This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Guerilla Media Network

We therefore call on all liberty-loving Americans who can possibly make it to Bunkerville, Nevada to join us in this vigil, NOW, in direct support of oath-keeping Western lawmakers and lawmen as they stand guard over the rights of the people and begin to push back against federal abuse. Come take a meaningful stand, in a real fight where it counts the most – in our states. This is far, far more important than any trip to Washington D.C. to wave signs and yell at a deaf and blind Congress, White House, or Supreme Court. This is where the real battle is, and where you belong. This is where you can make a real difference, and begin the restoration of the Republic, from the bottom up.

And we call on all who cannot be there in person to be there in spirit, and to hold a prayer vigil for the duration of this struggle, asking that the Lord grant us wisdom, courage, humility, and His protection while we take this stand for our children's future. Truly, "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17

We humbly endeavor, to the utmost extent of our power, to follow in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers when, in their time of great trial, they proclaimed "and for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Michele Fiore, Nevada State Assemblywoman, District 4, on behalf of a growing coalition of Nevada State legislators

Matt Shea, Washington State 4th District State Representative, on behalf of a growing delegation of Western state legislators.

Sheriff Richard Mack (Retired), for the CSPOA (as well as a member of the Board of Directors of Oath Keepers), on behalf of a delegation of current serving Sheriffs

Stewart Rhodes, Founder and President of Oath Keepers on behalf of the Board of Directors of Oath Keepers and 40,000 Oath Keepers members


BLM Won't Say if They've Euthanized Cows in Nevada Ranch Standoff

BY: Elizabeth Harrington - April 11, 2014 4:00 pm

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will not say if they have euthanized any cows in the roundup of Cliven Bundy's cattle on public land in Nevada.

Amy Lueders, the Nevada state director for the BLM, said in a conference call Thursday evening that the agency does have a "protocol," but would not release any numbers for animals they have found dead or that they have euthanized.

A reporter asked about heavy construction equipment that was seen coming in and out of the blockade, and whether cattle have been found dead, injured, or euthanized during the operation.

"In terms of the number that we've found, animals who are, I think, deceased on the range, or if we've had to euthanize an animal, we don't have an answer to that question at this time," Lueders said. "We will euthanize an animal during the impoundment if they exhibit dangerous characteristics, threaten the health and safety of the employees, display a hopeless prognosis for life."

"So, we do have a protocol in terms of when we would euthanize animals," she said. "But we don't have any answers at this time in terms of the numbers."

Lueders said she understood that the heavy equipment was being used to "restore land that has been affected by the trespass cattle."

The Bundy family has expressed concerns that the cattle are being mistreated. Stetsy Bundy Cox, Cliven Bundy's daughter, told the Washington Free Beacon that she believes calves are being left behind.

"I watched them gather a herd off the river with helicopters, and they had rounded them for miles and by the time I saw them they were pushing them up the wash," she said. "Most of them were mamas with babies because it's calving season, and they're just little. And I watched the calves, they couldn't keep up very good and they kept slowing down and the helicopter would swoop down and you could hear them honking at them. And he kept swooping down and honking at them."

Cox said that calves will hide under brush, and it is likely that employees removing the cattle would not see them.

"I also know my dad's cows, because a few of those cows out there are my own personal cows," she said. "When you push them too hard, or if you rope them they sulk. They're kind of stubborn. And if they don't want to go they'll sulk. And if they get down and sulk they'll sulk so long they won't even get up, they'll just die. So if you stress those cows out too much, they'll do that."

"Do I think they are leaving baby calves out there? I do," Cox said. "Do I think that cows are dying? I do."

The BLM refused to estimate how much it is costing to remove the cattle, though some estimates have risen to $3 million.

"Mr. Bundy currently owes the taxpayers over $1 million and if Mr. Bundy had chosen to comply with the law, and chosen to comply with two court orders, we would not be undertaking this operation," Lueders said. "The cost will be a matter of public record once the operation concludes, we are not providing estimates at this time, because there are certainly a number of factors, including the duration that will determine the ultimate cost."

As of Wednesday, 352 cattle have been removed from the public land ranched by the Bundy family for more than a century. An estimated 200 armed officials have surrounded the ranch, the culmination of a dispute dating back 20 years over "grazing fees" and the protection of the "desert tortoise."

