This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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The Clintons are 'slumming it'! Power couple downsize their summer home to pay $100,000 on $18m Hamptons property after 'dead broke' gaffe

(Of course, it's donated to the 'Clinton Foundation'... what a terrific scam)

Via NY Post:
    Hillary and Bill Clinton will be the toast of the Hamptons this weekend as they move into their $100,000 Amagansett August rental.

    Saturday, the couple, along with daughter Chelsea, will be fêted at the Water Mill home of former Wall Street exec Joan Hornig and her investment banker husband George.

    Tickets range from $5,000 to $50,000 for a couple who would receive co-chair status.

    Proceeds will go to the Clinton Foundation.
    The former first couple has locked up a property at 44 Broadview Road for three weeks this month.

    But it doesn't appear to be much of a relaxing stay — Hillary is also planning to promote her book "Hard Choices" with an Aug. 16 signing at BookHampton in East Hampton.

(YIKE... Above was the $5000 shot.  Go beneath the fold to see the $50,000 money shots, the rear view.  But be warned!  Once seen, it cannot be unseen!  If you are a sensitive type, it may not be for you)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Whether you like Allen West or not... see if what he had to pontificate about is anything you would disagree with or not, one way or the other.  Personally, what he had to say is calling a spade a spade to the nth degree... but that's just my opinion.  One facts for certain, West doesn't care about being politically correct with this message below.

Former congressman, Lt. Col. Allen West proclaimed on Wednesday that there is only one true explanation that Obama is "purposely enabling the Islamist cause."

West, a favorite among many in the pro-freedom, pro-Constitution Tea Party movement, listed six instances where the Obama regime has been "working counter to the security of the United States of America":

1. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.

2. Providing weapons of support to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Egyptian government — F-16s and M1A1 Abrams tanks — but not to the Egyptian government after the Islamist group has been removed.

3. Negotiations with Qatar and Turkey, two Islamist-supporting countries.

4. Negotiations with Hamas, a terrorist group.

5. Returning sanction money, to the tune of billions of dollars, back to the theocratic regime led by Iran's ayatollahs and allowing them to march on towards nuclear capability.

6. Obama's evident support of Islamists in Libya.

Along with the above, West cited the recent report that Obama has lifted longtime restrictions against Libyans attending flight schools and receiving nuclear science training in the U.S, only two years after the terrorism that took place in Benghazi, Libya.

There is only one logical reason for the Democrat president to make these anti-American decisions, West concluded Wednesday on his website, that there is no other reason why Obama would prop-up America's enemies:

Sorry, but I can only explain this one way: Barack Hussein Obama is an Islamist in his foreign policy perspectives and supports their cause. You can go back and listen to his 2009 speech in Cairo, where Muslim Brotherhood associates were seated front and center.

All the circumstantial and anecdotal evidence points to that conclusion. The pivot away from the Middle East seems to be nothing more than an opportunity to enable Islamists and their goals. Anyone supporting this Libyan ban being lifted is indeed an enemy of this state.

In June, the former congressman from Florida called for Obama's impeachment, following Obama's negotiation with terrorists, releasing military deserter Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for the U.S. release of five notorious Muslim terrorists from GITMO.

Barack Obama's longtime pastor for over two decades, Jeremiah Wright, told author Ed Klein two years ago that "Barack Obama was steeped in Islam" and that he "knew very little about Christianity."
"When I asked the Reverend Wright about this whole question of Islam and Christianity. He said, 'Well, you know, Barack Obama was steeped in Islam. He knew a lot about Islam from his childhood. But he knew very little about Christianity. And I made it easy for him to feel not guilty about learning about Christianity without turning his back on his Islamic friends.'"

Words have consequences:

O.K. Forum: Toss in your two-cents... Fire Away – Inquiring Minds Want to Know!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



He was such a good boy! – Not! Shades of Trayvon Martin in more ways than one... but don't tell the MSM!

Here are some pictures that have been leaked via social media... see what you think and draw your own conclusions

Check this out:

GROSS: Michael Brown Jr.'s Social Media Page Reveals Extreme Racism Against White Girl

Michael Brown Jr.'s Social Media Page Reveals Extreme Racism Against White GirlPosted on August 14, 2014
The media might forget to bring up some little known facts in cases like this. A social media page that is attributed to Michael Brown Jr. shows a racist picture of a girl that was murdered in 2008 by two black thugs. See below...

