This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Ladies and Germs I Give You The TRUTH About ISLAM!

I always finds it amusing to watch hard-core leftists in the Propaganda Media and CAIR criticize normal Americans who have a negative opinion concerning Islam.  I suppose they both have their agenda to achieve by trying to shame Americans into not speaking out against the vile actions from followers of the 'Religion of Peace.'

Leftists want to normalize anything that runs contrary to American traditional values.  They detest Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie values that made America the strongest and most wealthy country in history.  They prefer the Mohammad, Beheadings, and Allah disease of Islam that is rapidly destroying Europe because it runs contrary to our values.  Liberals also advocate sexual, educational, behavioral abnormalities in America over our historical beliefs.  They seek to destroy America by rotting it with their sick ideology.

Incidentally, Islam opposes all the things leftist support except the destruction of America.

On several occasions, Obuma has said Islam has played a great role in America from its inception.  What a crock!!  While stupid people (liberals) believe this BS (remember, they voted for Obuma twice!), normal Americans recognize Obuma and his ilk's agenda.  And they are doing a tremendous job of destroying America's greatness.  The only thing they have done right.

Muslims, on the other hand, want to destroy America... totally!  Islam seeks a global caliphate based on 7th century barbarism.  And they will use any tool to accomplish it.  I believe they have nearly accomplished their goal of destroying England.  Finally, PM Cameron has got the message.  We hear Muslim groups every day crying Islamaphobia whenever anyone has the boldness and guts to speak the truth about Islam.  The truth that everyone, including Muslims, knows is the truth!  Truth is always a victim when leftists and/or religious fanatics are involved in the equation as you all know.

So why is it that so many Americans are Islamaphobic?  Only one reason.  Islam!  Maybe it's because of these reasons we see or have experienced from "The Religion of Peace":

***US hostages in Iran in 1979 (my first experience with Islam)
***1983 Beirut Marine barracks explosion ( Iknow, my brother and I were there)
***1993 attack on World Trade Center
***Muslims dancing in the streets on 9/11 (including Muslims in America)
***Fort Hood murders by Muslim terrorist (redundancy alert)
***Numerous attempted and completed terrorist attacks from Muslims living in America
***23,818 Muslim terrorist attacks since 9/11 worldwide
***Child brides (as young as 7 years old)
***Abysmal treatment of women (burqas, no rights, stonings, rapes, no education, etc)
***No rights for other religions in Muslim-controlled countries
***Desire for world control
***Beheadings, hangings, crucifixions, etc
***Rapes and sexual slavery for non-Muslims
***Murders of men, women and children (most recent example is ISIS)
***Islam contributes nothing to civilization, it only destroys
***Constant calls from Muslims worldwide for the destruction of The Great Satan and Israel
***Hatred of all that is not Muslim
***Ignorance of Muslims (i.e. Women in western clothing cause earthquakes)

Those are just a few in the following article. (I'm sure you can add more putrid examples of Muslim behavior).

Obuma said in his speech this week that "ISIL is not Islam. " Yes, ISIS is Islam.  And what's worse... Islam is Islam.

Islam cannot be called a religion in the Western definition of religions.  Religions in the West generally contribute in a positive manner to society.  Christianity, for instance, teaches peace, love and helping others.  Christianity teaches to love thy neighbor.  Islam teaches to kill thy neighbor if a situation warrents it.  As far as I'm concerned,Islam is a not a religion, simply a cult of death and control.  A deranged, barbaric, political group.  Nothing more.

Are there good Muslims?  I'm sure there are but I couldn't tell you where to find them.  I don't see or hear them protesting or speaking out against the so-called "radical elements of Islam."  Perhaps because while every Muslim seeks the same goals of a worldwide caliphate and jihad, only some are more involved in making it happen.  I'm not sure but as the saying goes, "not every Muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim."

I laugh when I see the hard-core sick leftist idiots on MSNBC defending Islam terrorist attack after terrorist attack.  I know their agenda.  .