The majority of public land in Clark County, Nev. was set aside for the tortoise in 1998. Only three grazing permits are currently held on public land in Southern Nevada, the BLM said on Thursday.

Gov. Brian Sandoval (R.) had expressed concern over the tactics used by the BLM, including the use of so-called "First Amendment Areas," designated locations set up by the BLM where citizens can protest the removal.

The BLM said on Thursday they are now "allowing the public to congregate on public lands," but safety remains their number one priority.

"We certainly have heard the Governor's concerns, and we welcome his input," Lueders said. "Hearing his concerns, we have made some adjustments, and we are allowing [the] public to congregate on public lands, as long as they do not impede the operation."

Sandoval urged everyone to act with restraint in a statement Friday, following a heated confrontation between protesters and BLM rangers, in which one of the Bundy sons was tasered.

"Earlier this week, I advised the BLM not to limit or hinder the constitutional rights of Nevadans and be mindful of its conduct," Sandoval said. "The ability to speak out against government actions is one of the freedoms we all cherish as Americans."

"Today I am asking all individuals who are near the situation to act with restraint. Although tensions remain high, escalation of current events could have negative, long lasting consequences that can be avoided," he said.

Reps. Matt Salmon (R., Ariz.) and Steve Pearce (R., N.M.) sent a letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on Friday expressing their concern about the "escalation of force" used by the federal government.

"This escalation of force reportedly includes the deployment of roughly two hundred heavily armed personnel, including snipers, along with the deployment of Tasers, the use of K-9 units, and brutal physical force against members of the Bundy family and their neighbors who had come to support them," Salmon and Pearce wrote.

"One of the victims of this aggression is reported to have included Margaret Houston, a  57-year-old mother of eleven children and a recovering cancer victim."

"Unfortunately, we know all too well that in situations like these, if tensions continue to escalate the consequences can be devastating," the lawmakers said. "We ask that the BLM allow 'cooler heads to prevail' and to pursue a non-violent resolution to this disagreement."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


New HHS Secretary Nominee Sylvia Burwell: Behind Government Shutdown Fiasco And Vince Foster Shenanigans

As Kathleen Sebelius resigned, Obama introduced his nominee to take her place- Sylvia Matthews Burwell.

Who is Burwell?

Burwell is the Director of the White House Office of Budget and Management. It was she who sent out the order to shut down the National Parks, the memorials, even the National Zoo's Panda cam. It was on her order that elderly veterans were shut out from their memorials and others actually thrown out of their homes or businesses that happened to operate in National Parks.

At the time, remember how Democrats tried to blame the shutdown on Republicans, attacking any effort trying to reign in spending. The shutdown was targeted to hit the most people and to be as public as it could possibly be to maximize effect.

But now that the shutdown is over, according to Obama, apparently it was a wonderful thing, which Burwell did, to help reduce the deficit:

  Mark Knoller        ✔ @markknoller
Pres Obama says during Govt shutdown last year, Burwell "was a rock, a steady hand on the wheel." & she helped reduce deficit $400-billion.8:06 AM - 11 Apr 2014
7 Retweets Reply

(You can't make these things up.  Wait... I think Obutthead just did, Knoller)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Syrian Jihadist Infighting Kills 86 As Al Nusra Front
And Its Islamist Allies Battle ISIS Near Border With Iraq

(Jihadis killing jihadis.... Hmmmmm... nothing wrong with that.  The more, the merrier)

Beirut (AFP) – Syria's Al-Qaeda affiliate and its allies have repulsed an assault by jihadist rivals on a town on the Iraqi border in fighting that killed 86 people, a monitoring group said Friday.

Sixty of the dead were fighters of Al-Nusra Front or its Islamist allies killed pushing back their Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) rivals from districts of Albu Kamal they had captured early Thursday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP the rebels regained full control of Albu Kamal after reinforcements poured in.

ISIL withdrew to the T2 oil site, 60 kilometres (35 miles) southwest of the town and where a Syria-Iraq pipeline runs, he said, after executing seven fighters of a rival Islamist brigade.

The clashes have prompted soldiers on the Iraqi side of the border to reinforce their positions.

The border crossing itself on Syria's side remains in the hands of the mainstream rebel Free Syrian Army, said a rebel chief and an AFP reporter on the Iraqi side who saw the FSA flag flying over it.

