Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

     The Video- FREE:


The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. It's not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

- Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

- Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

- International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

- Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

- The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Former Govenor of New Hampshire Kills Andrea Mitchell On MS/NBC: 

Republicans were gearing up to hit back hard against Obama's baseless "outsourcing" meme, and that Romney surrogates were preparing to step up their aggression level.  That reporting was quickly confirmed in one irresistibly tasty television appearance.  Behold, former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu taking a shell-shocked Andrea Mitchell to school and back in just over three minutes:
The obvious highlight here is Sununu openly laughing at Mitchell as she hopelessly gropes for something -- anything -- to come to The One's defense.  "You're struggling, Andrea.  You're struggling."  Priceless.

See the short video of this:

And then we have the black bit*h of CNN, Soledad O'Brien wanting to give Barack Insane-Hussein Obutthead the credit of reduction in their unemployment levels instead of the Republican Govenors:

Great news came out recently that all 17 states that elected a Republican governor in 2010 have seen reductions in their unemployment levels.[/b]

"Some awesome news: all 17 states that elected a Republican governor in 2010 has seen a reduction in their unemployment levels. In just over a year and a half since those new executives took office, these states have seen some serious improvement:

Kansas - 6.9% to 6.1% = a decline of 0.8%

Maine - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%

Michigan - 10.9% to 8.5% = a decline of 2.4%

New Mexico - 7.7% to 6.7% = a decline of 1.0%

Oklahoma - 6.2% to 4.8% = a decline of 1.4%

Pennsylvania - 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%

Tennessee - 9.5% to 7.9% = a decline of 1.6%

Wisconsin - 7.7% to 6.8% = a decline of 0.9%

Wyoming - 6.3% to 5.2% = a decline of 1.1%

Alabama - 9.3% to 7.4% = a decline of 1.9%

Georgia - 10.1% to 8.9% = a decline of 1.2%

Tony Lee at Breitbart adds:
Furthermore, the average drop in the unemployment rate in these states was 1.35%, compared to the national decline of .9%, which means, according to the analysis, that the job market in these Republican states is improving 50% faster than the national rate.

Meanwhile, our president touts stagnation at 8.2% as "a step in the right direction." Clearly, the solutions put forth in these 17 states are working, and the ones offered by the White House aren't. If this is a sign of what Mitt Romney could offer in the first year and a half of his presidency, it seems like an opportunity Americans can't afford to miss."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Looks like Big Nose Kate---I mean Andrea, could use one of her hero's teleprompters. Funny.


Our Disgraceful President
By Derek Hunter

Warren G. Harding was corrupt, as was Richard M. Nixon. Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy were like blind golfers, looking for a hole, any hole, every hole. Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were power-mad narcissists convinced they knew best how everyone else should live. Jimmy Carter was clueless. But as we approach the 100-year anniversary of the first of these men to serve as president, all have been lapped in debasing their office by its current occupant: Barack Obama.

It is understandable President Obama would not want to run on his record. Who would? "Give me four more years so I can make up for the first four" is not the stuff of campaign slogan greatness.

But even that wouldn't work because, as he told CBS News this week, "The mistake of my first term - couple of years - was thinking this job was just about getting the policy right. And that's important. But the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times." In other words, his only flaw is he's too damn close to perfect.

It's like someone bragging about being the most humble person on the planet.

The president of the United States thinks he needs to tell us stories to give us "a sense of unity, purpose and optimism..."

This struck me as odd because a.) he's already told us stories, the story of his life, in – count 'em – two autobiographies written before he accomplished anything, and b.) he's made zero effort to bring people together at any point in his presidency.

Putting aside his autobiographies, which should be moved to the fiction section of the bookstore considering the 38 provable falsehoods uncovered in them – remember the uproar when James Frey's A Million Tiny Pieces turned out to have exaggerations and lies? Obama does it; crickets – the fact this man would feel comfortable enough to speak the word "unity" without laughing is a testament to just how far we've fallen as a nation.

Barack Obama has done nothing but try to turn American against American based on income and accomplishment. He's done nothing but sit silently by, smirking, while his defenders, allies, surrogates and staff have called Americans who disagree with him racists, homophobes, sexists, xenophobes, rednecks, idiots, Uncle Toms and anything else you can call someone when you can't rebut what they say with facts or accomplishments.

