James C. Lear Elk County Sheriff Candidate

Started by James C. Lear Sr., July 03, 2012, 03:19:27 PM

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My personal opinion is that sometimes it is better to have someone new in an office.  In this case, there are enough deputies, etc., to keep the office from falling apart while a newcomer becomes familiar with the situation.  A new face comes to the office without preconceived opinions about the community and it's citizens.  They are more likely to not have personal issues with the citizens.  I know, in the face of the many terms that Janet served in this office, that this sounds hypocritical.  But everybody loved Janet and Janet loved everybody.  She was truly concerned about her citizens, right down to the youngest baby.


I think we need to clean house from top to bottom,but the problem is most people around here have there heads buried in the sand  dont know what goes on at the court house or just dont care enough to change what they have put up up for years.


I don't think anyone needs to be told how to clean house in elected offices.  All they have to do is vote.  But, most of our county officials do not have any opposition.  The exceptions are the sheriff's office and the office of county attorney.  Oh, yes, there is opposition in two of the county commissioner's offices.  People, if you truly want a change, VOTE!


Quote from Wilma:
She was truly concerned about her citizens, right down to the youngest baby.

Is this different than the current sheriff, in your opinion ?

Janet Harrington


Mother really can't answer that because she has not had any dealings, none, with Mr. Hanks or his people. You, however; used to be related to Mr. Hanks, so you are in a better position to say he does or doesn't and you get out more than my Mother does.

In Howard, we hardly ever see any law enforcement. The only time I see anyone is when they are traveling the highways or they are in a cafe' eating.

In the case of my dis-election, the county wanted change and they got it. Good or bad, they got change. A ot of people would say for the good and they are wlecome to their opinion.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: oldfart on July 28, 2012, 01:09:15 PM
I think we need to clean house from top to bottom,but the problem is most people around here have there heads buried in the sand  dont know what goes on at the court house or just dont care enough to change what they have put up up for years.

So goes the old saying...we've done it this wasy for 40 years why do we want to change? LOL

Janet Harrington

I wish we could change it all, every single elected official from the President on down. However; that isn't going to happen.

Personally, in this day and age with the economy like it is, I don't know why anyone would want to run for public office. I will never again run for public office because I don't want the headache or the stress.

Not many people know this, but I used to have a really bad condition on my hands where they would just bleed like you wouldn't believe. One year after getting away from government work, my hands cleared up and I don't have that problem anymore. Public office is not for everyone, but good luck to those who think that is what they want to do.


Janet is right that I have had no dealings with Hanks as sheriff.  I did, however, see quite a bit of him while he was Janet's deputy and I am not going to say any more than that.


My question to Mr. Lear is:  If you started this thread announcing you are running for Sheriff, then disappear and not answer direct questions...that says something about you as a person:
1.  You won't address dribble, personal issues
2.  You didn't start this thread...only your campaign manager.

Anyone who wants to run for Sheriff in these times, is either:  a..(fill in the blank); b..(fill in the blank) or c....a blankety blank.

I wish you best of luck Mr. Lear. Don't know you, and it's obvious we won't. 

Janet Harrington

Well, ready, I don't understand why this is bothering you so much. His race really doesn't start until after the primary. He is a republican and Doug is a democrat. Why should either one of them get in a hurry to campaign when that race will be decided in November? It will be from August 8th through November 5th that the campaigning for that office needs to happen.

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