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Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Demmy-Dummy Texas Congresswoman Does It Again...
Sheila Jackson Lee Claims US Constitution Is 400 Years Old (video)

March 13, 2014

Democrat Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), already confused about Mars landing vs. Moon landing, is now confused about age of US Constitution


Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th District in Texas has screwed it up again — she erroneously stated yesterday on the House floor that the US. Constitution was 400 years old, which would put its adoption at 1614.

Long before George Washington was born, long before any of the founding fathers were born.

The Constitution was drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1788. It went into effect in 1789.

She was off by about 173 years — good going, Sheila:

"Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not."

Jackson Lee also confused the 1960s Moon landing with the Curiosity landing on Mars and believes there are two Vietnams. Earlier this year, Jackson Lee said she wanted the word "welfare" changed to "transitional living fund" because it's less racist, or something like that.
Another "oops moment" for SJL:
FAIL: Democrat Claims Constitution Is 400 Years Old | March 12, 2014....


This is the same mean-spirited, clueless elected official who condemned a Pepsi Super Bowl ad while on the congressional floor, calling it racist, the same woman who gets confused about the differences between "surplus" and "debt," who claimed Rodney King was "a great philosopher."

Who keeps voting for this chucklehead?

In all fairness, Jackson Lee isn't the only one in our federal government who is confused or ignorant about our Constitution. Back in 2009, Pres. Barack Obama said the Constitution was "20 centuries old."

He was off by a stunning 1,777 years.

If George W. Bush had made the exact same gaffe, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, and all the others in the liberal mainstream media would have had a royal heyday, maybe even a "heyweek." Instead, most in the media chose to ignore Obama's jaw-dropping mistake, hoping no one sees the video on YouTube.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


EXCLUSIVE: FBI blocked in corruption probe involving Sens. Reid, Lee

Agents quietly working with Utah prosecutors to make case in DOJ absence


Even Dirtier:
NSA Plan to Infect Millions of Computers
with 'Malware Implant'

March 13, 2014 By 21wire

21st Century Wire says...

The NSA leaks coming out of the Snowden camp are getting worse and sounding more pernicious by the week.

When we saw the GCHQ training guide to professional trolling, honey-potting online, targeting businesses and running slander campaigns online – we thought that was the apex of criminality, until now...

This is perhaps the dirtiest and most offensive government-sanctioned crime emporium yet, although we won't close the betting window just yet.

What some might refer to as 'groundbreaking surveillance technology', we'll simply call it what it is – another thing coming out of the NSA that has nothing to do with the 'national security' of the USA, and everything to do with intentionally ruining this present version of the internet.

These revelations from Ed Snowden were not conjured up out of thin air – because all of these shady programs were put in play for a reason, and it's a safe bet that it has nothing to do with catching Islamic terrorists. This is about the nature and structure of the internet as we know it. There are many corporate firms who stand to benefit should the confidence and the functionality of the current Internet become compromised beyond repair – and one can only guess how many current NSA corporate contractors stand to gain from such redundancies, and transitions to new platforms. Such a crisis or 'transition' could net hundreds of billions of dollars. Out of chaos... comes order, and in that order is where you can make a serious buck.

Their objective here couldn't be anymore insidious: to infect potentially millions of computers worldwide with specially designed malware "implants."

"The clandestine initiative enables the NSA to break into targeted computers and to siphon out data from foreign Internet and phone networks."

The public should really be under no illusions as to what we are looking at here – an agency out of control, with no meaningful oversight – acting as a law onto itself.

The agency should be disbanded, and all of its lucrative corporate contractors it uses to circumvent fundamental US laws and violate Americans and others' rights – should be put out to pasture...

By Ryan Gallagher and Glenn Greenwald
First Look/ The Intercept

Top-secret documents reveal that the National Security Agency is dramatically expanding its ability to covertly hack into computers on a mass scale by using automated systems that reduce the level of human oversight in the process.

The classified files – provided previously by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden – contain new details about groundbreaking surveillance technology the agency has developed to infect potentially millions of computers worldwide with malware "implants." The clandestine initiative enables the NSA to break into targeted computers and to siphon out data from foreign Internet and phone networks.

The covert infrastructure that supports the hacking efforts operates from the agency's headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, and from eavesdropping bases in the United Kingdom and Japan. GCHQ, the British intelligence agency, appears to have played an integral role in helping to develop the implants tactic.