Do you ever wonder why I have never written one harsh word about the actions of Buddhists?  Because Buddhists are not trying to take over the world with violence, repression, ignorance, and hatred.  If Buddhists begin to mirror the savagery of Islam, they will be on my sh!t list.  Until then, they can just Budda away in peace.  Fine with me.

Islam has made me hate Islam. It's not Islamaphobia, racism, or any other ridiculous term dreamed up by PC leftists.  Islam has only Islam to blame.

I leave you with this to think about!!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Is Brit Alan Henning the next to be beheaded by ISIS?
Alan Henning is shown in a video released Saturday as the purported next victim to be beheaded by ISIS.

The man who could be next on the ISIS kill list is a British aid worker who went to the Middle East to help refugees in northern Syria — and who thought just months ago that the militants would release him because he was on a mission of mercy.

Alan Henning was threatened at the end of a video released Saturday that shows the execution of fellow Brit David Haines.

Twitter users who claimed to know Henning say he's from the Manchester area.

"HOLY S--- I KNOW THIS MAN," said a tweet from @SaiyanSyrian. "The man ISIS are threatening to behead is an aid worker who went with a British humanitarian convoy to help Syrians."

Henning went to help refugees near Idlib when ISIS abducted him around Christmas.

A band of armed masked men separated him from his fellow aid workers, according to Middle East journalist Tam Hussein.

Britian's Foreign and Commonwealth Office was investigating the kidnapping behind the scenes, Hussein told the Daily News via Twitter.

Henning was warned not to go into Syria, but he did so anyway because he felt he was needed there.

"Henning was told not (to go into) Syria... but insisted on going in b/c he had put in so much time and effort in the project," wrote Hussein, who said he investigated Henning's disappearance for NBC News earlier this year. "Henning wanted to make sure aid reached the intended. Henning was genuinely trying to help the Syrian refugee crisis — nothing more. People spoke very highly of him."

Alan Henning is a British aid worker who was captured in northern Syria while helping refugees, according to Twitter users.
After being captured, Henning was put into an ISIS jail in Al-Dana, according to Dutch journalist Harald Doornbos, who interviewed a Syrian activist who met and talked to Henning during his stay there.

"(He was) later moved to Raqqa," Doornbos said.

Raqqa is considered the capital of the ISIS-controlled territories in Syria and Iraq. The U.S. tried — and failed — to rescue American hostages from a building just outside Raqqa over the summer.

Before he was taken to Raqqa, Henning was apparently in good spirits, telling the activist he believed ISIS would release him because he was doing aid work, Doornbos told

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Breaking: Foley Family Threatened With Terror Charges If They Paid Ransom For Their Kidnapped Son

The family of beheaded journalist James Foley was threatened by the Obama administration with terrorism charges if they paid a ransom to ISIS for their kidnapped son.
Aljazeera reported:

The family of murdered American journalist James Foley says it was threatened by a US official with terrorism charges if they paid a ransom to his captors in Syria.

Foley's mother Diane told ABC News on Friday that a military officer working for Barack Obama's National Security Council had told them several times that they could face criminal charges if they paid a ransom.

"We took it as a threat and it was appalling," she said. "Three times he intimidated us with that message. We were horrified he would say that. He just told us we would be prosecuted. We knew we had to save our son, we had to try."

"We were just told to trust that he would be freed somehow, miraculously,"
Foley's mother said on CNN. "And he wasn't, was he?"

The president's spokesman refused to discuss conversations that the family had with officials, but said they involved people from different government branches.

"I'm not going to get into who said what in the context of these individual conversations," spokesman Josh Earnest said, but he reaffirmed the US policy not to pay ransoms because it could encourage further abductions.

The National Security Council was quoted as saying that the Foley family was informed of US laws banning terrorism financing but denied the family was told they could face charges if they made a ransom payment.

Meanwhile, it has been widely reported that Obama's hesitancy to make a decision cost James Foley his life.

