This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Imam 'Lurch' Kerry Cited For Not Shoveling Snow, Will Gladly Pay Fine
And Wait For Global Warming To Melt The Snow

(Shoveling snow is for the tax payers...)

Via The Hill

Secretary of State John Kerry was ticketed Thursday for not shoveling the snow outside his Boston home.

About six inches of snow accumulated on the sidewalk outside Kerry's primary residence in Louisburg Square on Wednesday. A city report posted Thursday said a ticket had been issued for the unshoveled powder after a citizen filed a complaint.

Boston saw more than two feet of snow this past week during Winter Storm Juno that pounded the Northeast. The city's 24.6 inches was the sixth most ever recorded, according to the National Weather Service.

A State Department spokesperson told The Boston Herald that Kerry "will gladly pay the ticket."

The pair bought the home in 1995 for $1.7 million, according to real estate site Zillow. The 8,000-plus-square-foot five-story brick rowhouse on Beacon Hill was built in 1899 and includes a private elevator. Property records peg the property's worth at upwards of $11.5 million.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Al Crapton Coming To Sarasota, FL For His State Of The Skittles Update

(Al wants to relive his younger days from when his head was smaller...)

Via Herald Tribune

One of the nation's most well known, and controversial, civil rights activists the Rev. Al Sharpton Jr. is coming to Sarasota.

Sharpton, also a television and radio personality, is scheduled to give a keynote address to the Howard Club of Southwest Florida's 10th annual scholarship luncheon on March 28.

"We've had some successful luncheons in the past, but we wanted to step out this year and get a real A-lister," said Clarence Rogers, president of the Howard Club, which works to raise money to help high school students in southwest Florida attend Howard University in Washington, D.C.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I hope all of you enjoy this sign.
Be sure to read to the end!!
Yep ! Hope business succeeds !

This sign was prominently displayed in front of a
Business in Florida and you are probably outraged
At the thought of such an inflammatory sign.
However, we are a society which holds Freedom of
Speech as perhaps one of our greatest liberties.
And after all, it is only a sign, right?
You may ask: "What kind of business would dare
Post such a sign?"
Answer: A Funeral Home!
You gotta love it!!!


New Legislation Introduced to Stop DHS "Catch and Release"
Policy For Dangerous Criminal Aliens

(Finally a bit of sanity - dare we hope they will follow through on this and move to recapture the dangerous thugs Obama let loose upon us?  It's a start.  Congress is long overdue in exercising its Executive Agency oversight authority.  I say lets drop them from a helicopter over their home country.  That way their country has to take them back and I am pretty sure they won't be returning.  Especially if it is done from 3000 ft...

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that... too inhumane. 

Better yet, when their home countries won't take them back, we just put em' in the cargo hold of the next C-17 on it's way to the middle east and drop em' from 32,000 ft. into the sandbox.  Problem solved...)

Via Townhall:

The Department of Homeland Security currently has a policy in place known as "catch and release," meaning violent illegal aliens are arrested, processed and put back onto American streets if their home countries won't take them back.

According to Judicary Comimittee Chairman Chuck Grassley's office, the policy was "created by a 2001 Supreme Court decision (Zadvydas v. Davis), which prohibits immigrants who had been ordered removed from being detained for more than six months. The Court expanded this decision to apply to all illegal immigrants in Clark v. Martinez in 2005."

This catch and release policy is not only demoralizing to Immigration and Border Patrol Agents, but it's dangerous and deadly. There are countless examples of violent assault and murders committed by illegal aliens after being arrested and released by federal authorities.

A man accused of shooting a convenience store employee in Mesa, Arizona last Thursday faced deportation proceedings for two years prior to his arrest, authorities announced Tuesday.

After being convicted for facilitating a second-degree burglary, 29-year-old Apolinar Altamirano was released on a $10,000 bond in January 2013, the Arizona Republic reports. Since then, Altamirano, who has claimed ties to the Mexican Mafia, has been the subject of two separate injunctions for harassment because of death threats, but has not been detained. 

Newly re-introduced legislation, the Keep Our Communities Safe Act, would put an end to at least one type of catch a release policy by extending the amount of time DHS can detain "non-removable" illegal aliens whose home countries won't accept them. The legislation is co-sponsored by senators Jim Inhofe, David Vitter, Jeff Sessions, Chuck Grassley and Ted Cruz. 

