This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Ferguson Protesters Swarm St. Louis Mall
To Scream About How Racist White People Are

(Holy Crap Wow, the level of stupid here is amazing... how many people?  A dozen?  Way to get your point across, pick some random mall and yell at the white people there about how "it's our duty to fight for our freedom."  And while I'm at it, anyone know what "freedom" they are being denied?)

Back at you, Ferguson nut-cases!!!:

***Note: "Kumbaya, my Lord" was first recorded by an out-of-work English professor, Robert Winslow Gordon, in 1927.  Gordon went on a search for black spirituals and recorded a song "Come by Here, My Lord", sung by H. Wylie.  The song was sung in Gullah on the islands of South Carolina between Charleston and Beaufort.  Gullah is the creole language featured in the Uncle Remus series of Joel Chandler Harris and the Walt Disney production of Song of the South.  "Come by here, my Lord" in Gullah is "Kum by (h)yuh, my lawd."

American missionaries took the song to Angola after its publication in the 1930s, where its origins were forgotten.  In the late 1950s the song was rediscovered in Angola and returned to North American where it swept the campfire circuit as a beautiful and mysterious religious lyric.  That is why the song is associated with Angola in many current printed versions.

In the US, however, this song was associated with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other campers sitting around a campfire in perfect harmony.  The picture of a warm, cozy community without conflict associated itself with the song and especially that foreign-sounding word in its title, Kumbaya.  Since the word had no actual meaning in English, cynics eventually converted this harmless connotation into the actual English definition of the word.  That definition now seems to be "naive, unrealistic optimism" to many, thanks to progressive liberals... (but not me)...Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Isn't that a lot like using a third candidate to split the vote?
We had that happen right here for Elk County Commissioner, didn't we?
By litterally using an Elk County citizen
an Elk Konnected County Commissioner
managed to get re-elected
didn't he?

Dick Morris: Democrats Using
'False Flag'
Plan to Steal Senate

Monday, 13 Oct 2014 10:41 PM
By Dick Morris

Failing to persuade voters to support their discredited agenda, Democrats are now determined to use a false flag strategy to advance their plan to steal a Senate majority this November.

Masquerading as independents in four key Senate races, Democratic candidates are embracing a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing tactic to fool voters into believing that they are not the party hack/Obama rubber stamps they truly are.

By pretending that they are Independents, they can take power and help Obama implement his plan to create a single ruling party government in the U.S.

I have been warning about Obama's plan in my new bestseller "Power Grab: Obama's Dangerous Plan for a One Party Nation."

As the Democratic campaigns unfold, my main thesis is backed up by the facts on the ground.

Were these "independent" Democrats true Independents, their presence in our national politics would be welcome. But they are not.

If elected, they would each meekly cast their ballots for Harry Reid to be Majority Leader and form a tame part of his bloc that controls the Senate.

In South Dakota, former Republican senator turned liberal Democrat Larry Pressler is running as an "independent" against former Governor Mike Rounds, the Republican candidate. The latest polling puts him only two points behind Rounds. Having served three terms as a GOP senator, Pressler backed Obama in 2008 and 2012 and supports Obamacare. His strategy is either to win or to take enough votes away from Rounds to elect Rick Weiland, the overt Democratic candidate. The South Dakota seat had been written off as a certain Republican pickup until Pressler implemented the false flag strategy.

In Kansas, Republican Pat Roberts was coasting to a fourth Senate term when Greg Orman jumped into the race as an independent. Orman, who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, backs Obamacare, embraces the Democratic platform in toto, and actually tried to run before as a Democrat. But now he's an "Independent." The fact that George Soros' son is reportedly hosting a fundraiser for Orman should make clear he's no independent.

In North Carolina, Republican Thom Tillis is locked in a close battle against Democratic Senator Kay Hagan. The only reason the race is close in this state Mitt Romney carried in 2012 is the presence of Sean Haugh, a pizza delivery man running as the Libertarian Party candidate. Haugh draws between 4 and 8 percent of the vote, in various polls, but all of it comes from Tillis, the Republican candidate. Where is Haugh getting his support? His money? Ask the Democrats.

