This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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10 Stories From The Cold, Hard Streets Of America That Will Break Your Heart

By Michael Snyder, on February 23rd, 2014

If the economy is really "getting better", then why have millions upon millions of formerly middle class Americans been pushed to the point of utter despair?  The stories that you are about to read are absolutely heartbreaking.  I don't know how anyone can read them without getting chills.  In America today, if you lose a good job, there is a good chance that you will get back on your feet before too long.  But there is also a good chance that you won't be able to find a decent job and will plunge into the abyss of depression and desperation that so many millions of other Americans have fallen into.  As I wrote about earlier this month, the U.S. economy is definitely not getting any better.  For example, if you assume that the percentage of Americans that want to work is about at the long term average, then the official unemployment rate in the United States would be above 11 percent.  And compared to six years ago, 1,154,000 fewer Americans are working today even though our population has gotten significantly larger since then.  Behind all of these numbers are real flesh and blood people, and you are about to hear from some of them.  The following are 10 stories from the cold, hard streets of America that will break your heart...

#1 A 34-year-old man named Rocco...

"While my wife goes to work, I've been staying at home to conserve fuel. I've been losing weight from eating less, so my family has more on their plates. It feels like the government and big business expect more and more while trying to give back as little as possible. Soon my internet connection will be shut off and since most companies don't offer paper applications, how will I find work then? Walking around for miles a day, asking for an application that may or may not be available?"

#2 Homeless people wasting away in "Obamavilles" on the outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland...

A sheet of plastic laid over a clothesline. A mini-fortress of milk crates stacked under a tree. A thin mattress on a flimsy crate lying in a dark tunnel.
On the edge of Baltimore's woodlands, dozens of the city's transients live in makeshift homes which they consider safer than homeless shelters.

You can see some incredible photos of how these homeless people are living right here:

#3 A 50-year-old woman in Pennsylvania named Karen...

"My husband only makes 10 dollars an hour and drives 30 miles round trip, so it's taking all we have just to keep the Jeep filled with gas. We stopped going to church and all to save gas. We are homebodies now, afraid to use what gas we have. We save two kids from getting put in foster care just to be hit like this. It's just a constant trap they try to keep you from receiving any help! I'm so disgusted when my 12-year-old asks me why we don't have snacks anymore, or why are we eating so much rice, etc."

#4 The following is an excerpt from a comment that was recently left by one of my readers...

"I live right at ground zero. South West Virginia and let me tell you things are bad and getting worse by the day. We don't do drugs but have family members hooked on meth and or pills or both. Many of these pills are prescribed by local doctors either Suboxone to get you off the opiates, a total joke by the way and tons of Xanax why would anyone need 120 Xanax a month how can you even be expected to function. These pills get traded for cash sex and other items, same goes for the SNAP cards. We have family members going to jail repeatedly for the same crimes making meth, selling pills and stealing anything that's not nailed down. People who are 30 years old look like they are 55 years old. The jobs here are awful walmat, gas stations, fast food etc. Most of our whole county is on the government dole."

#5 A 55-year-old man from California named Randy Carpadus...

"I was working as a firefighter for the state of California and was laid off in April 2012, right at the beginning of fire season. At my age, I'm not going to be picked up by another fire department. They want younger guys.

I've applied for everything from truck driver, to sales, to nonprofit work. I've sent out almost 400 resumes, and I've gotten nothing. I've done whatever I could to make ends meet.

Through some connections, I got a temp job as a truck driver in Napa Valley -- a 3-hour commute from where I live. I lived in my car and worked during grape harvest."

#6 In this tough economic environment, debt collectors are becoming even more aggressive.  Just check out the kind of harassment that one woman named Jennifer Posey has been put through...

"This is Jimmy Lee calling from CheckCare. Just letting you know we're in full force," he said. The man had a thick Southern accent that stretched the word "you" into a two-syllable accusation. "We're going to have warrants out for your arrest in Columbus, Ga.," the man threatened. "We know you have an apartment on the canal in Clearwater."

It was when he mentioned her home in Florida that Posey began to feel anxious. "We're hurting you," he continued. "We're hurting your family, your son's family, your cousin's family. Whatever we can do to get you to pay."

Forty minutes later, her phone rang again. "What about that 12-, 13-year-old child you're trying to raise?" the voice sneered.

#7 A 50-year-old woman from New York named Sharon Ritchie...

