This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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How Obama got to keep his illegal immigration funding.
It's an ugly picture!

A RHINO kissing a Jack Ass.


New Ethics Watchdog Files Preliminary FEC Complaint on Catalist, Major Democratic Operations

(Hillary Clinton & George Soros, what a pair... after these and Hilly's e-mail charges, she will be lucky to be president of cell-block #40...  does
Gen. David Petraeus ring a bell, Hilly?? ....)

Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied Hillary's State Department

FACT Calls for Investigation into Unlawful and Unethical Behavior by Leftist Groups

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), a new non-partisan government and political accountability organization based in Washington, D.C., filed a complaint with the Federal Election Committee (FEC) Wednesday requesting further investigation of the Democratic data firm, Catalist, and its unlawful and unethical affiliations with several prominent party organizations, campaigns, labor unions and federal agencies. The Washington, D.C.-based group, led by former U.S. Attorney Matthew G. Whitaker, believes that numerous election laws have been broken over the course of nearly a decade.

The 29-page document filed by FACT details potential wrongdoing by Catalist and numerous Democratic campaigns, political parties, for-profit entities and political non-profits, alleging:
•Catalist appears to have made and the Democratic political party committees and federal campaign committees appear to have received impermissible, excessive and unreported contributions in the form of in-kind data services from Catalist, including providing service at below fair market value. The company is engaging in patently unlawful political activity, as government contractors are prohibited from making such contributions. 

•Catalist's federal campaign committee, political party committee, labor union, other soft-money outside group clients and donors appear to have engaged in illegal coordination through Catalist, resulting in prohibited and excessive contributions.

•The Democratic National Committee appears to have established, financed, maintained and/or controlled Catalist, resulting in a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971's "soft money" ban for national political party committees.

"It is abundantly clear that Catalist and numerous Democratic organizations have operated outside of the law since its inception. FACT urges the Federal Election Commission to perform an immediate and thorough investigation into the behavior of these groups and, should they be found guilty of violating federal law, be punished swiftly for their wrongdoing," Whitaker said. "The illegal coordination of Catalist and those with whom they work is a shameful and regrettable reminder that some individuals in the political system believe they are above the law. They are not. The American public deserves better."

Clients and partners of Catalist spent more than $100 million in public communications and other reportable "independent expenditures" supporting Democratic candidates during the 2014 election cycle. The media has often touted the data work of Catalist as the primary reason Democrats have been successful in previous elections, such as the 2008 and 2012 victories of President Barack Obama.

Each of these charges, including supporting evidence, is contained within the FEC complaint. To obtain a full copy of the document registered Wednesday, February 18, 2015, please email Ellen Carmichael ( or Jessie Markell (

Hillary Clinton's Shadow Campaign Uses Catalist For Direct Mail Program

Ready For Hillary, the supposedly independent group that functions as Hillary Clinton's shadow presidential campaign, hired Catalist, a for-profit company that warehouses voter data for Democrat allies, for the group's direct mail program.

The super PAC's direct mail project — which also utilizes voter file data — went to the storied Democratic data outfit Catalist, according to sources with knowledge of the plans.

Longtime Clinton Ally Runs The Left's Big Data Operation Catalist

Longtime Clinton family confidant Harold Ickes founded Catalist, a company that could help Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign build a technology infrastructure similar to the one built by President Barack Obama's campaigns.

Catalist is not a pro-Clinton organization per se, although one of its founders was Harold Ickes, a longtime Clinton confidant. Its role has mainly been to work with the entire progressive community. But the group's resources could help a Clinton campaign jump-start the effort to build the kind of technology infrastructure that Obama and his team had years to work on between 2008 and 2012.

Catalist is funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, and builds and stores massive voter lists created by liberal outside groups.

Also last week came an announcement that billionaire George Soros will invest an additional $2.5 million in Catalist, a cutting-edge data "utility" that has built voter lists and helped many liberal organizations manage the huge amounts of data that are now a prerequisite for any campaign.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Watchdog Group Demands Holder Sue Clinton For Missing Emails ... Seriously

(Hands off the keyboard, don't erase the emails...)

Via Washington Examiner

In a new twist that threatens to divide top Obama officials, a watchdog group has demanded that Attorney General Eric Holder open an investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's missing emails.

And if that doesn't work, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust wants the Justice Department to sue to retrieve the emails that federal law requires be kept for historical and transparency purposes.

"The Federal Records Act does not create a private right of action under which citizens may directly enforce the law," said the new group that goes by the acronym FACT.

"The Attorney General's office, however, may bring suit to recover public records. Thus, it is in the public's interest the Office of the Attorney General initiate an action to recover all of Secretary Clinton's email correspondence from her private account during the time she served as Secretary of State," they said in a letter sent to Holder and provided to Secrets.

FACT Executive Director Matthew G. Whitaker also delivered a Freedom of Information Act request to the State Department demanding copies of "emails that Secretary Clinton sent or received on any email accounts she utilized for State Department business."

Another watchdog group, Judicial Watch, is also considering legal action to recover Clinton's emails.[...]

Whitaker raised three concerns in his letter to Holder:

• It is initially troubling that the State Department was aware and permitted Secretary Clinton to solely use a private email account to conduct State Department business, tacitly approving of the practice and failing to ensure records were properly maintained.

• Additionally, the use of the private email system could be an attempt to avoid compliance with federal law, i.e. failing to maintain public records in violation of the Federal Records Act and avoiding disclosure of public records under the Freedom of Information Act.

• In addition to not being properly maintained or disclosed as required by law, use of the private email system also raises serious security concerns.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: jarhead on February 19, 2015, 04:32:52 PM
I've come to think that you're a pretty smart ol guy so maybe you can answer my question. If a Capt. is  incompetent, he is relieved of his command as the company Skipper---a Col. can be relieved of his command as Bn. commander for being incompetent---and so on. Is there not a "rule", a "law" or anything to relieve our CiC for being grossly incompetent ? I'm serious---isn't there something ??

Jar... In answer to your question,  Buttrack Insane Obuma is immune from impeachment.  Unless he rapes and murders a nun front of twenty witnesses on Times Square, there is no chance he will ever be removed from office, despite many questionable deeds and/or omissions that may have constituted violations of his oath of office.  No court, military or civilian, would take him down.  For Buttrack Insane Obuma, it doesn't matter.


Because he is black.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Most Republicans have recognized played the black minority thing since 1865, and some of them a few years earlier.  I'm thinking that Harriet Beecher Stowe was a Republican.  Bob Dole is.

Obama is an good example of Republican doctrine and of course the reconstructed Democratic Party is a Republican product too.  Republican patriotism.  Tyrants.  That's how we got to where we are today.

Just my thoughts on the matter and I don't watch the evening news, FOX News channel nor do I listen to Rush Limbaugh.


Pissed Off Rednecks
Jamie Jones
This song has gone viral on the internet.


Lincoln said it in 1859. 

Slick Willie can even talk "Southern" but it doesn't mean anything.  Before Obama was elected he talked a lot about transparency in government but it never meant anything.

Just saying . . . . well, you know what I mean.

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