This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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72 big screen TVs go missing after Democratic National Convention

"During a convention it's not unusual to lose an item or two," said a representative of LG Electronics, which loaned the Democrats hundreds of televisions for the convention, "but this was a lot."

(Rule to live by, LG: lending TVs to Democrats is like lending chickens to a fox)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Man Will Get Warning Instead Of Originally Issued $525 Citation
For $.89 Drink Refill At VA Medical Center In SC

(The cafeteria is heavily patrolled and secure)


Officials with the VA Medical Center in downtown Charleston say a North Charleston man who was initially federally charged with a $525 fine for an $.89 drink refill will instead be given a warning.

"In reviewing the case, the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center has determined a warning in lieu of a citation is sufficient in this case," a statement released by the VA stated on Thursday.

Christopher Lewis, an on-site construction worker, said he didn't know refills at the VA Medical Center in downtown Charleston came at a price, and Wednesday, during his lunch hour, he was originally slapped with federal charges. The ticket was issued by the Federal Police Force at the VA Medical Center in downtown Charleston after Lewis refilled his soda without paying the $0.89. A hospital spokesperson on Wednesday called it a "theft of government property."

"Every time I look at the ticket, it's unbelievable to me," Lewis said on Wednesday. "I can't fathom the fact that I made a $0.89 mistake that cost me $525."

Lewis is now out of a job. According to a hospital spokesperson, signs are posted in the cafeteria informing patrons that refills aren't free. Lewis says he never noticed the signs and admits he had refilled his drink without paying on other occasions. He says after he went back for seconds on Wednesday, a man who identified himself as the chief of police, stopped him.

"As I was filling my cup up, I turned to walk off and a fella grabbed me by the arm and asked me was I going to pay for that, and I told him I wasn't aware that I had to pay for that."

Lewis says he tried to pay the $0.89 right there, but wasn't allowed to. He says he wasn't given the chance to pay the cashier either.

"I never had an option to make right what I had done wrong."

He says he was taken to a room, given the $525 ticket for shoplifting and told not to return to the property.

"I'm done there, at the VA hospital. I'm not allowed to go on the premises anymore. I asked him can I still work on the job site and just bring my lunch and not got to the cafeteria and he said he wanted me off the premises."

A hospital spokesperson says it was her understanding that Lewis was aggressive during the confrontation.

The medical center originally released the following statement on Wednesday:

The Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center is fortunate to have a highly trained Federal police force to ensure the safety of our patients, visitors and employees. As Federal police they are responsible for enforcing the law. Today a Federal citation was issued for shoplifting in the VA cafeteria to an individual who stated to VA police he had not paid for refills of beverages on multiple occasions, even though signs are posted in the cafeteria informing patrons refills are not free. Shoplifting is a crime. The dollar amount of the ticket is not determined by VA as it is a Federal citation. The citation may be paid or the recipient may choose to appear in Federal court to contest it.

Lewis and his fiancé have contacted the Internal Affairs Office in Columbia. He says he will contest the fine in federal court.

"It's about pretty much I guess you would say getting your face back. I want everybody to know that I made a simple mistake, that I'm not a thief, that I'm not dishonest. I'm trying to do the right thing."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Real "NO" men/women!
Not the pansy "Yes" men/women" spouting have a positive attitude like some "NGO's"!
Rudy here are what real heroes look like.
They don't sit behind a desk and be "YES" men/women do they?
The real men and Patriots of the US of A.
There will be a lot of Patriots out on May 16th.
They had no backing when they started defending Freedom.
Now, the least of the pansy "yes men" called representatives are falling in to back them.


Bundy Ranch,
20 State Reps Form The Coalition
For Western States,
Oathkeepers Call 50 Militia
To Stay At Ranch
90+ Days
Friday, April 18, 2014 4:22

Call to oath keepers and militia members: Rotating shifts to commence at Bundy ranch.

Michael Doyle sent a message to Next News Network saying, "We need 30 to 50 men to man post and guard duty for rotating shifts. We have a field kitchen to serve 3 meals a day. If homeless Vets want to help, we are occupying the ranch for 3+ MONTHS."

