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Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Horrific Torture Report Shows Why Much Of The World Considers America To Be The Nazis Of The 21st Century


(The host of this site... isn't a liberal.  War is hell.  In Hell there are no rules)

By Michael Snyder, on December 9th, 2014

Good guys do not sadistically torture people.  Good guys do not threaten to sexually abuse the family members of their prisoners, and they certainly do not forcibly ram things up the rear ends of those in their custody.  One of the greatest dangers that our country is facing is the fact that we are not passing on what it means to be "American" to future generations.  Once upon a time, Americans were the good guys.  But now, instead of fighting the Nazis we are behaving just like them.  The details of the Senate torture report that was just released are almost too horrifying to talk about.  We must talk about them though, because we are losing our soul as a nation.  So please be warned – this article is going to be quite graphic.  The reason for this is so that we can all take a long, hard, honest look at what we have become.  After everything that has happened, top politicians from both political parties are still standing up and defending those that conducted and authorized this torture.  The rest of the world is watching this, and the number of people that are absolutely convinced that America is pure evil is growing by the day.  By not loudly condemning this torture and bringing the perpetrators to justice, we add fuel to the fire of those that hate this country, and we make it more likely that Americans will be targets of violence all over the planet.

There are very few people that are more outspoken about the evil of Islamic terrorism than I am.  But there is no way that we will ever defeat Islamic terrorists by becoming just like them.

When I was growing up, I was taught that Americans never torture their prisoners.  That was something that the Russians, the Nazis, the Chinese and the North Koreans did.  We were the "good guys", and so I was taught that we always treated our prisoners humanely.

Oh how things have changed.

The following is a summary of some of the details from the Senate torture report that just came out.  As a nation, we should be deeply, deeply ashamed of what our government has been doing...

-We kept prisoners awake in "stress positions" for 180 hours

-We waterboarded prisoners until they started vomiting

-One prisoner died of hypothermia while chained to the floor

-At least five prisoners were subjected to a procedure known as "rectal feeding"

-Prisoners were routinely paraded around naked with their hands shackled above their heads

-One detainee was "chained to the ceiling, clothed in a diaper, and forced to go to the bathroom on himself"

-Prisoners were regularly subjected to mock executions during which they believed that they were about to be killed

-U.S. interrogators regularly threatened to physically harm, rape and sexually abuse the families of prisoners

And of course this report only focused on a small portion of the prisoner abuse that has been going on all over the world for more than a decade.

Once again, I want to warn you that the material in this next section is quite graphic.

But Americans need to be faced with the horrific truth.  That is the only way that things will ever change.

The sadistic behavior of American personnel at the Abu Ghraib Confinement Facility in 2003 is almost too horrible for words.  The following are highlights from an official U.S. Army report about the events that took place at that prison that you can find at 

Are these the kinds of things that "good guys" would do?...

*Punching, slapping, and kicking detainees; jumping on their naked feet

*Forcibly arranging detainees in various sexually explicit positions for photographing

*Forcing naked male detainees to wear women's underwear

*Forcing groups of male detainees to masturbate themselves while being photographed and videotaped

*Arranging naked male detainees in a pile and then jumping on them

*Positioning a naked detainee on a MRE Box, with a sandbag on his head, and attaching wires to his fingers, toes, and penis to simulate electric torture

*Placing a dog chain or strap around a naked detainee's neck and having a female Soldier pose for a picture

*A male MP guard having sex with a female detainee

*Using military working dogs (without muzzles) to intimidate and frighten detainees, and in at least one case biting and severely injuring a detainee

*Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees

*Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick

Have you seen enough yet?

But perhaps even more disturbing is the way that the rest of the country is responding to these revelations.

Where is the overwhelming public outrage?

Where are the calls for those involved in all of this torture to be fired from their jobs and arrested?

It has now been documented that the CIA blatantly lied to Congress and to the American people over and over about their sadistic torture of prisoners.

So who is being held accountable?

Who is losing their jobs at the CIA?

Who is going to prison?

Sadly, the truth is that this torture report will be "news" for about 48 hours and then it will disappear from the news cycle.

And Barack Obama sounds like he has absolutely no intention of ever holding anyone accountable for what happened.  The following is an excerpt from a statement that he just made regarding this terror report...

"No nation is perfect. But one of the strengths that makes America exceptional is our willingness to openly confront our past, face our imperfections, make changes and do better. Rather than another reason to refight old arguments, I hope that today's report can help us leave these techniques where they belong—in the past. Today is also a reminder that upholding the values we profess doesn't make us weaker, it makes us stronger and that the United States of America will remain the greatest force for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known."

The "greatest force for freedom and human dignity"?

He has got to be kidding us.

And of course people  such as Dick Cheney are staunchly defending the use of torture...
Former Bush vice president Dick Cheney staunchly defended the interrogation program, telling the New York Times it was 'absolutely, totally justified'.

He denied the CIA withheld any information, and emphasized the program had been vetted by the Justice Department.

'As far as I'm concerned, they ought to be decorated, not criticized,' he said of the CIA interrogators.

When our politicians make statements such as this, they make the world a more dangerous place for Americans.

Right now, there are hundreds of millions of people around the planet that truly believe that the United States is the most wicked nation on the globe.  And when we sadistically torture our prisoners, we give them a reason to feel that way.  Therefore they feel justified when they commit heinous acts of terror against us.

If we do not want the rest of the world to compare us to Nazi Germany, we have got to quit behaving like Nazi Germany.  And of course the torture of prisoners is just one area where this is true.  For many more, please see my previous article entitled "25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany".

Please share this article with as many people as you can.  I know that some of the material in this piece is quite graphic, but we have got to wake the American people up while we still have time.  Our nation is coming apart at the seams, and we desperately need a change in direction.