A social media page attributed to Michael Brown Jr. reveals a hatred and disrespect for white people. Brown recently posted an image of a blonde girl that implies that she became "black" after having sex with a black man.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Struck at Least 6 Times

Part of a preliminary private autopsy report by Dr. Baden and Professor Parcells showing wounds on Mr. Brown's body. Dr. Michael M. Baden

(Brown was a 6'4" 292 pound 'BULLY' as his internet site shows.  He got what he deserved, IMHO! 
So the witnesses who claimed he was shot in the back lied.  Also some of the same people saying his hands were up... hmmmmm, shot 4 times in the right arm, I doubt that he was able to raise it.  This more readily matches the stories earlier, that Brown may have charged the officer.) )

FERGUSON, Mo. — Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown's skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family's request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.

'Violence Flares in Ferguson After Appeals for Harmony'  Obama Administration Plans Autopsy of Michael Brown in Effort to Keep PeaceAUG. 17, 2014 

The Media Equation: View of #Ferguson Thrust Michael Brown Shooting to National Attention AUG. 17, 2014 

Deep Tensions Rise to Surface After Ferguson ShootingAUG. 16, 2014  Lack of Leadership and a Generational Split Hinder Protests in FergusonAUG. 16, 2014 The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown's clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.

Dr. Michael Baden, right, and Prof. Shawn Parcells in Ferguson, Mo. Dr. Baden, based in New York, examined Michael Brown. Credit Eric Thayer for The New York Times

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Sunday that the Justice Department would conduct its own autopsy, in addition to the one performed by local officials and this private one because, a department spokesman said, of "the extraordinary circumstances involved in this case and at the request of the Brown family."

The preliminary autopsy results are the first time that some of the critical information resulting in Mr. Brown's death has been made public. Thousands of protesters demanding information and justice for what was widely viewed as a reckless shooting took to the streets here in rallies that ranged from peaceful to violent.
Mr. Brown died last week in a confrontation with a police officer here in this suburb of St. Louis. The police department has come under harsh criticism for refusing to clarify the circumstances of the shooting and for responding to protests with military-style operational gear.

"People have been asking: How many times was he shot? This information could have been released on Day 1," Dr. Baden said in an interview after performing the autopsy. "They don't do that, even as feelings built up among the citizenry that there was a cover-up. We are hoping to alleviate that."

Dr. Baden said that while Mr. Brown was shot at least six times, only three bullets were recovered from his body. But he has not yet seen the X-rays showing where the bullets were found, which would clarify the autopsy results. Nor has he had access to witness and police statements.

Dr. Baden provided a diagram of the entry wounds, and noted that the six shots produced numerous wounds. Some of the bullets entered and exited several times, including one that left at least five different wounds.

"This one here looks like his head was bent downward," he said, indicating the wound at the very top of Mr. Brown's head. "It can be because he's giving up, or because he's charging forward at the officer."

He stressed that his information does not assign blame or justify the shooting.
Continue reading the main story "We need more information; for example, the police should be examining the automobile to see if there is gunshot residue in the police car," he said.

Dr. Baden, 80, is a well-known New York-based medical examiner, who is one of only about 400 board-certified forensic pathologists in the nation. He reviewed the autopsies of both President John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and has performed more than 20,000 autopsies himself.

He is best known for having hosted the HBO show "Autopsy," but he rankles when he is called a "celebrity medical examiner," saying that the vast majority of what he does has nothing to do with celebrities.

Dr. Baden said that because of the tremendous attention to the case, he waived his $10,000 fee.

Prof. Shawn L. Parcells, a pathologist assistant based in Kansas, assisted Dr. Baden.
"You do this for the families," Mr. Parcells said.

The two medical experts conducted the four-hour examination Sunday at the Austin A. Layne Mortuary in St. Louis. Benjamin L. Crump, a lawyer for Mr. Brown's family who paid their travel expenses, hired them.

"The sheer number of bullets and the way they were scattered all over his body showed this police officer had a brazen disregard for the very people he was supposed to protect in that community," Mr. Crump said. "We want to make sure people understand what this case is about: This case is about a police officer executing a young unarmed man in broad daylight."

A spokesman for the Ferguson Police Department, Tim Zoll, said the police had not seen a report of the autopsy and therefore had no comment on it.
Dr. Baden said he consulted with the St. Louis County medical examiner before conducting the autopsy.

One of the bullets shattered Mr. Brown's right eye, traveled through his face, exited his jaw and re-entered his collarbone. The last two shots in the head would have stopped him in his tracks and were likely the last fired.

Brown, he said, would not have survived the shooting even if he had been taken to a hospital right away. The autopsy indicated that he was otherwise healthy.
Dr. Baden said it was unusual for the federal government to conduct a third autopsy, but dueling examinations often occur when there is so much distrust of the authorities. The county of St. Louis has conducted an autopsy, and the results have not yet been released.

He stressed that his examination was not to determine whether the shooting was justified.

