This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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#Ferguson Mayor: No Severance Package For Former Officer Wilson

(Same city that declared amnesty on traffic tickets and unpaid fines)

Via CNS News

    Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson did not receive a severance package when he resigned over the weekend, the St. Louis suburb's mayor said Sunday.

    Wilson, 28, won't receive any further pay or benefits, and he and the city have severed their ties, Mayor James Knowles told reporters a day after Wilson tendered his resignation, which was effective immediately.

    Wilson, who is white, had been on administrative leave since he killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old, during an Aug. 9 confrontation. A grand jury decided Monday not to indict him, sparking days of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and other cities.

    Wilson wrote in his resignation letter that his "continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance I cannot allow."

    His lawyer, Neil Bruntrager, told The Associated Press that Wilson decided to step aside after police Chief Tom Jackson told him about the alleged threats on Saturday.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Amnesty International Observers Arrive In Ferguson

(They threatened to do this for a while.  They're finally here.  A week late... Amnesty International has made fools of themselves lately.  Why aren't they in Syria observing ISIS where there is real trouble?  They could count heads.)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


CNN Is Lying When They Say #Ferguson Protests Are 'Peaceful'

This was the clothing store of a lady who had worked hard to maintain it there for 28 years.

Via NY Post:

    Here's a quiz for you folks in the media: What happens if you're out doing "man on the street" interviews but none of the men on the street fit your "narrative"?

    If you're CNN, you stop interviewing them.

    It has been remarkable to watch the last few days as America's self-styled "most trusted news network" has sent out teams of reporters to various areas of Ferguson, Mo., ostensibly to cover the protests there. While their cameramen are watching cars on fire and stores being looted, the reporters ramble on about how "most people here" are "peaceful protesters."

    Where are these peaceful protesters? The reporters can't seem to find any. Instead, they turn to outside experts and some carefully vetted religious leaders to talk about "the real message" of the protests.

    On Tuesday night, CNN correspondent Jason Carroll was reporting, "Most of the protesting we saw in front of the Ferguson Police Department tonight was peaceful." Then as he started trying to explain the fires burning behind him, he was approached by three of the protesters, who proceeded to get in his face and yell at him because he was promoting a "certain narrative" — the police narrative. "You don't understand!" one screamed.

CNN..."honest" like Obama, their Messiah.

(The Christmas Song

Merchandise burning in open flame
Tear gas nipping at your nose
Agitators saying that racism's to blame
Arms loaded down with booze and clothes
Everybody knows
Five minutes of coverage by CNN
Helps to keep your street cred bright
Have the tiny tots stay o'er with grandma again
'Cause we're going out once more tonight
They know the National Guard is on its way
We'll have to keep inside long as they stay
So now let's take the opportunity
To see if we can get that big TV...
And so, I'm offering this simple phrase
To everybody in the 'hood
Although it's been said many times, many ways
You know this Kwanzaa will be good...)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."




The Future Of Relationships? Soon Millions Of Men
Will Be Having Sex With Life-Like Female Robots

By Michael Snyder, on November 20th, 2014

If men had a choice between real women and female robots that were almost "virtually indistinguishable" from real women, which would they choose?  Certainly many men would never be willing to totally give up on relationships with living, breathing women, but as robotic technology continues to advance at an exponential rate there will be men (and women) that will be tempted to abandon real relationships entirely.  And that day is approaching a lot faster than you may think.  As you will read about below, incredibly life-life female robots are being introduced in Japan right now.  The creators of these robots are not designing them for sexual intercourse at the moment, but experts say that it is only a matter of time before this technology is adapted for such purposes.  The potential market for female sex androids is absolutely massive, and there are no laws against such a thing in most countries.  But as men all over the globe begin acquiring these sex droids, what will that do to real relationships between men and women and what will that say about our society?

With each passing year, robots are becoming much more like humans.  And for some reason, many of these robot designers purposely choose to have their robots resemble very attractive young women.