The Keep Our Communities Safe Act would allow the Department of Homeland Security to detain non-removable immigrants beyond six months if:

the alien will be removed in the reasonably foreseeable future;

the alien would have been removed but for the alien's refusal to make all reasonable efforts to comply and cooperate with the agency's efforts to remove him;

the alien has a highly contagious disease;

release would have serious adverse foreign policy consequences;

release would threaten national security; or

release would threaten the safety of the community and the alien either is an aggravated felon or has committed a crime of violence.

According to Grassley's office, more than 36,000 criminally convicted illegal aliens were released in 2013. Since their release, 1,000 of these criminal aliens have been convicted of crimes like assault with a deadly weapon, child-rape, rape, participating in street gangs, aggravated assault, robbery, DUI, terroristic threats and more.

"The Zadvydas decision ties the hands of the federal government, forcing law enforcement to release dangerous criminals onto our streets because their home country won't allow them back. The Obama administration has relied upon this ruling to release thousands of criminally convicted aliens, yet they've done nothing to fix the problem. This legislation corrects a very real problem with serious public safety implications," Grassley said in a statement.

POS Obuma Frees Thousands of Foreign Rapists and Murders... watch Video:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Jordan To ISIS: If You Kill Our Airman, We'll Execute Captive Terrorists

(Thinking it's very likely they already killed the Jordanian airman, but good on Jordan for telling them off.   Check the sweetheart in the photo above that ISIS wants freed...)

Via NY Post:

Jordan has ramped up its threats to execute a terrorist whom the Islamic State wants set free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, according to a report.

Jordanian officials said would-be bomber Sajida al-Rishawi and other Islamic State fighters would be "quickly judged and sentenced" if Muath al-Kaseasbeh is killed, the Daily Mail reported.

The deadline for a possible prisoner swap passed Thursday with no word from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, about the fates of al-Kaseasbeh or fellow hostage Kenji Goto of Japan.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Despite Protesters, Texas Muslims Say They Are Proud Of Their 'Amazing Community'

(I never thought I would see "Texas Muslim" in a headline. 
Time to play cowboys and mulsims, people.  How about the one in the cowboy hat and hi-heels?  Giddyup...)


Buses from across the state carried several hundred Texas Muslims, many of them first-time visitors, to the state Capitol Thursday. They were met by a small but boisterous group of protesters — and harsh words from at least one legislator.

Before sunrise Thursday, a few dozen Muslims, including students from a parochial school called Radiant Stem Academy, readied for prayers at the Islamic Center of Irving.

Did you pray yet?" one fifth grader says.

After a few minutes, a young boy takes charge, and prayers begin. Later, on the bus to Austin, the kids relax.

"There's even a bathroom on the back!" says another student. In front of the bus is Saif Islam. He's excited about his first trip to the Capitol.

"I'm passionate about my right as a citizen of the United States, as a Muslim, to know what I should be doing, so I can contribute in a positive way," Islam says.

He and busloads of Muslims from at least five other cities participated in what's called Texas Muslim Capitol Day, a regular event sponsored by the local chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The idea is to show young people and adults how to participate in democracy.[...]

As the visitors arrived to the south steps of the Capitol, they saw a few dozen protesters carrying signs that said "Save America" and "Go Home, Take Obama With You."

Some shouted "Jesus" and "No Sharia." They tried to drown out speeches by the Muslim constituents.

Rick Ellis is a native of Fort Worth, and now lives just east of Waco. His sign read "Jesus Christ is Lord."

"Sharia law violates the rights of persons," he says. "We do not violate the rights of another person. They violate all over the world ... whenever they deal with that ... clean the trash out of their own mosques, then they can come lecture me as an American."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


NY Man Somehow Wins $5K Settlement After He Attacked Cops With A Machete

(Start spreading the news
I am leaving today
I [don't]want to be a part of it
New York, New York...)

Via Truth Revolt

Ruhim Ullah, 24, was shot by police officers in 2010 while waving an 18-inch blade at them and later sued the NYPD for $3 million. He was just awarded $5,000 in a settlement.