Comments, please.  What do you think about this?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany
Monday, November 24, 2014 12:13

By Michael Snyder, on February 15th, 2012

The United States of America is becoming more like Nazi Germany every single day.  In fact, the Nazification of America is almost complete.  The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you.  Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany.  Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty.  Under Adolf Hitler, Germany adopted socialism, dramatically increased government spending and raised taxes to astronomical levels.  Under Adolf Hitler, abortion became legal in Germany, the government took over health care and Christianity was pushed out of the public schools and out of public life.  To prove all of these points, I am going to use extensive quotes from two sources.  Kitty Werthmann was a child living a peaceful life in Austria when Hitler took over her nation.  Her eyewitness accounts about what life was like under Nazi Germany are invaluable.  In addition, I will also be quoting extensively from author Bruce Walker.  He is the author of a book entitled "The Swastika Against The Cross: The Nazi War On Christianity", and during his years of research he has uncovered some absolutely jaw dropping stuff.  After reading the information in the rest of this article, there should be no doubt that the United States is becoming just like Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany shows us what happens when the state becomes god.  Adolf Hitler was certainly more racist than the leaders of America are today, but other than that there are very few differences between the road that Adolf Hitler led Germany down and the path that the United States is being led down.
The following are 25 signs that America is rapidly becoming more like Nazi Germany....

#1 Nazi Germany was a totalitarian Big Brother police state that constantly monitored everything that German citizens did.

Today, the bureaucrats that run things in the United States are also absolutely obsessed with constantly trying to monitor us.  For example, there are now control freaks that inspect the lunches of preschool students in certain areas of the country in order to make sure that they contain the "right" foods....
A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because the school told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious.

The girl's turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the person who was inspecting all lunch boxes in the More at Four classroom that day.

The Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs – including in-home day care centers – to meet USDA guidelines. That means lunches must consist of one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables, even if the lunches are brought from home.

#2 Nazi officials often used their positions of power to force others to do dehumanizing things.

This is exactly what the TSA is doing today.  It would be really easy to imagine some Nazi military officers forcing a young woman to walk back and forth in front of them several times so that they could admire her form.  Well, that is what TSA agents are doing to American women today.  The following comes from a recent Wired article....

TSA agents in Dallas singled out female passengers to undergo screening in a body scanner, according to complaints filed by several women who said they felt the screeners intentionally targeted them to view their bodies.

One woman who flew out of Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport several months ago said a female agent sent her through a body scanner three times after the agent commented on her "cute" body.

#3 In Nazi Germany, even women and children were treated like dehumanized cattle.

Well, today schoolchildren are being strip-searched all over the United States.  Down in Georgia, one student was recently strip-searched by public school officials after another student falsely accused him of having marijuana.

Another student down in Albuquerque was recently forced to strip down to his underwear while five adults watched because he had $200 in his pocket.  The student was never formally charged with doing anything wrong.

#4 In Nazi Germany, authorities could stop you and search you at any time and for any reason.

In America that is not supposed to happen, but it is happening.  Last year, TSA "VIPR teams" conducted approximately 8,000 "unannounced security screenings" at subway stations, bus terminals, seaports and highway rest stops.

If you are not able to produce "your papers", there is a good chance that you will get thrown into prison in America.  For example, a 21-year-old college student named Samantha Zucker was recently arrested and put in a New York City jail for 36 hours just because she could not produce any identification for police.

#5 Under Adolf Hitler, there were massive increases in government spending.

According to eyewitness Kitty Werthmann, just about everyone was getting some sort of a handout from the German government....

Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.

Of course, as I have written about so many times before, this is the exact same thing that we are seeing in the United States today.

#6 Under Hitler, taxes were raised dramatically in order to pay for all of these social programs.

Kitty Werthmann says that "our tax rates went up to 80% of our income."
In the United States our tax rates have not gotten that bad yet, but when you total up all federal taxes, all state taxes, all local taxes, all property taxes and all sales taxes, there are a significant number of Americans that do pay more than 50% of their incomes in taxes.

#7 The economy of Nazi Germany was very highly socialized.

As Ludwig Von Mises once correctly observed, the German economy under Hitler was not capitalist at all....
What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.

The United States has not gotten to the level of Nazi Germany yet, but we do have a socialist president and back in 2009 the cover of Newsweek boldly proclaimed that "We Are All Socialists Now".

#8 In Nazi Germany, if you conducted business outside of the socialist paradigm you were heavily punished.

Well, the same thing is happening in the United States today.  For example, the FDA has been running elaborate entrapment schemes that are designed to entrap producers of raw milk.  Any "unauthorized commerce" is dealt with very strictly by the U.S. government these days.

#9 In Nazi Germany, government regulation of business got wildly out of control.

The following is eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann....
My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business.

If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.

Of course we all know about all of the ridiculous regulations that the U.S. government is burdening businesses with today.  In every day and age control freaks love to stick it to business people that are just trying to make a living.

#10 Under Hitler, free market capitalism was absolutely hated.

National Socialist theologian Gregor Strasser once stated the following....
We National Socialists are enemies, deadly enemies, of the present capitalist system with its exploitation of the economically weak ... and we are resolved under all circumstances to destroy this system.

And as I have written about previously, a lot of Barack Obama's strongest supporters are socialists and communists, and an increasing number of Americans are showing disdain for capitalism.  In fact, some recent polls show that young adults in America actually have a more favorable view of socialism than they do of capitalism.

#11 In Nazi Germany, the health care system was taken over by the government.

The following is more eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann....
Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.

