This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Hillary Lectures America: "We Have To Be Kinder, More Compassionate And Empathetic" At Home And Abroad...

(You go first, Hillary)

Via Breitbart:
Friday on ABC's final "The View" episode with Barbara Walters, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lectured Americans after visiting the 9/11 Museum and said, "We have got to be kinder, and we have to be more compassionate and empathetic" to both each other and countries like the "Ukraine, Russia and China".

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Dem Poll: Half Of Young Obama Voters Don't Plan To Vote Blue In November

(Exodus from Obumabot-Land)

Via Hot Air:

Behold, yet another data point indicating that Obama's 2012 re-election coalition is splintering or flat-out apathetic heading into the midterm cycle, via the Washington Post.

As this graph illustrates, less than a third of Obama's 2012 Millennial voters say they'll "definitely" vote for Democrats this fall. Almost as many have abandoned the party label completely, either by shifting to independent status or by supporting Republicans. When this Democratic pollster tabulates the data, he finds that only half of all the young Obama voters surveyed will definitely, probably, or maybe vote for Democrats in the midterms. The rest plan to sit at home, or to back other candidates.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



"Lurch" Kerry Commemorates "International Day Against Homophobia And Transphobia"

(Which is apparently one of the holiest of the left's holy days)

Via State Department:
Today of all days, we are reminded that the cause of justice can and must triumph over hatred and prejudice. This is a day of action for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities and their allies all over the world. It is time to reaffirm our commitment to the equality and dignity of all persons, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

It's not lost on anyone that this year's International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) coincides with the 60th anniversary of the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. Our commitment to advancing the human rights of LGBT persons is part of this country's long history of fighting to ensure that all people can exercise their human rights.

We have seen incredible progress in the fight to advance the human rights and fundamental freedoms of LGBT persons.

And the United States is proud to be doing its part. This past week, we convened religious leaders and representatives of faith-based organizations to think about how we work together to promote and protect the human rights of LGBT persons. Next week, we will convene meetings with our private sector allies to discuss the important role of the business community in promoting equality and the ways we can partner through the Global Equality Fund.

But this must be more than a moment to celebrate how far we have come. We know that our work is not complete when countries enact laws targeting LGBT persons and their supporters. We know that our work is not complete when LGBT persons and their allies are harassed, arrested, and even killed simply because of who they are and who they love.

The United States condemns these senseless acts of violence and discrimination. Human rights are universal, and LGBT persons and their allies must be free to exercise them without fear of intimidation or reprisal.

When our LGBT brothers and sisters are threatened anywhere, it is a threat to freedom, justice and dignity of people everywhere. The United States will continue to protect and promote the human rights of LGBT persons worldwide this day and every day. Onward. I salute you!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Mooch Obuma Marks Barbara Walters Retirement With A Picture Of . . . Mooch Obuma

(Apparently narcissism runs in the family... who knew?)

(...and who can forget this one....)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Student Suspended For BB Gun In Car Off Campus

(Just a normal BB Gun and not an assault BB Gun.  Another knee jerk response from academia.  Next time, hide the pistol so it won't be seen, dummy)

Via Red Alert Politics

A student at Dubuque Senior High School in Iowa was briefly suspended Wednesday for storing a BB gun in his car parked off of campus grounds, reports KWWL. According to school district spokesperson Mike Cyze, a parent spotted the exposed BB gun in the car near campus and notified police. Authorities then searched the vehicle and confiscated the pistol.

However, Cyze announced Friday that, following the district's investigation, the suspension was lifted. He also said the student's ban from school on Wednesday was standard procedure and would not appear on any permanent record.

Immediately following the incident, Dan Johnson, principle of the high school, wrote in an e-mail to parents, "This incident is an important reminder that the school district and area law enforcement do not take the presence of these weapons lightly."

Johnson also stressed in his message that there was never a "threat" to Dubuque students or staff because the BB gun remained in the vehicle and was not taken onto school grounds.