With their attack on Albu Kamal, ISIL fighters wanted to link up with their comrades over the border in Iraq, said Abdel Rahman.

Iraqi troops put up blast walls and sand berms on their side of the crossing as a precaution, the AFP correspondent reported.

Albu Kamal has been under the control of fighters opposed to the Damascus regime since November 2012, but Al-Nusra and its allies forced out former ISIL allies in heavy fighting in late February.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Here Are The Two Soviet Propaganda Posters Hanging In
The White House Press Secretary's Home

By Hunter WalkerApr. 11, 2014

Washingtonian MOM magazine's spring issue has a profile of White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's wife, ABC News contributor Claire Shipman, that features a picture taken inside their home. In the background of the photo, you can see two framed Soviet-era propaganda posters.

One of Carney's posters is a version of this iconic design by artist Dmitry Moor with a soldier pointing his finger alongside text that says "Have YOU Enlisted?" in Russian:

The other poster features a female factory worker. According to this eBay seller, who is offering one for $1,660, the poster was printed on June 26, 1941, days after Russia began fighting the Axis powers in World War II. It encourages women take jobs vacated by men who have gone to fight. The woman in the poster is switching out a tag with a man's name to one with hers and the text says: "Women! Learn production, replace workers who went to the front! The stronger the hinterland - the stronger the front!"

Carney and Shipman have a lot of history with Russia. They met in Moscow in the 1990s while he was writing for Time and she worked for CNN. Carney did not respond to a request for comment from Business Insider Friday.


GovernmentJay Carney Twice Ignored a Fox News Reporter — And This Is How It Ended

Oct. 12, 2013 8:58am Becket Adams

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney during a press briefing Friday afternoon apparently ignored Fox New's Ed Henry, seemingly prompting the reporter to exit the meeting early.

Carney called on nearly every reporter in the room while Henry repeatedly tried to ask questions. And when Henry finally saw an opening, all he could get out was "Jay" before Carney turned his attention to The Chicago Tribune's Christi Parsons.

Henry shook his head.

The Fox News reporter tried once more to ask a question, and the White House press secretary once again appeared to ignore it.

Henry smiled politely, got up, and walked out of the briefing:

"While Fox News hasn't always gotten a question at presidential press conferences, this was the first time in memory that a Fox News reporter wasn't called on at a daily briefing," Mediaite's Tommy Christopher notes.

Do you think this was just an oversight on Carney's part or do you think this is the beginning of a White House blackout on Fox News reporters?

A spokesperson for the White House did not immediately respond to TheBlaze's request for comment.


WH Press Laugh At Carney's Defense Of ObuttHead

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Report: Over 90 Percent of New York Gun Owners Refusing To Register Their Firearms As Required By New Gun Control Law

(Love it)

Via Breitbart:

With the April 15 deadline for gun registration under the SAFE Act fast approaching, estimates indicate over 90 percent of gun owners have yet to comply.

Making matters worse for elected officials–and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) in particular–is the fact that many law enforcement officers at various levels have openly stated that they will not enforce SAFE Act requirements.

According to, while the state waits for the "registration of 1 million firearms designated as 'assault weapons' under the NY SAFE Act," leaks believed to be coming from within the New York State Police indicate the number registered to date is "as low as...3,000-5,000 firearms."

This is figure is impossible to verify beyond a shadow of doubt because a provision in the SAFE Act forbids law enforcement from releasing registration figures.

Breitbart News reported that SAFE Act protesters gathered on March 16 and burned "nearly a thousand gun registration forms." And on March 28 we reported that NY State Police decided not to enforce the SAFE Act's 7-round magazine limit.

In January of this year The Oneida Daily Dispatch reported that Assemblyman Bill Nojay (R-Pittsford) suggested that law enforcement is not going to be eager to go after those who refuse to comply: "The rank and file troopers don't want anything to do with it. [And] I don't know of a single sheriff upstate who is going to enforce it."

Nojay continued: "If you don't have the troopers and you don't have the sheriffs, who have you got? You've got Andrew Cuomo pounding on the table in Albany."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Breaking News...
Harry Reid is Behind
Bundy Land Grab
By Steven Ahle on April 11, 2014

The Bundy family in Nevada has been in a land dispute with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)  for over 20 years.  So why are they now playing hard ball?  200 agents, snipers, and cattle rustling.  They have tasered his son and knocked his wife down and the snipers are an effective intimidation tool we haven't seen the government use since Ruby Ridge and Waco.  Why?  The short answer is Harry Reid.

