Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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Nope, aint got one of them obama phones--yet. hell, I can barely make a call with this new fangled gadget I got now so don't need two of them. Only time I carry mine and it's even on is when I go fishing---just in case I catch more fish than I can lift into The Green Latrine---I mean The Crappie Queen, I can call ol Sarge to come give me a hand.
Read the below and I now understand why the phones are given out to the "needy"----"essential to finding a job'---wink -wink ----and "getting help during an emergency " ---you know---like you need some crack cocaine

The program, according to FCC officials, has helped tens of millions of low-income Americans afford basic phone service, which is essential to finding a job or getting help during an emergency

Read more:


You're right there, Jar.  

Let's don't discriminate here.  Free phones makes about as much sense as
Windfarms, ethanol production, food stamps, General Motors bailout, and
Elk Konnected or anything else funded and subsidized by government.

Liberals want to steal your liberty by and thru government.  And their
give-away programs are doing just that.

Diane Amberg

Sure thing, Red...just go use your local pay phone...Uh...are there any of those left?  I thought they were extinct.
Are those free phones really free? I read somewhere that they have 250 free minutes and then the owner has to pay, but at a reduced rate. I also read that the actual phones are provided by a cell phone company who has the program rather than our Gov't .Anybody know for sure?
  Al and I share one pay- as- you- go cell phone for work. Too cheap to each have one.


Quote from: jarhead on September 29, 2012, 07:45:37 AM

The program, according to FCC officials, has helped tens of millions of low-income Americans afford basic phone service...

"It's true that government provides free cellphones to the poor and disabled people," the site reads.

Help folks afford basic phone service? Yep, if it's free that's about as affordable as it gets.  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 29, 2012, 01:59:12 PM
Sure thing, Red...just go use your local pay phone...Uh...are there any of those left?  I thought they were extinct.
Are those free phones really free? I read somewhere that they have 250 free minutes and then the owner has to pay, but at a reduced rate. I also read that the actual phones are provided by a cell phone company who has the program rather than our Gov't .Anybody know for sure?
  Al and I share one pay- as- you- go cell phone for work. Too cheap to each have one.

Diane, you're always right on time to support more socialism.
You want the  government to pay for many things for many people. 

You are a true liberal and socialist.

Diane Amberg

OK Wise Guy, show me where I said I agreed with the program. I was just sharing information, same as you! 
  You have to be one of the rudest people in Kansas.  >:(
You don't ever presume to tell me who I am. You don't know hardly anything about me. Shall I call you one of the sheep who follows ultra conservative leaders, especially those paid bloggers who feed you all sorts of sugar beets so you'll follow whatever they wordsmith to sound good to you? They write what you want to hear! Then they generalize so much it's hard to follow who gets the label of "communist" this week!  Are you a member of the Birch John Society? That's like John Birch but at least has a use for the every day person. :angel:


fffft fffft hissssss meeowww.  Ever notice that the more frustrated a liberal gets, the less sense they make?  Is it the Biden gene or were the clams bad?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Sorry to hear you've been recently fixed.That's why you hiss so much, huh? :P
 As you know, but can't seem to remember since you got old timers disease, I'm not a liberal, so I don't know who you think you are talking to.
 I'm not the least bit frustrated, just surprised that supposedly God fearing Christians can be so rude and on Sunday at that.
 As usual, I've chosen a mixed bag for voting and am still undecided about several local ones. Can you say the same? Or do you just pull "conservative" without paying any attention to details?
 I'm finding that if one analyses  what is being said, the more conservative one claims to be, the more they will say whatever the folks they are speaking to at the time want to hear, and yet will do a 180 for the next group they speak to.    It's all election time baloney!
 Show me the solutions to the issues! How ya gonna bring the troops in Afghanistan home safely?  What about the contractors? What about foreign aid? What bases will be closed? What roads will be turned over to the states to become toll roads? What about failing bridges? There's a lot more going on than Medicare, Medicaid SS, and taxes. What farm subsidies would be cut? What federal lands won't be rented cheap any longer for grazing land. What rivers will be allowed to be repolluted until they can catch on fire again? What happened to reasonable problem solutions instead of an all or nothing, dead or alive approach.  When will some people understand that our President is meant to represent all Americans, right and left, rich and poor, of all colors, not just a few Ultra conservative rich male WASPS.