One of these very attractive female robots, "Asuna", has created quite a stir in Japan recently.  The following is from a recent Daily Mail article about this remarkable droid...

Chillingly life-like robots are causing a storm in Japan – where their creators are about to launch them as actresses, full-size mechanical copies for pop idol fans, and clones of the dearly departed.

There is even talk that the naturalistic, even engaging, she-droids may be taken up as men as partners in the not-too-distant future.

Android Asuna was a star attraction at Tokyo Designers' Week showcase earlier this month and she is one of a series of geminoids, as their inventor dubs them, that are ripe for commercialisation say their creator robotics professor Hiroshi Ishiguro.

The video that I have posted below contains footage of Asuna.  As you can see, she has been designed to very closely resemble a 15-year-old girl...

Of course Asuna is not a sex robot, and her designers do not anticipate making her into one.  But experts say that it is only a matter of time before this kind of technology is adapted for such purposes.   In fact, there are firms over in Japan that are already making sex dolls with skin texture that is "indistinguishable from the real thing"...
'Physical relations will be possible in general with such androids,' said Takahashi Komiyama.

'Androids for the sex industry are a definite possibly. Some have even fallen in love with Ishiguro's geminoids. So we can't rule those relationships out.'

Japan already boasts the world's most advanced sex dolls from firms such as Kanojotoys or Orient Industries based in Tokyo.

Around £6,000 buys the very superior Yasuragi 'dutch wife' sex doll with extras such as movable eyes and flexible fingers and a skin texture its makers say is indistinguishable from the real thing.

Lady Gaga was so impressed with their quality that she asked the Japanese firm to make dolls in her own image.
And Asuna is far from the only highly advanced female android being developed over in Japan right now.  For example, just check out the video footage from Japan that I have posted below.  As you watch this video, try to figure out which of the people are real and which of the people are just robots.  As you can see, it is not too easy to do...

Since most nations do not have laws against sex with robots, and since there is so much money that could potentially be made, many experts are forecasting that "relationships" with female sex androids will soon become commonplace.

David Levy, the author of Love and Sex with Robots, says that it is inevitable that many people will gladly choose robots as lovers and spouses as this technology progresses...
In time, Levy predicts, it will be quite normal for people to buy robots as companions and lovers. "I believe that loving sex robots will be a great boon to society," he says. "There are millions of people out there who, for one reason or another, cannot establish good relationships."

And when does he think this might come about? "I think we're talking about the middle of the century, if you are referring to a robot that many people would find appealing as a companion, lover, or possible spouse."
So what would all of this mean for real human relationships?

Already, we are at a point where relationships between men and women in our society are at a crisis point.  The following is an excerpt from one of my previous articles entitled "The Economics Of Marriage"...
According to a startling new study conducted at Bowling Green University, the marriage rate in America has fallen precipitously over the past 100 years.

In 1920, there were 92.3 marriages for every 1,000 unmarried women.  In 2012, there were only 31.1 marriages for every 1,000 unmarried women.

That is not just a new all-time low, that is a colossal demographic earthquake.

That same study found that the marriage rate has fallen by an astounding 60 percent since 1970 alone.

As a result, U.S. households look far different today than they once did.

Back in 1950, 78 percent of all households in the U.S. contained a married couple.  Today, that number has declined to 48 percent

Obviously, adding female sex robots to the mix is not going to help things.

As a society we are more isolated individually than we have ever been before, and providing men the temptation of female sex robots would only make it even more difficult for them to establish meaningful real life relationships.

But is there anything that we can do to stop this technology?

After all, it seems like robots are starting to take over everything.

For instance, Microsoft has replaced some human security guards with five-foot-tall robots that can do many things that humans simply cannot do...