Silence while disgraceful words are spoken on your behalf is just as disgraceful as uttering them yourself, which, of course, makes Barack Obama a disgraceful president.

When his attorney general isn't dodging subpoenas and being held in contempt by Congress, he's calling anyone who thinks we should have to present a photo ID to vote a klansman. MSNBC, a network that seems to exist only to parrot the president's line, unsurprisingly gets praised by the White House. This is unity?

The White House has to use and condone this because the alternative is reality, and reality is not Barack Obama's friend.

The president decided, against the express language in the law itself, he could unilaterally remove the work requirement from President Clinton's welfare reform law. There is no precedent or legal justification for this action, but to question it is to be anti-poor.

Putting aside the unconstitutional nature of all this, it remains a mystery how it could be anti-poor to support a law that provably improves the lives of poor Americans, gives them their best shot at autonomy and helps move them get out and stay out of poverty. But the charge gets made, the grenade gets thrown, and the person doing it gets an invite to the next Georgetown cocktail party or White House concert.

The administration of Barack Obama embodies the worst characteristics of the worst Presidents in our history – the abuse of power, the incompetence, the laziness, the bigotry, the disinterest, the dishonesty, the arrogance. The reason he's still personally popular is the same reason we know the names Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Perez Hilton or that TMZ exists – A large portion of our culture now celebrates what it used to shun, cheers that which used to drive people into hiding and rewards existence over accomplishment.

That's why the media parrots and trumpets attacks on Mitt Romney's incredibly successful private-sector record but ignores President Obama's public-sector failures. How people can question what Romney does with his own money but ignore Obama wasting literally trillions of ours is disgraceful. That President Obama would sanction the charge is worse.

Rush Limbaugh is correct when he calls President Obama "President Kardashian." Only we're on the receiving end of what Kim Kardashian became famous for. To paraphrase Andy Warhol, in the future we'll all have our own reality show for 15 minutes. Unfortunately the ratings will suck and it will serve only as a perch from which to watch the economy collapse. We can call it "Disgraceful."

November could not be more important, and it cannot come quickly enough.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


One of the nice things about getting old is that you stop worrying about impressing people.  If I think of another thing, I'll let you know.  And speaking of age, I read that some guy in his 70s named Tarnae Watanabe just scaled Mt. Everest after having climbed it 10 years earlier.  When asked why he did it, instead of the usual "Because it was there," I'd like to think he said, "You mean I already climbed it?!  Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Although I have long been aware that, aside from Germany, Europe is an example of what happens when you let spoiled brats control the economy, until I heard it from Charles Krauthammer, I did not know that in Greece, hairdressers are allowed to retire at the age of 50 because theirs is regarded as a hazardous occupation.  I guess that means "The Donald"  isn't the only person in the world who takes his haircuts a damn sight too seriously.

The more I hear Washington, D.C., referred to as the nation's capital, the more I wonder just which nation they have in mind.  It's hard to recognize it as our own when a bill to criminalize gender-based abortions falls short of the two-thirds majority required, 246-168.  Although 20 Democrats joined 226 Republicans in voting for what one would assume is a no-brainer, inasmuch as the only other place on earth where such abominations take place is the cesspool known as China, seven Republicans voted along with the liberals.  The unholy seven included Rep. Ron Paul. You kids still think he'd make a great president?

Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma came into office saying the U.S. should be much more like Europe and now, thanks to his disastrous economic policies and his constant groveling to Russia, WE ARE!

Criticizing this administration isn't merely taking advantage of a freedom guaranteed us by the First Amendment, it's a patriotic obligation.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Ron Paul voted how ? Could you repeat that one more time just in case the Ron Paul lovers didn't catch it the first time ? ;D


It's a State issue, not Federal.

Ron Paul is for liberty and he's definitely not like most Republicans who seem like to line up with tyranny very often.

Obama and the Republicans - just a bunch of nationalists.