Also, meet the coalition! 20 state legislators from Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Montana and Idaho have teamed up together to make sure this doesn't happen again and that the federal land is transferred to the state level, allowing the states and counties to manage the land, not far aay Washington D.C

The Coalition of Western States: State representatives Michele Fiore, Matt Shea represents the 4th Legislative District in Spokane Valley, WA,   Barry Weller, district III supervisor, Apache Co, Arizona, David Taylor State Representative 15th District (R-Moxee). Just to name a few. These brave representatives are standing up for what is RIGHT, OUR Constitutional RIGHTS.


Now boarding space craft!
All politicians and elites, board now please!

Kepler-186f, shown in this artist's concept, is the first Earth-sized planet discovered in its star's habitable zone. Credit: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech


Obama shows true colors
at ceremony for the fallen at Fort Hood:
Once again
the only one on the stage
failing to salute

Comment by Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist, Oath Keeper and Patriot.

Barack Hussein Obama is truly and enigma.

Should an UnAmerican be expected to salute the flag of the United States of America?

If Obama is an American it's well past time that he opens his sealed records.

In his own words," The Only  that don't want to disclose the truth are those with something to hide."

What's it going to be Mr. Obama?

Remembering from the 2009 tragedy, some people said when they viewed him

not saluting the flag at a ceremony that the picture was just a moment in time.

This of course was refuted by the video below.

Fort Hood Ceremony

POTUSA (President of the United States of America ) at Ft. Hood , Texas on Nov. 11, 2009... "Honoring" the 13 dead.  Obama refuses to salute, come to attention or even place his hand on his heart as the honor guard passes at the Memorial Service for those killed by a fellow Muslim terrorist at Fort Hood!!

The Crotch Salute

If this does not offend you nothing will!



BRUCE: Obama Deliberately Emboldening America's Enemies
Team Obama's bizarre behavior helps Gitmo terrorists foil justice

Weak-A$$ Traitor Obutt-Head Deliberately Emboldening Our Enemies

{Should be required reading by every member of Congress, and a call to them to do their duty.  Every action that Obama takes is anti-American.  Every word out of 0bama's mouth is prevarication.  Draw your own conclusions about this Manchurian Candidate...)

via The Washington Times

All Americans should be aware of some very disturbing events that speak to the state of terrorism, the strength of al Qaeda and our nation's security. In light of the danger unfolding around us, we also need to question whether or not President Obama's administration is serious about confronting what is clearly a gathering storm, or whether, in fact, his policies are encouraging those who wish to harm us.

One of the more shocking events illustrating the growing strength of al Qaeda is the release of a video this week showing what CNN reports as "the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years." It's what experts think is a recent gathering of the terrorist group's leadership and more than 100 fighters in Yemen.

The American president does have power,
including the sort that signals to the world's beasts
that they can do as they please.

For an administration that does not hide its eagerness to use drones to kill terrorists, experts and journalists alike were wondering whether our intelligence community knew about this meeting, and if so, why didn't they take the opportunity to kill the most dangerous of them with one drone strike?

The terrorists on the video seem strangely unconcerned with their safety, as though there was no need for them to feel at risk. When asked about the brazenness of the gathering, Rep. Mike Rogers, Michigan Republican and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, noted on CNN: "We think that they're feeling empowered. The less pressure you put on them, the more they take that as a victory ... ."

It now appears al Qaeda was "on the run" in the same way you were able to keep your doctor and hospital.

Whether we didn't know about the gathering, or did and chose to do nothing, it's another signal to the beasts around the world that no one is home in Washington, D.C.

The dangerous circus created by the Obama regime's rules doesn't stop there.

Sept. 11 victims' families are asserting they think the Obama administration is deliberately sabotaging the trials at Guantanamo, and insist the FBI is meddling in the cases, according to reports in the Free Beacon.

Unfortunately, both Mr. Obama and Attorney General Eric H. Holder have a history with the American people that not only doesn't engender trust, but suggests efforts that are directly harming the nation and the American people, while pushing an agenda benefiting the terrorists.

