This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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EPIC! Angry Trapped Driver Pushes #Ferguson Protester
Off I-5 For Making Him Late For Work

November 27, 2014, 8:53 PM

An angry trapped driver pushed a #MikeBrown protester off Interstate 5 in La Jolla, California after the protesters shut down the highway.

The man was angry because the protesters were going to make him late for work.

"I got six kids to feed – I gotta get this car off the f*cking road... Days goes on homie, n*ggas get shot ever f**king day."

The 'block the highway stunt' didn't go over too well with local drivers.

As a group of #Ferguson protesters blocked northbound I-5 in La Jolla, one driver already late for work had enough and decided to do something.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Open Carry Advocates Shadow #MikeBrown Protesters in Dallas
– No Vandalism Reported
Thursday, November 27, 2014, 10:50 AM

A group of Open Carry Advocates shadowed #MikeBrown protesters in Dallas during their march Wednesday night.
The protesters decided to attend the rally to ensure respect for private property.
protest dallas open carry

No vandalism was reported.

The protesters stayed on the sidewalk the entire march.
WFAA reported:

Three members of an open carry group called Come and Take It Texas had rifles over their shoulders as they followed a small group of Ferguson protesters who marched through downtown Dallas Wednesday night.

Unlike Tuesday night, protesters did not close streets nor did they walk onto a freeway. In fact, this crowd was about a tenth of the size from what Dallas saw 24 hours earlier.

About two dozen people took part Wednesday night chanting "No justice, no peace" among other things as they protested police treatment of African-Americans.

Marchers stayed on the sidewalk the entire time and never left Lamar St. as they walked into downtown by El Centro College and returned to Dallas police headquarters where they started.

The open carry advocates said they respected the marchers' right to protest but decided to show up to protect private property.

"We'll stand between them and private property," said Matthew Short, from Come and Take It.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"If I lived in the Wild West days, instead of carrying a six-gun in my holster, I'd carry a soldering iron.  That was if some smart-aleck cowboy said something like, 'Hey look.  He's carrying a soldering iron!' and started laughing, and everybody else started laughing, I could just say, 'That's right, it's a soldering iron.  The soldering iron of justice.'  Then everyone would get real quiet and ashamed, because they made fun of the soldering iron of justice, and I could probably hit them up for a free drink... (hic)... ."

I recently saw a photo taken during a September event called the People's Climate March in New York City:

There was Jane Goodall in the front rank holding a couple of stuffed toy monkeys, thus making herself more readily recognizable to caption writers who might not otherwise recall that she spent a large portion of her life eating, sleeping and hanging out, with gorillas.

Apparently nothing much has changed because there she was linking arms with such primates as France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio and none other than the king of the chimps, Al Gore.

I would say that Ms. Goodall enjoyed better company in the old days. But you could readily see why some people are convinced that apes and people are closely related. Looking at De Blasio and Gore, you would almost swear they're human.

Another name that's been in the news lately is Bill Cosby, who has cancelled some TV appearances because he doesn't wish to be asked about the rape accusations that have been hurled his way by a number of women. Frankly, I have no way of knowing if he sexually assaulted all of them or any of them. But what I do know is that back in the 1970s, a friend of mine was Cosby's publicist and on more than one occasion, when I was in my friend's office, Cosby, who was already a husband and father, would phone from wherever he was finishing up a gig – often Tahoe or Vegas –to say he was coming to town and to line up some women.

That doesn't make him a serial rapist, but it does explain why I never bought the wholesome Cosby image used to peddle Jell-O and family values to a gullible public.

Speaking of women, I think someone needs to point out to Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Valerie Jarrett, that politics is a rough and tumble game. If you can't take it, perhaps you should take up macramé. What you don't get to do is play the game and also referee, tossing a penalty flag for sexism every time you're forced to play defense. Perhaps if you weren't so personally offensive, it wouldn't be necessary. It would also help if your notion of sexism was based on gender and not politics so you didn't always turn a blind eye to it or even participate when its victims were Republicans like Condoleezza Rice, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.

Is it just me or is everyone sick and tired of hearing about glass ceilings being shattered every time some left-wing female sneezes? I mean, this is 2014, for god's sake. In case you haven't been paying attention, women have been ruling nations and commanding armies for centuries. The list includes the likes of Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth I, Joan of Arc, Mary Queen of Scots, Catherine II, Queen Victoria, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel.

For years now, I have regularly been receiving a June, 1920 quote attributed to H.L. Mencken of the Baltimore Sun: "As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folk of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright utter fool and complete narcissistic moron."