President Obama delayed a rescue mission for James Foley and others for 30 days. Obama spent that time "fretting over his image", playing golf and worrying his administration would be "Carterized" if the mission failed.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Syrian Rebels: We'll Use US Weapons to Fight Assad,
Not ISIS, Whether Obama Likes It or Not
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, September 13, 2014,

Since July, the Obama-backed Free Syrian Army, Al Nusra Front, and ISIS have paired together in order to fight the Syrian Assad regime.

According to one Free Syrian Army commander, the combining of forces with ISIS was needed in order to achieve "the greater good."

Since around that time ISIS has traveled around the Caliphate in their brand new Toyota Hilux trucks.... Paid for by US taxpayers

Moderate Muslim groups signed a non-aggression pact with ISIS this week in a Damascus suburb.

Now this...
Moderate Muslim groups are going to use US arms to fight Assad but not ISIS.
Josh Rogin at The Daily Beast reported:

If the U.S. arms the Free Syrian Army to fight ISIS, they are going to battle the Syrian regime at the same time—no matter what the White House says.

President Obama has reversed course, and is finally promising to openly arm the moderate Syrian opposition. But he wants the rebels to use those weapons to fight only ISIS, not the Bashar al-Assad regime. The Syrian rebels plan to use them to fight both at the same time.

For the Free Syrian Army, the loose conglomeration of opposition fighters that are not extremists and not aligned with the Assad regime, the war against ISIS began long before President Obama's prime time speech Wednesday night. They have been battling ISIS for a year and fighting the Assad regime for over three years. For all that time, they have been begging the United States to send them weapons, but the CIA program to arm them has been extremely limited. They are getting beaten on both fronts, badly.

"Because of our failure [the rebels] have been so badly harmed and so many killed," said Sen. John McCain, a longtime advocate for intervening in the Syrian conflict. "The blood is on their hands, the responsibility for the casualties that they have suffered unnecessarily, the responsibility lies with the president."

In the administration's haste to now throw military support behind the rebels, they are now committing to fighting alongside a force that is fighting Assad, possibly drawing the U.S. directly into the Syrian civil war.

After two years of rejecting calls from his own national security team to arm the FSA, President Obama announced Wednesday night that he now wanted to arm the FSA to fight against the terrorists who are on the march in Syria and Iraq. He said the only way to beat ISIS was to train and equip the moderate rebels—the same rebels he ignored for so long—and he called on Congress to authorize the mission.

"In the fight against ISIL, we cannot rely on an Assad regime that terrorizes its people; a regime that will never regain the legitimacy it has lost," Obama said, using an alternate acronym for ISIS. "Instead, we must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like ISIL, while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve Syria's crisis once and for all."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Huckabee Easily Tops GOP Field in Iowa with 21%

Mike Huckabee nearly laps the field with 21% of all registered Republicans saying they would support the former Arkansas governor if the 2016 Iowa caucuses were held today. I'm not sure why Huckabee would run in 2016 though.  In 2012, he said of running for president, "All The Factors Say Go, But My Heart Says No"

If his heart's not in it, he shouldn't run.  He will lose.

Mike Huckabee and Hillary Clinton are leading the way among Republicans and Democrats in Iowa in the latest poll on the 2016 presidential primary.

If the Republican presidential caucus were held now, Mike Huckabee would win 21 percent of the vote in Iowa; Clinton would win 53 percent, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

Rep. Paul Ryan, at 12 percent, is on Huckabee's heels, followed by Rand Paul (7 percent), Jeb Bush (6 percent) and Chris Christie (6 percent). Fifteen percent had no opinion.

Clinton far outpaced other potential Democrats. Her next closet challenger was Vice President Joe Biden at 15 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (7 percent) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (5 percent) followed Biden. Twelve percent had no opinion.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


What I've learned since my nephew
Sean Smith was killed in Benghazi on 9/11

By  Michael Ingmire

Damage at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is seen during a protest
by an armed group said to have been protesting a film being
produced in the United States in this September 11, 2012 file photo. REUTERS/Esam Al-Fetori/Files (Reuters)

Since the loss of my nephew Sean Smith in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack at the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, I have learned many, many lessons. Here are five of them:

1. American citizens should never be afraid to confront their representatives and ask for justice: Since December 2012, when I sent a letter of support to Congressman Frank Wolf in his efforts to establish a select committee to investigate Benghazi, I have spoken to over 300 congressmen and senators about a variety of issues related to the attack.