This incident is one of several odd disciplinary actions at schools across the country in recent months: a six-year-old in Colorado was suspended for sexual harassment after kissing a girl on the hand, a second grader in Maryland was suspended for biting his Pop-Tart in the shape of a gun, and an Illinois teen received a suspension for wearing a t-shirt with an AK-47 pictured on it.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Dept of Agriculture Orders Submachine Guns with 30 Round Magazines

A May 7th solicitation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture seeks "the commercial acquisition of submachine guns [in] .40 Cal. S&W."

According to the solicitation, the Dept. of Agriculture wants the guns to have an "ambidextrous safety, semiautomatic or 2 round [bursts] trigger group, Tritium night sights front and rear, rails for attachment of flashlight (front under fore group) and scope (top rear), stock collapsible or folding," and a "30 rd. capacity" magazine.

They also want the submachine guns to have a "sling," be "lightweight," and have an "oversized trigger guard for gloved operation."

The solicitation directs "all responsible and/or interested sources...[to] submit their company name, point of contact, and telephone." Companies that submit information in a "timely" fashion "shall be considered by the agency for contact to determine weapon suitability."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Canadian Football League Fines Player Who Tweeted His Displeasure
At Seeing Michael Sam Kiss His Boyfriend After Being Drafted

(I understand Rams players will be issued soap on a rope)

TORONTO, May 16, 2014 –

The Canadian Football League has fined Calgary Stampeders receiver Maurice Price after Price last week tweeted his displeasure at the events surrounding the NFL draft of Michael Sam, the openly homosexual defensive end who will join the St. Louis Rams.

"The CFL will not tolerate discrimination of any kind," said CFL Commissioner Mark Cohon in a statement. "Whether its race, religion or sexual preference, our values are of acceptance and equality. We fully support openly gay athletes in our league, and in the sports community in general."

"My faith won't let me accept what took place over the weekend. Sorry, not sorry! #AdamAndEve #NotAdamAndAdam," Price had tweeted.

He was referring to reports that when Sam heard the news of being picked up by the St. Louis Rams at the last moment of the seventh and final round of the draft pick, he gave his boyfriend a big kiss while sports networks recorded his reaction.

"Sam was in San Diego watching with friends and family at the home of his agent, Joe Barkett of Empire Athletes. ESPN and the NFL Network had cameras there and showed Sam's reaction," the CBC reported.

CBC reported:

Price joins a list of other players who were sanctioned for publicly making comments about Sam, who is the first openly homosexual player to be drafted by the National Football League (NFL). Sam had publicly proclaimed his homosexuality in media interviews earlier this year.

"Sam was on the phone bending over, with his boyfriend hugging him and rubbing his left bicep. When Sam got off the phone, the tears started. He gave his boyfriend a big kiss and a long hug as he cried and his eyes reddened. After, they shared cake — and another kiss," the CBC said.

Other athletes that have faced backlash from homosexualists and disciplinary action from their sports organizations relating to Sam include Montreal Alouettes wide receiver Arland Bruce, who was fined by the CFL for urging Sam on social media to "submit fully to God"; Winnipeg Blue Bombers defensive tackle Bryant Turner Jr, who was fined by the CFL for tweeting, "Michael Sam locker-room gonna come with complimentary robes";  Miami Dolphins safety Don Jones, who was fined an undisclosed amount by the NFL and forced to undergo "educational training" after he tweeted "OMG" and "Horrible" in reaction to Sam's performance.

In reaction to these sanctions, Price tweeted, "And it's highly disturbing that under the current constitution individuals have been fined for verbalizing their thoughts."

But after facing social media retaliation, Price tweeted, "Of course my words get misconstrued. I wish Sam nothing but the best and hope he has a fantastic career. It's nothing personal against him."

He subsequently deleted all his tweets.

All the other athletes mentioned also deleted their posts, with some making public apologies, describing their comments as "inappropriate."