"I am constantly told I am 'overqualified.' I've also been told to dumb down my resume, but I can't just erase 30 years of experience.

You can only stand the word 'no' so many times. There are times that I cry at night wondering what happened, and at times I have thought about suicide.

But, I keep on going, hoping the cycle will break."

#8 In response to my recent article about Appalachia, a reader named Rob shared the following...

"I am from rural south central KY (Brodhead, Rockcastle County) and I can tell you that most of the things described above are exactly how it is here. There are so many people on drugs it's crazy. First it was the meth, which was more of a problem back in 2002-2007, then the pain pills really started becoming a huge problem, OxyContin and perc 30's (roxicet) obtained from Florida and Georgia doctors. The pain pills are something that you can't just walk away from after doing them for a while; they cause people to steal from family, sell everything they own, and/or prostitute themselves in order to avoid opiate withdrawal."

#9 A 30-year-old man from California named Alejandro...

"I need to provide for my son who is diagnosed with autism and my baby girl. I've sold a bunch of my belongings to try and put food on the table, to buy clothes for my kids, to pay rent and utilities and to put gas in my vehicle to go job hunting. Not having money for necessities takes a toll on my mind. Depression has kicked in. It really takes a toll on one's self-esteem and confidence to move forward.I've applied to countless amounts of jobs, only to not even get a call back. I've gone from construction site to construction site, only to be told they are not hiring. Finally, I got at least a positive call back from a company telling me they will call me to work in a couple of weeks. I am crossing my fingers and praying. There are millions of people in my situation or even worse."

#10 An excerpt from a heartbreaking letter that an unemployed woman named Paula Bray sent to Barack Obama...

Dear Mr. President,

I write to you today because I have nowhere else to turn. I lost my full time job in September 2012. I have only been able to find part-time employment -- 16 hours each week at $12 per hour -- but I don't work that every week. For the month of December, my net pay was $365. My husband and I now live in an RV at a campground because of my job loss. Our monthly rent is $455 and that doesn't include utilities. We were given this 27-ft. 1983 RV when I lost my job.

This is America today. We have no running water; we use a hose to fill jugs. We have no shower but the campground does. We have a toilet but it only works when the sewer line doesn't freeze -- if it freezes, we use the campground's restrooms. At night, in my bed, when it's cold out, my blanket can freeze to the wall of the RV. We don't have a stove or an oven, just a microwave, so regular-food cooking is out. Recently we found a small toaster oven on sale so we can bake a little now because eating only microwaved food just wasn't working for us. We don't have a refrigerator, just an icebox (a block of ice cost about $1.89). It keeps things relatively cold. If it's freezing outside, we just put things on the picnic table.

Sadly, this is just the beginning.

The economic despair that we are witnessing right now is just a taste of the horrible economic nightmare that is going to unfold in the United States during the coming years.

And already there are signs that things are starting to take another turn for the worse.  In recent months, we have seen a whole host of retail chains announce store closings.  In fact, one of my readers wrote to me the other day and told me about a home appliance chain known as "American TV" that is going out of business in the Midwest.  When these stores shut down, close to another 1000 Americans will soon be out of work...

"While this is a sad moment it is also a proud moment. It's a moment to be proud of our efforts and to be proud of what we have delivered to the community", said Doug Reuhl, President and CEO of American since 1988. "Words cannot adequately express how grateful we are to our millions of loyal customers, and to the incredible, dedicated family of employees that we have been blessed with over our 60 years of business". Advanced notice of the business closing has been given to the 989 employees affected in eleven locations. Employees will be compensated, with benefits, through the notification period, and the majority will continue employment through the closing process.

But if you listen to the mainstream media, you would think that happy days are here again for America.  Just check out some of the bizarre headlines that I have collected in recent weeks...

CNBC: "Stop whining! The US economy is in good shape"

USA Today: "Economists: U.S. will see better growth in '14"

Newsday: "Why the economy isn't doomed"

Most Americans will buy into this propaganda and will never see the next major economic crisis coming until it is too late to do anything about it.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Suspect Covers Security Camera With Maxi Pad, Burglarizes Store, Police Say

(LeRoy, can I have another beer?)

Myrtle Beach, SC - Police are looking for a man they say stole cash from the register of a hotel gift shop after attempting to cover the surveillance camera with a maxi pad.

According to the police report, the suspect entered the gift shop of a hotel in the 7100 block of Ocean Boulevard at about 1 a.m. on February 19. After looking around the store, he stood on a chair and placed the pad on the surveillance camera so that his acts couldn't be seen.