In some cases the NSA has masqueraded as a fake Facebook server, using the social media site as a launching pad to infect a target's computer and exfiltrate files from a hard drive. In others, it has sent out spam emails laced with the malware, which can be tailored to covertly record audio from a computer's microphone and take snapshots with its webcam. The hacking systems have also enabled the NSA to launch cyberattacks by corrupting and disrupting file downloads or denying access to websites.

The implants being deployed were once reserved for a few hundred hard-to-reach targets, whose communications could not be monitored through traditional wiretaps. But the documents analyzed by The Intercept show how the NSA has aggressively accelerated its hacking initiatives in the past decade by computerizing some processes previously handled by humans. The automated system – codenamed TURBINE – is designed to "allow the current implant network to scale to large size (millions of implants) by creating a system that does automated control implants by groups instead of individually."

In a top-secret presentation, dated August 2009, the NSA describes a pre-programmed part of the covert infrastructure called the "Expert System," which is designed to operate "like the brain." The system manages the applications and functions of the implants and "decides" what tools they need to best extract data from infected machines.

Mikko Hypponen, an expert in malware who serves as chief research officer at the Finnish security firm F-Secure, calls the revelations "disturbing." The NSA's surveillance techniques, he warns, could inadvertently be undermining the security of the Internet.

"When they deploy malware on systems," Hypponen says, "they potentially create new vulnerabilities in these systems, making them more vulnerable for attacks by third parties."

Hypponen believes that governments could arguably justify using malware in a small number of targeted cases against adversaries. But millions of malware implants being deployed by the NSA as part of an automated process, he says, would be "out of control."

"That would definitely not be proportionate," Hypponen says. "It couldn't possibly be targeted and named. It sounds like wholesale infection and wholesale surveillance."

The NSA declined to answer questions about its deployment of implants, pointing to a new presidential policy directive announced by President Obama. "As the president made clear on 17 January," the agency said in a statement, "signals intelligence shall be collected exclusively where there is a foreign intelligence or counterintelligence purpose to support national and departmental missions, and not for any other purposes."

"Owning the Net"

The NSA began rapidly escalating its hacking efforts a decade ago. In 2004, according to secret internal records, the agency was managing a small network of only 100 to 150 implants. But over the next six to eight years, as an elite unit called Tailored Access Operations (TAO) recruited new hackers and developed new malware tools, the number of implants soared to tens of thousands.

To penetrate foreign computer networks and monitor communications that it did not have access to through other means, the NSA wanted to go beyond the limits of traditional signals intelligence, or SIGINT, the agency's term for the interception of electronic communications. Instead, it sought to broaden "active" surveillance methods – tactics designed to directly infiltrate a target's computers or network devices.

In the documents, the agency describes such techniques as "a more aggressive approach to SIGINT" and says that the TAO unit's mission is to "aggressively scale" these operations.

But the NSA recognized that managing a massive network of implants is too big a job for humans alone.

"One of the greatest challenges for active SIGINT/attack is scale," explains the top-secret presentation from 2009. "Human 'drivers' limit ability for large-scale exploitation (humans tend to operate within their own environment, not taking into account the bigger picture)."

The agency's solution was TURBINE. Developed as part of TAO unit, it is described in the leaked documents as an "intelligent command and control capability" that enables "industrial-scale exploitation."


Justice Department refuses info on
hundreds of prosecutor misconduct cases

By Jim McElhatton

The Washington Times

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hundreds of federal prosecutors over the past decade have committed serious misconduct, but the Justice Department has refused to release the names of the offenders, according to a report released Thursday.

From 2002 through last year, the department's office of professional responsibility documented more than 650 infractions. Most were categorized as "reckless" or "intentional misconduct," the Project on Government Oversight reported.


MAP: Here's Why Ukraine Fears A Russian Invasion

Michael Kelley   Mar. 14, 2014

On Thursday, Ukraine security chief Andriy Parubiy claimed that Russia has placed 80,000 solders, 270 tanks, 370 artillery systems, and 140 combat aircraft near the Ukrainian border.

"Ukraine today is facing the threat of a full-scale invasion from various directions," he said.