Microsoft recently installed a fleet of 5-feet-tall, 300-pound robots to protect its Silicon Valley campus. The robots are packed with HD security cameras and sensors to take in their organic, protein-based surroundings. There's also an artificial intelligence on board that can sound alarms when the robot notices something awry. It can also read license plates and cross-reference them to see if they're stolen.

The K5 robots come from a California company called Knightscope, which calls the robots "autonomous data machines" that provide a "commanding but friendly presence." Sounds like something a robot manufacturer would say.

Video of these amazing little security robots is posted below...

So what happens when robots can do virtually everything better than humans can?

What will society look like?

And are these technologies going to make our lives much better or much worse?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



12 Things Black People Can Do Now Because Of Ferguson

You know we're all laughing at you Clowns, right?

1. Learn how to speak at least one language.
Filler phrases like "gnome sane" and "cracka ass cracka mutha fugga" do not a language make.  Languages are constructed of, amongst other things, parts of speech—a key one being the verb.  And verbs get conjugated, based upon tense, person, number, etc.

Also, languages contain expansive vocabularies.  If you can't construct a sentence without it being 90% n- and f-bombs, you're probably not in apprehension of a requisite portion of the English vocabulary to be considered fully literate in the language.

And because thought and language go hand-in-hand, being incapable of speaking even a single language in anything resembling an intelligible manner speaks volumes of your ability—or, really, lack thereof—to form a coherent thought.  So pardon us for not taking you seriously when you blame whitey for all your problems.

Or, as you might say, "Da white man be keepin' me down and sheet!"

2. Reject the "he a goot boy neva dun nuffins rong" narrative and lift up the "I choose women's health!" narrative.
Instead of raising all these "goot boys" who "neva dun nuffins rong" who only end up on a cold slab in a morgue thanks, primarily, to fellow "goot boys who neva dun nuffins rong", how about you spare us all the drama, the expense, and the danger and instead exercise your God-given right to "women's health" and save your little precious a future violent death by imposing one on him in utero?  That would seem to make a lot more sense and be much easier on everyone.

I know, I know—you might lose some welfare benefits.  What if we paid you instead to abort, rather than deliver your offspring?  Would that make it better?

3. Use words instead of grunts and babble.
Similar to #1, the more you can articulate so that your victims can understand your demands, the better.   Saying in a clear, distinct voice, "Give me your money, fine sir!" instead of "Yo break yo sheet foo!" might avoid confusion on the part of the human being and save you from having to waste a bullet or two on the creepa ass cracka.

4. Understand the modern forms of race-based excuse-making and how white liberals use this to keep you poor, stupid, dependent, and violent.
Know that white liberals will excuse your every sin, blaming it on themselves and fellow whites instead.  This means you are free to rob, rape, loot, and murder with absolute impunity.  Nothing—nothing!—is ever your fault.  Because, like, racism and slavery or something.  Just be aware that this is used to your detriment so that you continue to put white liberals into power.  Before, when patriots ran this nation, American blacks excelled relative to their counterparts back on the mother continent.  Why?  Because excuses were not accepted; you either behaved like a civilized human being or you got yourself executed. And many blacks stepped up as a result.  Now that liberals run the show and pretend you can do no wrong, no matter how much wrong you do, you regress to the nature of mindless savages.

But keep on voting Democrat—they're crying for your travails all the way to the bank!

5. Examine the interplay between poverty, criminality, and low IQ.
IQ is largely hereditary, and it differs by race.  Sub-Saharan Africans have the lowest average IQ of all the races on earth.  American blacks, thanks to various factors (miscegenation with the white population, better nutrition, etc.) have it slightly better—but still the lowest amongst the races in the US.  And IQ is one of the best predictors of life outcomes.  The lower the IQ, the more likely you are to be poor and criminal.  This has far more explanatory power of blacks' perpetual misery than all the retarded theories the Liberal Establishment constantly invents, such as "white privilege", "microaggressions", etc.