He was later seen on the surveillance camera tape at about 2:25 a.m. taking the pad off the camera and once again looking around the store, according to the report. About $125 in cash was missing from the register.

Police were also told that the suspect may have attempted to break into games in the game room for money.

The suspect is described in the police report as a white man, aged 22 to 39, 5-foot-7-inches to 5-foot-10-inches tall and 150 to 190 pounds in weight.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Russia Seeks Access To Bases In Eight Countries For Its Ships And Bombers

"Russia says it is negotiating with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Algeria, Cyprus, the Seychelles, Vietnam and Singapore about access to facilities that can be used by its navy and strategic bombers."

February 28, 2014 - 5:09 AM
By Patrick Goodenough

(Obuma has resurrected the Bear, that President Reagan defeated)

( – At a time of escalated tensions with the West over Ukraine, Russia says it is negotiating with eight governments around the world for access to military facilities, to enable it to extend its long-range naval and strategic bomber capabilities.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday the military was engaged in talks with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Algeria, Cyprus, the Seychelles, Vietnam and Singapore.

"We need bases for refueling near the equator, and in other places," ITAR-Tass quoted him as saying.

Russia is not looking to establish bases in those locations, but to reach agreement to use facilities there when required.

The countries are all strategically located – in three leftist-ruled countries close to the U.S.; towards either end of the Mediterranean; in the Indian Ocean south of the Gulf of Aden; and near some of the world's most important shipping lanes in the Malacca Strait and South China Sea.

Access to the new locations would extend the Russian military's potential reach well beyond its existing extraterritorial bases, at the Syrian port of Tartus and in former Soviet states – Ukraine's Sevastopol, Armenia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and the occupied Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Shoigu said Russia was also beefing up its existing military presence in the post-Soviet region, doubling its troop numbers in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and deploying a regiment of troops to Belarus where it already has fighter aircraft stationed.

"Russia has started reviving its navy and strategic aviation since mid-2000s, seeing them as a tool to project the Russian image abroad and to protect its national interests around the globe," the RIA Novosti state news agency commented.

"Now, Moscow needs to place such military assets in strategically important regions of the world to make them work effectively toward the goal of expanding Russia's global influence."

During his previous tenure at the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin in 2002 shut down a Cold War-era radar base in Cuba and a naval base in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. Russia cited financial constraints, but the move was also seen at the time as an attempt to improve relations with Washington.

The listening station near Havana had been a key intelligence facility for decades, while the Vietnamese base, which was built by the U.S. during the Vietnam War, was leased to the Soviet Union in 1979 and became the largest Soviet base in the world beyond Moscow's Warsaw Pact allies.

Upon his return to the presidency in 2012, Putin began exploring options to renew alliances with the communist countries, and Russian Navy chief Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov said that year Cuba and Vietnam were in the frame.

Russia is now helping Vietnam to upgrade facilities at Cam Ranh Bay, including a submarine training center, and Russia is negotiating for preferential access to refueling and repair facilities there for its ships.

As for the Western hemisphere, Russian Navy ships in 2008 made their first visit since the end of the Cold War, holding joint maneuvers with the Venezuelan Navy in the Caribbean, navigating the Panama Canal, and making a port call in Havana.

Russian Navy vessels visited Cuba again in 2009 and last August – and on Wednesday, a Russian intelligence-gathering ship, the Viktor Leonov, docked in Havana harbor with no explanation from the government or state media coverage, the Associated Press reported.

Russian strategic bombers also visited the region in 2008 – for the first time since long-range flights by the aircraft were halted after the Soviet Union's collapse – and again last fall, when two Tupolev "Blackjacks" carried out combat training patrols between Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Russian defense spending has been climbing sharply in the years since its last military engagement – the invasion of Georgia in August 2008 – and early this year it was reported to have overtaken Britain to become the world's third biggest spender, behind the U.S. and China.

According to the British consultancy HIS Jane's, Russia's defense expenditure has more than doubled since 2007, and will have tripled by 2016
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obuma's America: PFC disses American Flag; states "IDGAFFFF"

Posted on February 28, 2014

As first reported by the Army Times, a US Army Pfc (Private, First Class) posted an Instagram "selfie" ("sheffeynation") of herself hiding in her car during the sounding of "Retreat" to avoid standing at attention, saluting and rendering honors to the American flag as the colors are lowered for the day.