Two years ago, I never would have considered calling my congressman. Now it seems like second nature.

We have all have lost loved ones due to government incompetence, negligence and continuing malfeasance.

We should never accept unacceptable behavior from our government representatives. In addition, do not let any politician or his representative tell you that he cannot talk to you if you are not from his district. The United States government should represent all Americans.

2. Whether "Fast and Furious," Extortion 17 or Benghazi, the Obama administration has failed to keep its word: I have an immense amount of sympathy for the families of the victims of "Fast and Furious" and Extortion 17, as well as the other Benghazi family members.

We have all have lost loved ones due to government incompetence, negligence and continuing malfeasance. The Obama administration wants to treat terrorists as criminals, like mafia chieftains or drug lords. There has not been any substantial prosecution regarding any of these matters. President Obama is still getting to the bottom of it.

3. The face of terrorism continues: Al Qaeda and other terrorist factions have never been on the run in the presence of President Obama. Not a single terrorist considers our president to be a threat. The recent ISIS videos demonstrate that lack of fear in a most pronounced and horrifying manner. The weakness of our president's foreign policy leaves more and more dead bodies in its wake.

4. Our enemies can never be defeated as long as we continue to be politically correct: Manners and political correctness are wasted against the face of evil. Any act of war against the United States should be responded to swiftly and succinctly.

The ideology of Shariah law is antithetical to American principles. We do not subjugate women, cut off the heads of our enemies and drive planes into buildings to get closer to God.

5. We need to pay attention to who we give military and humanitarian aid to: In conjunction with French forces, we removed Qaddafi as the leader of Libya. We provided the rebels with 400 tons of weapons. Some of those American weapons were used to kill Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.

The lessons of Benghazi are still unfolding.

I am looking forward to the Benghazi Select Committee Hearings which will get underway later this month. I plan on attending some of them.

I hope the American media will finally cover Benghazi as the true scandal that it is. With some exceptions, they have been missing in action.

To avoid future Benghazis and to fight terrorism, we need leaders who have a pronounced moral compass, as opposed to an embracement of a cult of personality. I hope the American electorate will become better informed. It voted for an incompetent president, twice.

Michael Ingmire is a musician, writer, and activist based in North Carolina. He is the uncle of Sean Smith, one of the four Americans killed during the attacks in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.


When it comes to divas, the ones who would generally come to mind are Beyonce, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. But one who is clearly entitled to her rightful place on any list of arrogant, demanding, wildly overpaid female celebrities is none other than Hillary Clinton. It's true that, unlike the others, she can't carry a tune in a suitcase. But to be fair she has a talent they lack. She has the ability to crack glass with her unnerving cackle.

It's bad enough that Mrs. Clinton went on TV and claimed that she and Bill were flat broke when they left the White House in 2001, trolling for sympathy from all us yokels who are struggling to survive Obama's economic policies. Apparently Hillary's contempt for everyone who isn't Hillary is so great that she assumed that none of us were aware that both she and Bill had multi-million dollar book deals just waiting for them to turn off the lights in the White House.

But it now comes out that if you're goofy enough to write her a check for $300,000 so she'll deign to show up and give one of her boring lectures, you better keep your checkbook handy. It seems she is every bit as demanding as Michelle Obama on a bad hair day. For starters, you will have to provide a private jet with seating for 16 for the roundtrip to your venue. You will also have to set aside 20 seats at the event for her entourage. Next, you'll have to provide her with a presidential suite at the hotel of her choice, along with three adjoining rooms for her various stooges. Finally, you'll have to pony up enough to pay for all their meals and phone calls, along with $1,250 for madam's stenographer.

In return, she will grant you 90 minutes of her time, the taking of no more than 50 photos with no more than 100 guests, and absolutely no press coverage.

