This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Clown-In-Chief Obuma: "We're The Slaves Who Built The White House"

(Does he just confess in a sort of covered oblique way to being a huckster and being gay?  Sorry, Bozo, you didn't build that! ...)

Via Weekly Standard:


"Look at our history. We are Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea, pioneers who braved the unfamiliar, followed by a stampede of farmers and miners, and entrepreneurs and hucksters. That's our spirit. That's who we are.

"We are Sojourner Truth and Fannie Lou Hamer, women who could do as much as any man and then some. And we're Susan B. Anthony, who shook the system until the law reflected that truth. That is our character.

"We're the immigrants who stowed away on ships to reach these shores, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free –- Holocaust survivors, Soviet defectors, the Lost Boys of Sudan. We're the hopeful strivers who cross the Rio Grande because we want our kids to know a better life. That's how we came to be. (Applause.)

"We're the slaves who built the White House and the economy of the South. (Applause.) We're the ranch hands and cowboys who opened up the West, and countless laborers who laid rail, and raised skyscrapers, and organized for workers' rights.

"We're the fresh-faced GIs who fought to liberate a continent. And we're the Tuskeegee Airmen, and the Navajo code-talkers, and the Japanese Americans who fought for this country even as their own liberty had been denied.

"We're the firefighters who rushed into those buildings on 9/11, the volunteers who signed up to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq. We're the gay Americans whose blood ran in the streets of San Francisco and New York, just as blood ran down this bridge. (Applause.)

"We are storytellers, writers, poets, artists who abhor unfairness, and despise hypocrisy, and give voice to the voiceless, and tell truths that need to be told.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Breaking:  Happy Purim!  Ayatollah Khamenei May Be Dead!

While no one will confirm, some pretty strong rumors that Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei is dead, he had prostate cancer

(Wow!  Is he in for a surprise or what?  Rumors abound that he died tonight, no confirmation yet.  Anyway, here's a Purim gift, picture of him in hospital.  Reports are the old Jew-hater is facing failing systems and is in stage 4 cancer.  He has been described as 'critical condition'.  I'll let you know when to pop the champagne...)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I just received this in an e-mail.
It might be an interesting show.

Subject: Fox News Enemies of the State airing tonight and Sunday

Fox News re-airs some of their great stories of the government taking people's property, lands, water, ranches, destroying their small businesses.  Some fabulous documentation of the war against property rights and especially of the Greens' and Feds' efforts to carry out Rural Cleansing.

Don't miss it.  Tell your fiends to watch it.  And FOLLOW UP by thanking Fox to have the courage to document and air these horror stories.


Iran slams rumors of Ayatollah's death, trotting him out on TV to prove otherwise,
calling it "Israeli driven rumors"

(Could this pic have been photoshopped...)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Satire Alert: Liberals Can Go Full Moonbat, Evidence Mounts That Scott Walker Is The Antichrist

(Isn't being the Antichrist a plus for the liberals? ...)

Via The DC

Washington, D.C. journalists and other sad, bitter wackos on the margins of society have embarked on a recent crusade to find some scandal — any scandal — to sink rapidly rising 2016 Republican presidential frontrunner Scott Walker.

In late February, for example, two Washington Post reporters spent valuable interview time asking the Wisconsin governor whether he believes President Barack Obama is a Christian. Walker's response of "I don't know" served as the Post's hard-hitting headline fodder.[...]

Most recently, WaPo reporters broke the story that Walker, like a young Bill Clinton, possesses limited foreign policy experience because he has been a state governor. Walker "is not a subscriber to Foreign Affairs" (a magazine with a circulation around 161,000), the Post murmurs. Also, Walker has made few exciting international journeys abroad like Beltway reporters and their trustafarian friends.

This petty scandalmongering has done little to affect Walker's growing popularity.

It's a sad, tragic situation because The Washington Post and other left-leaning media outlets which want so dearly to damage the Wisconsin governor are missing a huge and obvious story: Walker may very well be the Antichrist.