Vladimir Putin has reserved the right to intervene wherever he decides that ethnic Russians are under threat of "lawlessness."

"Russia is aware of its responsibility for the lives of compatriots and fellow citizens in Ukraine and reserves the right to take people under its protection," the Kremlin said in a statement on Friday following the death of at least one protester in Ukraine's eastern city of Donetsk.

This map, created by Facebook user Smitry Tymchuk, illustrates the threat that Parubiy referred to:


Kansas Capitol camera costs up for debate

By Travis Perry  /   March 14, 2014  /

State Sen. Kay Wolf

Sue Cotter, information and teleconferencing manager for the Alaska Legislative Information Office, said the northernmost state was able to prep and ready eight committee rooms for online video in 2010 for about $190,000. The previous year, Alaska had authorized a short pilot program to test out the concept on two of Alaska's 10 committee rooms.

Becky Wood of the Nevada Legislature's Broadcast and Production Services department said the Silver State invested about $200,000 in 1991 for video teleconferencing purposes in every committee room within their state's Capitol. A decade later, an additional $72,000 investment put those same video feeds online for public consumption.

Jim Miller, legislative chief IT Officer

Jim Miller, chief legislative information technology officer for the state of Kansas, said his research into what other states have done focused primarily on an online database of state broadcasting capabilities compiled by the National Conference of State Legislatures. However, that database only details what they can do, not how they went about doing it.

Lucas Ingala, owner of Watchmen Security Services in Lees Summit, Mo., which specializes in remote camera surveillance, examined a cost breakdown of Clayton's original proposal provided to Kansas Watchdog by Miller. Considering how all rooms are already wired for video, which is often the most labor-intensive part of the job, Ingala said the fiscal estimate seemed on the high side.

While it's difficult to directly compare technological capabilities and feasibility between state governments, as each faces its own unique set of challenges, the fiscal efficiency demonstrated by other states certainly deserves a closer study.

SB 413 doesn't specify which four committee rooms would come under the camera's gaze in 2015, should the bill become law. While the House Appropriations, as well as the Senate's Ways and Means, Education and Federal and State Affairs committees are all being considered, the final decision is now left up to Miller and legislative leaders.

Wolf's proposal made odd alliances, bringing together Americans for Prosperity, the Mainstream Coalition, Game On for Kansas Schools and the Kansas Police Institute, all in the name of transparency.

Dave Trabert, KPI president, argued in favor of Clayton's original, and more expensive, plan. It's a position not usually seen by the fiscally conservative think tank, though Trabert came armed and ready with a way to foot the bill.

Pointing to $1.5 million in tax refund cash reserves held by the state Department of Revenue, Trabert said the money could easily be swept into the general fund without impacting the state agency. He noted that the fund balances aren't necessary; tax refunds are netted against tax receipts, rather than being considered a departmental expense.

"This money has not been touched for years, and it never will be," Trabert said.

Trabert was joined by Sen. Robert Olson, R-Olathe, in calling for full expansion of video broadcasting capabilities.

"What's going to happen is we're going to get three or four years into this (pilot) project and someone's going to want to kill it, and they will," Olson said, referencing Kansas' two previous attempts at online video 2004 and 2008. "We need to do it all, or we're just wasting our taxpayers' money."

But Miller cautioned against getting over-eager by implementing a large-scale video scheme before state employees have worked out the logistics of online video in the Capitol.

"We're asking for another disaster if we attempt to do all of this at the same time," Miller said.

Concerns from state lawmakers included a fear that video could be captured and maliciously edited to distort the truth. Wolf said benefits offered by online video far outweighed any potential negative side effects.

Sen. Mitch Holmes, R- Saint John, criticized the cost of the video initiative, speculating the state would get more bang for its buck by focusing on audio in every conference room.

"I think you miss a lot when you're only listening to something and not seeing it," Wolf said. "I would respectfully disagree with you."


Bombshell: National Black Republican Association Files Articles of Impeachment Against Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro)

A conservative black citizens group, the National Black Republican Association (NBRA), has filed detailed articles of impeachment against Barack Obama, calling for his removal from office over the National Security Agency spying program, the prosecution of whistleblowers, wiretapping journalists, his torture program and the cover-up of Benghazi.

Though the group associates itself with Republicans, many of the articles referenced deal with activities that the Obama administration has engaged in with the full support of establishment Republicans, such as the NSA spying programs, illegal torture and treatment of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.

