Who Does the Government Intend to Shoot? . . .

Started by redcliffsw, August 21, 2012, 05:52:05 AM

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This is a deadly serious business. I hope I'm wrong, but something smells rotten.
-Major General Jerry Curry, USA (Ret.)



In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Is this something we and the Congress should be concerned about? What's the plan that requires so many dead Americans, even during times of civil unrest? Has Congress and the Administration vetted the plan in public.

And all the moderates & peace loving libs said, "No!  Not here!  Surely can't be.  This is America... can't happen here!"  Think not?  Ask the Polish, Germans, Latvians, Italians, Russians, Jews and millions of others who learned too late the truth of the old saying:  Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Let's see..nobody goes nuts when LEOs go to the range and use piles of ammunition 4 times a year. I do believe the military actually practices with the ammo they really use too. So do the fire marshals, FBI agents, fish and wildlife, security guards, border guards, etc. So FPS agents  shouldn't practice and with the ammo they would actually use during civil unrest? No, I am not for violent civil unrest, so don't try to stick that to me.
   Perhaps we firefighters should practice just using a garden hose! Now go grab a 5 inch line by yourself and try it without practice. You would not like the result.
  Why the big deal? Practice uses up a lot of ammo. Gotta get ready in case those PBs act up again.  I'd love to know who is trying to spook people and why some are falling for it. I'd love to know if this is really the usual SS ammo order. Clear that up for me won't one of you?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 21, 2012, 03:23:42 PM
  Why the big deal?

Poor, poor Diane.  Your buddy, Blowin Delaware Joe really has y'all in mental chains.  Analyze the following:

In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Is this something we and the Congress should be concerned about? What's the plan that requires so many dead Americans, even during times of civil unrest? Has Congress and the Administration vetted the plan in public.

By the way.... ammunition has a 'use by' date, and the government generally abides by those dates.  Target practice at DHS will not likely consume 1.4 million rounds in time to avoid mandatory destruction by the ordinance disposal folks.  Further, 'target rounds' (not expensive hollow points) are usually employed for mass training.  I tend to agree with the General.  This looks more like a pre-operation buildup than it does a routine stockpiling for training purposes.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The Government does not destroy all outdated Ammo. I have bought lots of it along with M1Garands and M1 Carbines.  


Quote from: frawin on August 21, 2012, 06:15:07 PM
The Government does not destroy all outdated Ammo. I have bought lots of it along with M1Garands and M1 Carbines.  

Yes, it's sometimes sold into the market.  I've hauled trucks full of it to EOD, but I've never seen it kept in active stockpiles much past shelf life.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: frawin on August 21, 2012, 06:15:07 PM
The Government does not destroy all outdated Ammo. I have bought lots of it along with M1Garands and M1 Carbines.  

Actually they do!  I tried to buy the outdated ammo from my sons unit, and they send it to the shredders. They no longer allow us to buy the ammo or the brass.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


They are still selling it, you can't buy it direct you have to buy it thru an agent they use.

Diane Amberg

Nope, Patriot, Joe has nothing to do with my thinking, although he was home recently. By the way, it would be nice if some of you would judge him by what he accomplishes instead of his foot in mouth problem, which we all know he has always had. I could really share some good ones, but I wont. ;D  As a child he had a terrible stutter, which he worked hard to overcome, and he almost died a few years back from an aneurysm, actually there were two.
  As VP he is doing exactly what he should be during the President's election bid. I know as non Dems you aren't supposed to like him and that's alright. He is very well thought of by both parties in DC.
  Conversations with my own LEOs and some others who are just post military, and some who are still in, and others who shall not be named  ;) have to do with my wondering about the ammunition.
  Attaching the amount of ammunition ordered to a number of "dead Americans" to me is just scare tactics. I read that entire article by the way, and also the one doing the math on the number of rounds times the number of personnel.  Which matched.  I sent a few E-mails too, to get personal information. I just depends on who you want to believe, to further the opinions you already have. I'm also told that folks who depend on their guns do use exactly the ammunition they would really be using ,not some cheaper ammo that wouldn't fire the same way...hence my comment about garden hose and fire hose. People who only have partial information are talking like they are experts...again. Besides, somebody is making big bucks off those ammunition sales . Good for the economy. Now ask me about my own skill with a weapon. ;)  
 Florida is also ready for trouble of the kind that happen in and around conventions. Nature may send them a big storm, not the hot air kind either ..bears watching.
   OK, now back to your argument.


In any case, on expiration the government will dispose of it one way or another, and 1.4 million rounds is a boatload of ammo to buy and hold just to dispose of.  No?  I doubt that DHS has a legitimate training use for this much gunpowder n lead.  Still smells of pre-op stockpiling.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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