Of course we all know what is going on in America today.  The government spends nearly half of all health care dollars and Obamacare is going to mean more government control over the health care system than ever before.

#12 Under Adolf Hitler, abortion was made "safe and legal" in Germany.

It turns out that Hitler was a huge fan of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.  And as I wrote about recently, it was Sanger that once said the following....
"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Hitler echoed this sentiment when he wrote the following in Mein Kampf....
"The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring. . . represents the most humane act of mankind."

After the Nazis came to power in 1933, abortion was very quickly legalized.  By 1935 there were approximately 500,000 abortions being performed in Germany every single year.

Yes, Hitler very much encouraged Aryan women to have as many children as possible.  But he also very much viewed abortion as a way to reduce "undesirable" populations.

Unfortunately, something very similar is happening today.  Abortion clinics are often located in the "poor" part of town, and a staggering 72 percent of Planned Parenthood's "customers" have incomes that are either equal to or beneath 150 percent of the federal poverty level.

#13 In Nazi Germany, killing the "defective", the "weak" and the "disabled" was considered to be a good thing because it made the German people "stronger".

Unfortunately, many in America today have fully embraced the eugenics principles which were so dominant in Nazi Germany.

A 3 year old girl named Amelia was recently denied a kidney transplant because she is considered to be "mentally retarded", and we all remember what happened to Terri Schiavo.

Not only that, the editorial page editor of the Detroit News recently proposed putting contraceptives into the drinking water in Michigan because the state has become a "breeding ground for poverty".
This kind of sick thinking is rapidly spreading in America, and that is a very frightening thing.

#14 In Nazi Germany, education was nationalized and God was kicked out of the schools.

The following is more eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann....
Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles, and had physical education.

Unfortunately, the exact same thing is happening to U.S. public schools.

#15 Under Adolf Hitler, God was mocked and religion was pushed out of every corner of public life.

Just check out the following information uncovered by author Bruce Walker....
The Nazi tract Gott und Volk was distributed in 1941, and it describes the life cycle of German youth in the future, who would:  "With parties and gifts the youth will be led painlessly from one faith to the other and will grow up without ever having heard of the Sermon on the Mount or the Golden Rule, to say nothing of the Ten Commandments... The education of the youth is to be confined primarily by the teacher, the officer, and the leaders of the party.  The priests will die out.  They have estranged the youth from the Volk.  Into their places will step the leaders.  Not deputies of God.  But anyway the best Germans.  And how shall we train our children?  Thus, as though they had never heard of Christianity!"

Once again, this parallels what we are seeing happen in America today.  Last year, a high school student in Southern California was suspended for two days because he had private conversations with his classmates during which he discussed Christianity.  He was also banned from bringing his Bible to school ever again.
For many more examples of this phenomenon, please see this article: "18 Examples Of How Christians Are Being Specifically Targeted By Big Brother".

#16 Adolf Hitler fully embraced the theory of evolution, and Darwinism provided the intellectual foundation for much of Nazism.

At a Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg in 1933, Hitler declared that "higher race subjects to itself a lower race . . .a right which we see in nature and which can be regarded as the sole conceivable right".
Hitler was obsessed with the "survival of the fittest" and he took this theory to its logical extremes.  The following is how one author put it....

"Hitler was influenced above all by the theories of the nineteenth-century social Darwinist school, whose conception of man as biological material was bound up with impulses towards a planned society. He was convinced that the race was disintegrating, deteriorating through faulty breeding as a result of a liberally tinged promiscuity that was vitiating the nation's blood. And this led to the establishment of a catalogue of 'positive' curative measures: racial hygiene, eugenic choice of marriage partners, the breeding of human beings by the methods of selection on the one hand and extirpation on the other"

But of course we have no problem with teaching this flawed theory to our children in the public schools of America today.

Haven't we learned anything from history?

#17 Under Adolf Hitler, the state started taking over the job of child care.

The following is more eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann....
When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology.
Of course this is exactly what is happening in America today.  Children are raised by day care centers and public schools, and most parents spend very little time with their own children.

#18 In Nazi Germany, it became fashionable to mock Christians and the Christian faith.

The following is more from author Bruce Walker....

By 1935, the virulently anti-Christian leader of the Hitler Youth, Baldur von Shirach issued a regulation that prohibited any child from belonging simultaneously to a church youth group and the Hitler Youth, and gradually membership in the Hitler Youth became almost obligatory – parents were told that their children would not get jobs in the civil service unless they belonged to the Hitler Youth and employers were told not to hire children who did not belong to the Hitler Youth.  Christian schoolchildren who did not belong to the Hitler Youth or its female counterpart were routinely beaten up by young Nazi thugs.

Boys inducted into the Hitler Youth were required to explicitly reject Christianity by oaths like this:  "German blood and Christian baptismal water are completely incompatible."  At Hitler Youth center at Halle, was the following prominent statement: "The Faith fanatics, who still to-day slide down on their knees with faces uplifted to heaven, waste their time in churchgoing and prayers, and have not yet understood that they are living on the earth and that therefore their task is of a thoroughly earthly kind.  All we Hitler people can still only look with the greatest contempt on those young people who still run to their silly Evangelical or Catholic Churches in order to vent their quite superstitious religious feelings."

Those that believe that the Nazis embraced Christianity are delusional.  The following are direct quotes out of Hitler Youth training manuals....

"Christianity is a religion of slaves and fools."
"How did Christ die?  Whining at the Cross!"
"The Ten Commandments represent the lowest instincts of man."
"Christianity is merely a cloak for Judaism."