What of Walker's history? Everyone has a past. Astoundingly, in possible accordance with the famous Blood Moon Prophecy, Wisconsin's governor was born on Nov. 2, 1967 when there just happened to be a total solar eclipse blanketing the earth.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Are There More Clinton Scandals Or More Hillary Emails? Among The Many Emails, "Mau_Suit"

Via Daily Caller:

Hillary Clinton isn't known for being funny, at least not intentionally. But this one's pretty good.

As Alex Griswold reports, Hillary may have indulged in a bit of self-deprecating humor while flouting federal law and hiding her activities as Secretary of State from public oversight:

Although Hillary Clinton's spokespeople have maintained that the former secretary of state only used one privately-controlled email address during her tenure, a hacker working in conjunction with Fox News discovered that there were multiple email addresses owned by Clinton...
Other accounts included: (?!)

As she said, she wants the public to see her e-mail. That's why she set up at least 10 different addresses that we know about so far, all hidden from the public.

We don't and can't know which of these addresses she used, which of the e-mails she's deleted, or anything else about it. That was the point of the whole extragovernmental exercise. She thinks she's above the law.

Most of those addresses aren't too imaginative, which just makes that last one stand out all the more. I don't know what a "mau suit" is, but here's a Mao suit:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Analysis: Twelve Questions Iran Refuses To Answer About Its Nuclear Weapons Research

via | 03.09.15   

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has questions about twelve aspects of Iran's past nuclear weapons research that the Islamic Republic has failed to satisfactorily answer, according to an analysis that appeared in The New York Times on Sunday.

These twelve areas of past Iranian research include computer simulations, detonation experiments, and delivery systems for nuclear warheads. While the analysis lists one of the areas of questions as having been discussed and two as "being on the table," the other nine have not been discussed at all.

The one listed as having been discussed was research into electrically-fired detonators, which Iran explained as having applications for peaceful mining purposes. But experiments involving such detonators are believed to have taken place in the military base at Parchin, and Iran has not allowed a thorough investigation of the site. It has also paved over areas where the experiments are believed to have taken place.

According to the analysis, there is an ongoing debate among Western negotiators over how much weight to give to Iran's failure to abide by past agreements (including the November 2013 Joint Plan of Action ) and come clean about its illicit military nuclear program.

That inner debate, as one European official in the midst of the negotiations put it, turns on "whether to force Iran to explain its past" — especially before 2003, when American intelligence officials believe Iran operated a full-scale equivalent of the Manhattan Project — "or whether to focus on the future."

American officials are vague when pressed on how fully Iran will have to answer questions it has avoided for years from United Nations inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency, based in Vienna. To date, Iran has dodged all but one of the agency's dozen sharp questions on bomb design.

"Iran's most serious verification shortcoming," Olli Heinonen, the former chief inspector, now at Harvard, said recently, "remains its unwillingness to address concerns about the past and possibly ongoing military dimensions of its nuclear program."

The questions cited by the analysis were prompted by documentation accumulated by the IAEA raising questions about the nature of Iran's nuclear research. Yukiya Amano, the director general of the IAEA, dismissed Iranian charges that the incriminating documents were forged, "saying the inspectors had confirmed the documents by consulting other sources."

The analysis zeroes in on the fundamental question raised by the incriminating documents:

The problem is that the documents, if real, would undercut Iran's argument that its nuclear ambitions are entirely peaceful, centering on the production of radioisotopes for medicine and electrical power for economic growth.

Expertise in warhead design, as opposed to atomic fuel production, is far more ephemeral and hard to track. It can also be less ambiguous. Some nuclear parts have application only to making weapons, such as neutron spark plugs at the core of some atom bombs. In contrast, uranium can fuel both nuclear arms and reactors that make electricity — it can light cities or annihilate them.

