Non Fishin’ . .

Started by redcliffsw, August 11, 2012, 05:21:16 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg
"All Power Belongs to The Working Class"

You don't know where that quote came from? I'm surprised! 8)

Where the quote originates is not near as revealing as where the concept comes from, and that you would put the concept forward says volumes about your real views...

From the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx we see the concept that the proletariat (working class) are in a struggle with the bourgeois (the owners of the means of production) in the capitalist system.  Your quote, therefore would be a clear claim favoring the communist theory that power emanates from and belongs to the proletariat collective and appears to serve as a battle cry for the working class in that struggle.  Ask yourself, do you really support free market capitalism, or do you lean more toward the Marxists?  Words matter, any your choice of quotations say much.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Yup, and the fact that you are working so hard to make me seem evil says tons about your real character. Why so insecure boobie?  Why do you feel it necessary to try to put me on the defensive? I'm harmless, or so I thought. Just engaging in some political banter before I go back to other things again. You do know I'm not running for any office, so why are you wasting your time trying to smear me. It isn't working.
Do you really think Red is just some little pipsqueak that needs your egotistical protection? After he just insulted every teacher in Elk County right before school starts ,he better hide!
As far a quotes ..what a stretch! I could quote Little "Red" Riding Hood too, but that wouldn't make me a communist, now would it. 
   Rants? Me?  Oh, please! You really are very entertaining with your twists and turns and attempts to humiliate and ridicule anyone who has anything different to say.  I suspect if I said "BOO," you would twist it somehow to make it seem like it was something significant ,bad and had pages of underlying meanings.
   I'd love to hear why you get so much internal pleasure in doing that to people.   
  By the way, you cheated and took Red's test for him. How much did he pay you?  ::)
   Ya must have done that in college too, didn't ya?.... Or paid someone else to take your tests for you. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.  :P
Any halfwit can Google the difference between Socialism and Communism, but the smart ones don't copy any of it word for word, now do they?
Considering Al's family history, ya have to have a lot of nerve to talk to me like that. But what else could I expect.


communism, socialism, democracy are all different levels of fascism.  Republic based on rule of law and free market is the other end of the scale.  The best position to be in as a country is solidly in the middle of the republic and free market.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2012, 05:53:58 PM
Yup, and the fact that you are working so hard to make me seem evil says tons about your real character. Why so insecure boobie?  Why do you feel it necessary to try to put me on the defensive?

There's no work involved at all.  You do most of the heavy lifting.  If my observations happen to expose you as evil, those observations say nothing about me.  And if there's no need to defend, then why do you do it with such verbosity?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2012, 05:53:58 PM
I'm harmless, or so I thought.

You share your views with other citizens and vote in American elections, don't you?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2012, 05:53:58 PM
Just engaging in some political banter before I go back to other things again.

After dishonestly repeating over and over that you would never return to political threads again?  Give us a break.  At least be honest... you can't stay gone even when you promise to do so. LOL

Personally, I don't care one way or another.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2012, 05:53:58 PM
You do know I'm not running for any office, so why are you wasting your time trying to smear me. It isn't working.
Do you really think Red is just some little pipsqueak that needs your egotistical protection? After he just insulted every teacher in Elk County right before school starts ,he better hide!
As far a quotes ..what a stretch! I could quote Little "Red" Riding Hood too, but that wouldn't make me a communist, now would it.  
  Rants? Me?  Oh, please! You really are very entertaining with your twists and turns and attempts to humiliate and ridicule anyone who has anything different to say.  I suspect if I said "BOO," you would twist it somehow to make it seem like it was something significant ,bad and had pages of underlying meanings.
  I'd love to hear why you get so much internal pleasure in doing that to people.  
 By the way, you cheated and took Red's test for him. How much did he pay you?  ::)
  Ya must have done that in college too, didn't ya?.... Or paid someone else to take your tests for you. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.  :P
Any halfwit can Google the difference between Socialism and Communism, but the smart ones don't copy any of it word for word, now do they?
Considering Al's family history, ya have to have a lot of nerve to talk to me like that. But what else could I expect.

Actually, my understanding of political ideologies comes from military training, not Google.  But you wouldn't understand that, would you?  As for Al's family history, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China... or was that yet another threat of some kind?

No rants, huh?  Trying to make others look evil?  Unwarranted attacks on those who disagree?  Re-read the foregoing quotes of your diatribe and make those arguments again... I'll try to keep a straight face.  LMAO
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Diane, it looks like you're saying you're not a communist.  You've convinced me otherwise.

Diane Amberg

Frankly, Patriot, I was asked by several (5) different people to not leave the political threads for good. I had planned to stay away when I said I was going to, but when people said they liked what I write, I reconsidered. I just wish you and Red would debate issues and not attack the writers so personally. I said months ago ya tackle me personally, you'll get it right back.
  So we're back to the name calling and labeling again are we?  Socialist and communist?  Oh My, Lions and Tigers and Bears! Ya sure fixed me didn't ya. HA! 
  As far as Al's family history is concerned, the circumstances of their coming to this country, as with many others, ( I think perhaps Steve's too) would show just how anti communist and anti socialist,etc. the family was, But I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
  Tag, you're it. I'm off to do some kitchen clean up and do some work for my high school reunion.
  I can't wait to share with the committee how you folks feel about your teachers and how they steal their paychecks from the tax payers....and how you insulted the schools and teachers right there in Elk County.They'll get a good laugh and wonder what kind of dipsticks I've been talking to.   ::) ;D


Quote from Diane:
I just wish you and Red would debate issues and not attack the writers so personally.

All the below in less than 24 hours. Hypocrisy? You make the call.
They'll get a good laugh and wonder what kind of dipsticks I've been talking to.-------  ----Red is just some little pipsqueak ----Why so insecure boobie----By the way, you cheated and took Red's test for him. How much did he pay you? Ya must have done that in college too, didn't ya?.... Or paid someone else to take your tests for you. It wouldn't surprise me in the least. -----Any halfwit can Google

Diane Amberg

Yup...when they open the door, I'll be glad to walk through it. I've learned being polite no matter what gets me nothing,
  They must think their way of writing is fun, so when they toss that ball why should I miss the fun of tossing it back? I don't like it, but as long as they won't stop, I won't either. They learn to debate issues and not go to personal name calling and labeling I'd be glad to stop too.
   Why are you defending them anyway? Do you approve of what they do? By the way, taking what was said about Red being a pipsqueak out of context is very Republican of you. You know I did not call him a pipsqueak.
  Some of you must work for The National Enquirer on the side. They are known for creating threats out of thin air, stringing together unrelated bits and pieces to make something that sounds important but has no substance, and the over use of "truth," "shocking" "What "THEY" don't want you to know" and other such triteness.
   If I say the way someone talks proves to me they are a pedophile, it makes as much sense as saying I'm a Communist! My word that is so funny! Do you really expect the average reader on the forum to take that seriously? About as much as Rush "I'm a comic" Limbaugh.He is really funny. Poke,poke.
   Red, frankly I don't much care what skin head, white supremacist, other worldly ultra conservative neurotics, think of me. But they better stay off my porch or I'd shoot' em dead right through the front door. One ninny up the way on my own street made a dumb move recently and got shot in the foot..I'd aim higher. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D   Bye-bye


I will stand up with jarhead and Steve. I get tired of someone that does not live in elk county or even the state of Kansas that thinks they can tell us how to live.


Watch it Jane---I heard that 2 JW's peddling their Watch Tower literature and 1 Fuller Brush salesman were blasted-----thru a door---and all they did was walk onto a porch . The reason given was because they all three were bald headed and confused as skin heads.  poke--poke

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