James C. Lear Elk County Sheriff Candidate

Started by James C. Lear Sr., July 03, 2012, 03:19:27 PM

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James C. Lear Sr.

Hi my name is James C. Lear Sr. I'm running for Elk County Sheriff on the Republican ticket. I'm 49 years old, I have lived in Howard for several years. My experience is 28 years in law enforcement, security and military combined. I also have experience in several other safety fields. Honorably discharged from the United States Air Force. I'm married and have five children. If you have any further questions you can email me at jamesclearsr@gmail.com and I will be happy to answer them for you. You can also find me on Facebook. If you would like to meet me in person and set down and talk. You can come by my house I live at 746 E. Jefferson St. Howard. I look forward to meeting people and addressing any concerns you might have.

         Thank You
         James C. Lear Sr.
         James C. Lear Sr. Sheriff Candidate
James C. Lear Sr.


thank you for the introduction and good luck

Janet Harrington

I will be stopping by sometime as I have never met you. I talked to your son, James, today. I know your three kids, Holly, Michael, and James. Hope to be seeing you soon.

I also hope you get out and meet people. One person has given me a little run down on you which was positive. Yeah.


     Perhaps you might tell us what you feel needs to be done differently, or what you would change for the better, Mr Lear.

    BTW, Facebook is not a place you will find many voters. Unless you are a proponent of "big brother" watching you.

    Your resume is one thing, your opinions are another, let us have both.

Janet Harrington

@ Bullwinkle,  Facebook? What are you talking about?


     If you don't mind sharing your'e personal information with the government, or for that matter, the entire internet, then go ahead and use Facebook. Identity theft is easy enough for those savy at getting your info, without making it easy for them. ;)


Quote from: Bullwinkle on July 05, 2012, 08:22:31 AM
     If you don't mind sharing your'e personal information with the government, or for that matter, the entire internet, then go ahead and use Facebook. Identity theft is easy enough for those savy at getting your info, without making it easy for them. ;)

Seriously?? Facebook is only a small spec on Big Brother"s watch list.. You are monitored by everything you do and say on your phone and anything and everything you write anywhere on any type of internet mechanism. I pretty much have the attitude that if they want to follow me around.. in what ever fashion that trips their trigger... then get after it!! Whether you like it or not..They're doing it!  If you think you're not being monitored because you don't use Facebook... you are sadly mistaken.
Facebook is HUGE!! It reaches out personally to more people in a day than anyone ever thought that a source such as that could. The way you use it is of course up to the individual, but it is an excellent source for PR and getting what you want out.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

I am like Ms. T. If they want to follow me, go ahead. And as for Identify Theft, maybe someone would steal my bills and pay them for me. LOL


      Yes seriously, Facebook. Yes, it is Huge, the reason for my opinion. Small speck for big brother? I think also Huge, along with Twitter. Sure there are other vehicles, such as your Kroger card or Best Buy reward card, and being on this forum or any browser, but the information is more limited, and there is software to encrypt what you write, get rid of cookies, etc.

     My point was, "Why make it easy for them ? "  Believe me, they won't pay your bills for you, just systematically drain your bank account if you aren't paying attention, and run up your credit cards. Sure, most of the time the banks will void unauthorized transactions, but you have to go through the hassle of getting it done.

     I also feel that Facebook is a "flash in the pan" , ( that's right under the frizzen) and will fizzle out anyway. If you own stock, I'd suggest selling it. Just sayin.

     Now, back to the thread, I'd like Mr. Lear to comment on what he feels needs change ( if any ) and what he would do differently, those kind of things. Not just a resume. ;)


And it's been 4 days, and Mr Lear hasn't posted anything to the very Forum that could get him elected.
Hmmmmmmphffff!  Guess this forum isn't as Classy as Facebook, MyFace or Twittle! 
That reminds me....I need to tinkle....do you all have an App for that?

ready....running...with crossed legs

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