In the meantime, the man she'd like to replace in the Oval Office is behaving even crazier than usual, giving speeches in which he goes from vowing to decimate the terrorists in Iraq to suggesting he would be willing to simply manage them. This is a wimp who couldn't manage a Pony League baseball team pretending he can manage the barbarians in the Middle East.

Speaking of those barbarians, why is it they can't settle on a name? First, they were ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). Then, a couple of days later, they were calling themselves ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). The next thing I knew, they were simply IS (the Islamic State.) But the day isn't over. Nobody's gone through so many name changes since Elizabeth Taylor wound up with a tombstone engraved Elizabeth Taylor Hilton Wilding Todd Fisher Burton Burton Warner Fortensky.

The way that Obama is dithering around, when even his vice-president, his secretary of defense, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Elizabeth Warren, and the Pope, are calling for decisive military action against the head-hacking butchers, I'm wondering if he thinks that voters this November will be sufficiently distracted by the Middle East – foreign policy being something that generally doesn't sway many voters – to forget about the economy, the racist policies of Eric Holder and ObamaCare. I'm reminded that George Will recently channeled Lily Tomlin's bag lady character who was wont to say, "No matter how cynical you are, you just can't keep up."

If Obama really sought advice when it comes to foreign affairs, he'd be wise to heed John Slawinski, who sums it up this way: "Whenever there's trouble in the world, foreign nations and their people should either say, 'Thank God the Americans are here' or 'God help us, the Americans are here.'"

Instead, we're stuck with a schmuck in the White House who insists that the world is safer than it's ever been, while acknowledging the world is always a messy place. Dismissing what is going on in Ukraine, North Korea, China, Iran, Syria and Iraq, as "messy" would qualify for a gold medal if the Olympics included a competition for English understatement.

I was recently ruminating about Israel's bleak future. One needn't be Nostradamus to see a vicious cycle of being attacked by her neighbors; eventually striking back and being condemned by the world community for doing so; agreeing to a ceasefire; then agreeing to go through the motions of negotiating with people sworn to annihilate you until the talks are inevitably interrupted by the next attack, which eventually will involve Iranian nukes.

I realize that Jews have lived there for thousands of years and that the Bible refers to Israel as the Jewish homeland, but in my head I see God tearing his hair out and hollering, "Can't anyone take a joke? Why on earth would anyone think I'd expect my Chosen People to live among evil, swinish cultists whose only purpose in life is to kill Jews and -- oh by the way -- settle on the only land for miles around that has no oil under it? Who in his right mind would move into such a neighborhood? Actually, when I was talking about a Promised Land, I had Des Moines in mind."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


As you may have heard, when Obama finally got around to announcing that he thought the Islamic State was almost as dangerous as John Kerry, Joe Biden, Chuck Hagel and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, had been insisting it was for several weeks, the first thing he did was tell us that the enemy was neither Islamic nor a state.

One could argue whether the area the terrorist group controls, an area the size of Belgium, is really a state. But, then, one could argue whether Belgium, a place the rest of us have only heard of because it was the birthplace of Agatha Christie's fictional detective, Hercule Poirot, is a state.

What is not open to debate is whether an outfit that calls itself the Islamic State is or isn't Islamic. The argument Obama made was that "ISIS is not Islamic because no religion condones killing innocents." The problem is that Islam doesn't consider Christians or Jews as innocents; it regards them as infidels whose very existence is an affront to Allah, and killing them is therefore nothing less than a religious obligation.

Making matters worse, Obama seriously went on to describe Yemen and Somalia as proof that his foreign policy has been a rousing success. That would be like Ben Affleck bragging about "Gigli" or the French pointing to the Maginot Line as proof of their military prowess.

The question that occurs to me, as it has ever since 9/11, when George W. Bush decided his mission in life was to take the heat off Muslims by constantly insisting that "Islam is a religion of peace," is why our leaders feel compelled to lie about our enemies.

Even when Major Hasan murdered and maimed more than 30 people at Fort Hood, the current administration insisted that in spite of his being a self-proclaimed jihadist who screamed "Allah Akbar" as he slaughtered his victims, it was just another unfortunate example of workplace violence and had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.