This is definitely where things are going in America today.  Our television shows and our movies regularly mock Christians and they are always portrayed as the "bad guys".
In addition, the name of Jesus is rapidly becoming a forbidden word.  Some U.S. courts have even ruled that it is unconstitutional to use the name of "Jesus Christ" during any official government meeting.  The following comes from a recent WorldNetDaily article....

But the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for Separation of Church and State are standing by their victory in a U.S. circuit court decision that states even "a solitary reference to Jesus Christ" in invocations before the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners' meetings could do "violence to the pluralistic and inclusive values that are a defining feature of American public life."

#19 Under Adolf Hitler, sexual promiscuity was actually encouraged.

The following is more eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann....
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.

Of course the exact same thing is happening in America today.  If you doubt that your tax dollars are going to promote sexual promiscuity, then I have a video for you to watch.  It is a video from the American Life League, and you can view itright here.  DO NOT let any children watch this video.  It is done by a pro-life organization but it is very graphic.  I have posted a link to it because it isimperative that parents understand what is really going on out there.  But please be warned that it is very, very graphic.

#20 Once the Nazis took power, they rapidly implemented gun control legislation and later on they took all of the guns away from the populace.

Kitty Werthmann remembers very well what happened in Austria under the Nazis....
Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.

Last year, more than 10 million guns were sold in the United States, but gun control legislation continues to become even more strict, and it is only a matter of time before the federal government tries to disarm the U.S. population completely.

#21 Under the Nazis, large numbers of children were taken away from good families.

The following is more from author Bruce Walker....
Parents who resisted Nazi anti-Christian indoctrination too strongly simply had their children taken away from them.  The Nazis even forbade parents to give their children Christian names and ordered babies instead to be given names like Dietrich, Otto or Siegfried.  The home teaching of Christianity by parents in the home was forbidden.  Not content with simply driving Christianity out of public schools, Himmler banned all Confessing Church seminaries and instruction in 1937 and he closed all private religious schools two years later.
Doesn't this sound exactly like where America is headed?
In many states, CPS ("child protective services") has become one of the most feared government agencies.  All over the nation, thousands upon thousands of children have been removed from good homes because the parents were not raising them "correctly".

You can read about one particularly bad CPS horror story right here.

#22 Under Adolf Hitler, society became very highly militarized.

Of course we are seeing the same thing in the U.S. right now.
Sadly, this is even happening to our public schools.  According to blogger Alexander Higgins, students in kindergarten and the 1st grade in the state of New Jersey are now required by law to participate "in monthly anti-terrorism drills".  The following is an excerpt from a letter that he recently received from the school where his child attends....

Each month a school must conduct one fire drill and one security drill which may be a lockdown, bomb threat, evacuation, active shooter, or shelter-in place drill. All schools are now required by law to implement this procedure.

This is the kind of thing that a sicko like Adolf Hitler would try to do, and it is not good for our children.

#23 In Nazi Germany, the prisons were absolutely packed.

Right now, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world by far and the largest total prison population on the entire globe by far.

Even children are being arrested in alarming numbers.  In a previous article, I described how one 12-year-old girl down in Texas was recently arrested for spraying herself with perfume and how police were recently sent out to collect an overdue library book from a 5-year-old girl in Massachusetts.

#24 Under Adolf Hitler, there was basically no freedom of speech.

In the United States today we are told that we still have freedom of speech, but that freedom is being "chilled" in thousands of different ways.

For example, the FBI is now admittedly recording Internet talk radio programs all over the United States.  The following comes from a recent article by Mark Weaver of
If you call a radio talk show and get on the air, you might be recorded by the FBI.
The FBI has awarded a $524,927 contract to a Virginia company to record as much radio news and talk programming as it can find on the Internet.

The FBI says it is not playing big brother by policing the airwaves, but rather seeking access to what airs as potential evidence.
So please speak freely on talk radio.  Just realize that the feds will be recording every single word.

#25 Under Adolf Hitler, paranoia was standard operating procedure.

In Nazi Germany, every citizen was a potential threat and everyone had to be constantly watched for suspicious activity.

Of course the exact same thing is happening in America today.  Just about anything you do can get you labeled as a "potential terrorist" by the government.
According to a new DHS report, the following are some of the beliefs and ideologies of potential terrorists....
-"fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)"
-"suspicious of centralized federal authority"
-"reverent of individual liberty"
-"believe in conspiracy theories"
-"a belief that one's personal and/or national "way of life" is under attack"
-"a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism"
-"impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)"
-"insert religion into the political sphere"
-"those who seek to politicize religion"
-"supported political movements for autonomy"
And the definition of "suspicious activity" has become so broad in America that it pretty much covers 100% of us.  In 2012, the following activities are considered to be "suspicious" by the FBI....
-shielding your computer screen from others
-paying with cash
-acting "nervous"
-using multiple cell phones
-requesting a specific room at a hotel
-traveling with a large amount of luggage
-refusing maid service at a hotel
-staying in your room for too long
-changing your appearance

In addition, the U.S. government has decided that it would be a really good idea for all of us to spy on one another.  The "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign looks like it could have been pulled right out of a Gestapo security handbook.

But America is not supposed to be about spying on one another and reporting each other to the secret police.

America is supposed to be about liberty and freedom.

Recently, Fox News made a really bad decision by cancelling Freedom Watch.  Judge Andrew Napolitano was one of the few voices on television that was still standing up for individual liberty.

As we think about how the Nazification of America has progressed, let the things that Judge Napolitano said on his last show echo in our minds. 

