#Thingamajig's will fix the Economy…

Started by Warph, June 08, 2012, 11:34:37 PM

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Sorry.... I'm late to the bus on this as I had some travel last week to deliver some thingamajigs...

Trending #Thingamajig tweets:

Have you seen the price of #thingamajigs?  Buy some #thingamajigs, make jobs says Obama;

I hope Congress investigates Obama's holdings in thingamajig stocks.

Obama has finally laid out his vision for the country.  Buy "thingamajigs"youtu.be/DmiDvAoCF68

Of course Obama referenced thingamajigs.  Michelle doesn't want us buying (or eating) Whatchamacallits.

Today is National #Thingamajigs Day.  Buy a #Thingamajig & support President Barack Obama's Economic Plan of #Thingamajigs for America. #tcot

Obama forgot to mention that #thingamajigs are now manufactured in China.

I bought one of those new eco-friendly #thingamajigs from Chevy but it burst into flames.

I was in the market for large-size #thingamajigs but some jackass banned them for my own good

BREAKING: Widget manufacturers up in arms over Obama preference for #thingamajigs.

I wonder, did Solyndra make #thingamajigs?

#Thingamajigs – they're why Al Qaeda hates us.

I sure hope those #thingamajigs are ADA-compliant.

If George Bush had ever said "Go buy a #thingamajig" when discussing economic policy, leftists would have called for impeachment.

Obama's special favortism of the #thingamajig industry is just one more example of government interference in the free-market.

The Obama Admin will be releasing its 5-Year Plan for Green #ThingamajigInnovation.  If only we were mining enough absurdium...

The #Thingamajig, like the ATM, takes jobs away from real people.  #ObamaThingamajigEconomics#

Thinking a #thingamajig connects to a furnace sounds more like something Biden would say.  I've never seen a thingamajig on a furnace.

My imported #Whatchamacallit cost less and gets better mileage

Obama's #thingamajig# Unexpectedly Downgraded when Michelle walked into the room.

Typical one percenter.  Not everyone's furnace comes with a thingamajig.  Mine runs on #whatchamacallits, you elitists.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Je$$ie Jack$son will be all over him for that. ThingamaJIG !! That is racist as hell. I think the white boy in him threw that "Jig" part in thinking no one would notice


Quote from: jarhead on June 09, 2012, 08:10:09 AM
Je$$ie Jack$son will be all over him for that. ThingamaJIG !! That is racist as hell. I think the white boy in him threw that "Jig" part in thinking no one would notice
Isn'tthat jigaboo?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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