Non Fishin’ . .

Started by redcliffsw, August 11, 2012, 05:21:16 AM

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A man does need self esteem to survive but it does not come from a bottle, needle or government check. Self esteem comes the old-fashioned way: you earn it. It cannot be given. It cannot be stolen. Self esteem comes from proving yourself in this world. Not from the soft, soothing words of Liberals leading you to the holding pen.

The Constitution was written by free men for free men, willingly accepted by free men. It was never a document for moochers.

Diane Amberg

And who else benefits from Food Stamps? The person who created the food, that the person who used the food stamps bought in the store.  You ever hear of the working poor? The people who hold multiple jobs, but need Food Stamps to make it? Many of the kids I taught in Maryland were in that category. They worked, but had large families, so their paycheck didn't go very far. I suppose nobody out there ever needs help.  No kids are ever on reduced or free lunches or get food stamps. Kansasans are all so wealthy...yeah, right. Pull your nose back down or you may drown, if it ever rains again. A few of you should really be ashamed of yourselves.
    Just as those nasty folks who work for Government, in any capacity, support the economy by spending their money, usually locally.  When ya need to work or need to sell something retail to many your living, do you really care the political party of the person handing over the money you just earned?
  I just bought a second refrigerator for our garage. Do you really think I care how the young sales man will vote in November? I just know I was free to buy whatever I could afford without a quota or Gov't interference of any kind and I contributed to his living too.
  Teachers buy housing, food, supplies, clothes, fuel, vehicles, furniture, pay for repairs and everything else a middle class person purchases. They buy whatever the local kids are peddling, donate to whatever needs donating to, support their local communities in any way they can, but to some on here they are the sworn enemy.That is so sad and short sighted it makes me sick.
   OK, the next batch of cukes are done brining, so I'll get off the soap box and go make some more pickles.


Quote from Diane:
No kids are ever on reduced or free lunches or get food stamps. Kansasans are all so wealthy...yeah, right. Pull your nose back down or you may drown, if it ever rains again. A few of you should really be ashamed of yourselves.

So Red posts something written by a Brian Wilson and that warrants slamming people from Kansas ? Unbelievable !! I don't think it is us that should be ashamed of ourselves. Could you tell us one more time how rich you are and how you can afford to buy this and that and yada yada yada.
PS: What's a Kansasan ? Is that just another way to get your little dig into people from Kansas or Elk County ?

Diane Amberg

Wow Jar, ya really had to work to find something to pick at me about this time.  Why so touchy? I've been following a bunch of posts, just interested to see what would follow now that your primary is over. The post from Red just tipped it over.  A few of you really have it all nice for yourselves.  Some, thank goodness not many, think they were put on earth to point out all the faults of anyone on here who isn't a cookie cutter of themselves, and then get their backs all up when someone stands up and says "enough already." Then we have to hear, ''Well, what about what YOU said,"as if a defensive retort isn't allowed and justifies the original attack. It's getting really old.    
Now, as for me being rich. HA! Would it matter if I were?  Wassa matter ,ya jealous?  ;D  I'm a real tight wad. I don't know where that came from. You must mean Frank.
You yak on and on about that underground Taz Majal you pretend to have and nobody bothers you about it, because we are all smart enough to know you are just having fun. Can't some of you do the same? Not enough brain juice or what? I mean poor ol' Ross just about brags about it.
As far as Red's comment about self esteem I must disagree.  Good self esteem comes from one's own self, from knowing a person has been successful at something that matters to them. A pay check may or may not be involved. Poor self esteem can come from external sources such as relentless ridicule and bullying, or internally from knowing one has not been living up to their own expectations or potential. Respect is something else entirely.
 People who insist on finding something negative about anything someone else says, without regard to the real neutrality of the words, may be suffering from low self esteem.  Why is it so important to you to find a "dig" from me, when you know perfectly well anybody with even a little sense will know there wasn't one? Sorry, it doesn't work.
On several occasions one of you has managed to create a "veiled threat" out of thin air in order to have created something negative and divert the conversation away from the topic at hand.
Well, the pickles have finished processing. Time to hunt up the steaks for the grill. Now you can go pretend to be all shocked and offended. HA!