6. Eliminate the MSM.
In 1978, blacks followed the white man Jim Jones into Guyana and drank cyanide-laced Kool-Aid in an effort to abolish racism or something.  They all died.  I know I'm asking a lot of you, but try to make the connection between this story and what the MSM is serving you on a daily basis.

7. Adhere to a philosophy of impulsive violence.
Certainly the best way to deal with your problems is to react violently at the slightest hint of "disrespet" or whatever.  Also, if you don't get your way in the court of law, loot everything in sight and then burn it to the ground.  Also, deal drugs and shoot those who invade your turf.  And, if you're feeling naughty, head into white enclaves and go "polar bear hunting" or whatever.  This is the Zen path to civilizational success!

8. Find support from fellow blacks.
Whites banding together?  Racism!

Blacks banding together?  Empowerment!

Here are just a few black establishments catering specifically to your racial group.  Just remember, if you see whites doing anything remotely similar, it's White Supremacist and racist!

9. Can I gits me an "amen"?
Your race is littered with "Reverends" who preach racial hatred and intolerance.  Why not join their flocks?  Nothing will uplift you out of your dysfunction and squalor faster than hatin' on whitey, gnome sane?

10. Be afraid of being disrespetted.
Forget errant meteor strikes, nuclear war, or Ebola—the most terrifying thing you can imagine as a black man is to be disrespetted, amirite?  Therefore, always have one in the chamber just in case...

11. Be a pro-baller in your 'hood.
When all else fails, shootin' hoops is a sure-fire winner to make you a success in life!

12. Don't stop...believin'! Hold onto that ghetto feeling!
Whatever happens in this raciss, hatin' country of evil, oppressive creepy ass crackas, just be sure to keep the faith alive that one day you may be free of evil whitey and all his evil welfare and foodstamps and Section 8 housing and Affirmative Action hiring policies and diversity quotas and media pandering and excuse making for all you poor wittle bwack people!  Keep the hope alive that one day you'll turn America into a black paradise the likes of which that apparently unreachable continent of Africa currently enjoys!  The world, as it were, is your ghetto, black America.  Never give up the dream!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



PRESIDENT JARRETT: "Senior Adviser" Reportedly Calling All the Shots, Including Those In Ferguson

For those who wondering how Barack Obama -- a man seemingly engaged full-time campaigning, fundraising, and rabble-rousing -- could also have the bandwidth to weaken America both at home and abroad, the answer is really quite simple.

The leader of the free world is actually a woman named Valerie Jarrett, a longtime crony of Barack and Michelle Obama, who appears to call all of the shots in the Oval Office.

In the White House, Jarrett has been linked to a wide variety of scandals and other policy debacles.

There are credible reports that Jarrett blocked the attack on Osama Bin Laden's compound on three separate occasions.

Similar reports indicate that she gave the "stand down" order to would-be rescuers in Benghazi on 9/11/2012.

In 2012, she was reported to have led Obama's "secret negotiations" with Iran's Mullahs. Subsequent accounts depicted Jarrett as working with Iran's nuclear experts to ensure the Islamic Republic could continue on its march to build nuclear weapons.

On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal's Kim Strassel summarized the ramifications of Jarrett's litany of policy failures in stark terms: everyone but her is expendable.

Among those thrown under Jarrett's bus: Christina Romer, Jim Jones, Bill Daley, Leon Panetta, Kathleen Sebelius, Rahm Emanuel, Austan Goolsbee, Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, Vivek Kundra, Eric Shinseki, Keith Alexander, James Clapper and, most recently, Chuck Hagel. Hagel's ostensible replacement, Michèle Flournoy, turned down the opportunity because she didn't "want to be a doormat".

As Strassel asks:
Who would want to work for a boss whose experiments in big government all but guarantee their reputation will be ruined in the aftermath of a bureaucratic collapse? ... And who wants to work for a boss who doesn't have your back? ... Is it possible to haveany other experience working for Mr. Obama—a boss who doesn't listen, views everything politically, always thinks he's right, and whose policies are a recipe for a lost reputation?
Which brings us at last to the Democrats' latest haven for race-baiting, Ferguson.