In Kentucky, Alison Lundergan Grimes -- running against Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell -- refuses to say if she voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012. Obviously, she did. And just as obviously, she is running away from it now. She says she will oppose Obama's war on coal, but, if elected, it is clear she will toe the party line as Reid demands.

The Democrats first used false flag strategy in Maine in 2012 when Governor Angus King, running as an Independent, took the Republican seat formerly occupied by Olympia Snowe.

Once in the Senate, all traces of independence vanished and he fell in line with the Democratic Caucus.

Indeed, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders told his Vermont voters that he, too,  was not a Democrat.  But at least Bernie had the guts to call himself what he really is -- a Socialist.

The new Democrat "Independents" have no such courage.


He sounded fishy to me in his first commercial.
In new York not in Kansas no less.

Son of George Soros
to Hold Fundraiser for 'Independent'
Kansas Senate Candidate
October 14, 2014 By Matthew Burke

Jonathan Soros, son of crony communist billionaire George Soros, will be holding a fundraiser on October 16, for supposed "independent" Kansas U.S. Senate candidate Greg Orman.

Greg Orman, who previously ran for office as a Democrat, is likely running as an "Independent" because the Democrat brand has been thoroughly tarnished by Democrat Party leaders like Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Orman is running what appears to be a tight race against Republican incumbent, Senator Pat Roberts, who has been blasting Orman as really being a liberal Democrat, who's given "thousands to Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and to Barack Obama."

This week Roberts was endorsed by a major Tea Party group, Tea Party Express, stating that, "This election isn't about one issue or one candidate. It's about rejecting the failed vision of President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid."


I just can't help myself,
I gotta post this.
It's what we need here.

'You will not make Australia home'

Australia may be sitting out in the middle of the ocean, but that doesn't mean they don't have to deal with illegal immigration.  They might not have a corrupt, train wreck of a country like Mexico nestled against their southern border but, in some ways, they have a bigger problem.  Much of their large continent is unpopulated, and both its interior and coastline are difficult to patrol.

Numerically, their illegal immigrant problem is relatively tiny. Compared to the 12 million illegals in the United States, Australia's 100,000 illegal workers (as of 2010) might seem like a dream scenario. Still, the Australian government isn't having it. The country has avenues for legal immigration as well as a way to offer asylum to those who genuinely need it - so they've launched a campaign to inform those who would sneak in via boat that they aren't welcome.

The campaign launched earlier this year, but today it's been getting attention here in the states  thanks to Twitchy  Here's the message from General Angus Campbell of the Australian army:

( I can not get the video to show on this post. The video is at and is an excellent piece of work.)

Funny.  I didn't hear the words "pathway to citizenship" or "amnesty" once! He never said a thing about letting people "out of the shadows!" I wonder if the Australian version of the USDA is working with foreign governments to make sure illegals get food stamps?

The corresponding poster:

Gosh. Seems pretty stark. I wonder how it compares to illegal immigration advertising here in the U.S.?  Oh, that's right. Here, we're actually advertising in Mexico so that self-deported illegals will know we'd love nothing more than to see them come back. 

As Breibart reported:

As part of a legal settlement that will allow some illegal immigrants who deported themselves from Southern California to return to the United States, the federal government has agreed to advertise the settlement on various Mexican and Spanish-language media outlets.

The ACLU filed a class-action lawsuit last year on behalf of eleven illegal immigrants who deported themselves. The settlement reached on Wednesday will only cover "longtime California residents with relatives who are U.S. citizens and... young migrants whose parents brought them into the country illegally" who deported themselves between 2009 and 2013. An ACLU official has indicated that there were nearly 250,000 people who were "deported voluntarily from Southern California between 2009 and 2013" and estimated to the Los Angeles Times that the "number of repatriations could reach into the hundreds or thousands."

So, yeah.  The Australian approach is a little bit different.