According to the NY Post, Ullah pleaded guilty to the 2010 confrontation when an officer shot him in the leg, stopping him from attacking other officers. Despite a guilty plea, Ullah still went ahead with the civil suit that claimed wrongdoing in his arrest, ultimately winning the $5,000 settlement.

"In light of all of the circumstances, the city concluded that this agreement to settle was in the city's best interest," said city Law Department spokesman Nick Paolucci.

One law enforcement source called the settlement "sickening" and believes that with Ullah's admission of guilt, the civil suit should not have happened.

"It's sickening," said the source. "This man pleaded guilty to a serious crime. That should have been enough to erase the civil suit."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


NYC And DOJ Funded Legal Services Organization Involved In Video Inciting Killing Of Police

VIDEO: Uncle Murda & Maino "Hands Up" (Eric Garner Tribute) 

(I always want to stay stunning, then I have to remember who is in charge.  Then it's just another day in Obuma's America...)

Via WSJ:

Staff members at a Bronx public-defenders organization took part in a rap video advocating the killing of police officers and later attempted to mislead city officials about the organization's involvement, according to the New York City Department of Investigation.

In a report released Thursday, the DOI said two staff attorneys at the Bronx Defenders—a nonprofit group that receives public funds for its advocacy and legal representation for indigent defendants—appeared in a video called "Hands Up," in which men are shown pointing a gun at an individual portraying an officer.

The two lawyers had encouraged the organization to participate in the music video after being approached by the company producing the video, according to the report.

The Bronx Defenders' offices appear in the video and its name appeared as a sponsor in the credits in an earlier version of the video, city officials said.

Once it was discovered and the city started investigating, then members of the organization purportedly lied to the investigators.

Not only is this organization funded by NYC taxpayers, but it's also American taxpayer funded through an Eric Holder Justice Department grant. According to New American, the DOJ gave this organization $1.5 million.

So here's a question, since Bronx Defenders were featured in the video and listed as a 'sponsor', how much DOJ grant money/NYC taxpayer money was funneled toward this film? Was this film part of the grant money given them?

The DOJ grant was allegedly part of an Edward Byrne Memorial Assistance Grant. Edward Byrne was a young NYPD officer who was assassinated on the job as he stood watch over a man who had been threatened.

The primary concept of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program was established via the Department of Justice is to enhance officer safety via equipment, technology and training.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


From my e-mail inbox:

From: Western Journalism
Date: 1/30/2015 10:42:52 AM
To: ross
Subject: Boehner And McConnell In Cahoots With Obama?

House GOP Votes To Deny Obama's Executive Amnesty... But Senate Planning A Betrayal.

       They honestly believe that you are stupid... Even though the House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a bill that defunds Barack Obama's Imperial Amnesty Decree, GOP elites are working behind the scenes to ensure that the bill stays on Mitch McConnell's desk and dies an unceremonious death.

       And, in the meantime, GOP elites in Congress are advancing another bill (the ill-named Secure Our Border First Act of 2015) that they're deceptively promoting as a "border security bill"... but don't be fooled... this alternate bill does NOTHING to advance a secure border and actually allocates even more taxpayer money to advance amnesty. As a matter of fact, it may very well be the mother of all amnesty bills.

       However... there is hope... Since this bait-and-switch plot relies upon deception... since it relies upon them believing that they've pulled the wool over your eyes... you can stop it from ever seeing the light of day, by making sure that our elected officials know, in no uncertain terms, that you are on to their little scheme... and to make that happen, we need to send an avalanche of Blast Faxes and phone calls to our elected officials right now.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Send My Faxes

       Yes, as much as we hate to report it. GOP elites essentially baited you with a bill that defunds Barack Obama's Imperial Amnesty Decree and intend to switch it with a fake "border security" bill that actually funds even more amnesty.

       Don't take our word for it. Some conservatives have already taken notice of what is happening and are sounding the alarm:

       - Patrick Brennan with National Review Online (NRO) writes: "About a week ago, House Republicans passed a funding bill that aimed to block President Obama's de facto amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. Already, GOP leadership wants to abandon that bill and replace it with a 'Plan B,' which has the unfortunate flaw of not being a plan to stop the amnesty at all."

       - Jessica Vaughan with the Center for Immigration Studies says: "They think that by putting forward a fake border security bill, that will satisfy the public and rank-and-file members of the House and dissolve any objections to the other immigration expansion bills that they want to pass... I really think they just want to make a show of passing enforcement bills."

