The wind farm money is officially in.... and out.

Started by Patriot, May 29, 2012, 09:03:06 PM

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Diane Amberg

Sorry Jar...don't hurt yourself trying to figure out what I meant. It has to do with people just doing the right thing because it's right, and not needing to have some other reason or previous experience or pressure  to be able to make common sense decisions.
  It looks like the windy money is being divided up well .Why are any of you assuming that only certain political pressure would force the current commissioners to choose wisely?
 Several of you didn't think Obama would be a good Commander in Chief because of lack of military experience. Now "Mitt'' is going to be the apparent Repub.candidate and he doesn't have any either.  So, he couldn't possibly make any good decisions without certain political pressure?  Wouldn't any of them get advice before they make decisions in an area they don't know a lot about?
 Yes, it's probably a poor connection and a poor example and it's surely not 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, but I saw it and commented . My freedom of speech too ya know...even if Old Timer isn't supposed to have any. It's a shame free speech doesn't come with a book of manners to go with it! I don't understand why a few of you are so unnecessarily rude.
That's it for me. I have a very hard working and busy weekend ahead of me. UD just finished and we take back the town with our annual big party on Main St. tomorrow. If the weather holds thousands of people will come and it's loads of fun,but hard work for us.Yes, I'm sure you could care less. Oh well.
   Enjoy the weekend you all.


Huh ? Bacon ? degrees ? CiC ? Romney ? Windy money ? UD ? Taking back our town ? Rude ?
I think I will take your advice and not hurt myself trying to figger things out---but I thank you for trying to help me.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2012, 05:34:47 PM
Ross is a gander alright...he spoke ,uh, honked first. Common sense indeed!  You don't seem to think anyone else out there has any!
If you didn't personally want my input, why did you ask? Oh, never mind.
  Sorry for the apparent political misstep. It won't happen again.There really is a connection, but I'm not going to take the time to explain it just to be squashed again.
In todays society, when it concerns money all common sense goes down the toilet. Everyones in it for me me me... Money for golf courses, money for the kids, money for this pet project or that pet project, when in fact its not a free for all grab, it is supposed to go to the funding of true constitutional government expenditures. I.E. roads, water, ect.......
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Can someone fill in the details of the computer/software loan for the clerk and treasurer? I know of some software programs that could do everything for the county at a MUCH lower cost than what was stated. (Even if you threw in some fancy computers to use it on.)


Quote from: Humpy on June 05, 2012, 11:06:46 AM
Can someone fill in the details of the computer/software loan for the clerk and treasurer? I know of some software programs that could do everything for the county at a MUCH lower cost than what was stated. (Even if you threw in some fancy computers to use it on.)

As I understand it, this is one of a couple of packages that are sanctioned for county use by the State of Kansas.  Don't know the original purchase price for sure.  Also, I think this is a vertical software package for which we pay a support/update fee of about $24,000 per year.  The treasurer or clerk should be able to provide complete details.

Ifin you want money spent, call the government (local, state or federal).... they're experts! :P

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That's true, Patriot. 
The State   provides for only a few slelect vendors for their programs at the county level.  They are intertwined within the State's systems and usually are connected by a server in Topeka.  They are not cheap!  However the computers are a little high priced for the hardware that is required.



Quote from: Humpy on June 05, 2012, 11:06:46 AM
Can someone fill in the details of the computer/software loan for the clerk and treasurer? I know of some software programs that could do everything for the county at a MUCH lower cost than what was stated. (Even if you threw in some fancy computers to use it on.)

So could I, in fact i could find everything for free. The only cost would be in setting it up for them and the hardware.  But those in government think you gotta spend 25-50k on software.  And thats cheap too!  I've sold govt entities software along with installation setup and training for over 150,000 dollars to do the functions they require.  I made good money at it.  was it necessary? Nope. It could have been done for around 5000 -8000 and thats for the time spent on setup, build and installation.

But heck if they want to spend 150k, i'm not going to twist their arms into not spending 150k as long as it goes into my pocket!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 05, 2012, 04:16:51 PM
That's true, Patriot. 
The State   provides for only a few slelect vendors for their programs at the county level.  They are intertwined within the State's systems and usually are connected by a server in Topeka.  They are not cheap!  However the computers are a little high priced for the hardware that is required.


But ready your not paying for  the hardware your paying for service. if that computer goes down, then whoever has the service agreement is going to charge a good price if they have to drive out to fix the problem.   I charge 60 dollars an hour to service a computer.  The reason i do, i can. And i earned it.  I have the experience and skill to do that and in less time than some fella out there that plinks around with it.    Would you rather pay 250.00 for 10 hours work or 200 dollars for 3 1/2 hours work. Shrug.  the time frame that the computer is down is first priority in a business. You can't fart around with some cheap labor to get the computer back up.    That is a valueable expenditure for any government entity or business and is justifiable expense. NOW the software is another story.  The only reason they limit to specific vendors is that someone up in the state capitol is getting a kickback from the vendors.  BEEN THERE seen that!   Think about it, you have two vendors, both are kicking back 10% to you, with 105 counties all spending 25k a year, thats 262,000 dollars going into some politicians pocket!  Not bad for not even having to lift a finger and thats every year they get that. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



QuoteBut ready your not paying for  the hardware your paying for service. if that computer goes down, then whoever has the service agreement is going to charge a good price if they have to drive out to fix the problem.

Actually, we pay for the software which was created by another company. We have tech support for that in Topeka as well as the company and for their servers.
The Hardware, our computers if they crashis serviced by our local IT @ $75  (you need to raise your rates Steve!  :) 
And guns...I do believe you are correct.  Whoever gets the bid, gets the kiss.


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