The people who pass it along to me obviously know my opinion of Barack Obama. What they don't seem to grasp is that the source of the quote obviously had the same elitist contempt for his fellow Americans, whom he identified as boobs, that we've now seen time and again from Prof. Jonathan Gruber.

For another thing, Mencken finally fell out of favor, even with the boobs, when he made his affection for Adolf Hitler a little too obvious in the 1930s. And, finally, at the time he wrote those lines, the President was Woodrow Wilson and in a few months would be Warren G. Harding, two of the very worst rodents to have ever planted their rumps in the Oval Office. So, far from being prescient, Mencken was seemingly unaware of what was taking place right under his shnoz.

As for Obama, whom I grant is even worse than Wilson and Harding, in defending his use of executive action to defer the deportation of illegal aliens, he said he had to do what he had to do because Congress wouldn't do what he wanted. However, for five years, he was telling Hispanic groups that he lacked the constitutional authority to do the very thing he is now threatening.

And because most congressional Hispanics have their lips glued to Obama's butt, they never asked why he didn't simply pass legislation during his first two years in office, when the Democrats had a stranglehold on the House and Senate.

But, then, my fellow Jews in Congress never confront Obama over the fact that at the same time he spits on Israel, he invariably plays up to Muslims and Arabs, both here and abroad.

Clearly, at least for Jewish and Latino Democrats, an essential part of the congressional initiation process is voluntary neutering.

By now, we all know that the unemployment rate has become a joke. All people have to do is drop out of the labor market in order to make an 11% unemployment rate appear to be a mere 5.8%. But recently, a poll disclosed that 40% of women, 28% of men and 39% of young people, don't even want a job. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 93% of all adults (86 million people) who aren't in the work force don't wish to be in the work force. And so long as Uncle Barack is willing to redistribute wealth by taxing those who are working to subsidize those who aren't, that number will only keep growing.

Once the Republican mission in Congress goes from stopping Obama in his tracks to actually doing something to reverse America's decline, they will have to do something about programs that feed, clothe, house and hospitalize, the able-bodied.

That also includes the millions who have committed fraud in order to receive monthly disability checks. If I were in charge, I would send an inspector to the home of everyone collecting one of those checks. And unless the recipient could prove what particular disability he's afflicted with, the inspector would be authorized to hit him with a sledge hammer, thus legitimizing his claim.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


There were several thousand Jewish Confederates who stood against Washington DC and the Republicans during the Civil War.  They stood for the Constitution.  Not so today.  Think Judah P. Benjamin.



Has Been Opened by Obuma

Liberalism is alive and well (sick) in California
Let them sue us because Obuma let the illegals have Temporary freedom in our country.
Pity the Poor Children
But remember to be positive and supportive and volunteer to help them make the transition, please.

Federal Judge:
Illegals Can Now Sue the Government
for Not Acting Quick Enough
November 29, 2014 By Greg Campbell

Millions of illegal immigrants now enjoy the benefits of legalization without having gone through the official immigration process. With President Obama's unilateral amnesty order, an estimated 5-6 million illegal immigrants are now free from having to worry about deportation and suffering the consequences of their criminal acts.

Now, a federal judge has ruled that millions of illegals who have been detained in the past may now sue the federal government for not working quickly enough to assess whether they could stay in the U.S. Or not.

The San Francisco Gate reports on the recent ruling:
A Bay Area federal judge has given the go-ahead to a nationwide suit by thousands of immigrants who seek asylum in the United States and accuse the government of illegally keeping them in jail for months.

In rejecting the Obama administration's attempt to dismiss the suit, U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers of Oakland ruled that federal law requires officials to decide within 10 days whether an undocumented immigrant has a "reasonable fear" of persecution or torture if deported. Immigrants are held without bail while awaiting those decisions.

The law says a decision must be made within 10 days unless "exceptional circumstances" exist. Justice Department lawyers argued that immigration officials have the sole authority to define exceptional circumstances and are not bound by any deadline.

But Gonzalez Rogers, in a ruling Friday, said the law's meaning is clear: Decisions are required within 10 days except in rare cases where circumstances justify a delay.

Government records since 2006 show that "the exceptional appears to have become the norm," the judge said. Out of 2,583 reasonable-fear determinations nationwide in the first six months of this year, she said, only 78 were issued within 10 days.

"The (immigration) agency appears to have ignored the regulatory deadline altogether," Gonzalez Rogers said. She said the suit could proceed as a nationwide class action, since the government's practices are the same in every state.

The suit was filed in April on behalf of undocumented immigrants who have been deported but re-enter the United States and say they would be persecuted in their homeland.

To avoid immediate deportation and remain eligible to seek asylum, they must convince either an asylum officer or an immigration judge that they have a reasonable fear of persecution.