Without full knowledge of Iran's past nuclear research—some of which could be ongoing secretly—there is no way to verify that Iran's nuclear program is only for civilian purposes. As Omri Ceren, The Israel Project's managing director for press and strategy, explained for The Tower last October, establishing the full extent of Iran's past nuclear research is essential to establishing a baseline for effective verification that Iran has no military nuclear program. The Israel Project publishes The Tower.

At stake are international concerns over the so-called possible military dimensions (PMDs) of the Iranian nuclear program, the central significance of which has sometimes been underplayed by voices within the foreign policy community. While the P5+1 is charged with negotiating over Iran's uranium work, its plutonium work, and its ballistic missile work – all of which the Iranians are obligated by half a dozen United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions to roll back – the IAEA seeks to establish the scope of Iran's overall atomic program, including in those three more specific areas.

The mandate stretches beyond full-blown weaponization work, and into military involvement in uranium mining, centrifuge construction, and so on. Full Iranian disclosure is considered a minimum to establishing a robust verification regime: The IAEA can't verify that Iran has met its obligations to limit uranium work, for instance, unless it knows the full scope of the uranium work that's being done. PMD-related transparency is seen as not just another issue – say, one that Iran could refuse to trade away by making concessions in other areas – but as a prerequisite to verifying Iranian compliance across all issues.

Acknowledging the full extent of its past nuclear research and current secret research is essential for Iran to show that it has no hidden military nuclear program. But as a former administration official told The New York Times at the time the Joint Plan of Action was signed:

There is no evidence of those facilities now, but, as a former senior Obama administration official said recently, speaking anonymously to discuss intelligence, "there has never been a time in the past 15 years or so when Iran didn't have a hidden facility in construction."

Additionally, the The New York Times reported last November:

The American officials are highly attuned to the findings of a once-classified 2007 National Intelligence Estimate that concluded that Iran ended its headlong race for a bomb in late 2003. But it also concluded that smaller-scale activity continued, and warned that "Iran probably would use covert facilities — rather than its declared nuclear sites — for the production of highly enriched uranium for a weapon."

This underscores the significance of Amano's declaration in late January (and repeated last week by the IAEA):

As far as Iran is concerned, the Agency is able to verify the non-diversion of nuclear material declared to us by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement.

But we are not in a position to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Washington Secrets: White House

Vacationer in chief: Tens of millions spent on 38 Obama holidays

By Paul Bedard  | March 7, 2015

(Everyone deserves some time off... even the President.  But what Obama's have done is downright criminal.  This is a perfect example of what happens when you give an idiot a credit card with no limit.
Clown Obozo and his wife, Chewbacca, need to be brought up on theft charges.  They are stealing from the US taxpayer with little oversight.  Kinda reminds me how the Clintons looted the White House when they left...)

The first family, Michelle Obama fresh from her annual Aspen ski vacation with her daughters, and President Obama back from a weekend of golf in sunny Palm Springs, Calif., have spent tens of millions in tax dollars to vacation, and they still have two more years to go, according to an accounting of their trips.

As the first lady readies for a trip to Japan and Cambodia this month, Secrets calculated that the first family has racked up 38 holidays, working vacations, and fun trips like a date night in New York. They are on par to take at least 45 holidays before leaving office.

RELATED: Obama spent more for dinner in Hawaii than his SOTU tax credit for families

RELATED: Michelle Obama to spring break in Japan, Cambodia

First lady Michelle Obama with her daughters, Sasha and Malia, in China last year. (White House Photo)

Costs are hard to pin down, and most come as a result of Freedom of Information Act suits from taxpayer watchdog Judicial Watch which pegged the Obama-Biden vacation tab at $40 million last year. That was before first lady and daughters took spring break in China, and the first family's annual summer vacation in Martha's Vineyard, Christmas in Hawaii, and this year's holidays.

For just a handful of trips, the Air Force and Department of Homeland Security have complied with the FOIA cases, but the costs of security, prepositioning of aircraft, staff housing and transportation and communications are typically not disclosed and are always covered by the government for every single president.

