Boring stuff

Started by Delbert, August 23, 2012, 06:58:30 AM

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I used to enjoy this part of the forum but it has entered into the twilight zone.  I just check on who is commenting and decide to move on to the death notices.


      Thanks so much for that exciting bit of news. :o


It is exciting.  I was feeling pretty much the same way, then I decided that I wasn't contributing.  That if I wanted something interesting and fun that maybe I should try to start something interesting and fun.  Unfortunately, I am not as talented in that way as some of our other contributors and my life is pretty darn dull, so what is left?  My excitemet for the day consists of how many hummingbirds I see around the feeder or a strange bird at the bird bath.  That is why I look forward to hearing about Diane's life or Larry's musings about his life.

What about some of the rest of you?  Are your lives as dull as mine?  Or do you just feel that no one really wants to know about what you have been doing?  Or maybe you don't want anyone to know what you have been doing?  Say what?

Diane Amberg

Hey, I'd be happy to share more but then some would beat me over the head with it.
   Actually, I can share something sad that happened here. It was on the national news, but you would never have known it had anything to do with here.
   At one time or another many people speculate as to how how they might die if it was accidental. Usually in a car accident, me, in the ambulance, which is very top heavy and the sides aren't very strong and peel away very easily. I've had several friends seriously hurt over the years and two killed.
Wednesday there was a really freaky accident in downtown Ellicott City, Maryland not very far from Baltimore.Two 19 year old buddies were sitting on a high projecting wall out away from a train trestle/bridge enjoying the great view before they went back to their colleges yesterday. It's a common spot to hang out and there is plenty of room for the trains to go by and not be in danger.
   But, this time, for some yet unknown reason, an approaching coal train jumped the track right where they were and dumped coal over them and on down onto the street below.They were buried and killed instantly.The one girl went to James Madison U and the other girl was a nursing major here at UD.  As you can imagine the whole UD is shocked and upset. Too boring?
I canned toms again all day that is boring! ;D Yesterday we took a big bag of fresh cukes to our local Greek grill and bought Gyros for dinner. yum!


You are never boring. The radicals are the boring ones.

Diane Amberg

My goodness.  A positive comment.Thank you so much.You just made my day!

Ole Granny

I enjoy reading your post but do stay away from the political subjects. Don't need the stress.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


      If you must pry, Wilma, I've been spending most of the day hauling water to the cows. Don't get much more boring than that. ;)


The most boring thing that I can think of, is recovering from some kind of food born bacterial infection. I was very very sick, and am just now beginning to feel a little like myself. Just a little shaky, still a bit dehydrated. Buy stock in Gatorade people. I am certain the demand has gone up this past week. The least boring is playing with my new laptop that was an early BD gift from my sweet man. I love it, however I am having a little trouble adapting to the keyboard. I type numerous repeats, and unintended letters. As a result, my posts may/may not be error free. Got a good excuse! ;D

Diane Amberg

Hey, I'm so sorry you've been sick, but glad your feeling a little better. You know what to do. Take it easy...glad the new computer is a good distraction.

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