on endorsing support.
 Brenda – confirm with Iowa State and check on budget
(02/02 – 02/06)
 Group edits compiled and draft RFP developed.
 If there are questions, Pete is contacted this week for clarification.
 Network at large reviews RFP and offers endorsement.
 Application submitted this week.


POS Buttrack Obuma Arrived In Florida For 24 Hour Secluded Golf Outing, All At Taxpayer Expense, Media Kept Out

(Obuma has his own caddy for carrying his golf clubs onto AF One for about the 200th time...)

Via Breitbart

[POS Buttrack Obuma] kicked off the spring season on Saturday with a weekend golf getaway in Florida, teeing off with former NBA star Alonzo Mourning and former sportscaster Ahmad Rashad.

During his stay at the Floridian National Golf Club, less than 50 miles up the coast from Palm Beach, Obama planned to be out of public view, with no official events scheduled. After arriving midday Saturday, he immediately hit the links with Mourning, Rashad and Cyrus Walker, a cousin of Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, the White House said.


Previous administrations have allowed brief news media coverage during presidential rounds of golf. Obama's policy generally is not to allow reporters to observe him. He has made a few exceptions when he's golfed with prominent figures, including House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, former President Bill Clinton and the leaders of New Zealand and Malaysia.

Obama planned to return to the White House on Sunday evening.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Private Emails Reveal Ex-Clinton Aide's Secret Spy Network, Which Included Activity In Libya...

(Hillary was running her own clandestine operation in Libya...)

Via ProPublica

Starting weeks before Islamic militants attacked the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, longtime Clinton family confidante Sidney Blumenthal supplied intelligence to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gathered by a secret network that included a former CIA clandestine service officer, according to hacked emails from Blumenthal's account.

The emails, which were posted on the internet in 2013, also show that Blumenthal and another close Clinton associate discussed contracting with a retired Army special operations commander to put operatives on the ground near the Libya-Tunisia border while Libya's civil war raged in 2011.

Blumenthal's emails to Clinton, which were directed to her private email account, include at least a dozen detailed reports on events on the deteriorating political and security climate in Libya as well as events in other nations. They came to light after a hacker broke into Blumenthal's account and have taken on new significance in light of the disclosure that she conducted State Department and personal business exclusively over an email server that she controlled and kept secret from State Department officials and which only recently was discovered by congressional investigators.


The dispatches from Blumenthal to Clinton's private email address were posted online after Blumenthal's account was hacked in 2013 by Romanian hacker Marcel-Lehel Lazar, who went by the name Guccifer. Lazar also broke into accounts belonging to George W. Bush's sister, Colin Powell, and others. He's now serving a seven-year sentence in his home country and was charged in a U.S. indictment last year.


It's unclear who tasked Blumenthal, known for his fierce loyalty to the Clintons, with preparing detailed intelligence briefs. It's also not known who was paying him, or where the operation got its money. The memos were marked "confidential" and relied in many cases on "sensitive" sources in the Libyan opposition and Western intelligence and security services. Other reports focused on Egypt, Germany, and Turkey.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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