This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Charles Barkley Explains The Ideology Behind The Ferguson / Saint Louis Street Thugs –
"The Dirty Dark Secret"

(Yep... Sir Charles nails it)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


VIDEO'S Of The Day

"Shake It Off"


President Obama dealt another blow to red state Democrats on Al Sharpton's radio show Monday, insisting that despite their political posturing, they "are all folks who vote with me" and "have supported my agenda."

Obama reiterated his devastating statement from October 2, when he told a crowd at Northwestern University: "I'm not on the ballot this fall...but make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot, every single one of them."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Highway of Heroes – Funeral For Nathan Cirillo – Canada Says "Farewell"

We Honor Corporal Nathan Cirillo –
"He's not coming home today little buddy"...

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: ROSS on October 23, 2014, 02:21:10 PM

Ebola Czar On Record:
Overpopulation His Top Issue

in Health & Science, News, Politics / by Brandon Walker / on October 22, 2014 at 10:27 pm /

What happens when you appoint an "Ebola Czar" that thinks we should de-populate the world? We are about to find out.

Ronald Klain, the newly appointed Ebola Czar that was mysteriously missing from a White House meeting on Ebola, has a lot of explaining to do.

Not only was he mysteriously missing from the meeting, but he has absolutely no medical experience. He was the campaign manager for Al Gore, who is still upset about the 2000 election fourteen years later.

How does President Obama explain away promoting the man who thinks that overpopulation is our number one priority to head the country on a disease that could seriously reduce the population of the United States if not kept in check?

The independent news source Got News found this disturbing little gem tucked away. The interview is from 2008 with him and his wife. America has been dying to know who this man is and what are his medical credentials.

Honestly, he has none. He is a former campaign manager who thinks overpopulation is the number one problem facing the United States, which the population has been in decline for the past two decades.

So we have appointed a Ebola Czar that has no medical training, no experience in the medical field, and thinks your life is not worth it because we have to make room for the rest of the world.

Then we have the "predictions" from a web site that claimed to use Government sources for what they estimated to be a population loss of 80-90% by 2025.

Currently posted on the website home page:

"For those who might be concerned.

The countries forecast has been out there for over a decade. It is updated annually using the latest available information and is provided AS IS. Obviously, at this point, predicts a Western collapse.

This website is not and has never been linked to any government. It is the result of private individuals using their spare time." (

The staff admitted they used forecasting data from census and available resources to the public from the government. Coupled with Klain's statement, it does have the internet questioning what is going on.

If anyone has a rational explanation for why the population of the US is supposed to DROP 78.2% from 316+ million now to ONLY 69 million people in 2025, we'd love to know the answer. If anyone knows why our military spending will drop in 10 years from $726 billion dollars to $8 billion dollars in 2025, please explain. Is there a reason why our GDP per capita will be dropping from $52,838 to $13,328 by 2025? Inquiring minds surely want to know...and we deserve answers! Check out the data for the US on yourselves; any ideas what we are witnessing? Is this proof of depopulation? If not, why the huge forecasted drops? (All News Pipeline)

While logic dictates that we shouldn't  be extremely worried about a website that uses census data to predict trends, the list of resources they use is a bit puzzling and alarming.

United States Coast Guard
Department of Defense
United States Air Force
United States Army
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy

Sources: US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, World Bank and European Union. (Deagel US Population and GDP predictions 2025)

So we have a website listing government sources while trying to tell the general public it is not linked to the government and an Ebola Czar that wants to depopulate the world?

Something stinks about these latest "predictions" and this appointment that does not have to go through Congress.

October 22, 2014

WTF Is Happening

Gov. Sourced Website Proves End Is Near! Can You Explain This

By Live Free or Die

With Obama Ebola 'Czar' Ron Klain now officially exposed as calling for 'depopulation' as an answer to the world's biggest problems as shared in the 2nd video above,(On Ross's piece)  we have been emailed a tip that should help prove to all doubters that 'the end is near' as shared in this video below:

Among the list of countries on, a US government sourced website, pertinent data for the US now and in 2025 is enough to make EVERY American become a 'conspiracy theorist'.

If anyone has a rational explanation for why the population of the US is supposed to DROP 78.2% from 316+ million now to ONLY 69 million people in 2025, we'd love to know the answer. If anyone knows why our military spending will drop in 10 years from $726 billion dollars to $8 billion dollars in 2025, please explain. Is there a reason why our GDP per capita will be dropping from $52,838 to $13,328 by 2025? Inquiring minds surely want to know...and we deserve answers! Check out the data for the US on yourselves; any ideas what we are witnessing? Is this proof of depopulation? If not, why the huge forecasted drops?

Please contact the White House at 202-456-1111 or your Congressional Representatives via phone call or email here for answers.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Just a few weeks ago before Obama had an Ebola Czar, the Republicans were complaining because Obama had not appointed an Ebola Czar.

Obama and the Republicans are the same kind.



Bill Whittle on The Narrative: The origins of Political Correctness

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"I've had a rough couple of days.  Looks like the WH computers were hacked."

As the old joke has it, a tourist asks a New Yorker how to get to the Met, and the wiseacre responds: "Practice, practice, practice." These days, thanks to a few screwballs inhabiting the opera world, the answer is "First kill an old Jew on the high seas."