Despite the 10-day legal deadline, the suit said, decisions last year took an average of 111 days. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which employs the asylum officers, has a policy that "encourages" them to decide 85 percent of their cases within 90 days.

Michael Kaufman, an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer, contrasted the administration's policy on the asylum hearings with President Obama's recent orders protecting several million unauthorized immigrants from deportation, mostly migrants who entered the U.S. As youngsters or parents of legal residents.

"At a time of some progress in the immigration system, this ruling highlights a troubling trend that has been left unaddressed by the president's executive action," Kaufman said.

One should be careful to note the continually-evolving delicate phrasing the media uses to describe those who are immigrants that have come here illegally. They are not "undocumented" or "unauthorized," but are, in fact, illegal immigrants.

The ruling is just the latest example of how the federal government remains committed to advocating for millions of illegal immigrants at a time when the middle class feels thoroughly abandoned by the economic and social policies dominating the Obama Administration's agenda.

ELK KONNECTED wants everyone to BE POSITIVE.


Ferguson protesters lead TIME's Person of the Year readers' poll with seven days to go following widespread demonstrations•Demonstrators are among 50 contenders in 'TIME's Person of the Year' poll

Their widespread demonstrations over the grand jury verdict have gained international attention. Now, Ferguson protesters are leading in TIME's Person of the Year poll - with just seven days to go. The demonstrators, who are among 50 contenders in the contest to find the 'person' who most influenced the news in 2014, for better or for worse, currently have 10.7 per cent of the vote. They are closely followed by Indian Prime Minister, Narenda Modi, with 10 per cent, student activist Joshua Wong with 7.3 per cent and Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai with 5.3 per cent.

•They currently have 10.7% of the readers' vote amid widespread protests
•Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi is second in the poll with 10% of vote
•Activist Joshua Wong is third (7.3%) and Malala Yousafzai is fourth (5.3%)
•Other contenders include Taylor Swift, Ebola Doctors and Nurses and Vladimir Putin

Previous winners have included former U.S. President George W. Bush, Obama, Putin, former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Last year, Pope Francis was crowned Person of the Year. This year's poll's winner will be announced on December 8. The official TIME 2014 Person of the Year will be revealed on NBC's Today Show on December 10.


10.7% Ferguson Protestors
10% Narendra Modi
7.3% Joshua Wong
5.3% Malala Yousafzai
4.7% Vladimir Putin
4.4% Ebola Doctors and Nurses
4.3% Laverne Cox
3.3% Joko Widodo
2.8% Chibok Girls
2.6% Pope Francis
2.3% Barack Obama
2.3% Beyoncé
2% Jennifer Lawrence
1.8% Taylor Swift
1.8% Angela Merkel
1.7% Elon Musk
1.5% John Oliver
1.5% Tim Cook
1.5% Pete Frates and Pat Quinn
1.4% Shonda Rhimes
1.4% Elizabeth Warren
1.3% Hillary Clinton
1.3% Xi Jinping
1.2% Bashar al-Assad
1.2% John Kerry
1.2% Dilma Rousseff
1.1% Jack Ma
1.1% Tom Frieden
1.1% Christopher Nolan
1.1% Reed Hastings
1.1% Kanye West
1% Janet Yellen
1% Kim Kardashian
1% Jeff Bezos
1% Recep Tayyip Erdogan
1% Hassan Rouhani
0.9% Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
0.9% Benjamin Netanyahu
0.9% Rand Paul
0.7% Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
0.7% Mary Barra
0.7% Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
0.7% Thomas Piketty
0.7% Travis Kalanick
0.6% Rick Perry
0.5% Harvey Levin
0.4% Ted Cruz
0.4% Mitch McConnell
0.4% Charles and David Koch
0.3% Roger Goodell

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Al Qaeda Plot To Blow Up 5 Passenger Planes
In Christmas 'Spectacular'

Via Express:

The threat has been taken so seriously it came close to leading to an outright ban on all hand luggage, a senior insider has revealed.

Mobile phones and electronic devices could still be banned from plane cabins, with the threat of a 9/11-style coordinated attack on London and other major cities feared imminent.

The warning comes as Whitehall officials admit that a terror strike on the UK is now "almost inevitable" particularly with British jihadis returning from fighting alongside the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

An airport security source told the Sunday Express: "We've been told that five planes are being targeted in a high profile hit before Christmas. They've been waiting for the big one.

"We have many scares but this one nearly got hand baggage pulled from all airlines. The threat is still alive and real."