{The Judge Napolitano recording has been removed from youtube recently, I know this because I watched it earlier today and now it is gone. Ross}

{Correction I found a link, }


18 Examples Of How Christians Are Being Specifically Targeted By Big Brother
By Michael Snyder, on September 27th, 2011

When the freedom of speech of one group is being threatened, it is a threat to all of us.  Just because you may not be a Christian, don't think that what you are about to read is not a problem for you as well.  The truth is that any individual or group that does not "fit in" with the new "politically-correct" global system that is emerging is going to be persecuted sooner or later.  In our society today, it has become quite fashionable to bash Christians.  In fact, I am quite certain that some of the comments that get left after this article will say really horrible things about Christians.  But after "Big Brother" is done with the Christians, are you sure that they will not come after you next?  When I speak of "Big Brother", I am not just speaking of the government.  In today's world, giant corporations and the mainstream media also play instrumental roles in the totalitarian police state prison grid that is being constructed all around us.  The elite control the government, they run nearly all of the major corporations and they own most of the major media outlets.  Anyone that does not "conform" to their system is a threat.  As time goes by, the persecution of those that attempt to "rebel" against their system is only going to become more intense.

So if you are not a Christian, do not applaud when the system cracks down on Bible-believing Christians.

You never know, you might be next.

The following are 18 examples of how Christians are being specifically targeted by "Big Brother"....

#1 Home Bible studies are now banned in the city of San Juan Capistrano, California.  According to city officials, regular gatherings "of more than three people" in private homes are simply not allowed.  One couple that has held home Bible studies for years has already been fined twice and is being threatened with even more fines.

#2 Paypal has initiated "formal investigations" of a large number of Christian websites and organizations.  Apparently, many of these investigations have been launched due to concerns that these websites and organizations do not hold to a "politically-correct" view of sexuality.

According to WorldNetDaily, Paypal has targeted include Americans For Truth, Last Days Watchman and a host of other Christian organizations including "Abiding Truth Ministries, New Generation Ministries, Noua Dreapta of Romania, Truth in Action Ministries, Dove World Outreach, Faith Word Baptist Church, Family Research Institute and American Society for the Defense of Traditional Family".

#3 In Wichita, Kansas last year, a Christian minister was handcuffed and hauled off to jail by police for sharing the gospel and handing out tracts to Muslims on a public sidewalk.  Apparently freedom of speech does not apply on the public sidewalks of America any longer.

#4 In the UK, police recently threatened a cafe owner with arrest for silently playing a Bible DVD on a small television on the back wall of his cafe.  The following is an excerpt from a Daily Mail article about this incident....

Mr Murray, 31, was left shocked after he was questioned for nearly an hour by the officers, who arrived unannounced at the premises.

He said he had turned off the Bible DVD after an 'aggressive inquisition' during which he thought he was going to be arrested and 'frog-marched out of the cafe like a criminal'.

#5 Last year, a high school student in Southern California was suspended for two days because he had private conversations with his classmates during which he discussed Christianity.  He was also banned from bringing his Bible to school ever again.

#6 Big cable networks regularly feature "comedians" that love to mock Christians.  For example, HBO "comedian" Bill Maher recently stated that "there's a term for people who hate charity and love killing: Christian".

If that had been said about another minority group, it would have made front page headlines for weeks.

#7 Down in Texas, the Department of Veteran Affairs actually tried to ban prayers that include the words "God" or "Jesus" during funeral services for veterans.

#8 In North Carolina last year, a pastor was dismissed from his chaplain duties for praying in the name of Jesus.

#9 An unclassified Department of Homeland Security report published a couple years ago entitled "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" claims that a belief in Bible prophecy "could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition and weapons."  The report goes on to state that such people are potentially dangerous.

#10 Back on February 20, 2009, the State of Missouri issued a report entitled "MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement".  That report warned that the following types of people may be potential terrorists....

*anti-abortion activists

*those that are against illegal immigration

*those that consider "the New World Order" to be a threat

*those that have a negative view of the United Nations

#11 All over the nation, "child protection agencies" are ripping an inordinate number of children out of Christian homes.  In many of these cases the parents believe in homeschooling their children or they do not believe in having their children vaccinated.

#12 On June 18, 2010 two Christians decided that they would peacefully pass out copies of the gospel of John on a public sidewalk outside a public Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan and within three minutes 8 police officers surrounded them and placed them under arrest.

#13 A Christian consultant was recently fired by Bank of America and by Cisco because they discovered a book that he had written that expressed Christian viewpoints about social issues.

#14 A while back, a federal judge actually ruled that the University of California can deny course credit to applicants from Christian high schools that use textbooks that teach that it was God who created the earth.

#15 Back in 2009, one 8 year old boy in Massachusetts was sent home from school and was forced to undergo a psychological evaluation because he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross.

#16 The Obama administration has announced that there is a whole host of laws that it will not be enforcing, but one thing that the Obama administration has chosen to do is to aggressively pursue lawsuits against anti-abortion protesters.

#17 During a Congressional hearing earlier this year, U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee warned that "Christian militants" might try to "bring down the country" and that such groups need to be investigated.

#18 According to a shocking FBI document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI definition of "suspicious activity" now includes making "extreme religious statements" and believing in "radical theology".

The good news is that there still is at least a limited amount of religious freedom in America.  It may soon be gone, but at least we are in better shape than most of the globe.

Almost 70 percent of the population of the world now lives in countries where religious activities are highly restricted.

The sad truth is that the entire planet is moving away from freedom of religion.

That is a right that we are supposed to be guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, but it should be obvious to everyone that our right to religious freedom is rapidly dying.

If you are not religious, don't think that you should not be fighting for religious freedom along with the rest of us.

Once they take some of our rights away, it will be much easier for them to take all the rest of our rights away.

United we stand, or divided we will fall.