What is it about Islam, which can best be described as a wolf in wolf's clothing, that has our commanders-in-chief mincing words and pussyfooting around the truth? Just for the record, Voodoo is practiced by about 60 million people worldwide. If it was practiced by a billion, would our presidents feel obliged to speak respectfully of a belief system that involves the sacrificing of goats, sheep and dogs, and the drinking of animal blood?

When you get right down to it, Voodoo has far more to recommend it than Islam. For one thing, they go in for a lot of dancing. For another, although I definitely disapprove of slitting the throats of dogs, it beats slitting the throats of women, children and American journalists, and personally, I'll take a good old-fashioned zombie over a jihadist any day of the week. For one thing, unlike the Islamic propagandists in CAIR, they don't get dressed up in Armani suits and go on TV, trying to fool people into thinking they're civilized human beings. For another thing, zombies always shuffle, making it easy to out-run them.

If there's one thing to be grateful for when it comes to the Islamic State, it's that it's run by dummies. I mean, they had a safe haven in Syria and they were marching through Iraq the way that Sherman zipped through Georgia, and not only was nobody in Europe or the Middle East raising a finger to stop them, but Obama was dismissing them as the junior varsity. It was nothing but clear sailing until the arrogant bastards decided to start videotaping their beheadings. Obviously, their intention was to terrify the world into a paralytic state, but, as they should have known, that is always the state of the world when it comes to confronting evil.

However, rather than leave bad enough alone, they did something so barbaric, so in keeping with the demented cult dreamed up by Muhammad 14 centuries ago, that once people quit vomiting, even Obama, who speaks softly and carries a limp wrist, figured he better do something.

But as usual, Obama, to whom a declaration of war in the Middle East would be absolute proof that his foreign policies have all been a pile of mush, had no real idea what to do. After all, it doesn't look good when, on August 8th, you're telling everyone that arming the Free Syrian Army is a nutty notion because they're all just a bunch of "doctors, farmers and pharmacists," and, on September 10th, your big plan calls on them to do our fighting in Syria.

So far as I'm concerned, it is always a rotten idea to trust Muslims to fight on your side. We saw how well that worked in Afghanistan, where Afghan soldiers killed nearly as many American soldiers as the Taliban did; and again in Libya, where we trusted our so-called allies to provide security for our consulate in Benghazi.

Still, when one hears Obama pooh-pooh citizen soldiers, one has to wonder if he and his speechwriters are totally unaware of American history or if he's merely expressing his contempt for the rag tag group of doctors, farmers and pharmacists, who somehow managed to send the Redcoats back to England with their tails between their legs?


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


There are any number of jobs that I couldn't handle physically, such as being a professional athlete or a bouncer at a nightclub; and some I wouldn't consider because of moral objections, such as being a criminal defense attorney. But, after reading Ron Kessler's latest book, "The First Family Detail," there's one I couldn't handle for any number of reasons, and that's being a Secret Service agent on a presidential detail.

I mean, imagine swearing to take a bullet or several bullets intended for Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. From having read Kessler's earlier "In the President's Secret Service," I already knew that being assigned to protect Jimmy Carter, John Kerry or Hillary Clinton was tantamount to a prison sentence because of their blatant contempt for those sworn to sacrifice their lives for them. But when it came to guys like Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton, the day-to-day job had less to do with protecting them against assassins than it did with making sure the First Ladies didn't trip over their various bimbos.

Speaking of which, I had a good laugh recently when a bevy of Hollywood bimbos whined that hackers had managed to upload their nude photos and send them out on the Internet. It seems to me that if you feel the need to take selfies of yourself in the buff, hackers are the least of your problems.

Frankly, I see little difference between all this and the nudity they often display in their professional lives on screen, aside from the fact that they aren't compelled to defend this form of exhibitionism as essential to the plot of some cinematic stinkeroo.

I'm reminded of a comic strip I saw a while back. Two guys are seated at the counter of a restaurant filled with people engrossed in photographing themselves and one another on their electronic devices. The first guy says, "I read that the government wants to install cameras everywhere to record our every move." His companion, the only person in the room not focused on one of those ubiquitous gizmos, skeptically replies, "Scary."