We, black American citizens, in order to free ourselves and our fellow citizens from governmental tyranny do herewith submit these Articles of Impeachment to Congress for the removal of President Barack H. Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro, from office for his attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors," the articles begin.

The articles go on to remind us of what our founders did in 1776:

Asserting their right to break free from the tyranny of a nation that denied them the civil liberties that are our birthright, the founders declared:

"When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." – Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

The articles blast Barack Obama and his administration for failing to secure the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, and then upon that failure, covering it up to hide the true nature of the attacks.

"He has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the investigation of the Benghazi Battle," Article 1 states.

Specifically, he has done so with the claims of a video and protests being the reason for the attacks, and most recently the discovery that CIA operatives who survived the September 11, 2012 attacks have been threatened and polygraphed frequently by the intelligence agency to keep them silent.

Article 2 says that he disclosed secret grand jury material by exposing the existence of a sealed indictment of one of the Benghazi suspects. The group cites it as a violation of Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that states: " person may disclose the indictment's existence except as necessary to issue or execute a warrant or summons.''

The articles also deal with Operation Fast and Furious, the targeting of American individuals, organizations and agencies by the Internal Revenue Service, the authorization and permission of the NSA to conduct or continue electronic surveillance of over 3000 million Americans without cause, wiretapping of over one hundred reporters from the Associated Press and other outlets.

The abuse of power goes even further, as in Article 8 demonstrates how Obama has thwarted Congress. The article states he has done so by:

(1) failing to enforce all or parts of laws duly enacted by Congress, including the Defense of Marriage Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the Affordable Care Act; and (2) after Congress refused to pass his Dream Act, unilaterally issuing an executive order directing immigration officers to no longer deport an entire class of illegal immigrants who came here as children, regardless of individual circumstances, and to give them work-authorization permits.

The articles also calls Obama to account for his bypassing the U.S. Senate to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, which was ruled unconstitutional by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Obama's intimidation and prosecutions of whistleblowers are double that of all other presidents combined.

The Articles of Impeachment have been sent to President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Boehner, House Minority Leader Pelosi and the full Judiciary Committee of the US House of Representatives for action.

This group has done what the House of Representative have failed to do. They have provided the documentation to impeach Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro. The question now rests with Congress, will you take these up and bring these articles of impeachment to the United States Senate and make your case before the American people, or will you cower in fear and give excuses like Congressman Markwayne Mullin for failing to do your constitutional duty?

Below is the full language of the NBRA's articles of impeachment:
We, black American citizens, in order to free ourselves and our fellow citizens from governmental tyranny, do herewith submit these Articles of Impeachment to Congress for the removal of President Barack H. Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro, from office for his attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.

On July 4, 1776, the founders of our nation declared their independence from governmental tyranny and reaffirmed their faith in independence with the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791.  Asserting their right to break free from the tyranny of a nation that denied them the civil liberties that are our birthright, the founders declared:

"When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."  -  Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

Article II, Section IV of the United States Constitution provides: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."


In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, personally and through his subordinates and agents, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:

He has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the investigation of the Benghazi Battle.

Specific conduct includes: (1) failing to adequately secure the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi; (2) failing to send a response team to rescue embattled US citizens in Benghazi; (3) lying to the American people about why the US Consulate and the CIA annex were attacked in Benghazi; and (4) hiding from the media and congressional investigators the Central Intelligence Agency personnel and other wounded US citizens who were on the ground in Benghazi by scattering them throughout the United States, forcing them to adopt new identities and subjecting them to monthly polygraph tests.

Benghazi Battle elements that are under investigation:

On September 11, 2012, the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya was targeted in a premeditated, preplanned attack launched without warning by Islamist militants.

Footage of the attack broadcast in real time showed armed men attacking the consulate with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, assault rifles, 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, truck mounted artillery, diesel canisters, and mortars.  It was not an act of savage mob violence, nor a spontaneous protest in response to an anti-Islamic video on YouTube.

In that attack, four American citizens were killed:  US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; Information Officer Sean Smith; and two embassy security personnel, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.  Ambassador Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979.

He has disclosed secret grand jury material by exposing the existence of a sealed indictment of one of the Benghazi attackers in violation of  Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that clearly states: "... no person may disclose the indictment's existence except as necessary to issue or execute a warrant or summons.''