"Gaza Clown protesters show their outrageous gratitude to the United States."


Obama Spending $300 Million For 'Palestinian State'

West Bank and Gaza construction projects needed for 'basic services'... Gaza is controlled by Hamas terrorists.
by Steve Peacock

The Obama administration has released details of a plan to infuse another $300 million into West Bank and Gaza construction projects, spending it deems critical toward attaining the "success of a future Palestinian state."

Despite combined U.S. and international donor-community efforts, a significant portion of the public infrastructure currently under Palestinian Authority control remains in need of expansion or repair, according to the U.S. Agency for International Development, the USAID.

Obama, through USAID, is stepping in to meet the need as a successful Palestinian state "depends upon an infrastructure system capable of providing basic services to a growing population," the agency said in a Statement of Work released Sept. 24.

The Local Construction Project, or LCP, on the other hand, explicitly forbids the transfer of funds to PA-owned or controlled entities – though it likewise mandates that subsequent awards are given to local contractors, thereby excluding the participation of U.S. vendors.

Despite the prohibition against the awarding of contracts to government-affiliated firms, the PA indeed will directly benefit from the LCP.

While the bulk of the aid tentatively is slated for roads and local water-related projects, the construction and rehabilitation of municipal and local government infrastructure is permitted.

Other permissible projects include those benefiting health clinics and hospitals; wastewater treatment plant components and related infrastructure; and youth and sports facilities.

USAID also gave itself some additional flexibility by inserting a provision in the SOW allowing contract awards for: "Other related infrastructure construction programs, which may include any other infrastructure facilities identified as vital to the success of USAID strategic goals."

Specifically excluded from project funding, however, are power generation and transmission infrastructure, large-scale wastewater treatment plant facilities and "provision of U.S. equipment and materials for the Palestinian Authority or Palestinian entities."

Accompanying the document are updated U.S. government guidelines – known as Mission Order No. 21 – for ensuring that USAID-funded assistance "does not inadvertently provide support to entities or individuals associated with terrorism."

Running concurrently with LCP infrastructure modernization are PA efforts to crack down on militants in the region, including those who are attempting to tighten their grip on Palestinian governmental and military affairs.

Indeed, as WND reported this past week, PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party recently began targeting Hamas military installations in the West Bank while also contending with the alleged infiltration by Hamas of Fatah security forces.

The LCP initiative is the latest of several programs that the USAID Mission to West Bank and Gaza launched in the past year, adding to a $3.5 billion portfolio of initiatives that the agency has financed since 1995.

Earlier this year USAID handed out the first round of awards in a separate Palestinian infrastructure project worth upwards of $750 million. Unlike LCP, the Infrastructure Needs Project Phase II enabled multiple U.S. companies to secure construction contracts.

USAID also unveiled a project to "fix" the PA, as WND reported, embarking upon a search for contractors to help the Palestinians to enact laws competently and create good policies governing public services.

The continuing assistance from the U.S. government additionally ties into the Obama administration's efforts to promote the U.S. role in financing "Palestinian development and building the future Palestinian state."

As WND also reported, Obama, through USAID, launched a media- and public-outreach program to improve Palestinian opinion of U.S. policy, an effort that would help secure Obama a place in history for bringing statehood a step closer to reality.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Is Barack Obama a Compulsive Liar?
By Steve McCann
October 1, 2012

Barack Obama has lied about the terrorist attack on the American Consulate in Libya for over 15 days, even going so far as to overtly imply that this attack was prompted by an obscure internet movie trailer in his speech at the United Nations two weeks after it was confirmed the White House knew it was an Al Qaeda sponsored attack.   Additionally, during the current campaign the lies and obfuscations about Mitt Romney and the Republicans have been so fast and furious that it is nearly impossible to keep up with them.