'Origami' condoms, Michelle Obama gardening games and poop-throwing chimps: NIH spent millions on wacky projects but now complains cuts killed off Ebola vaccine research

•The NIH budget included $2.4 million for a new condom design whose inventor is now being investigated for fraud

•Another $939,000 taught scientists that male fruit flies prefer younger females

•$257,000 went to create a companion website for first lady Michelle Obama's White House garden

•It cost $592,000 to determine that chimpanzees with the best poop-flinging skills are also the best communicators, and another $117,000 to learn that most chimps are right-handed

•NIH director Dr. Francis Collins complained Sunday that a lack of funding is behind his agency's failure to produce an Ebola vaccine in time to combat this year's epidemic

By David Martosko, Us Political Editor for MailOnline

Published: 22:24 EST, 13 October 2014  | Updated: 08:43 EST, 14 October 2014 

The $30 billion U.S. National Institutes of Health blamed tightening federal budgets on Monday for its inability to produce an Ebola vaccine, but a review of its grant-making history in the last 10 years has turned up highly unusual research that redirected precious funds away from more conventional public health projects.

The projects included $2.4 million to develop 'origami' condoms designed with Japanese folding paper in mind, and $939,000 to find out that male fruit flies prefer to romance younger females because the girl-flies' hormone levels drop over time.

Other winners of NIH grants consumed $325,000 to learn that marriages are happier when wives calm down more quickly during arguments with their husbands, and $257,000 to make an online game as a companion to first lady Michelle Obama's White House garden.

The agency also spent $117,000 in taxpayers' grant dollars to discover that most chimpanzees are right-handed.

No southpaws: The NIH spent more than $700,000 to find out that most chimps are right-handed, and that those with the best communications skills are also the best poop-flingers

NIH chief Dr. Francis Collins said a lack of research dollars in the past decade has hampered the search for an Ebola vaccine – but his budgets are higher now and NIH already funds some unconventional stuff

'Virtual Sprouts' is a 'web-based gardening game' based on first lady Michelle Obama's White House garden; the quarter-million-dollar project is aimed at teaching nutrition and fighting obesity

The same group of scientists determined, at a cost of $592,000 for NIH, that chimps with the best poop-throwing skills are also the best communicators. But while flinging feces might get another primate's attention in the wild, they discovered, it's not much good in captivity.

'I've never in my life seen a chimp be given a banana for throwing s**t at someone,' Emory University psychologist Bill Hopkins told Wired magazine. 

The marital-argument research, conducted at Stanford and Northwestern Universities, involved 82 couples and found that when wives 'downregulated' their negative emotions during a spat, both partners had 'greater marital satisfaction over time.' Not so for men who held their tongues, however.

Part of a $666,000 NIH grant supported a University of Buffalo researcher who determined that watching sitcom reruns like 'Seinfeld' or re-watching old movies helps older people feel re-connected with pseudo-friends from their past.

Another outlay of $181,000 went to University of Kentucky researchers who studied how cocaine use 'enhanced' the sex drive of the Japanese quail.

The researchers' website explains that they chose the birds because they 'readily engage in reproductive behavior in the laboratory' and 'provide a convenient and interesting alternative to standard laboratory rats and pigeons.'


"Oh yeah? ...It is my contention nothing political IS correct!"

It is my contention that political correctness has so deeply infiltrated American society that it has affected our approach to defending ourselves against Islamic terrorism, deadly epidemics and even presidential assassins.

In the past, AIDS, which, in spite of the massive publicity campaign waged by the homosexual community, was never a great threat to heterosexuals – unless, of course, they were the really cheap and stupid drug addicts who shared hypodermic needles -- nobody in public life ever had the guts to suggest that those with the disease be quarantined.

Today, because those spreading Ebola are West Africans, nobody has the gumption to suggest curtailing flights from that part of the world to America, lest we be accused of being a nation of racists. At the same time, if the epidemic was centered in Scandinavia and we stopped all incoming flights from Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen, I very much doubt if we would be condemned for practicing blondophobia.