He has authorized and permitted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a division of the Justice Department, to conduct Operation Fast and Furious, wherein guns were sold to Mexican drug trafficking organizations that were used to kill innocent Mexican civilians and two rifles sold to a smuggler in January 2010 ended up at the scene of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.

He has authorized and permitted confidential income tax returns information from the Internal Revenue Service to be provided to unauthorized individuals, organizations and agencies.

He has caused investigations and audits to be initiated or conducted by the Internal Revenue Service in a discriminatory manner, including harassment and intimidation of conservative, evangelical and Tea Party groups applying for non-profit status between 2010 and 2012.

Elements of this illegal conduct include the facts that: (1) the head of the Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt organization division, Lois Lerner, admitted during a telephonic press event that illegal targeting occurred, then invoked her Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer questions before Congress about the targeting out of fear of self-incrimination; (2) two other career Internal Revenue Service employees stated that they acted at the behest of superiors in Washington — Carter Hull, a retired Internal Revenue Service Attorney and Elizabeth Hofacre, an employee of the Cincinnati IRS office which oversaw tax-exempt applications; and (3) Carter Hull stated that he was directed to forward the targeted applications to, among others, one of only two political appointees in the Internal Revenue Service Chief Counsel William Wilkins.

He has (1) authorized and permitted the National Security Agency to conduct or continue electronic surveillance of over 300 million average Americans; (2) given access to National Security Agency surveillance data to other intelligence units within the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Secret Service, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security in violation of the law; and (3) conducted the surveillance of average Americans unconstrained by Congress, the United Supreme Court or the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court which has, to this date, functioned as a rubber stamp, having approved every request made of it in 2012 and rejecting only two of the 8,591 requests submitted between 2008 and 2012.

He has authorized and permitted the Department of Justice to wiretap and secretly obtain two months of telephone and e-mail records of Fox News Reporter James Rosen and over one hundred Associated Press journalists.

He has thwarted Congress by (1) failing to enforce all or parts of laws duly enacted by Congress, including the Defense of Marriage Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the Affordable Care Act; and (2) after Congress refused to pass his Dream Act, unilaterally issuing an executive order directing immigration officers to no longer deport an entire class of illegal immigrants who came here as children, regardless of individual circumstances, and to give them work-authorization permits.

He has violated the Constitution when, on January 4, 2012, (1) he bypassed the U. S. Senate to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, actions that were ruled unconstitutional by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit which affirmed previous decisions by the Court of Appeal for the D.C. Circuit and the Third Circuit; and (2) he bypassed the U. S. Senate to appoint Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

He has intimidated whistleblowers and brought twice as many prosecutions against whistleblowers as all prior presidents combined.  Egregiously, while refusing to prosecute anyone for actual torture, he prosecuted former Central Intelligence Agency employee John Kiriakou for disclosing the torture program.

Wherefore Barack H. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The Coming National DNA Database

Michael Snyder
Activist Post

A national DNA database is coming.  Barack Obuma has already said that he wants one. 

A major Supreme Court decision last month paved the way for one.  The DNA of those that commit "serious crimes" is already being routinely collected all over the nation.  Some states (such as New Jersey) are now passing laws that will require DNA collection from those charged with committing "low level crimes".  And a law that was passed under George W. Bush allows the federal government to screen the DNA of all newborn babies in the United States. So how long will it be before we are all required to give DNA samples to the authorities?  How long will it be before DNA collection is routinely done when we take a trip to the DMV?

This may sound like science fiction to some people, but "security experts" and law enforcement personnel all over the country are now pushing for a national DNA database to be established.

Unfortunately, there is nothing really standing in the way of that. The Supreme Court has already spoken.  Justice Scalia understood very clearly what the Supreme Court was doing last month.  In his dissent, he made the following statement: "Make no mistake about it: because of today's decision, your DNA can be taken and entered into a national database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason."

Those that are promoting a national DNA database claim that collecting the DNA of criminals is just like fingerprinting them, and that we should all be willing to submit to a slight intrusion to our privacy in order to make society a safer place.

But is it really just a slight intrusion?