Anyone That Believes That Collapsing Oil Prices Are
Good For The Economy Is Crazy

By Michael Snyder, on December 8th, 2014

Are much lower oil prices good news for the U.S. economy?  Only if you like collapsing capital expenditures, rising unemployment and a potential financial implosion on Wall Street.  Yes, lower gasoline prices are good news for the middle class.  I certainly would rather pay two dollars for a gallon of gas than four dollars.  But in order to have money to fill up your vehicle you have got to have an income first.  And since the last recession, the energy sector has been the number one creator of good jobs in the U.S. economy by far.  Barack Obama loves to stand up and take credit for the fact that the employment picture in this country has been improving slightly, but without the energy industry boom, unemployment would be through the roof.  And now that the "energy boom" is rapidly becoming an "energy bust", what will happen to the struggling U.S. economy as we head into 2015?

At the start of this article I mentioned that much lower oil prices would result in "collapsing capital expenditures".

If you do not know what a "capital expenditure" is, the following is a definition that comes from Investopedia...
"Funds used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as property, industrial buildings or equipment. This type of outlay is made by companies to maintain or increase the scope of their operations. These expenditures can include everything from repairing a roof to building a brand new factory."

Needless to say, this kind of spending is very good for an economy.  It builds infrastructure, it creates jobs and it is an investment in the future.  In recent years, energy companies have been pouring massive amounts of money into capital expenditures.  In fact, the energy sector currently accounts for about a third of all capital expenditures in the United States according to Deutsche Bank...
US private investment spending is usually ~15% of US GDP or $2.8trn now. This investment consists of $1.6trn spent annually on equipment and software, $700bn on non-residential construction and a bit over $500bn on residential. Equipment and software is 35% technology and communications, 25-30% is industrial equipment for energy, utilities and agriculture, 15% is transportation equipment, with remaining 20-25% related to other industries or intangibles. Non-residential construction is 20% oil and gas producing structures and 30% is energy related in total. We estimate global investment spending is 20% of S&P EPS or 12% from US. The Energy sector is responsible for a third of S&P 500 capex.

These companies make these investments because they believe that there are big profits to be made.

Unfortunately, when the price of oil crashes those investments become unprofitable and capital expenditures start getting slashed almost immediately.

For example, the budget for 2015 at ConocoPhillips has already been reduced by 20 percent...
ConocoPhillips is one of the bigger shale players. And its decision to slash its budget for next year by 20% is raising eyebrows. The company said the new target reflects lower spending on major projects as well as "unconventional plays." Despite the expectation that others will follow, it doesn't mean U.S. shale oil production is dead. Just don't expect a surge in spending like in recent years.

And Reuters is reporting that the number of new well permits for the industry as a whole plunged by an astounding 40 percent during the month of November...

Plunging oil prices sparked a drop of almost 40 percent in new well permits issued across the United States in November, in a sudden pause in the growth of the U.S. shale oil and gas boom that started around 2007.

Data provided exclusively to Reuters on Tuesday by industry data firm Drilling Info Inc showed 4,520 new well permits were approved last month, down from 7,227 in October.

If the price of oil stays this low or continues dropping, this is just the beginning.

Meanwhile, the flow of good jobs that this industry has been producing is also likely to start drying up.

According to the Perryman Group, the energy sector currently supports 9.3 million permanent jobs in this country...
According to a new study, investments in oil and gas exploration and production generate substantial economic gains, as well as other benefits such as increased energy independence. The Perryman Group estimates that the industry as a whole generates an economic stimulus of almost $1.2 trillion in gross product each year, as well as more than 9.3 million permanent jobs across the nation.

The ripple effects are everywhere. If you think about the role of oil in your life, it is not only the primary source of many of our fuels, but is also critical to our lubricants, chemicals, synthetic fibers, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and many other items we come into contact with every day. The industry supports almost 1.3 million jobs in manufacturing alone and is responsible for almost $1.2 trillion in annual gross domestic product. If you think about the law, accounting, and engineering firms that serve the industry, the pipe, drilling equipment, and other manufactured goods that it requires, and the large payrolls and their effects on consumer spending, you will begin to get a picture of the enormity of the industry.

And these are good paying jobs.  They aren't eight dollar part-time jobs down at your local big box retailer.  These are jobs that comfortably support middle class families.  These are precisely the kinds of jobs that we cannot afford to lose.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable economic difference between areas of the country where energy is being produced and where energy is not being produced.

Since December 2007, a total of 1.36 million jobs have been gained in shale oil states.

Meanwhile, a total of 424,000 jobs have been lost in non-shale oil states.

So what happens now that the shale oil boom is turning into a bust?

That is a very good question.

Even more ominous is what an oil price collapse could mean for our financial system.

The last time the price of oil declined by more than 40 dollars in less than six months, there was a financial meltdown on Wall Street and we experienced the deepest recession that we have seen since the days of the Great Depression.

And now many fear that this collapse in the price of oil could trigger another financial panic.

According to Citigroup, the energy sector now accounts for 17 percent of the high yield bond market.

J.P. Morgan says that it is actually 18 percent.

In any event, the reality of the matter is that the health of these "junk bonds" is absolutely critical to our financial system.  And according to Deutsche Bank, if these bonds start defaulting it could "trigger a broader high-yield market default cycle"...
Based on recent stress tests of subprime borrowers in the energy sector in the US produced by Deutsche Bank, should the price of US crude fall by a further 20pc to $60 per barrel, it could result in up to a 30pc default rate among B and CCC rated high-yield US borrowers in the industry. West Texas Intermediate crude is currently trading at multi-year lows of around $75 per barrel, down from $107 per barrel in June.

"A shock of that magnitude could be sufficient to trigger a broader high-yield market default cycle, if materialized," warn Deutsche strategists Oleg Melentyev and Daniel Sorid in their report.