  Romney's Hammer

John Sununu destroys Andrea Mitchell

Sununu scolds Chris Matthews and crew on-air

John Sununu smacks down Ms/nbc's Larry O'Donnell

John Sununu Hammers CNNs Soledad O'Brien Over Birther Fixation

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: jarhead on July 15, 2012, 03:12:00 PM
Ron Paul voted how ? Could you repeat that one more time just in case the Ron Paul lovers didn't catch it the first time ? ;D

Ron Paul Votes Against Gender Based Abortion Bill? Explained:

There has been a lot of talk over the way a few republicans voted in a recent "pro-life" bill that made it to the floor in congress. Dubbed H.R. 3541, a bill to "prohibit discrimination against the unborn on the basis of sex or race, and for other purposes", failed to pass with 2/3′s majority vote, prompting a firestorm of criticism from many conservatives and pundits.

The republicans taking heat for voting against this bill include Justin Amash (R-MI), Charles Bass (R-NH), Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), Robert Dold (R-IL), Richard Hanna (R-NY), Nan Hayworth (R-NY) and presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX). Ron Paul, the most prominent of the names on the list, has taken the most heat from people like FOX New's Bill O'Reilly. So why exactly would Mr. Paul, self proclaimed pro-life Christian and former OBGYN who delivered over 4,000 babies, vote against this legislation?

On the outside, this bill seems like a "cut and dry" vote. You either want to make abortions illegal for people who do not want their child to be a certain sex or you don't, right? Wrong. Like many things politicians try to ram through congress, there are many unintended consequences created by legislation. Furthermore, there are often times when the legislation being passed in actuality will be another law that ultimately proves to do nothing (See Obama's Dodd-Frank).

What many people also don't know is that Ron Paul expressed his concern to the speaker of the house vocally, before voting against the legislation. In his speech to the speaker, Dr. Paul made a few valid points about the constitutionality of the bill, among other things.

Dr. Paul: "Mr. Speaker, as an OB-GYN who has delivered over 4,000 babies, I certainly abhor abortion. And I certainly share my colleagues' revulsion at the idea that someone would take an innocent unborn life because they prefer to have a child of a different gender. However, I cannot support H.R. 3541, the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, because this bill is unconstitutional.

Congress's jurisdiction is limited to those areas specified in the Constitution. Nowhere in that document is Congress given any authority to address abortion in any manner. Until 1973, when the Supreme Court usurped the authority of the States in the Roe v. Wade decision, no one believed or argued abortion was a Federal issue.

I also cannot support H.R. 3541 because it creates yet another set of Federal criminal laws, even though the Constitution lists only three Federal crimes: piracy, treason, and counterfeiting. All other criminal matters are expressly left to States under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, and criminal laws relating to abortion certainly should be legislated by States rather than Congress.

I have long believed that abortion opponents make a mistake by spending their energies on a futile quest to make abortion a Federal crime. Instead, pro-life Americans should work to undo Roe v. Wade and give the power to restrict abortion back to the States and the people. It is particularly disappointing to see members supporting this bill who rightfully oppose ludicrous interpretations of the Commerce Clause when it comes to the national health care law, which also abuses the Commerce Clause to create new Federal crimes.

Pro-life Americans believe all unborn life is precious and should be protected. Therefore we should be troubled by legislation that singles out abortions motivated by a "politically incorrect" reason for special Federal punishment. To my conservative colleagues who support this bill: what is the difference in principle between a Federal law prohibiting "sex selection" abortions and Federal hate crimes laws? After all, hate crime laws also criminalize thoughts by imposing additional stronger penalties when a crime is motivated by the perpetrator's animus toward a particular race or gender.
I also question whether this bill would reduce the number of abortions. I fear instead that every abortion provider in the Nation would simply place a sign in their waiting room saying "It is a violation of Federal law to perform an abortion because of the fetus' gender. Here is a list of reasons for which abortion is permissible under Federal law."

Mr. Speaker, instead of spending time on this unconstitutionally, ineffective, and philosophically flawed bill, Congress should use its valid authority to limit the jurisdiction of activist Federal courts and (thereby) protect state laws restoring abortion. This is the constitutional approach to effectively repealing Roe v. Wade. Instead of focusing on gimmicks and piecemeal approaches, true conservatives should address the horror of abortion via the most immediate, practical, and effective manner possible: returning jurisdiction over abortion to the States. "
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


OK Warph, I retract the body slam I did on Ron Paul---but I would still never vote for him because of statements he has said about Israel

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