To quote Ms. Tariqka Sheffey:

"This is me laying back in my car hiding so I don't have to salute the 1700 flag, KEEP ALL YOUR 'THATS SO DISRESPECTFUL/HOWRUDE/ETC.' COMMENTS TO YOURSELF cuz, right now, IDGAFFFF."

PFC Sheffey enjoys collecting her twice monthly pay checks but doesn't feel she should be forced to "honor" the American flag

The posting and then retiring of "colors" (the US and military service flags) is a cherished ritual on board active duty installations.  It has a rich history in the vibrant tapestry of military tradition and protocols, and is often a time of quiet and personal reflection when one is respectfully rendering "honors" to the colors.  For many people who serve on active duty, it is a profoundly moving experience, especially when they know they have comrades serving under arms in combat theatres across the Globe.

Rendering honors to the colors upon the sounding of "Retreat" – part of the rich tapestry of military tradition.

"Retreat," 5 p.m. – According to the FAS article, "Retreat" is also a Crusades-era French bugle call. Historically, "Retreat" was played at sunset and signified the requirement of sentries to challenge personnel until sunrise and for Soldiers to return to their quarters.

Today, a howitzer is fired at the last note of "Retreat," and the flag is lowered at the first note of "To the Colors," with the lowering of the flag regulated in such a manner as to be completed at the last note.

According to "The Soldier's Guide," Soldiers who are outdoors are to face the flag and come to the position of attention at the first note of "Retreat." Soldiers render a salute at the first note of "To the Colors."

When in civilian clothes, Soldiers are to stand at attention while facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts at the first note of "To the Colors." Soldiers driving vehicles are to pull off to the side of the road, and the driver or the vehicle commander is to exit the vehicle to render honors.

When this story was first publicized by the Army Times newspaper, predictably, there was an explosion of outrage and anger.  Many veterans and Gold Star parents rightly pointed out that if Pfc Sheffey didn't feel she needed to "honor" the flag, she certainly wouldn't feel under any obligation to fight or die for it, and called for her dismissal from the armed services.

The ceremony and gravitas is the same, no matter which base or installation, or where the in the world the colors are flown.

"Any soldier who refuses to salute the flag is in the military for the wrong reason, and should be removed by dishonorable discharge with loss of all benefits," one Facebook commenter said. "If they won't salute it, they damn sure won't fight for it."

Pfc Sheffey is a member of the "Quartermaster Brigade" (quelle surprise!) at Ft. Carson, CO, an important mustering point for troops being deployed overseas.

The base command was forced to initiate an investigation based on the number of complaints, but they aren't too happy about Pfc Sheffey's remarks being brought to their attention.  In fact, their concern soon pivoted from focusing on Sheffey's actions and sentiments towards her country's flag to rallying around her to defend her from her critics and from alleged "copycat" posters in an attempt to deflect the discussion from the overt disrespect and surly attitude of Pfc Sheffey into an in-the-weeds discussion about how she was racially profiled and "attacked" and used to "incite more outrage"....

Many people assumed these were more posts from the PFC. But a Fort Carson official said it is likely these are posers who are looking to incite more outrage online.

It is "strongly believed that there are copycats posing as her, using some of her info to post more nonsense," the official said.

Sheffey, in response, addressed the controversy (even though, apparently she didn't "GAFFFF") expressing essentially remorse for being caught out – certainly her "apology" fell far short of actually acknowledging her shameful and childish behavior.

"I seriously just want to say thank you to everybody who stood up to me today, like seriously. That s— to me was not that serious. I am not a disrespectful soldier and I really appreciate you all."

Tariqka Sheffey seems to regret that apparently OTHERS do "GAFFFF" that she dissed the US Flag by refusing to participate the rendering of honors upon the sounding of Retreat.



PFC Tariqka Sheffey is a sorry excuse for a "soldier." She must have enlisted in the Army in order to get a steady paycheck. From the looks of things, this moon-faced malcontent doesn't have a lot going for herself in the first place. She's the "female" equivalent of your typical street-corner punk.

We say boot her ass out of the Army. Are you reading this Hagel? When you start your "downsizing," put this pathetic excuse for a service member at the head of the "get rid of" list.

GEN George Patton once said that some politicians would "wipe their ass with the American flag" if it could get them a few more votes. We say Tariqka's disrespect for our country's flag by refusing to salute it, is endemic of the type of trash recruiters are bringing into the military these days.