Good God Jar, you having a bad day or what?  Is there anyone that isn't on reduced lunches?  I'm right there with ya Diane.  You might not be ashamed of yourself Jarhead, but your Mama wouldn't be very proud of you right now.  Better get back to church boy! :police:


You're right Guns.I am so ashamed of my self for sticking up for the folks of Kansas who get slammed all the time. What was I thinking ? Lack of brain juice I guess.
You are right again Diane---I am so jealous of you---I guess---if you say so !!! Now you go ahead and enjoy that big ol juicy  steak with another bottle---or two---of  fine wine. Meanwhile we are going to grill some Vienna Sausages but I aint bitching. We are splurging and this can the family is splitting are REAL beef , not them cheap chicken kind---then it's off the church because Guns told me to----I guess.

Diane Amberg

The only Kansas folks who get slammed are the very few, who, as many other Kansas folks will agree, deserve it.  Some of you are just lookin' for a squabble on every post, why I don't know. Sorry if I raised your quills. 
Jar, there are two 4 oz. little steaks and iced tea since we don't drink alcohol ,fresh sliced tomatoes, fresh Lima beans, grilled pineapple and grilled yellow squash. Most is from our garden. Now what's so remarkable about that?
  By the way, if you ever actually priced the cost of Vienna Sausages, you might find that per pound, the steak is cheaper. ;)

Diane Amberg

Oh, I almost forgot... Jar, if you ever read any of Brian Wilson's blogs, he is a very self depreciating fellow, pretty funny sometimes, and has his tongue so far in his cheek most times it's a wonder he doesn't choke. He doesn't have much good to say about Romney, at least part of the time.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2012, 12:13:39 PM
And who else benefits from Food Stamps?
No one.  Its paid for with stolen money for one, and those that take it owe the power that calls itself the government.  They also owe the taxpayer and therefore are in debt.
Rom 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
IF you take food stamps you owe for it.  It is not Charity or giving when it is not freely given by those who give it.

QuoteThe person who created the food,
They don't count in that since noone can use them to buy from the ones who grow it.
The stores are the ones who receive stolen property.  The farmers don't. 

QuoteYou ever hear of the working poor?  The people who hold multiple jobs, but need Food Stamps to make it?
You ever hear of bettering ones self?  IF you work multiple jobs and do not have enough to eat then your priorities are whats wrong.  There are certain priorities in making it. 1. house and transportation 2. food, 3 clothes, 4. utilities and 5. what needs are as they graduate out.  Last of all comes the wants like cable tv or cell phones or whatever.

QuoteMany of the kids I taught in Maryland were in that category. They worked, but had large families, so their paycheck didn't go very far.
Ahh but there again that isn't the taxpayers fault.  They have large families, whos fault is that.  I had a large family guess what when i became disabled, no money coming in my 15, 16, 17 year old went and got jobs and helped pay the bills.  Thats how people survive. Not sucking off someone else.  Gotta say they earned their self esteem too by holding down full time jobs and graduating highschool with damn good grades. 

QuoteI suppose nobody out there ever needs help.
Thats not here nor there, everyone does but very few give it.   Damn few people will let loose with anything extra that they might have to give to someone who might need it.   BUT the few that do do so without ever being asked by those who need it. They are observant and find out who needs something. 

QuoteNo kids are ever on reduced or free lunches or get food stamps.
quite frankly i have never seen any starving kids in this country. I am sure there might be a few, but most kids these days are fat.  alot of them could stand to miss a few meals and a lot of adults could stand to miss some too!

QuoteJust as those nasty folks who work for Government, in any capacity, support the economy by spending their money, usually locally.  When ya need to work or need to sell something retail to many your living, do you really care the political party of the person handing over the money you just earned?
Hmmm so your working for government.  A non productive money sucking entity. Your income comes from stolen money that other people that are productive in society create.   And your saying that your spending generates money.  I have to disagree cause if the government didnt' take that money to begin with, it would still be in my pocket or invested in business that produces items for other productive individuals to consume.  There would be lower prices, and better living.  We could then afford to feed our children without working multiple jobs and without sucking off the food stamp program.  We could also pay for better education for the children and still have money left over to carry us through our elder years which would negate the need for medicare and social security.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Jarhead, I am sorry that you are one of those Kansans getting slammed.  You need to be a good person like someone I know and that won't happen! ;)

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