The other major export from that particularly noxious part of the world is Islamic terrorism. Again, we are so frightened of appearances when it comes to Arabs and Muslims that we refuse to engage in racial profiling (which is otherwise known as being rational in a world in which 90% of the violence is committed by young males named Mohammad who look a great deal like Osama bin Laden) or to even risk referring to "Islamic terrorism" as such, preferring to pass it off as "workplace violence."

That brings us to Omar Gonzalez, who hopped the Pennsylvania Avenue fence and made it all the way into the White House while carrying a knife before being brought down and disarmed. Although as my friend Ron Kessler has made clear in his books about the Secret Service, there has been a recent history of dangerous cost-cutting by a number of Service chiefs, I have my own theory as to the reason security broke down so dramatically in this case. I believe the agents spotted a Hispanic racing across the White House lawn, and instead of expecting commendations for shooting him, they envisioned being brought up before a congressional committee of political opportunists and facing trumped-up charges for over-reacting to a potential threat.

Speaking of Ron Kessler, in his latest book, "The First Family Detail," he reports that even though they both insist they're conservative cost-cutters and always having the American taxpayer foremost in mind, whenever Ted Cruz or Rand Paul shows up for an interview at Fox, they are invariably accompanied by an entourage of five or six aides, although the customary number of toadies, even when it comes to liberal lawmakers, is no more than two.

That is why I have come to believe that no matter how much Republicans may talk about cutting the size and cost of the federal government, they're really only talking about when the Democrats are in charge. Besides, it goes entirely against human nature – and, all evidence to the contrary, politicians are human beings – for any politician to ever crave less power or fewer fawning acolytes on the payroll than his or her predecessor.

To absolutely nobody's surprise, the Government Accountability Institute recently disclosed that over the past two years Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of the daily intelligence briefings. But that didn't stop him from blaming Director of National Intelligence James Clapper for his being left in the dark about the imminent threat from ISIL.

Not that long ago, Obama had labeled the cutthroats a bunch of nobodies who thought that if they donned the uniforms of the L.A. Lakers, it would turn them into the Lakers when, as Obama cockily assured us, they were no more than a junior varsity squad. As it turned out, they proved that they could teach Kobe Bryant and the rest of the Lakers a little something about playing offense. Of course it always helps when the other team – in this case the very Iraqi military that we had spent years and a bloody fortune training and arming – ran off the court while ripping off their uniforms.

The fact that Obama paid absolutely no attention to the facts supplied on a daily basis by U.S. Intelligence was typical of His Arrogance, and it certainly didn't prevent him from casting Mr. Clapper in the role of every lazy student's favorite scapegoat, the dog with an insatiable appetite for homework
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Are they trying to spread the disease?

Ebola Patient
to Fly
With Slight Fever

Wednesday, 15 Oct 2014 10:03 PM

By Todd Beamon

A second Dallas nurse who has been diagnosed with Ebola was allowed to travel on Monday with a slight fever by federal health officials, according to news reports.

Amber Vinson, 29, who was flown to Atlanta for treatment on Wednesday, notified the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before she boarded a plane to Cleveland because of her fever, Dallas NBC affiliate NBCDFW-TV5 reported.

"Vinson was not told that she could not fly," a person only identified in the report as a "federal government spokesperson" told the station.

Vinson, who was diagnosed with the disease on Tuesday, had been monitoring her health and reporting her temperature to CDC epidemiology teams routinely, according to the report.

Read more at:


Rip Van Whitey  Part #9

Factory "guard"

As Rip stared at the machine, trying to divine its inner workings, the man to his right leaned over and whispered, "Need some help?"

"If you would be so kind," Rip responded, bashfully.

The man extended a hand. "RedStater. RedStater Knickerbocker. But you can call me Red."

Rip looked fearfully at the proctor, then, not wanting to be rude, shook the man's hand. "Rip Van Whitey," he said.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Rip," RedStater replied. Red then proceeded to assist Rip with getting his pieces of cloth in order and demonstrated the use of the sewing machine.

"You're not from around here, are you, Rip?" Red finally asked.

"Uh, I'm not." He looked at the proctors again, then enquired secretively: "What is going on here, anyway?"