For example, Judicial Watch FOIA suits for just two vacations in 2013 produced flight costs of $5,250,624. But undisclosed are, for example, the costs of a trip to China last year by Michelle, her mom Marian Robinson and daughter Sasha and Malia.

Fishing guide Dan Vermillion reacts as President Obama almost hooks a trout in August 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

"The Obamas are abusing the public trust and the taxpayers with unnecessary luxurious vacations and travel," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in releasing those details of flight charges to Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii. "These staggering costs show why these documents were covered up and we had to sue in federal court to get them. Another transparency fail for the Obama gang."

The White House argues that personal costs are covered by the first family, but critics say that those costs are a miniscule amount of any trip. And critics of stories like this one argue that presidents need to take breaks and their work never ends, even on holiday.

While former President George W. Bush took more vacation days than the estimated 175 by the Obamas, critics slap Obama because most of Bush's vacations were taken at his ranch in Texas, not the lavish digs he prefers in places like Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. He has also criticized the rich.

CBS White House Reporter Mark Knoller, the unofficial presidential record keeper, calclates that the president has taken 22 vacation trips spanning all or part of 160 days.

First couple leaving Marine One to hop on Air Force One for a date night to New York in May 2009. (AP Photo)

Our number is adjusted to include separate trips by the first lady and their daughters, Sasha and Malia, as well as quick trips like their May 30, 2009 date night to New York City and last year's trip to New York to attend the wedding of former personal chef Sam Kass.

What's more, White House reporters told Secrets that some trips by the first lady and daughters are kept secret from the media, so a full accounting is difficult.

First lady, her mother and daughters visit the Eiffel Tower in June 2009.

Our list below also omits the many dozens of days the president spent golfing, about 220 since taking office.

RELATED: Michelle Obama dodges accident to hit Aspen's ski slopes

RELATED: Zogby Report Card: Vacation, staying out of headlines, helps Obama


Feb. 13-16, the first family travels to Chicago. President plays some basketball and takes Michelle out for Valentine's Day dinner at a restaurant run by one of Oprah's former personal chefs.

May 30, the first couple travel to NYC for a date night where they saw "Joe Turner's Come and Gone."

June 3-9, on a working trip to the Middle East and Europe, the Obama family takes in the sights, including a visit to the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

August 14-16, the president goes fly fishing in Montana. He didn't catch any but caught on to casting fast.
They family continued on to Yellowstone National Park and other sights.

August 23-30, the Obama's start their first vacation on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., staying in an oceanfront home that rents for more than $35,000 a week.

Dec. 24-Jan. 3, the first Obama presidential Christmas in Hawaii where they stayed in an $8.9 million home.


March 20-24, Michelle, Sasha, Malia, mom Marian Robinson and some pals to New York City for Broadway shows, a tour of the Empire State Building lunch at the Russian Tea Room.

April 23–25, President and Mrs. Obama in Asheville, N.C. for a weekend holiday.

May 27-31, Obama skipped the traditional Memorial Day speech at Arlington National Cemetery and traveled home to Chicago. He spoke instead at a smaller military cemetery.

July 17-18, a family vacation with first pup Bo in Bar Harbor, Maine.

August 4-8, Michelle Obama, daughter Sasha and an entourage travel to Spain. Judicial Watch pegged the cost at $467,000.

August 3-4, Obama in Chicago alone to celebrate his 49th birthday.

August 14-15, the first family vacations on Florida's Gulf Coast to show support for locals hit by the BP oil spill.

August 19-29, the first family is in Martha's Vineyard for their second summer vacation.

Dec. 23-Jan. 2 in Hawaii for their second presidential Christmas vacation in a $3,500 a night home.

RELATED: Obamas dine at restaurant with $500k membership fee


Feb. 19-21, Michelle, Sasha and Malia travel to Vail to ski and hit a restaurant that served pickled pumpkin salad and braised ancho-chile short rib.