"In my capacity as the forensic examiner for the New York State Police, I would say, 'You're not supposed to shoot so many times,' " said Dr. Baden, who retired from the state police in 2011. "Right now there is too little information to forensically reconstruct the shooting."

No matter what conclusions can be drawn from Dr. Baden's work, Mr. Brown's death remains marked by shifting and contradictory accounts more than a week after it occurred. The shooting is under investigation by St. Louis County and by the F.B.I., working with the Justice Department's civil rights division and the office of Attorney General Holder.

According to what has emerged so far, on Saturday, Aug. 9, Mr. Brown, along with a companion, Dorian Johnson, was walking in the middle of Canfield Drive, a fistful of cigarillos in Mr. Brown's hand, police say, which a videotape shows he stole from a liquor store on West Florissant Ave.

At 12:01 p.m., they were stopped by Darren Wilson, a police officer, who ordered them off the road and onto the sidewalk, Mr. Johnson, who is 22, later said.

The police have said that what happened next was a physical struggle between Mr. Brown and Officer Wilson that left the officer with a swollen face. Mr. Johnson and others have said that it was a case of racial profiling and police aggression from a white officer toward a black man. Within minutes, Mr. Brown, who was unarmed, was dead of gunshot wounds.

The sequence of events provided by law enforcement officials places Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson at Ferguson Market and Liquors, a store several blocks away on West Florissant Ave., at about 11:50 a.m. After leaving the store with the cigarillos, the two walked north on West Florissant, a busy commercial thoroughfare, toward Canfield Drive, a clerk reported to the police.

Brown was a big man at 6-foot-4 and 292 pounds, though his family and friends described him as quiet and shy, a homebody who lived with his grandmother.

It is about a 10-minute walk from Ferguson Market to the spot where Officer Wilson, 28, with six years' experience, approached Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson.
The police tell of an officer who was enforcing the minor violation of jaywalking, as Mr. Brown and Mr. Johnson ignored the sidewalk and strolled down the middle of the road instead.

The morning after the shooting, Chief Jon Belmar of the St. Louis County police said that Officer Wilson was leaving his police car when Mr. Brown "allegedly pushed the police officer back into the car," where he "physically assaulted the police officer."
"Within the police car there was a struggle over the officer's weapon," Chief Belmar said. "There was at least one shot fired in the car." At that point, the police said, Officer Wilson left his vehicle and fatally shot Mr. Brown. "More than a few" shell casings were recovered from the scene.

Mr. Johnson, who declined to be interviewed, has described the events differently in television interviews. While he and Mr. Brown walked, he said, Officer Wilson stopped his vehicle and told them to get on the sidewalk. When they refused, Officer Wilson slammed on his brakes and drove in reverse to get closer.

When the officer opened his door, it hit Mr. Brown. With his left hand, Officer Wilson reached out and grabbed Mr. Brown by the neck, Mr. Johnson said.
"It's like tug-of-war," Mr. Johnson said. "He's trying to pull him in. He's pulling away, that's when I heard, 'I'm gonna shoot you.' "

A neighbor, Tiffany Mitchell, said in an interview with MSNBC that she heard tires squeal, then saw Mr. Brown and Officer Wilson "wrestling" through the open car window. A shot went off from within the car, Mr. Johnson said, and the two began to run away from the officer.

According to Ms. Mitchell, "The officer gets out of his vehicle," she said, pursuing Mr. Brown, then continued to shoot.

Mr. Johnson said that he hid behind a parked car and that Mr. Brown was struck by a bullet in his back as he ran away, an account that Dr. Baden's autopsy appears to contradict.

"Michael's body jerks as if he was hit," Ms. Mitchell said, "and then he put his hands up." Mr. Brown turned, Mr. Johnson said, raised his hands, and said, "I don't have a gun, stop shooting!"

Officer Wilson continued to fire and Mr. Brown crumpled to the ground, Mr. Johnson said. Within seconds, confusion and horror swept through Canfield Drive. On that Saturday afternoon, dozens of neighbors were at home and rushed out of their apartments when they heard gunshots.

One person who claimed to witness the shooting began posting frantic messages on Twitter, written hastily with shorthand and grammatical errors, only two minutes after Officer Wilson approached Mr. Brown. At 12:03 p.m., the person, identified as @TheePharoah, a St. Louis-area rapper, wrote on Twitter that he had just seen someone die.

That same minute, he wrote, "Im about to hyperventilate."
At 12:23 p.m., he wrote, "dude was running and the cops just saw him. I saw him die bruh."