Jarrett was in contact with Missouri's Governor Nixon in the run-up to the announcement of the Grand Jury's decision.

While Nixon denied the administration pressured him to resist activating the National Guard to put down the violent protests, the White House has admitted that Jarrett was in close contact with the governor during the first 24 hours of violent protests.

Nixon came under heavy criticism for failing to deploy the National Guard to quash the protests, which resulted in massive property damage. It now would seem that Jarrett had a hand in that decision as well.

And who is our crypto-president?

In 2008, The Boston Globe exposed Jarrett's background as the failed chief executive of The Habitat Company, which managed government-subsidized housing complexes in Chicago from 2001 until 2006. Her leadership, if you can call it that, resulted in violations so egregious that many units were deemed "uninhabitable" and eventually the federal government was forced to seize the properties.

That year, Judicial Watch named Jarrett to its "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" list for her ties to the failed housing complexes and "other shady real estate scandals".

Jarrett's family background is equally troubling. Her father-in-law was a card-carrying Communist who worked with Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

Jarrett's grandfather Robert Taylor is reported to have served in a leadership role for the Soviet Union's American front group during World War II, when Stalin was still allied with the Third Reich. Taylor's "American Peace Mobilization" was a Soviet initiative designed to keep America out of the war so that Hitler and Stalin could divvy up Europe and Asia virtually unopposed.

So, in short, the first female President is a hard-core Leftist with an abysmal track record for decision-making, a horrifically failed tenure as a chief executive, a stunning inability to learn, and a steely refusal to take responsibilities for her many failures.

But she's the president and you're not.

Which explains why Jarrett -- against all historic precedent -- was given a Secret Service detail for protection.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Immigration Activist: Obama Was So Committed To Working With Congress On Amnesty That He Had To Lie About His Executive Powers

(Or something... so if this man admittedly lied about this, why should anyone reasonably believe anything else he has said or has to say beyond this point?)

Via Daily Caller:

    Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, leading immigration advocate Marielena Hincapié explained President Barack Obama's flip-flopping on the legality of his executive action by saying he was so committed to working with Congress on immigration reform he had to lie about his inability to change policy on his own.

    The hearing, called to examine the constitutionality of the president's executive action, kicked off with a four-and-a-half minute video compilation of every time Obama said he couldn't reform the immigration system on his own.

    For example: "I know some here wish that I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself," he said in 2011, "but that's not how democracy works. See democracy is hard, but it's right. Changing our laws means doing the hard work of changing minds, and changing votes, one by one."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


American Teacher In Abu Dhabi Stabbed To Death By Murderer In A Burqa, Teachers Warned Of Jihadist Plot To Kill Them In October...

Definitely not a random attack, the person who killed her waited in a mall bathroom for an hour and a half before she came in.

(My heart breaks for the 11 year old twins!)

Via Daily Mail:

    American teachers in Abu Dhabi were warned that jihadis were threatening to kill them just weeks before a 47-year-old was stabbed to death in a mall by a burqa-wearing murderer, it emerged today.

    Every American in the United Arab Emirates was warned today step up their security today after the kindergarten teacher was stabbed to death by a knife-wielding murderer in a burqa.

    Ibolya Ryan, a mother of twin 11-year-old boys, was left dying in a pool of blood by the murderer after what police said was a 'brawl' in the toilets of a mall.

    Detectives today released CCTV footage which showed how the suspect – whose gender they say they have not confirmed – lay in wait for the teacher for an hour.

    It suggests strongly the attack was a targeted murder. Witnesses today told MailOnline the victim had been stabbed up to six times.

    The victim was named by CNN as Ibolya Ryan, 47, a US-trained teacher who was described in an online profile as Hungarian-born and raised in Romania. She trained as a teacher in the United States.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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