March 21-25, Obama, Michelle, Sasha and Malia, on spring break, on a working vacation to Latin America were the girls took in Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue.

Aug. 16-28, for the first family's third summer vacation on Marthas Vineyard.

Dec. 23-Jan. 2 in Hawaii for Christmas and a 10-day break.


Feb. 17-19, Michelle and her daughters traveled to Aspen to ski.

March, Malia traveled to Mexico with friends. Judicial Watch said basic costs totaled $115,500.

Dec. 22-26 the Obama's spend Christmas in Hawaii. The president cut his part short to return home to negotiate the "fiscal cliff" with Congress.


Feb. 15-18, Michelle Obama and her two daughters ski in Aspen, Co.

Feb. 16-18, President Obama flew to Palm Springs, Ca., for three days of golf.

March 2013, Sasha and Malia Obama were vacationing at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas.

June 17-18, while the president was at a summit in Ireland, Michelle and her daughters did some sightseeing that cost an additional $251,000, according to Judicial Watch.

June 26–July 2, Michelle toured African nations with Sasha and Malia after meeting up with president.

Aug. 10-18, the fourth summer vacation in Martha's Vineyard.

Dec. 20-Jan. 6, for 17 days in Hawaii for Christmas.


Feb. 14-17, Michelle Obama with daughters Sasha and Malia for a ski vacation in Aspen, Co.

Feb. 14-16, Obama golfed in Palm Springs, Ca. and also met with King Abdullah II of Jordan. Judicial Watch said the flight cost was $2,066,594.

March 8-9, the president and first lady traveled to Key Largo, Fla., for a golfing vacation.

March 19-26, Michelle Obama, her mom and daughter Sasha and Malia spend a spring break in China.

Aug. 9-24, the first family their fifth summer vacation on Martha's Vineyard, staying in a seven-bedroom, 9-bathroom, 8,100-square-foot home they rented by the Vineyard Sound.

August 30, the president makes a special trip to New York to attend the wedding of his family's former personal chef, Sam Kass.

Dec. 19-21, a 17-day Christmas vacation in Hawaii


Feb. 14-16, Michelle Obama and daughters ski in Aspen, Co.

Feb. 15-17, President Obama traveled again to Palm Springs for a boys weekend of golf.

RELATED: Taxpayers get stuck with $6.2 million tab for just 3 Obama vacations; $40m over 6 years

RELATED: GOP: Obama only interested in 'playing pool, drinking beers'

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Can we finally—finally!—be done with the Clintons?

by Kevin D. Williamson = March 8, 2015

(You gotta say one thing about the Clintons and their toadies... they stay on script very well.  So we've seen the other guys are doing it too opening gambit.  Then yesterday we See Carville going onto the right wing conspiracy "we're the victims here" act.  And shortly we'll be getting to the "this is so yesterday... time to move on" closing act.  Will the MSM - who seems to be showing some actual journalistic skepticism, albeit reluctantly... let them get away with yet again?  We'll see....)

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton schemed to subvert record-keeping and transparency rules for reasons that are probably more or less communicated by her surname: The Clintons are creeps and liars and scoundrels and misfits, always have been, always will be. They are the penicillin-resistant syphilis of American politics. The Democrats' response to Herself's trouble has taken three main forms: 1) What she did wasn't technically illegal, say David Brock and other slavish Clinton retainers, even hauling out that old Al Gore classic, "no controlling legal authority"; 2) What about Scott Walker, huh? say the Democratic-party operators, pointing out that as a county executive Walker also used a private email system — and, to be honest, Walker's response to the terrorist assault on Milwaukee County's consulate in Benghazi has never been explained to my satisfaction; and 3) the president repeats his favorite mantra: Wuddint me! As Politico put it: "White House press secretary Josh Earnest took care to point out that Obama himself was unaware of any issues with Clinton's email." And that declaration from the president's wildly inaptronymic spokesweasel might very well be true: The president has minions for that sort of thing. But he is responsible for the conduct of his minions, and it is impossible to believe that none of them knew about Mrs. Clinton's "homebrew" email system, because that would require us to believe that nobody ever said, "Hey, CC the secretary of state personally on that internal memo," or "Email the secretary of state about that meeting." Oh, but the president, our national lightworker, he didn't know!