The Stampeders released a statement of their own condemning Price's tweets, saying the team was "outraged" by his "repugnant" comments.

"The Calgary Stampeders are outraged by the offensive comments made today in tweets from Maurice Price's account. The comments are repugnant and in no way reflect the organization's views or values. The matter will now be dealt with internally," the statement said.

Price, who hails from Orlando, Florida, has played the last two seasons for Calgary.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Woman removed from job at Kansas Catholic parish after publicizing her gay 'marriage'

by Kirsten Andersen
Fri May 16, 2014 13:56 EST

Colleen Simon (L) and her partner

Kansas City, MO, May 16, 2014 ( – The Coordinator of Social Ministries at the Jesuit-run St. Francis Xavier Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph has been removed from her duties after she revealed publicly in an interview with a local magazine that she had "married" her lesbian lover.

Colleen Simon – a lapsed Catholic and divorced mother of two adult children who now embraces the faith of her same-sex partner, Lutheran pastor Donna Simon – was asked to resign last week after 816 Magazine ran a profile of local community leaders which stated Colleen and Donna had been legally "married" in Iowa in 2012.  That is a clear violation of Catholic moral teaching, which says marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman.

Colleen refused to resign, telling diocesan officials that they would have to fire her if they wanted her to leave. She told the Kansas City Star it was not a principled stand – she merely wanted to ensure she would receive unemployment benefits upon her separation from the diocese.

The diocese opted to go ahead and fire her – a decision Colleen told the Kansas City Star she believes was made directly by Bishop Robert Finn.  She said she was not surprised by the decision.  "I knew this was a losing engagement," she said. "I was just hoping for a longer engagement."

Colleen claims the previous pastor at St. Francis Xavier knew she was in a same-sex "marriage" when he hired her last year (he has since been replaced).  She said she spoke openly about her "spouse" and her "beloved," but tried to avoid referring to Donna – who flies a rainbow flag outside her St. Mark Hope and Peace Lutheran Church – as her "wife."

Still, the pair appear to have been very "out" in their local community. Multiple posts on Donna's public Facebook page openly refer to Colleen as "my beautiful wife" – including a photo caption from the Easter Vigil in which she described her partner as "totes adorbs" – and on the day the diocese first contacted Colleen about the consequences of the article, Donna wrote on Facebook that she was "angry" and called the Catholic Church a "homophobic institution." She also said, "It wasn't a secret that Colleen is married to me. She was honest with the parish and its leaders."

Colleen herself hinted publicly at the nature of their relationship in print back in April, in an article for the Ecclesio blog entitled, "You Must Be A Pontiff."  In her bio for the blog, she described herself as living "with three dogs, three cats, and one Lutheran pastor, to whom she is legally married, at least in Iowa."

St. Francis Xavier had been Colleen's fourth job in the Catholic Church since leaving her former career as a pharmaceutical representative.  Previously, she worked in the Virginia's Diocese of Richmond as the associate director of the Office of Justice and Peace and the diocesan director for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).  Prior to that, she worked for Commonwealth Catholic Charities as a regional coordinator for Justice and Peace. Both of those jobs were held under her previous married name, Colleen Barranger.

After her "marriage" to Donna Simon, however, she changed her name, relocated to Kansas City and took a job as a secretary at St. James Catholic Church before finally moving on to St. Francis Xavier.

LifeSiteNews contacted the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese to request comment regarding Simon's hiring and eventual termination.  However, diocesan spokesman Jack Smith said the diocese was unable to comment on personnel matters.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Conspiracy Theorists (aka crazy people)

When I was young, a lot of conspiracy theorists (aka crazy people) were convinced that fluoride in our water was a Commie plot to destroy America one glass at a time.  Back then, I discounted it as a result of the Cold War jitters, but for the past six years I've found myself wondering if young Barack, in addition to cocaine and marijuana, used to mainline fluoride back in Hawaii.