The plot, which has been known about for the past two months, is thought to involve Islamists smuggling bombs on to planes bound for major European destinations before Christma

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Gimme Gimme! #Ferguson Protesters Ask For Money For "For Jail, Bail And Life", Then Tell Us Their Rights Trump Ours

The crowdfunding campaign was started in October, and has so far netted about $100,000. They make the following mostly inaccurate claims:
    Despite overwhelming evidence that Mike Brown, an unarmed teenager, was murdered by Officer Darren Wilson, Officer Wilson has yet to be indicted. Despite the fact that six witnesses have said that Mike Brown had his hands up when he was fatally shot six times and then left dead in the middle of the street for four hours while Ferguson and St Louis Police got their lies together, Officer Darren Wilson has yet to be indicted. There are protestors in Ferguson who will stay there protesting until an indictment is handed down. And indictment is hardly justice, but it is the fairest procedure. These are young men and women who have put their lives on hold to stand up for all of our freedoms. The overly militarized police force in Ferguson has attempted to criminalize them by harassing and throwing them in jail for exercising their right to peaceful protest. They need our help. They need money for legal funds and they need money to live. The Ferguson Legal Defense Fund will help. We have partnered with Tef Poe and Tory Russell from Ferguson October to make sure the funds received go exactly where they are needed.

So why should you give them money?

We have seen them tell us by their actions, blocking streets, burning stores down and destroying businesses, even making children cry, that what they want and their rights are much more important than any right you have or anything you want

Now here they tell you explicitly, in this November 20th 'Open Letter' from Ferguson Action:    Today, the 70th day of this nightmare, some may wonder why we have yet to stop – to stop chanting, stop marching, stop occupying. But we have not yet found peace because we do not yet know justice. Therefore we, together with our allies, will continue to occupy the streets and the American consciousness until the book is closed.

    Even in facing this terror, we have not met those who mean us harm with the same. Even in the face of this terror, we will continue to force the readers and writers of this, a most American of horror stories, to face the blackness that they fear, the blackness they have spent this entire story trying to erase, trying to soften, trying to co-opt, trying to escape. We will no longer allow you to escape this story and pretend that the epidemic of black lives dying by white hands is merely a figment of an active Black imagination. You must come face to face with the horror that we live daily. You must come to know and profess the truth of this story, and be determined to end it.

    We are not concerned if this inconveniences you. Dead children are more than an inconvenience.

    We are not concerned if this disturbs your comfort. Freedom outweighs that privilege.

    We are not concerned if this upsets order. Your calm is built on our terror.

    We are not concerned if this disrupts normalcy. We will disrupt life until we can live.

    This is an American Horror Story. Together, we are writing the final chapter.

    We will force you to believe as we do, in the name of 'freedom'. Or we will burn you   down.


(Caution:  The "F" word is used in this following video.  Don't open if you have tender ears) 

(This is where it is all headed, people!!!)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Breaking: Motorist Beaten To Death With Hammers
By Group Of Juveniles In St Louis

Photo of Zemir Begic, 32, victim of fatal hammer attack in
#STL. Pictured with wife of six months, Arijiana.

(They have not identified the killers as yet tho' 2 teens are held, or addressed whether there was any connection to #Ferguson rioters.)

    ST. LOUIS • More than 50 people gathered near Bevo Mill Sunday night in frustration over the death of a Bosnian man beaten with hammers earlier that day. Gravois Avenue was closed for several blocks because of the crowd.

    Police are on the scene.

    A 32-year-old man was beaten to death with hammers by at least two teens early Sunday morning on Itaska Street.

    The victim was identified as Zemir Begic, 32, of the 4200 block of Miami Street. He had injuries to his head, abdomen, face and mouth. He was taken to St. Louis University Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

    Police said Begic was in his vehicle in the 4200 block of Itaska about 1:15 a.m. when several juveniles approached on foot and began damaging it. Begic got out and the juveniles began yelling at him and striking him with hammers. Two male juveniles, 16 and 15, were taken into custody.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


ISIS Fanatics Claim To Have 'Dirty Bomb' After Stealing Uranium In Iraq

(This is what no measures and half measures have wrought)

Via Daily Mail

    Islamic State fanatics claim to have constructed a dirty bomb after stealing 40kg of uranium from an Iraqi university.

    Militants boasted of the device on social media, with one even commenting on the destruction such a bomb would wreak in London, four months after the chemical was reported missing from Mosul University.

    Among extremists making online threats to the West is British explosives expert Hamayun Tariq, who fled his home in Dudley, West Midlands, for the Middle East in 2012.

    Using the Muslim name, Muslim-al-Britani, he posted on Twitter: 'O by the way Islamic State does have a Dirty bomb. We found some Radio active material from Mosul university,' the Mirror reports.

    He continued: 'We'll find out what dirty bombs are and what they do. We'll also discuss what might happen if one actually went off in a public area.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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