If the price of oil stays at this level or continues to go down, it is inevitable that we will start to see some of these junk bonds go bad.

In fact, one Motley Fool article recently stated that one industry analyst believes that up to 40 percent of all energy junk bonds could eventually go into default...
The junk bonds, or noninvestment-rated bonds, of energy companies are also beginning to see heavy selling as investors start to worry that drillers could one day default on these bonds. Those defaults could get so bad, according to one analyst, that up to 40% of all energy junk bonds go into default over the next few years if oil prices don't recover.

That would be a total nightmare for Wall Street.

And of course bond defaults would only be part of the equation.  As I wrote about the other day, a crash in junk bonds is almost always followed by a significant stock market correction.

In addition, plunging oil prices could end up absolutely destroying the banks that are holding enormous amounts of energy derivatives.  This is something that I recently covered in this article and this article.

As you read this, there are five "too big to fail" banks that each have more than 40 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives.  Of course only a small fraction of that total exposure is made up of energy derivatives, but a small fraction of 40 trillion dollars is still a massive amount of money.

These derivatives trades are largely unregulated, and even Forbes admits that they are likely to be at the heart of the coming financial collapse...
No one understands the derivative risk positions of the Too Big To Fail Banks, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley. There is presently no way to measure the risks involved in the leverage, quantity of collateral, or stability of counter-parties for these major institutions. To me personally they are big black holes capable of potential wrack and ruin. Without access to confidential internal data about these risky derivative positions the regulators cannot react in a timely and measured fashion to block the threat to financial stability, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research study.

So do we have any hope?

Yes, if oil prices start going back up, much of what you just read about can be averted.

Unfortunately, that does not seem likely any time soon.  Even though U.S. energy companies are cutting back on capital expenditures, most of them are still actually projecting an increase in production for 2015. 

Here is one example from Bloomberg...
Continental, the biggest holder of drilling rights in the Bakken, last month said 2015 output will grow between 23 percent and 29 percent even after shelving plans to allocate more money to exploration.

Higher levels of production will just drive the price of oil even lower.

At this point, Morgan Stanley is saying that the price of oil could plummet as low as $43 a barrel next year.

If that happens, it would be absolutely catastrophic to the most important industry in the United States.

In turn, that would be absolutely catastrophic for the economy as a whole.

So don't let anyone tell you that much lower oil prices are "good" for the economy.

That is just a bunch of nonsense.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Immediately after the State Department claimed that Hillary Clinton had contracted a stomach illness and would not be testifying at the congressional investigations into Benghazi, conservatives have wondered aloud whether this was merely a scheme to keep her from testifying.

In fact, news media wasted no time in reporting that she would not be able to testify. Then they reported that she would be able to testify. Then her stomach illness turned into a concussion after she fainted, and again, this resulted in her being unable to testify.

Outside of the narrative being pitched to the media by the State Department of Clinton's ailments, there are three theories about what might actually be happening:
1) The previously mentioned belief that these many ailments are being made up in order to keep Hillary Clinton from testifying at the Benghazi hearings seem to bear some validity, as officials have reversed course a few times on whether she would testify.

Since 3 lower level State Department officials have supposedly resigned while Clinton "healed" from her maladies, will she not be required to testify anymore?

2) Another theory floated before her illness was that the US had planned to legally recognize the Syrian Opposition Coalition, and the excuse to miss this meeting might have given the Obama administration the cover to give the coalition a merely political recognition.

3) The most conspiratorial story comes from supposed rumors originating in Tehran and the Gulf Emirates that Hillary suffered injury from a plane crash as they were landing to meet with Iranian president on a secret mission. According to these unsubstantiated rumors, Navy Seal Commander Job W. Price was killed during this crash – his death has since been reported as a suicide.

This seems rather far-fetched, but has also been reported supposedly on a military report from the Kremlin, and substantiated by a report of the plan crash as well.

Here's an odd coincidence that might also substantiate the claim that Hillary was on a secret mission to Iran. Prior to her "stomach illness," here last public appearance was while visiting government officials in Ireland – very soon afterward, Ahmadinejad met with Ireland's new ambassador to Iran. It could be that Ireland was helping bring this meeting to fruition - in this same timeframe, Clinton was scheduled to meet the Syrian Opposition Coalition, and Pakistan's president was scheduled to meet with Ahmadinejad.

Were all these meetings a coincidence?

The State Department releases 4 videos of Hillary Clinton after her illness for different diplomatic purposes – they seem to be recorded on the same day, as she's wearing the same clothing, and nothing in the background seems to change. Two of these are released on the tenth of December and two are released on the twelfth. I can't find any video or pictures of Hillary released after these: (the 4 videos below)

Another piece to the puzzle – way back during the second presidential debate, Obama admitted to his questioner in private that he knew the State Department official who turned down the Benghazi security request – would he have known this if it were a lower level official?

Here's a quick timeline of events:
THURS DEC 6th 2012: Hillary Clinton in private comments with NGOs, accuses Russia of intending to return to a "sovietization" of nations in it's region. Putin was not happy.

THURS DEC 6th 2012: Hillary Clinton delivers speech in Dublin Ireland.

FRI DEC 7th 2012: Hillary Clinton meets with Representatives in Belfast, Ireland.

SAT DEC 8th 2012: It's reported that the Pakistani's President's trip to Iran is postponed for unknown reasons.

SUN DEC 9th 2012: Hillary Clinton takes ill, and postpones meeting with "Friends of Syria" in Marrakesh planned for Monday by one day – she doesn't make the postponed meeting.

SUN DEC 9th 2012: Iranian President Ahmadinejad has public meeting with Ireland's new Ambassador to Iran.