Once they have the DNA of every American, the potential for abuse would be absolutely staggering.  It would only be a matter of time before DNA identification replaced Social Security cards and every other form of identification.  Eventually, there would be a very real possibility that we would all have to submit to "DNA verification" before we could get on an airplane, get a job, get a driver's license or get a bank account.

Of course that will not happen immediately, but that is the road that we are going down.

At first, DNA samples were only taken from sex offenders.

Once that precedent was set, they started taking it from all those charged with serious crimes.

Now they are taking it from those charged with low level crimes.

Eventually it will be all of us.

Do you doubt this?

Law enforcement officials are telling us that this is exactly what they want.  The following is from a San Francisco Chronicle article from just this week...

Indiana law enforcement officials could find it easier to fight crime if a national database holding DNA profiles of everyone born in the United States is created as the result of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last month, experts say.
The prospect has had investigators and privacy advocates abuzz since the high court's June 3 decision that police could take a DNA swab from anyone arrested for a serious crime without violating Fourth Amendment limits on search and seizure.

They want the "DNA profiles of everyone born in the United States".  That is their goal.

And they are starting to slowly build this database already.  Back in 2008, George W. Bush signed a law that permitted the federal government to "screen the DNA of all newborn babies"...

In April of 2008, President Bush signed into law S.1858 which allows the federal government to screen the DNA of all newborn babies in the U.S. This was to be implemented within 6 months meaning that this collection is now being carried out. Congressman Ron Paul states that this bill is the first step towards the establishment of a national DNA database.
S.1858, known as The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007, is justified as a "national contingency plan" in that it represents preparation for any sort of public health emergency. The bill states that the federal government should "continue to carry out, coordinate, and expand research in newborn screening" and "maintain a central clearinghouse of current information on newborn screening... ensuring that the clearinghouse is available on the Internet and is updated at least quarterly". Sections of the bill also make it clear that DNA may be used in genetic experiments and tests. Read the full bill:

And according to the New York Times, hundreds of thousands of other DNA samples have already been collected from criminals all over the nation...

New York City has amassed a database with the profiles of 11,000 crime suspects. In Orange County, Calif., the district attorney's office has 90,000 profiles, many obtained from low-level defendants who give DNA as part of a plea bargain or in return for having the charges against them dropped. In Central Florida, several law enforcement agencies have pooled their DNA databases. A Baltimore database contains DNA from more than 3,000 homicide victims.
These law enforcement agencies are no longer content to rely solely on the highly regulated network of state and federal DNA databases, which have been more than two decades in the making and represent one of the most significant developments in the history of law enforcement in this country.

But authorities are often frustrated because they come across DNA at crime scenes that is not in their databases.

If they had the DNA of everyone, they would instantly be able to identify any DNA left behind at a particular crime scene.

That is one reason why New Jersey recently passed a law that requires law enforcement personnel to collect DNA samples even from people that are convicted of low level crimes...

The state Senate today passed legislation that would require the collection of DNA samples from people convicted of some low-level crimes, including shoplifting and drug possession.
The bill (S436) was approved 36-3 this afternoon. An earlier version remains in committee in the Assembly.

"DNA is one of the most powerful tools we have to identify perpetrators and exonerate those falsely accused of crimes," state Sen. Nicholas Sacco (D-Hudson) said in a statement. "A more expansive DNA database will enable us to solve investigations with greater speed and accuracy."

And once your DNA has been collected by one law enforcement agency, it will inevitably be shared with others.

In fact, DNA sharing agreements are becoming quite common.  Recently, USA Today reported on a major international DNA sharing agreement between scientific researchers...

An international consortium of genomic researchers across 41 countries potentially moved us a step closer to such a reality when it announced this month a new data-sharing agreement for the expected deluge of human genomes to be sequenced in the near future as the cost falls to levels of an MRI.

So if your DNA is taken even once, you just never know how many agencies and organizations are going to end up getting their hands on it.

Unfortunately, there is not much standing in the way of a national DNA database.  Barack Obama is already on record as saying that this is something that he wants...

"This is where the national registry becomes so important, because what you have is individual states — they may have a database, but if they're not sharing it with the state next door, you've got a guy from Illinois driving over into Indiana, and they're not talking to each other."
Well, could we potentially see the American people stand up and object to this?

I wouldn't count on it.  Just look at how little fuss is being made over the NSA snooping scandal. The American people simply don't seem to care about privacy as much as they used to.