Something I have never understood is why whenever someone on TV, be it Dean Martin in the old days or Bill Maher today, indicates a great fondness for booze or marijuana, the audience feels called upon to laugh knowingly. Is it intended to show that they, too, like nothing better than killing off as many of their brain cells as is humanly possible? Or is it supposed to make them seem sophisticated in spite of the fact it only makes them seem like teenage bumpkins?

Speaking of bumpkins, in 2007, Sen. Barack Obama announced, "The world will have confidence in America when I'm the president." It's bad enough that events have proven him to be as wrong as a person could be, but imagine the gall, the hubris, the sheer loopiness, required to make such a grandiose pronouncement.

Clearly, we have a commander-in-chief who is every bit as delusional as John Hinckley, who not only believed that actress Jodie Foster would be smitten with him if he could somehow manage to assassinate Ronald Reagan, but never even considered just sending her flowers and a box of candy.

I suspect that even if you'd pointed out to Hinckley that Ms. Foster was a lesbian, he'd have dismissed that as a mere hiccup.

Instead, like Joe E. Brown in "Some Like it Hot," when his beloved Daphne (Jack Lemmon) finally whips off his wig and confesses, "I'm not even a woman," Hinckley would have said, "Nobody's perfect."

But, clearly, every time Obama gazes into a mirror, he finds reason to disagree with Joe E. Brown, even if nobody else does. I mean, what can he possibly be thinking when an American journalist is beheaded in Iraq and he flies off to yet another fundraiser? And when a second journalist is beheaded a week later, he's the only person in America who not only isn't screaming for blood, but doesn't even take a moment to offer the man's family the nation's condolences.

Instead, when he went on TV to admit that even a year after ISIS turned up on our radar and quickly became our worst nightmare he didn't have a strategy to deal with the savages, the best he could come up with was the banal "We don't want to put the cart in front of the horse."

"Mr. President, forget about not having a strategy to annihilate these barbarians," I would have loved to have said to him, "you don't have a horse and your cart has a broken axle and four busted wheels."

In other news, it appears that O.J. Simpson has decided to become a Muslim. Some cynics claim this is the latest bit of evidence showing Simpson to be psychotic.

However, I, who always like to think the best of people, have an alternate theory. I'm sure we all recall that, upon being acquitted in 1995 of murdering Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, Simpson vowed to track down the real killers, and if he hadn't been distracted by golf, loose women and being arrested for robbery and kidnapping, he just might have done it.

By converting to Islam, I believe Simpson thinks it will make it easier for him, once he's released from jail in 2017, to resume his relentless pursuit of the villains if, perchance, they managed to elude him 19 years ago by scooting off to Yemen, Syria or Qatar.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


When I see that even now a great many Americans feel it's their duty to parrot the lie that most Muslims are peace-loving people, I find myself wondering how many times these yokels have purchased the Brooklyn Bridge.

Nobody, after all, would suggest that every single Muslim in the world dances a jig each time jihadists tunnel into Israel with the aim of kidnapping and killing women and children or that they all celebrated the recent beheading of James Foley. But what proof do we have that they don't? When you realize that Muslims in the west have never stopped donating to Islamic terrorist groups or stopped joining their ranks, why shouldn't we suspect the worst of them?

I have been writing for years that people who claim to see an iota of difference between Nazism and Islam are fooling themselves, and the basis for their delusion is that they have been raised to regard one as a nationalist movement (profane) and the other as a religion (sacred). But in each case, they were a vile concoction of both, and both have sought world domination. Each boasted a bible ("Mein Kampf" in one case, the Quran in the other), and each was inspired by a loathsome degenerate (Hitler in one case, Mohammad in the other).
Speaking of Islam, I think it's worth noting that the American-born Douglas McCain, who was killed while fighting on the side of ISIS, and the British-born Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, who apparently beheaded journalist James Foley, had both been rappers in their home country. Being a rap artist is not generally on the resume of those devoted to a cause that frowns on music, but I suppose you'd have to stretch the definition of music to its breaking point in order to include rap.
I knew that the difference between rap and crap is just one tiny letter, and that only illiterates would regard its lyrics as poetry. I also knew that it had the power to rot minds and destroy brain cells by the millions, but until Bary and McCain came along, I hadn't realized that it could also lay waste to human souls.