In the article, two Sept. 11 victims' family members told reporters of their suspicion regarding an FBI investigation into defense lawyers: "They had to know this would have some effect on the proceedings here," one family member said. "Were I a very suspicious person, some could even say that was done purposely to derail these hearing and force it back into federal court," said another. "It looks like a well-orchestrated snafu."

Debra Burlingame is the sister of Charles F. "Chic" Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. She came to the public's attention after becoming a passionate and determined advocate on behalf of all Americans in the aftermath of the attacks, which took her brother's life and 2,976 others.

With the continuing bizarre decisions by Mr. Obama and the Holder Department of Justice, I asked Ms. Burlingame what she thought of the growing suspicion and concern by the families and the possibility that the Obama administration was deliberately sabotaging the process. Here's what she told me:

"Someone, in violation of a D.C. District Court Protective Order, smuggled Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's 34-page jihadi diatribe against America out of Gitmo and into the possession of the Huffington Post and BBC-TV.

"Smuggling this out of Gitmo is a criminal act. I find it repulsive that the attorneys defending the men who murdered 3,000 people are now trying to leverage an FBI investigation of what may be their own legal misconduct into an advantage for their clients," said Ms. Burlingame.

Moreover, Ms. Burlingame didn't mince any words about Mr. Holder and his involvement in the ongoing sham: "These defense attorneys are doing everything possible to delay this trial, to turn the proceedings into a sham, so that Eric Holder, their ideological soulmate, can tell the American people that military commissions are inferior courts," continued Ms. Burlingame

"I would like to remind the public that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators told a lawfully convened military tribunal in December 2008 that they wished to plead guilty and be executed. Barack Obama's first act as president in 2009 was to shut down that proceeding and put these cases into legal limbo for another 2 years.

"It finally reconvened in 2011, and in the time since then, an army of defense lawyers has stalled this trial with hundreds of frivolous motions, all aimed at making a mockery of the court," she said.

Regarding where things stand now, I asked Ms. Burlingame if it is reasonable to think Mr. Holder is deliberately undermining our efforts to get justice at Gitmo.

"Our own attorney general has repeatedly made public statements expressly undermining the court's authority . His statements have been disgraceful. So, it is perfectly understandable that 9/11 family members would suspect that Eric Holder is colluding to sabotage this trial."

It is a horrible thing when Americans have to consider the possibility that the leadership of this country is purposefully acting in a manner that benefits our nation's enemies. Yet, when we look around the world, those feeling and acting empowered are the bullies, tyrants and terrorists.

The American president does have power, including the sort that signals to the world's beasts that they can do as they please.

Tammy Bruce is a radio talk-show host, New York Times best-selling author and Fox News political contributor.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


One Magazines's crappy view of Barack Hussein Obuma:

The End of Barack Obama?

(We can only hope...)

Barack Obama is a beaten man. You can just see it in his face. The bright, young, optimistic man that the USA elected president is gone, replaced by an unsure, tired man that is just running out the string.

Why has this happened? Why, after such an optimistic beginning, has president Obama become bogged down in gridlock, unable to do anything of note? Certainly every president has had to face opposition and partisanship - why is it different here?

The answer lies in the internet. And social media platforms like Facebook.

It's true the media turned politics into "red and blue" states before Obama. But Barack Obama is the first president to be in office with Social Media use at peak levels. And social media has forever changed things. It's allowed people to connect with others of like minds, and has driven a deep wedge between the two sides politically.

Yes, "party lines" have always been present, but there was a time when leaders reached across the aisle and worked together.

But today, it's different. The extreme, loud elements have taken hold, and Obama is feeling their wrath. When Government debt ceilings are in question every single time, there's a problem. And that's what we've seen, and likely will continue to see. The internet and social media have made it almost impossible for leaders to govern. Because their every move is analyzed and criticized immediately - by everyone. And when you get 300 million people shouting, nothing gets done. It's become that we tell our representatives "we don't care what the issue is, just oppose the other side."

Obama is the current bearer of this storm, but he won't be the last. It's a good bet that every president from this point forth will face this issue. You've heard of gridlock, but you aint' seen nothing yet!!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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