This is a little complicated, but bear with me and I will try to make it all clear for you.  The first thing you need to know is that the BLM does not really care about the so called endangered tortoise.  Cows are of little danger to them. The tortoises have lived with cattle in that range for over 100 years.  However, something that has been scrubbed from their website is illuminating.  It seems that the BLM wants that land for a solar wind farm.

More to the point, Harvey Whittemore wants that land.  For those of you who do not know who Whittemore is, he is a guest of the federal penal system.  His crime?  Funneling illegal campaign contributions to Harry Reid.

Who else wants the land?  Whittemore's investors, the Chinese.  ENN Energy Group wants to build a 5 billion dollar solar farm in the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, of which Bundy's farm is part of.  All of the other ranchers have already capitulated.  So why would ENN Energy Group want to build such a solar farm?  EB-5 visas.  For an investment of half a million dollars, you can be eligible for an EB-5 visa, which allows a foreign national who invests in this country to get a fast track visa.

And who represents ENN in all negotiations?  Rory Reid, son of Harry.  Harry is very involved in the plan too.    Some may ask how Harry could get the Chinese, some of whom are unsavory characters approved for EB-5 visas after they have already been rejected and exhausted their appeals.

This is where Alejandro Mayorkas comes in.  Mayorkas won confirmation as the number two person at the Department of Homeland Security.  (DHS)  At the time of his confirmation, Mayorkas was under investigation for pushing through EB-5 visas for Terry McAuliffe (Now governor of Virginia) and Anthony Rodham, brother of Hillary and former son in law of Barbara Boxer.  Mayorkas approved EB-5 visas for their car company.

So how did Mayorkas get confirmed while under investigation?  Harry Reid invoked the nuclear option to prevent a filibuster on Mayorkas' nomination.  He sailed right through.

Now, Harry has all of his ducks in a row and only Bundy stands in his way.

Can Harry get away with it?  Why not?  He has before.

Harry Reid became a millionaire in real estate after getting elected senator.  Coincidence?  Yeah, and I won a Tom Cruise look alike contest.  Let's look at some of the deals that made Harry the tycoon he is today.  The Del Webb Co had some desert land, they wanted to trade for some prime Las Vegas property.  Along comes Harry to the rescue and helps usher the trade through.  The taxpayers are the ones who paid.  That Vegas property could have been sold for a nice price and the government could have bought an entire desert for their profit.  Instead the profit went to Harry Reid.  Not directly though.

After closing the deal, Del Webb sold Harry 2 parcels of land.  One he bought on his own and one he bought in a partnership with shady character, Jay Brown.  This was in 1998.  In 2001, Harry sold the land to a limited partnership at no profit.  Harry did not disclose the land sale on his disclosure report or his interest in the limited liability corporation, created by Brown.  Both are ethics violations for which the senate didn't pursue.

The land needed to be rezoned and Harry made a personal appeal to local officials who gladly complied.  In 2004, the land was sold and Harry made 1.1 million dollars.  Thanks Del.

As you all know democrats want to build bridges and Harry Reid is no different.  He lobbied for a bridge that would connect Arizona to Nevada near Vegas.  That means people who owned land on the Arizona side would see their property values increase greatly.  You know, land owners, like Harry "Century 21″ Reid.  Reid's land increased in value from 479,430 dollars to 1.46 million.  Harry then complained about the higher valuation in order to keep from paying his fair share of taxes.  I know you find it shocking that Harry would profit at the taxpayer's expense, nonetheless, it's true.

Some of you may recall during the stimulus debate, Harry held up the bill until he got 8 billion dollars to build a high speed rail from LA to Las Vegas.  This would greatly benefit anyone whose family is very active in Vegas real estate.  You know, like Reid.

And that is why the BLM won't stop until they defeat Mr Bundy.  All roads lead to Harry.


April 12, 2014 - 12:20am
Cliven Bundy supporters bring cattle roundup protest to Las Vegas police headquarters


Rancher Cliven Bundy's supporters brought their protests from rural Clark County into the city Friday as they rallied outside Las Vegas police headquarters to tell the sheriff to stand up for Bundy against the federal government.