       - Conservative icon Gary Bauer recently said: "There are disturbing reports from Capitol Hill that the so-called border security bill currently being drafted by the House Homeland Security Committee represents a step backwards."

       But this fake border security bill is much more than a "step backwards." As a matter of fact, you ain't seen nothin' yet:

       - The Daily Caller reports: "The new border bills drafted by Republican leaders require the actual removal of at least 66 miles of anti-pedestrian border fencing between laborers in Mexico and employers in the United States. The border bills also require the construction of only 27 miles of effective double-layer fencing along the 2,000-mile border."

       - Kenneth Palinkas, the president of a union representing 12,000 United States Citizenship and Immigration Service officials, says that this bait-and-switch bill "does nothing to preclude anyone in the world from turning themselves in at the U.S. border and obtaining automatic entry and federal benefits. Almost anyone at all can call themselves an asylum-seeker and get in; it's a global joke."

       You read that right, what GOP elites are touting as a border security bill actually tears down existing fencing and only requires that 27 miles of additional fencing be built and moreover, allows just about anyone to obtain automatic entry and benefits in the United States.

       Palinkas calls this betrayal a "global joke," but we're not laughing, and when we're done blowing out fax machines and crashing phone lines, no one in Washington is going to be laughing either.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Send My Faxes

Do These GOP Elites Honestly Believe They Can Get Away With It?

       The short answer is yes. Far too many politicians in Washington still subscribe to the ludicrous notion that you are either stupid or that you simply aren't paying attention to what is going on.

       And they honestly believe that they can force amnesty on you if they pass an amnesty bill under the guise of border security. After all, since they don't bother to actually read the legislation they pass, why should they believe that you bother to read the legislation that they pass.

       As radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh is fond of saying, politics in Washington D.C. is often a game of "how can we fool them again today."

       Even the left-wing website Politico was compelled to acknowledge the bait-and-switch: "Republican leaders hope to reach a deal... without making it appear to their right flank that they are caving to the White House."

       Well... this time around, they've been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. But these GOP elites aren't simply caving to Barack Obama... they're not reaching a deal... they're carrying his water.

       NRO reports: "A GOP staffer familiar with the proposal tells NRO that the bill is tantamount to a slush fund for the president's executive action on immigration: It proposes to spend $10 billion without doing anything to allow immigration officers to deport illegal immigrants."

       If the staffer referenced in the above quote from NRO is correct, that means that GOP elites not only want to give Barack Obama all the funding he needs to implement his unconstitutional amnesty decree by allowing the defunding bill to die in the Senate... They want to give him an additional 10 billion dollars to fund even more amnesty by passing this fake border security bill in its place.

       Republican elites are between a rock and a hard place. They want to accommodate the special interests with deep pockets who want amnesty but they know that patriotic Americans will scream bloody murder if they appear to push amnesty. Their solution: Pull the wool over your eyes and betray you.

       Remember, they sincerely believe that this little bait-and-switch scheme will only work as long as you are fooled by the sleight of hand.

       And now that we've caught them red-handed, the task before us is simple. If enough of us let them know that there will be hell to pay should they betray the American people, they WILL do the right thing... and that means that the future of this great nation, at this very moment, is in your hands.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Send My Faxes


Scott Walker Leads GOP In Iowa Poll, Hillary Up Over Warren By 40 Points

(A young decent candidate will really show Hillary for the tired lack of choice she is...)

Via Politico:

Scott Walker and Rand Paul are ahead of the GOP pack in Iowa, while Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Ted Cruz are lagging behind at single digits, according to a new poll released Saturday.

The survey conducted for Bloomberg Politics and the Des Moines Register showed Walker at 15 percent among Republican caucus-goers, Paul at 14 percent, and Mike Huckabee, the 2008 victor in Iowa, at 10 percent. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson was the first choice of 9 percent of respondents.

Other big-name contenders fared poorly: Bush was the first choice of just 8 percent of Republican voters, while Cruz registered at 5 percent and Christie at 4 percent. Rick Santorum, who narrowly won the caucuses in 2012, notched 4 percent, and Marco Rubio and Rick Perry each garnered 3 percent.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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