To get the full story, we have to go back to 1985 when Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer decided to take an ocean cruise to celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary aboard an Italian liner called the Achille Lauro, having no idea that along with the buffet and shuffleboard, the cruise would include four members of the Palestine Liberation Front.

Once on the high seas, the terrorists hijacked the ship and demanded it sail to Syria. They also demanded that Israel release 50 of their fellow swine. After Syria refused to allow the ship to dock, they went on to Port Said in Egypt. But along the way, they decided it would please Allah if they killed Mr. Klinghoffer, who was 69 and confined to a wheelchair. They shot him and had his body tossed overboard.

In the immediate aftermath, a spokesman for the group suggested that Mrs. Klinghoffer, who would die of colon cancer just four months later, had killed her husband for the insurance money. But, on second thought, the PLO quickly scuttled that story, refusing to give up its bragging rights so easily. After all, if a Jew was killed, they naturally wanted all the glory for themselves.

After the ship docked, the hijackers escaped in a jet. Unfortunately for them, Ronald Reagan, not Barack Obama, was in the White House at the time and he ordered a U.S. fighter plane to force the getaway plane down in Italy, where the hijackers were arrested.

Inevitably, a composer named, of all things, John Adams decided to turn the gruesome event into an opera, which not too surprisingly in this day and age set out to show the human side of the Islamic butchers. Just as predictably, New York's Metropolitan Opera decided to schedule the production.

Because of the subject matter, suddenly even people who can't tell their Puccini from their spumoni were paying attention to opera. What's more, it seemed to split Manhattan down the middle. On the one hand, you had the former mayor, Rudy Giuliani, leading a demonstration against the "The Death of Klinghoffer." On the other hand, you had Mayor Bill De Blasio, an unrepentant Communist and all-around knucklehead, insisting that Giuliani and his fellow protestors were acting in an un-American manner, while neglecting to mention what was un-American about exercising their First Amendment right to demonstrate peacefully.

It is invariably goofballs on the Left who seem to forget that the First Amendment provides for free speech, but does not deprive others of their right to disagree with that which is spoken. It also guarantees Americans the inalienable right to compare De Blasio to the hindquarters of a particularly unattractive horse.

It's not too surprising that among the fashionable opening night crowd at the Met was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So far as I know, she did not offer a judgment of either the production or of De Blasio's comment.

In other news, it seems that the teacher's unions have donated over $80 million to the Democrats this year. As near as I can determine, there are roughly four million teachers in those unions. That works out to $20-per-teacher. If I were in the union, and even if I were a Democrat, I believe I would be very vocal about the misuse of my dues. Inasmuch as we are always hearing that schools can't afford to devote class time to art or music, how about chipping in some of that $80 million to help solve the problem?

As you may have noticed, Monica Lewinsky, 41, is back in the news. I swear she's harder to get rid of than crabgrass. After listening to this perennial adolescent prattle on about how the media ruined her life, it seems she hasn't learned anything since the day she mastered the art of not gagging while engaged in oral sex. I have an open mind, though. If Ms. Lewinsky can explain exactly how the media managed to get her under Bill Clinton's desk in the first place, I'll take her complaints seriously.

The cynicism on the Left probably reaches its apex when it comes to the use of photo IDs when it comes to voting. The Democrats keep promoting the fiction that it serves no other purpose but to disenfranchise minority voters. When it's pointed out that the same IDs are required to buy booze, board planes, cash checks or enter any venue at which one or both of the Obamas are in attendance, their only response is to repeat the silly lie.

Democrats also claim that Republicans exaggerate the actual amount of voter fraud taking place, whereas Republicans point out that even if it only happens once, it's once too often because it serves to offset a legitimate vote.

In speaking about the subject, Brit Hume, usually the reliable voice of commonsense at Fox, suggested that the two parties should strive to achieve a compromise. When I heard that, I had to blink to make sure that Juan Williams, the living equivalent of a lawn jockey at Fox, wasn't throwing his voice.

Inasmuch as Brit Hume didn't indicate what such a compromise would look like, I could only picture voters showing up at their polling places carrying an Etch-a-Sketch of themselves.

Finally, a friend sent me an email in which she suggested that one way to protect her home would be to tear out the alarm system and, instead, place a few black ISIS flags in the front yard, thus guaranteeing that the local cops, the FBI and Homeland Security, would keep their collective eyes on her property 24/7.

I let her know that I get the same results by having an American flag next to the front door and an "Anyone but Hillary" sign in my front yard

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


It's flushing awesome!

In King county, Washington there's been such an influx of people that don't know what you can and what you can't flush down a toilet that in desperation a county-wide program to educate the recently arrived has been devised.  Really. The advertisements are now everywhere.  Just number one and two, that's all you do!

The video mentions wipes among the things forbidden to flush. That's a good start, but what about all the other not-to-flush items? The Koran comes to mind...

"Everything which is not forbidden is allowed" principle is an essential freedom of the ordinary citizen. Therefore, for all the libertarians out there who do not subscribe to common sense, this educational video must include a complete list of all the items that are forbidden to flush, from household items like plugged-in toasters to varieties of rocks and species of plants and animals, to public figures and award-winning filmmakers.

There also has to be a special list of flush-sensitive books and DVDs, divided into categories: (1) never; (2) maybe; (3) always.

That would make it a very long, Michael-Moore-sized documentary costing millions to the taxpayers, but no public expense should be spared for the education of the masses. I nominate the maker of Fahrenheit 9/11 as the director.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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