And things appear to be even worse in Europe.  According to one new survey, Europeans are overwhelmingly in favor of using biometric information on identity documents and passports...

According to a new survey conducted by Steria, the majority of European citizens support the use of biometrics for criminal identification and for identity documents and passports, though slightly less than half are supportive of the technology replacing PIN numbers for bank cards.
Steria, a provider of IT-enabled business services, contracted Toluna to perform the survey on citizens in the UK, France , Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and found that 81 percent of respondents think biometrics for criminal identification is a good thing, and 69 percent agreed that they would support the use of biometrics in identity cards or passports.

Specifically, 81 percent of French citizens favor the application of biometrics for ID documents, compared to 74 percent of Danish respondents and 68 percent of the survey's British respondents. Across Europe, 69 percent were also in favor of using biometrics as a form of access control for secure areas. In this case, the French respondents proved again to be the most supportive, with 77 percent, followed by the Danes at 75 percent and the Brits at 69 percent.

Sadly, the truth is that Western society has become incredibly "dumbed down" and has become accustomed to these types of Big Brother tactics.

One example of this is posted below.  In this video, you can actually watch Obama supporters signing a petition to repeal the Bill of Rights...

What in the world is happening to this country?

A Big Brother police state is being constructed all around us, and very few people seem to care.

In his dissent to the Supreme Court decision that essentially legalized a national DNA database, Justice Scalia wrote the following: "It may be wise, as the Court obviously believes, to make the Leviathan all-seeing, so that he may protect us all the better. The proud men who wrote the charter of our liberties would not have been so eager to open their mouths for royal inspection."

Very wise words.

Hopefully we can get more Americans to wake up and realize the wisdom contained in our founding documents.

If not, I am afraid that a national DNA database will just be the beginning.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


On the Money

Gun store owner refuses
to give feds customer list

OCEANSIDE, Calif. – The owner of an Oceanside store that sells various gun parts to build a rifle from scratch refused to turn over his customer list to federal agents.

Dimitrios Karras, owner of Ares Armor, said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents were investigating their business, not for what they sell, but for the people who purchase their products.

Karras said the ATF threatened to shutter their business if they didn't hand over the names of 5,000 customers who have purchased an 80 percent lower receiver (the base) for building an AR-15.

It is legal to build a rifle from scratch without serial numbers only if the base is manufactured to ATF specifications.  The base is not considered a firearm if it's sold separately.

A manufacturer made an 80 percent receiver in plastic with a different material and colors which show exactly where the customer can drill making it easier and cheaper to build.  The ATF said it is illegal.

The ATF sent stores, including Ares Armor, letters demanding they turn over the products and names of customers who purchased them.

"They said either give us these 5000 names or we are coming in and taking pretty much anything – which is a huge privacy concern and something we are not willing to do," said Karras.

Karras's attorney informed the ATF to pick up the receivers Wednesday morning at their Oceanside location, but the inventory was not the issue. The store owner said he will not comply with turning over their private client list.

"They were going to search all of our facilities and confiscate our computer and pretty much shut our business down," said Karras.  "The government invades our privacy on a daily basis and everyone thinks its ok. This is one of those situations where hopefully the governmental institutions will come in say this is protected and no you're not taking it from them."

In anticipation of a raid, they filed a temporary restraining order against the ATF, stopping them from confiscating their property, Karras said.  The ATF has a certain amount of time to respond. If the two parties do not reach a compromise, they will be in court for a preliminary hearing March

There is a flash video of Channel 5 News on the web site.


BREAKING: Constitution under attack
as ATF ignores restraining order
and raids Ares Armor

Posted by Matt Duncan (MD) on March 15, 2014 at 8:44pm

Despite being granted a restraining order, the ATF has apparently raided San Diego area firearms parts seller Ares Armor anyway. Ares sells 80% lowers which the ATF has classified as "firearms." The ATF has been pressuring Ares to turn over their sales records or lose them in a raid. Given the threats, earlier this week Ares moved for and was granted a restraining order against such a raid. But the above YouTube video appears to show ATF agents rummaging through Ares, apparently confiscating inventory and, you'd have to assume, their computers and customers records. This video is the only evidence we've been able to find of a raid so far. Stay tuned.

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