The administration's reaction to what went on in Libya is not a surprise, as reliance on prevarications and the attendant dishonesty is part and parcel of Obama's normal behavior.  There rarely has been a speech or an off the cuff comment since he entered the national stage that does not contain some deliberate or insinuated falsehood.  This tendency is exemplified in his recent interview with Univision wherein Obama lied about why he never introduced immigration reform and when the ill-fated Fast and Furious program was raised, he began blaming the Republicans and George Bush respectively.

There is now a near universal mistrust of Obama among world leaders as well as many members of Congress who candidly admit they cannot deal with Barack Obama, as he has proven himself to be untrustworthy and unbelievable -- particularly as he refuses to accept any responsibility for the outcome of his actions and policies.  The diminished status of the United States around the globe and the greatly eroded standard of living for the vast majority of Americans are testament to these character flaws.

At times even the most diehard of his sycophants in the mainstream media are forced to report on this disturbing trait in their hero.  This past spring the Washington Post ran a lengthy front page article on Obama's machinations during the debt ceiling debate.  The highlight of the piece: Barack Obama deliberately lied to the American people concerning the intransigence of the Republicans in the House of Representatives.   It was an amazing admission for a pillar of the sycophantic mainstream media to write a story claiming that their hero lied.   A further example of the media's awakening to the deceit and fabrications of the Obama administration is the recent reporting on the Libyan scandal which is actively pursuing the lies and cover-up.

However, there has been five years of outright lies and narcissism that have been largely ignored by the media, including some in the conservative press and political class who are loath to call Mr. Obama what he is in the bluntest of terms: a liar and a fraud.  That he relies on his skin color to intimidate, either outright or by insinuation, those who oppose his agenda only adds to his audacity.  It is apparent that he has gotten away with his character flaws his entire life, aided and abetted by the sycophants around him; thus he is who he is and cannot change.

In an earlier column I asked the question is Barack Obama a compulsive liar or a sociopath?    

A Sociopath:
A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others.  A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused--it is done to get one's way).  Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others.  Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways.

A compulsive liar: 
A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit.  Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions.  Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small.  For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.  Compulsive lying is usually developed in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary.

While Barack Obama exhibits traits from both categories, it is becoming increasingly clear that he is primarily a compulsive liar.  How else to explain the lies and obfuscations that so easily come forth regardless of whom he may be talking to or the subject matter.   His sociopathic skills come to the fore in his ability to manipulate others to join him in his these prevarications, or to exploit the celebrity culture that has overwhelmed a deliberately ill-educated American society.

In the United States there is great deference paid to the occupant of the White House.  Justifiably so, as that person is the chief operating officer of the country, but more importantly he or she is the head of state representing the nation around the globe.  The President's actions and demeanor set the tone for not only the political class but the country as a whole.  Over the centuries there have been many exceptional but also a few inept men to hold the office of President.

Today so much power is vested in the Office of President that honor and integrity must be a hallmark of a president's character.  It is not with Barack Obama; he is perhaps the most dishonest and disingenuous occupant of the oval office in history, and has the potential to do more long-term damage to the United States than all his predecessor combined.

His failings can no longer be excused by this historical deference or timidity fostered by race with the euphemisms of spin or politics as usual being used to avoid the truth.  It is extraordinarily difficult to run against someone such as Barack Obama -- a stranger to truth and integrity willing to do anything to win -- but Mitt Romney must do so by candidly admitting who he is dealing with.

While the future of the country depends on dramatically altering the economic and governing landscape, it cannot do so unless the opposition politicians and average citizens recognize and forcefully challenge the lies and machinations of Barack Obama and his allies without fear of what may be said about them or to them by either the Obama machine or their sycophants in the media.

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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