What does it say about Islam that people born and raised in the nations that could boast of heritages that included Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Shakespeare, Dickens and Churchill, could produce such monsters? The silver lining is that McCain is dead and Bary very likely will soon join him. Then they can rap to their heart's content for all eternity, competing to come up with new rhymes for "burning," "fire," "brimstone" and "Hades."

Closer to home, we have our own problems. One of them is that we have an administration that saw fit to send three White House representatives to the memorial service for street thug Michael Brown, but not one person to the memorial for James Foley. But why would they? After all, they not only banished the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, but snubbed the funeral service for Margaret Thatcher.

I was recently reminded that Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize even before he had time to move into the White House and unpack his autographed copy of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals." So far as the goofballs in Oslo were concerned, it was enough that he was a man of color and a left-winger who had defeated a Republican in a presidential election.

Some people were shocked that a man whose most memorable accomplishments as a state senator and a member of the U.S. Senate was setting records for voting "Present," but not I. I felt he was every bit as deserving as such earlier recipients as Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Yasser Arafat. The fact is the easiest way in the world to tell if someone is a jerk is to find that he's picked up a Nobel Peace Prize along the way. One can pretty much tell what Swedes think of Norwegians when you realize that the Peace Prize is the one they farmed out to them, while retaining Literature, Chemistry, Economics, Medicine and Physics, for themselves.

The sad truth is that the Norwegians always hand the Peace Prize to left-wing presidents, prime ministers, diplomats and high-sounding organizations, but the ingrates never gave it to the RAF or the U.S. military or to anyone, for that matter, who risked life and limb to rescue them from Nazi domination.

Even though Rand Paul is eager to cast himself as a clear-eyed realist and Hillary Clinton as a war hawk, my own take on the matter is that he's a pinheaded isolationist who would have America remove itself from the world stage and allow the likes of Iran, Russia, ISIS, China and North Korea, to vie for world supremacy.

As for Mrs. Clinton, why would anyone believe anything she says about national defense? After all, not only is her contempt for the military legendary, but she now confesses that the only reason she supported the surge in Afghanistan was because her primary opponent in 2008 was opposed to it, and so, for purely political reasons, she felt it imperative to differentiate herself from Barack Obama.

Finally, I recently saw a 1994 movie on TV. It was "Corrina, Corrina," and it starred Ray Liotta as the father of a young daughter who has just lost his wife, and Whoopi Goldberg as a housekeeper who fortuitously enters their lives.

The only reason the movie is worth mentioning is because at one point, Goldberg tells the seven-year-old girl that an angel took her mother to heaven. This enrages Liotta, who is a proud atheist. When his daughter asks him why he became angry, he tells her that talk about heaven and angels is the stuff that people tell each other to make them feel better. When she then says, "What's wrong with that?" he has no answer.

Whenever I would hear professional atheists such as the late Christopher Hitchens debating such matters, my response was a big yawn. I mean, if a belief system gives people comfort at the very worst times in their lives and, oh by the way, helps to keep them morally centered, what is the downside?

Besides, it's not something that Hitchens was in any position to debunk. In fact, once you got past the English accent and the polysyllabically-infested put-downs of Christians, it all came down to a way to pay for his booze and cigars.

In the final analysis, when it comes to deciding between doubters and believers, it can simply be a matter of aligning oneself with one group or the other. In other words, would you prefer to march into battle shoulder-to-shoulder with C.S. Lewis, Shakespeare, Bach, Voltaire, Descartes, Thomas Aquinas and G.K. Chesterton or join forces with such notable atheists as Brad Pitt, Mick Jagger, Jodie Foster, Jesse Ventura, Lance Armstrong, Howard Stern and Bill Maher?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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