You would think that millionaires and billionaires would finally tell Obuma to either stop using them as scapegoats for what's wrong with this country or stop diving into their pockets every chance he gets.  Instead, they keep showing up at his $35,000-a-plate fund raisers.  Just recently, he went so far as to invite the future heirs of those people to the White House, softening them up for the DNC.  One of the 19-year-old invitees said after the meet-and-greet that he thought they'd be hitting him and the other scions up for donations, and was surprised when it didn't happen.  I guess that even though he will one day be able to write checks with six or seven zeroes on them, he doesn't yet understand how these things work.  The Democrats are certifiably cuckoo, but even they know better than to kill the goose before it's had a chance to lay golden eggs.

Speaking of kids, I have long believed that the greatest gift they could ever receive would be to live 24 hours 20 or 30 years in the future, just so they could see how unimportant all the things that plague them today really are.  Things like asking or being asked for a date, getting a bad grade on a test, a falling-out with a friend, things that loom so large for a 15 or 16-year-old and lead some of them to take their own lives, are so trivial in the long run.  But you can only realize that long afterwards.  No teenager can ever believe that he won't even remember the name of the girl in the 10th grade he has a crush on or the name of the teacher who's driving him nuts today.  For that reason alone, someone should get to work inventing a time machine.  It would prevent an awful lot of heartache.

But sometimes even age doesn't bring wisdom.  It was, after all, Albert Einstein who said, "To my mind to kill in war is not a whit better than committing ordinary murder."  Was he serious?  Did he honestly believe that the soldiers who killed Nazis and liberated concentration camp prisoners were no better than garden variety murderers?  Some people, I'd suggest, should stick to physics or, perhaps, get one.

There seems to be a controversy over whether after we remove our main force from Afghanistan, we should leave behind 5,000 or 12,000 soldiers.  Their mission, we're told, would be to train Afghans to defend their own country.  Now I'm willing to grant that they may be slow learners, but if we haven't taught them the basics after a dozen years, I think it's time to accept it's a lost cause.  The one thing these clowns seem to have learned is how to murder our soldiers and doctors.  So, understand I'm just asking, but how much worse could things be if the Taliban came back and ran things?  As I see it, where Muslims are concerned, there's precious little difference between one group and another.

It recently occurred to me why they call liberal arts colleges liberal arts colleges.  It's because conservative professors are never hired and conservative students are persona non grata.  That doesn't stop the colleges from bragging about their tolerance and their desire for diversity, at least so long as it's only diversity of pigmentation and not political opinion.

Along with that time machine, it would be a boon to mankind if someone would come up with a way to convert liberal hypocrisy into a source of unlimited renewable energy.  But, alas, as things stand, all it's good for is making my head explode and forcing steam to shoot out of my ears.

The other day, a friend of mine was ruing the fact that the GOP seems incapable of selling itself to the public.  I agreed.  I went on: "They can't even agree on a plan with which to replace ObumaCrappyCare.  But Reince Priebus has some worthwhile ideas for 2016, which include a shorter primary campaign, fewer debates, along with a ban on liberal moderators, and an earlier convention date.

And if I had his job, I would make it a hard and fast rule that Reagan's 11th Commandment would be strictly enforced.  In short, Scott, Rand, Rick, Ted, Mike, Bobby, Chris, etc., would get to tell us why he should be the standard bearer, period, and not waste our time pointing out that the other guys are rats and weasels.  Step over the line, and a trapdoor will open underneath you.  When you came to, you'd be on a small raft in the middle of the Atlantic, heading for Greenland.

We know that Demo-Rats will be throwing mud at our candidate, but at least make the bastards find their own damn mud.

Based on his blatant arrogance, it's obvious that the endless praise Barack Obuma has received from the likes of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the major networks, CNN and the screwballs in Hollywood and at MSNBC, over the past six years went straight to his head.

It is, I contend, merely further proof that Nature truly abhors a vacuum

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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