The insolent private is a member of the 43rd Sustainment Group at troubled Fort Carson, Colo. Let's hope that's not for long.

Sheffey actually boasted of her contempt for the flag by posting a pix of her reclining on her car seat and bragging she hid out, hoping to avoid having to salute the flag at daily "retreat."

Like some of the finger-upraised street whore pix we've seen (but won't publish) this selfish PFC figured it'd be cute to post her disrespect on the Internet, where it soon went viral.

It just showed what a low-life she really is.


And Tariqka, if you have a notion to play the "race card" on us for calling you out for what you are, you can stuff it.

We remember an African-American we served with in Vietnam. He was a PFC too. His name was Milton Olive. That paratrooper threw himself on a grenade to save his buddies' life.

For that he was recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. When he was laid to rest after the funeral service, his casket had been covered by the same American flag you, Sheffey, showed such contempt.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


BREAKING: President Stompy Feet Gives Emergency Statement – 2,000 Russian Troops Land In Crimea – Putin Gives Stompy The Middle Finger – *UPDATE* Stompy Feet Runs From Podium To Dem Fundraiser

UPDATE:  Less than an hour after delivering a mortally flaccid and limp wristed denouncement of Russia invading Ukraine's Crimea, Dear Leader shows up at DNC fundraiser to announce HAPPY HOUR.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Arizona Governor Vetoes Anti-Gay Bill: "Let's Focus on Discriminating Against Mexicans"

PHOENIX (The Borowitz Report)—Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed a controversial anti-gay bill last night, telling reporters, "Let's focus on discriminating against Mexicans."

Governor Brewer said that while "the intentions behind this bill were obviously excellent," she was worried that the bill "would distract us from our main mission of harassing, tormenting, and otherwise making life miserable for Mexicans."

Although Governor Brewer said that she could foresee a time when Arizona might "branch out into discriminating against gays," the decision to veto the anti-gay bill in the name of anti-immigrant pride was not difficult: "Arizona needs to stick to what it does best."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Arizona Confronting Awkward Realization That Gay People Have Money, Buy Stuff

Posted by Andy Borowitz

PHOENIX (The Borowitz Report)— The state of Arizona found itself in the middle of a conundrum today as it awoke to the awkward realization that gay people have money and buy stuff.

Just days after the Arizona legislature passed a law that would enable businesses to discriminate against gays, it emerged that gays spend billions of dollars in Arizona each year—an unexpected development that seemed to take many legislators by surprise.

Carol Foyler, a Tea Party Republican who supported the anti-gay law, said that the startling bombshell that gays play a role in the state's economy put her and her fellow lawmakers "in a tight spot."

"Quite frankly, we were blindsided by this," she said. "We had no idea that gays had money and bought things just like regular people do."

Acknowledging that her vote for the anti-gay law might have been calamitous for the state's economy, Ms. Foyler placed the blame for it squarely on the shoulders of one group: the gays themselves.

"How was I supposed to know what gay people do with their money, etc., when I don't personally know any gay people?" she asked. "I'm sorry, but it was up to the gays to tell us."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


February 26, 2014
Mass Gay Migration Aims to Make Arizona Majority Gay
Posted by Andy Borowitz

PHOENIX (The Borowitz Report)— Rejecting calls to boycott Arizona, a newly formed gay organization is mobilizing its members to move to the state by the millions in the hopes of transforming it into the nation's first majority gay state.

The group, called Americans for a Gay Arizona, has already received commitments from a million gay Americans to move to the state within the next two months, with a target of enlisting over six million gays to move there by the end of the year.

Harland Dorrinson, the executive director of the group, said that the influx of six million gays would be "more than enough" to insure that Arizona would be majority gay, but he acknowledged that he did not have an exact figure of how many gays currently reside there.

"We think it could be as many as a million," he said. "But if you add in conservative politicians, that number could go much higher."

According to one associate of Governor Jan Brewer, the plan to move six million gays to Arizona is shaping up to be the governor's worst nightmare.

"She's always been against immigration, but nothing like this," the associate said.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Jeff Gordon Takes On Pepsi Max... Again!!!

Remember the crazy fake test drive Jeff Gordon and Pepsi did a while ago? It was exposed as an elaborate fake by a blogger. Well Jeff Gordon didn't appreciate being outed as a fraud, so he set up this insane revenge prank that's 100 percent real and 100 percent scary. Warning: Mild language

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



And then there is this!

Where is the competition?

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