Three Southern Nevada tea party groups organized Friday's event, which got no visible response from the Metropolitan Police Department or its leader.

A pair of American flags and Nevada's state banner joined handwritten posters calling for Sheriff Doug Gillespie to "do his job" to protect the Bundy family from the federal government, which is in the process of rounding up patriarch Cliven's so-called "trespass cattle" from a mountainous area northeast of Las Vegas.

One female protester had a firearm in a holster in the shadow of the police building, a few yards from the front door. No officers emerged from the building during the 45-minute gathering. A department public information officer did not respond to requests for comment.

"Sheriff Gillespie is the top elected law enforcement officer in Clark County and he has abdicated his role as sheriff, leaving the people of Clark County void of protection from abuse by the federal government," said Connie Foust, president of the Virgin Valley Tea Party in Mesquite and co-organizer of the protest.

Protesters said they had heard rumors of snipers deployed by the Bureau of Land Management — the agency leading the roundup — in the hills around the Bundy ranch, as well as the removal of water tanks, which pushed cattle toward the river, causing some to die.

Amy Lueder, the state's BLM director, acknowledged snipers had been in place in the roundup area but offered no further details Friday during a media conference call.

Bundy's supporters are upset about what they said were unnecessary BLM tactics linked to the roundup, including the arrest of one of Bundy's sons, Dave Bundy, on Sunday for "refusing to disperse" and resisting arrest.

On Wednesday, video footage emerged of a clash between angry protesters and BLM rangers that shows Cliven Bundy's sister being tackled to the ground and another of Cliven Bundy's sons being shot with a stun gun.

Two brothers from St. George, Utah, who are not related to the Bundy family, were detained and cited by federal authorities Thursday for trespassing after intentionally crossing beneath a gate blocking the road to Overton Beach in Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

The BLM said the security measures were taken after threats of violence made by Bundy family members and others, including Cliven Bundy's promise of a "range war." The agency abandoned so-called "First Amendment areas" — fenced off spots designated for peaceful protests — on Thursday after criticism from elected officials, including Gov. Brian Sandoval.

The bureau has temporarily closed off nearly 600,000 acres of public land to round up more than 900 head of cattle. Bundy, whose ranch is approximately 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, left his livestock on the land but hasn't paid federal grazing fees since 1993. Lueders said Bundy owes nearly $1 million.

At the Friday rally, Niger Innis, a Republican candidate for Nevada's 4th Congressional District, told the crowd the "federal officials are being abusive" and violating people's civil rights.

"Cliven Bundy's fight is a civil rights issue," said Innis, who is also national spokesman of the civil rights' group Congress for Racial Equality.

But Innis urged all protesters — including so-called militia members who have said they are coming from outside Nevada — to remain peaceful and leave their weapons at home and not to wear camouflage.

"I'm a big believer in the Second Amendment," Innis said. "But this is one time, tactically speaking, we must operate in a nonviolent fashion. As long as we do that ... we will have the moral high ground, and the feds will look like the bullies they are."

The rally was organized by the Virgin Valley, Pahrump Valley and Las Vegas Valley tea parties, something that Tyson Houston, who identified himself as Cliven Bundy's nephew, said pleased the family.

"I have talked to other family members, and they think it's great others are trying to take a stand," said Houston, who lives in Logandale. "Instead of Cliven Bundy trying to organize everything, we have people from all over, it seems, to force Gillespie to open his eyes and see that he has the backing of the people. We voted him in."

Houston said he is surprised the dispute has escalated to the point it has.

"I lived in a bubble; I think we all live in a bubble," Houston said. "None of us thought this would ever happen in America."

Cliven Bundy met with Gillespie on Monday. The sheriff said the rancher wanted contact information for Metro supervisors working near his ranch, and Gillespie said he provided that information. But the sheriff said Metro wouldn't be involved with the roundup, which was "strictly a federal operation."

But that's still not enough for Foust, the Friday rally organizer.

"We need to hold our local and federal officials responsible for their actions or inactions," Foust said. "Free speech zones are not acceptable. Snipers are not acceptable. Intimidation is not acceptable."

Writers Wesley Juhl and Ben Botkin contributed to this report. Contact reporter Arnold M. Knighty at or 702-477-3882. Follow on Twitter @KnightlyGrind.

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