MON DEC 10th 2012: The State Dept. holds a press conference – the Marrakesh meeting is mentioned, and there are no signs that Hillary will miss it.

Spokesperson Nuland specifically answers a question from Fox News about whether or not we provided weapons to Syrian rebels – she was very clear that we did not, and seemed annoyed at the question.

Nuland seems to sidestep the question of whether or not the US has helped other countries supply weapons to Syria.

TUES DEC 11th 2012: Hillary Clinton misses Marrakesh meeting with "Friends of Syria" – William Burns takes her place.

TUES DEC 11th 2012: The State Dept. holds a press conference – Spokesperson Nuland acknowledges that William Burns will replace Hillary at her planned meetings.

Nuland reiterates that our support in Syria is "nonlethal" in nature, but says that these options are considered to be on the table for Obama.

WED DEC 12th 2012: The State Dept. holds a press conference; Nuland says she has a very uncomfortable stomach virus, but it's not "life-threatening." She also reiterates firmly that the Syrian Opposition Coalition has received only political support and not legal support from the United States.

WED DEC 12th 2012: The United States recognizes the Syrian Opposition Coalition only politically, and stops short of legally supporting them.

WED DEC 12th 2012: Bill Clinton speaks at the Dell Annual Conference - he's very lively and genial, not showing any signs of distress.

SAT DEC 15th 2012: Fox News reports that Hillary Clinton has suffered a fainting spell that resulted in a concussion.

MON DEC 17th 2012: It's reported that Hillary will be able to testify after she feels better.

WED DEC 19th 2012: Hillary Clinton releases statement accepting resignation of 4 officials implicated in the Benghazi attack. The security at Benghazi was called "grossly inadequate" but did not implicate any higher level officials at the State Department.

FRI DEC 21st 2012: Chelsea Clinton interviews Rick Warren on same-sex marriage – she doesn't seem distressed at all.

SUN DEC 23rd 2012: CNN reports on the apparent suicide death of Seal Commander Job W. Price in Afghanistan on Saturday. No connection to Hillary is made.

TUES DEC 25th 2012: Chelsea Clinton tweets a Christmas message – neither Bill or Hillary are pictured.

SUN DEC 30th 2012: Hillary's Spokesperson Phillip Reines releases a statement admitting the brain clot discovered as a result of her concussion.

MON DEC 31st 2012: DEBKAfile reports on the speculation that Job W. Price died while on a secret mission guarding Hillary Clinton in Iran.

MON DEC 31st 2012: Chelsea Clinton first tweets about Hillary at the hospital. Bill Clinton is "believed" to have visited, but no evidence is presented of this.

TUES JAN 1st 2013: Reports and pictures of Chelsea looking distraught after visiting Hillary at the hospital.

WED JAN 2nd 2013: After four days in the hospital, Clinton is said to be recovering very well.



Before we say another word, everyone here wants to express our heartfelt sympathy to the family and loved ones of the late Navy SEAL Team 4 commander, Job W. Price.

In an unusual move, less than 48 hours after CDR Price's death in Afghanistan, Navy sources leaked to the Associated Press that the 42 year-old native of Pottstown, Pa. had taken his own life in an "apparent suicide."

The source was not identified, it was said, because the death is "an ongoing investigation."

Quite frankly, this doesn't pass the smell test.


CDR Price has a wife and young daughter back home in Virginia, and for the officer's tragic death to be labeled an "apparent suicide" on Christmas Eve, makes us wonder if this was really something else.

Looking into the dead commander's background, there is nothing to indicate he would do such a thing, much less put his beloved family through such a terrible ordeal at this time of the year.

Price's past was like a storybook tale. He was a varsity wrestler and member of the championship football team at Pottstown High School in his native Pennsylvania. A member of the National Honor Society there, he was a much-decorated Naval officer who'd been boss of Seal Team Four since June of 2011.

At the time of his death, Price and his men were helping train Afghan police in remote Uruzgan Province.


Could his demise - one source says it was a "gunshot wound to the head" - have been a case of one of our so-called "allies" over there engaging in yet another example of "Green on Blue" execution-style terror tactics?

And why would the Navy be so quick to label Price's death a "suicide" in light of the time of year, the additional pain that would inflict on the officer's family, and the short period since the alleged self-inflicted fatal gunshot wound to the head took place?

Why the rush to judgment? Unless political considerations have entered here, and the Pentagon wants to see if the "official story" trial balloon flies. We think it will not.

We urge friends and loved ones of this fine man and dedicated father to reach out to us with any information they may have as soon as possible. Thank you.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Bumper Sticker Of The Day...

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Majority of Schools Say They Are Losing Money
Because of Michael Obuma's Healthy Lunch Mandate

(What are the odds Mooch would eat the crap he has students eating?)

Via Washington Examiner:
More than half of the nation's school cafeteria workers expect to lose money selling low-salt, low-fat meals pushed by first lady Michelle Obama, a "serious" problem that threatens the programs, according to a survey of food providers.

The School Nutrition Association, which is planning to demand changes to the meal requirements to make the food more attractive to students, found that 50.35 percent of cafeteria officials surveyed expect that serving the food will "exceed revenue" next year.

"Of the 92 percent of respondents reporting that rising costs pose a 'serious' or 'moderate' challenge to their programs, 70 percent indicated 'serious,'" said the survey from the group that represents 35,000 school nutrition professionals.

Second on the list of concerns in the new survey was food waste, mostly the veggies and fruit now demanded by the federal government under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act promoted by the first lady.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Poll: Release Of Torture Report More Harmful To American
Interests Than Use Of Torture Against Terror Suspects

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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