A 10-minute video posted on YouTube appeared to be taken on a cellphone by someone who identified himself as a neighbor. The video, which has collected more than 225,000 views, captures Mr. Brown's body, the yellow police tape that marked off the crime scene and the residents standing behind it.
"They shot that boy 'cause they wanted to," said one woman who can be heard on the video.
"They said he had his hands up and everything," said the man taking the video, speaking to a neighbor.

Mr. Brown's body remained in the street for several hours, a delay that Chief Jackson said last week made him "uncomfortable." Antonio French, a St. Louis alderman who has been active in this case, said on ABC on Sunday that the body had remained in the street for nearly five hours.

At one point, a woman can be heard shouting, "Where is the ambulance? Where is the ambulance?" The man taking the video, who remained off-camera, said, "God rest his soul. He's gone."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


POS Obuma Goes To A Jazz Concert While Race Riots Explode
For Another Night In Ferguson

(The optics of Obuma partying with elitists on Martha's Vineyard while bloody race riots rage for another night is beyond awful.  Then again, the media isn't going to call him out over it.  What a crock of SH!T!)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



GOP Rep: ISIS And Mexican Drug Cartels "Talking To Each Other"

(Does anyone doubt for a moment that the cartels can smuggle in ISIS terrorists through our porous border? And now they have tons of STOLEN money to pay for the service)

Via Breitbart:
Wednesday on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum," Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) was asked if there is any current interaction between ISIS and Mexican drug cartels he said "yes" and added they are "talking to each other."
The member of the House Judiciary Committee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security said, "In my opinion, yes there seems to be a talking to each other"
He added, "The drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do ... They kill their opponents, they behead their opponents, they brag about it and they have operational control of many portions of the southern border of the United States. They're vicious as some of these other terrorist organizations."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Here's How Obama Is Hurting Ferguson A Whole Lot More Than
The Officer Who Shot Mike Brown Did

These people are burning down their own neighborhoods

You know, I know full well many of you that post here will know some of these facts and statics mentioned in the opinion piece that will be posted below regarding black on black crime in this country and much more as well.  But why, oh, why don't real facts seem to matter to those on the left of all factions, especially the majority of the mainstream media too.  Needless to say, we can toss in the scared-of-their-own-shadows, politically correct, useless RINOs to-boot!

Now, I'm really being rhetorical when it comes to some of the questions posed above, because we all know the answers to the why of it all.... agenda, money, votes, voters and on and on the destructive game goes.


So, here's the meat of the matter via this OP:

Did you know that approximately half of the victims of homicide in this country are African American? Did you know that the number one cause of death for black males from ten to twenty-four is homicide? Did you know that over half of the homicide offenders in this country are black and that most black people are killed by another black person? Did you know that young blacks make up about sixteen percent of the youth population but account for over half of juvenile violent crime arrests? Well, I have one more question. With what is happening in Ferguson, why is our national leadership not talking about these statistics?

Irrespective of whether or not the investigation finds that the police officer was guilty in Michael Brown's death, the real problem it seems is the culture of black violence. If the leadership of this country wants to help young black males, then they need to have a conversation about this subject. If this police officer is guilty, he will be punished according to the law; but young blacks will continue to commit an overly high level of crimes and will continue to be killed by their own race.

There has been evidence released that Michael Brown was involved in a robbery prior to his death. You would think that this would lead to the police officer being given the benefit of the doubt. However, this is not the case. The African American leadership as well as the Obama administration continue to ignore this fact.

We now have evidence of a bystander being recorded unknowingly while describing the incident and seemingly backing up the police officer's story. We also have the results of the autopsy, which seem to show that Michael Brown was coming toward the police officer when he was shot.

I have an idea. Why doesn't President Obama or Attorney General Holder take the podium and say to the black community "we have a problem with violence, and we need to look in the mirror and stop blaming others." ?

Much has been made lately about the number of young black males who are incarcerated. This of course has been blamed on racism. Could it just be that young black males commit a heck of a lot of crimes?

CNN said last week that these were just young men with high energy. And what about the victims of these crimes? Why isn't anyone talking about them? We see videotape of waves of young blacks looting stores and engaging in mayhem in Ferguson. Who is going to reimburse the owners of these businesses? These people are burning down their own neighborhoods.

Obama famously said that a white police officer was 'acting stupidly' in another case earlier in his presidency. I haven't heard him use his bully pulpit to say the rioters were 'acting stupidly' in destroying their own neighborhoods. Until the country and our leadership face the real problem, that there is something terribly wrong with black culture in the inner cities, nothing is going to change for the better in this country.

I'll leave you with this thought:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



(The fact that he went straight to the golf course after speaking about
the savage beheading of an American citizen shows how
unbelievably narcissistic Obama really is)

President Obama bumps fists with Cy Walker while golfing on Martha's Vineyard Wednesday. (Steven Senne / AP)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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