One of the unfortunate facets of our increasingly religious attitude toward the presidency is that we invest the question of whether the divine imperator himself was aware of a situation with great moral weight: Not a sparrow falls, etc. Still, we call it an "administration" for a reason, and Barack Obama is the chief administrator of the executive branch. But he sits in a lofty place, and the principle of fecal gravity must be intensely attractive when viewed from such a great height. The White House has in fact known about this for some time, since August at least. And it may be the case that Barack Obama is getting the hang of this presidency thing: His team says it learned about the problem when House Republicans requested information related to the Benghazi attack, which is a step up from learning about the IRS's campaign of political persecution and the horrific mistreatment of American veterans and the cover-up of same — and the Justice Department's going all Gestapo on The Associated Press, and the Fast and Furious scandal, and the NSA's snooping on Angela Merkel — on the evening news. "The expectation of the president is that everybody throughout his administration is acting in compliance with the Federal Records Act," Earnest said. Not that the president or any of his minions would do anything so radical as take proactive steps to ensure that the nation's chief diplomat is following the law. The law does not really apply at the top — Lois Lerner and the rest of the criminals at the IRS aren't going to jail, they're cashing six-figure checks, with bonuses, for pity's sake.

When Obamacare hits the skids, the president just makes up new law as he goes along. Hillary Clinton runs amok with no real consequence. On the larger scale, the federal government spends a generation failing to enforce its immigration laws and, once the problem has become large enough, simply decides — presto-change-o! — that that which was a serious crime is retroactively hunky-dory.

Your life probably is not very much like that. Mine isn't. I bought a car not long ago, and I probably had to fill out 30 different forms and get three or four kinds of government permission before I was permitted to legally operate my own vehicle. There was no "the expectation of the DMV is that everybody driving a car is acting in compliance with our rules" — they wanted proof of insurance beforehand. Get caught without it and there's no drawn-out year-long process of the government waiting for you to get around to sorting out your affairs — they just take your car, seize your assets, or haul you off to jail, depending on the seriousness of the transgression. Exercise your constitutional right to own a firearm — it's right there in the Bill of Rights — and there is no "expectation" that you're legally clear to do so: You have to prove it. It's easy to enforce the law on people who are inclined to be law-abiding, which means those of us in the middle, mainly: We have enough to lose that there's a real cost to breaking the rules, but we don't have so much that we can conduct our personal and professional lives as though we had sovereign immunity.

The people in the middle cannot go about their ordinary business — working at a job, driving a car, renting or owning a home, traveling — without preemptively complying with all manner of government mandates. But millions of illegals can flout the law with impunity — and their well-off enablers in Washington can flout the law with impunity, too. When the law does not apply to the lawmakers and law-enforcers, you are not being governed: You are being ruled. And we are ruled by criminals. If you treat IRS rules the way the IRS treats IRS rules, you go to prison; if you treat federal law the way the secretary of state does, you go to prison.

If you treat immigration controls the way our immigration authorities do, you go to prison. If you're as careless in your handling of firearms as the ATF is, you go to prison. You cook your business's books the way the federal government cooks its books, you go to prison. Hillary Clinton is not going to prison. She's going to release whatever emails she feels like releasing and dare any of you peons or your elected representatives to try to make her do otherwise. You'll take what she offers, and you'll like it. The perverse thing is: Some do like it. The Clinton name remains golden among Democrats. A self-respecting people would have sent this clan of scrofulous grifters and po-faced con artists into whatever passes for exile (comfortable exile, of course) in the 21st century. Instead, we are giving them a serious shot at a return to the White House.

At least this time, we'll know to keep an eye on the silver.

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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