"It's a long story, Rip...but we've got nothing but time, now, do we?" And with that, Red launched into a detailed history of his experiences in this strange land—how he was a precocious child and the darling of the Indoctrinators until he began to question their preachings; how this consigned him to a life of labor in The Factory; how he believes most others feel as he does, but are too fearful to protest in front of the proctors; how he seethes at the opulence and decadence of Glitterati Hills, which he sees every so often when he is tasked to deliver goods there—

"Wait—'Glitterati Hills' you say?" interrupted Rip. "I've heard of that. I thought it was a dream, but now I'm not so sure that those men weren't real, and their words weren't the truth..."

And with that, it was Rip's turn to chew his neighbor's ear off, and he launched into recounting his tale of his hike into the Catskills, the young dandy with the keg, the flagons of gin, the game of stickball, and the distinguished old man's now-not-so-inscrutable monologue.

"So, wait...there were all-white nations, and they were civilized?" marveled an incredulous Red.

"Not only civilized, but wildly successful. For example, have you heard of television?"

Red shook his head.

"Telephones? Microwave ovens? Automobiles? Airplanes? The internet? Nuclear energy? Genetic engineering? Engineering? Calculus? Theoretical physics? Zoology? Newton? Einstein? Tesla? Da Vinci? Aristotle? Michelangelo?"

On and on Rip went, and with each noun, Red would shake his head, signaling his ignorance.

"The moon, Red—do you know of the moon?"

"Why yes—that I know of!" exclaimed Red, happy to finally hear a word uttered by this strange old man with which he was familiar.

"Do you know that we walked on its face? We—we whites—we used slide rules and mechanical pencils and hammers and wrenches and we built a rocket ship and a lunar module and a rover and we walked upon the face of the moon...and then brought those men back safely to earth!"

"Now you're just messing with me," said Red slyly.

"No, it's true; I swear upon all things holy it's true. And not only there, but beyond—to other planets, beyond our solar system even!"

"But how were such amazing things possible without diversity?"

"I'm beginning to suspect," whispered Rip, as quietly as possible, "That it was not in spite of a lack of 'diversity', but because of it, that we were so successful."

Red's eyes widened as saucers as a mischievous grin spread across his face. "Heresy..."

They were interrupted by a scream from behind them. Craning their necks, they saw a pretty blond proctor being dragged by the hair into a corner by one of the "guards".

"My dear, what's happening?" Rip asked, alarmed.

They watched as the guard threw the proctor to the ground, tore her dress from her legs, and began to fish his penis out of his sagging pants.

"Looks like one of the guards is horny," Red sighed nonchalantly.

"Well, shouldn't we do something? I mean, he's going to rape her, isn't he?"

"Eh, what can you do..."

Rip was flabbergasted at Red's insouciance, and disheartened to see it was shared by everyone else in the room. The other "guards" barely even stirred from their slumber, and the proctors did nothing but continue to heckle the workers, acting as if nothing was going on behind them; that the screams from the poor woman were mere background noise.

"Well, this simply will not do," Rip declared, arising from his seat and marching to the corner where the rape was unfolding.

Red tried to stop him, but to no avail. He remained seated, but watched the proceedings intently.

Once at the scene of the crime in progress, Rip wondered what on earth he would do next. The beast who was raping the woman was a hulking mass of muscular black flesh, undulating upon the petite blond with testosterone-fueled fury. Surely a physical confrontation was out of the question; and Rip had, at long last, realized reason was beyond the reach of such an individual.

It was then that he saw, tucked into the perp's white underdrawers, the most dangerous and detestable of all machines ever invented by the mind of man: a gun. In saner times he would have run to the police and reported the discovery, but clearly there were no police to be found in this new and awful place. And perhaps he would have been plagued with doubt and misgivings by so much as considering utilizing that machine, were he even considering it. But he was not considering it; time was too short, and poor old Rip too emotionally discharged, to allow for anything resembling critical reflection upon what the situation demanded. Instead, he did something he never did before in the entirety of his long, pathetic life: He embraced his newly found righteous rage, and his burning thirst for justice, and grabbed the gun.

To be continued...

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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