More fireworks at Monday's county commission meeting... times are tough

Started by Patriot, August 30, 2012, 02:51:18 AM

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Quote from greatguns:

Jar, I tried to help you. I told you to stay in that bunker! By the way I'm about ready for another long trip. More chrome diopside, you know.

I took your advice, Guns. I am in the bunker using wireless internet. When you get back come to my bunker and show me your new gems but make damn sure you use the right password. What---you don't know the password ? Ask your good sister---she knows it  :angel:


Quote from: kshillbillys on September 12, 2012, 04:48:20 PM
I hope MY house don't catch fire; I doubt the fire department would show up. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Robert L. Walker, aka KSHILLBILLYS 

I can personally assure you, Mr. Walker, that the Longton Volunteer Fire Department will respond to your house and preform our duties to the best of our ability no matter what. Please leave us out of this. Thank you.
                                                                   Kimber Dupuis, Assistant Chief, Longton Volunteer Fire Department.

jason clatt

I also will back the Lfd in saying that if that were to happen that we would do every thing in our power to help and save you and your property , so please leave the Lfd out of your post. thank you.

With that beeing said I have been contacted by a person accusing me of posting as "I can hide 2" I assure you Mr. Walker if I have an issue I will tell you in person.  And I have read the post made, and I have ate at your burger joint, it was good food and as well as the service.

Thank you
Jason Clatt

Fire Elk

Quote from: ghost on September 13, 2012, 01:49:19 PM
I can personally assure you, Mr. Walker, that the Longton Volunteer Fire Department will respond to your house and preform our duties to the best of our ability no matter what. Please leave us out of this. Thank you.
                                                                   Kimber Dupuis, Assistant Chief, Longton Volunteer Fire Department.

Kimber, of course you would after all you are a firefighter.

"When I'm called to duty god
wherever flames may rage
give me strength to save a life
whatever be its age

Help me to embrace a little child
before it is too late
or save an older person from
the horror of that fate

Enable me to be alert
to hear the weakest shout
and quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out

I want to fill my calling and
to give the best in me
to guard my neighbour and
protect his property

And if according to your will
I have to lose my life
bless with your protecting hand
my children and my [spouse]"

Author Unknown

Thanks for what you and the rest of the volunteer firefighters do, you a very special breed.

Fire Elk



I know that by law you are obligated to respond to a fire in a timely manner.

Mr. City Council Member:  Even though, you used the I Can Hide 2 Cowards moniker, your IP address does NOT hide. If you were half as intelligent as you think you are, then you would understand the definition of libel.

libel  (ˈlaɪb ə l)
— n

a.the publication of defamatory matter in permanent form, as by a written or printed statement, picture, etc.

b.the act of publishing such matter
any defamatory or unflattering representation or statement
ecclesiastical law  a claimant's written statement of claim
Scots law  the formal statement of a charge
— vb  , -bels , -belling , -belled , -bels , -beling , -beled
law  to make or publish a defamatory statement or representation about (a person)
to misrepresent injuriously

The county road department is subject to criticism by the public. The sheriff's department is subject to criticism by the public. Local city government is also subject to criticism by the public.  And the fire department is no exception either. On your advice, Mr. City Council Member, I did contact the Kansas Department of Health and Environment in Topeka, today. I spoke with Mr. Mike Tate. He referred me to the Chanute Office and I spoke to Richard Phomes who said that he did not work on the report for Longton but another man out of the office named West, who was not in today but will be tomorrow. I asked Mr. Phomes if any action had been taken. Mr. West had directed that it be cleaned up and informed me that the bricks, sandrock and cement usually have no problem as a fill, but failure on the city's part to even request if they could do so, resulted in the clean up. Mr. Mike Tate will be contacting me again tomorrow to email me a copy of the report under the Kansas Open Records Act. So I guess, Sarge, the EPA was not down there over bugs in the water. The rumors in fact are true and founded. And the debris that was put in there started below the dam and was going to end up above the dam where the entire bank was sliding into the river. There is proof on camera that that is exactly what they were going to do. The same camera that I can use under the Kansas Open Meetings Act. Are there any more lies from your part, Mr. City Council Member? Nice that you're backstepping now.---Mr. Robert L. Walker

P.S. There's nothing wrong with my water lines or hot water tank as they were brand new almost 2 years ago. And why is it if it is such high quality H2O that the city fails state standards every couple of months?




Quote from: kshillbillys on September 13, 2012, 05:41:03 PM

P.S. There's nothing wrong with my water lines or hot water tank as they were brand new almost 2 years ago. And why is it if it is such high quality H2O that the city fails state standards every couple of months?

IS this the same water that failed the epa tests?  I saw a letter the other day stating that the water is contaminated above the maximum the government allows and that they were trying to get it in compliance. IN fact the letter stated it failed 3 times in the last year or so.

Can't remember what it is contaminated with.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 13, 2012, 05:58:31 PM

Can't remember what it is contaminated with.

Probably disinfectant by products. This is a standard that the epa started a few years ago. Folks have been drinking water with disinfectant by products since water was first disinfected. Disinfectant by products are largely the dead bodies of the pathogens that have been killed by the disinfectant. Personally I feel it is a way to rid small towns of their water plants, being forced to combine several small towns to one big water plant.

KS Hillbilly,  when you get the report would you post what the offending material was?  Or you could call me and tell me. I would be interested to know what exactly was dumped to cause a concern for drinking water safety. I would think it would have to be something of a chemical nature rather than bacterial.  Thanks.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Ross I enjoy visiting with you as well. It was nice to see you and hope that you enjoyed the burger. Hope to see you again soon.


       I've been getting notifications that the water failed to pass guidelines for about 12 years now. As Sarge said, it is a byproduct of the disinfectant chemicals. Most notices cite there are too high a level of nitrohalenes,( not sure of the spelling). The last notice said they are trying something new. They all have claimed the water safe, unless you have kidney or liver problems,etc.

      The only time I've seen ours nasty is when the lake turns and algae blooms.

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