Warph For Dictator

Started by Warph, May 19, 2012, 02:34:17 PM

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First.... let me start off with this:
(It is uncanny how much I look like Douglas MacArthur, don't you think?)

"Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn."
~~~Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Now... If I were the Republican candidate running against Obuma.  First off, I would cut spending drastically and CLEAN UP THE WASTE.  That would mean that we all face up to the fact that Social Security and Medicare cannot continue as they are.  If that requires raising retirement age or even reducing payments across the board by, say, 5%, so be it.  Either we act like mature adults or we slaughter the goose that lays the golden eggs.

We join with Israel to end Iran's nuclear ambitions, and we provide Poland and the Czech Republic with the missile defense program they were promised before Obama caved to Russia's demands.  Next, we let Russia know that there's a new sheriff in town.  When they ask something of us, we say, "Nyet.  You guys don't get to keep opposing us in the U.N. when it comes to Syria and then expect us to do you bums any favors."

That reminds me, we get out of the United Nations.  Then we sell the U.N. building to Donald Trump, so he can tear it down, fumigate the property, and turn it into anything he likes, so long as it doesn't look like something that will remind us of all the billions of dollars we sank into the most corrupt organization this side of Chicago politics, the far-left MSM, the Arab League and the Congressional Black Caucus.

We okay the Keystone Pipeline and we start drilling for oil on federal lands, including ANWR.  We take the federal boot off the neck of the coal industry.  And then we take the EPA out behind the woodshed and give those fascistic bureaucrats a beating they'll never forget.  We also quit pretending that wind power and solar power will ever replace fossil fuel.  And if electric cars are so great, we'll allow private capital to invest in them.

If there's an actual market, American entrepreneurs can be counted on to cash in on it.

We quit behaving like America is a third world country where people would starve on the streets if 50 million of them weren't provided with food stamps and if school kids weren't given tax-subsidized breakfasts, lunches and dinners.  If parents couldn't provide their kids with three healthy meals a day, they would be charged with child abuse, and the kids would be placed in foster homes or up for adoption.

Single mothers would have to come up with the name of the sperm donor, who, in turn, would be made responsible for child support on the spot or go to jail until the child is 21.  Welfare for unwed mothers would be but a vague and unpleasant memory.

Abortions would be outlawed.  If in 2012, with all the birth control pills and devices available, people are still getting pregnant, it should be a criminal offense.  Such people would be better off in jail anyway because they are simply too dumb to be allowed to walk around.

We would never again speak of "social justice" and there would be no such thing as a "hate crime."  Justice would be equal for the rich and the poor, for blacks, browns and whites, and no crime would be regarded as more serious simply because the victim happened to be a homosexual, a black, a Hispanic or a Jew.  Also, the federal government would no longer trample on the 5th Amendment by using a violation of a person's civil rights as an excuse to ignore the Constitution's protection against double jeopardy, as happened in the Rodney King case...and as I suspect will occur again if George Zimmerman is found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

We make English our official language, meaning that ballots will no longer be printed in a hundred different languages; we do away with dual-citizenship; we insist on photo IDs in all elections; we insist on employers eVerifying all employees and suffering severe consequences if they don't; we deny all services to anyone not able to prove that he's in this country legally; and we stop encouraging foolishness by once and for all defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

The 14th Amendment will be amended so that citizenship is not automatically granted to anchor babies born to illegal aliens, and we do so on the grounds that nobody is ever entitled to profit from the commission of a crime.

I would indict anyone who intimidates voters, no matter the race of the intimidator.  At the same time, I'd push for a mandatory sentence of 10 years in a federal pen for anyone found guilty of election fraud.  I would also indict the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, for everything from extortion to inciting violence.

When it comes to voting, those who are 18-21 would be allowed to vote only if they were members of the military.  After 21, any American citizen could vote so long as he's filed a federal tax return.  Nobody who is still in school and being supported by his or her parents would be enfranchised.

The tax code would be revised so that every adult would pay something, and no one would be given a rebate larger than the amount paid in, as is often the case under the present system.

I would limit unemployment payments to 26 weeks.  It's supposed to be a safety net, not a permanent hammock.

We do away with the current system of "higher education."  High school graduates would go to the trade school of their choice, be it for plumbing, car repair, architecture, accounting, law, dentistry, carpentry or nursing.  No more of these four year vacationlands that force parents to mortgage their homes and youngsters to mortgage their futures just so bureaucrats will have well-landscaped principalities.  Moreover, professors who work 10 hours a week will no longer pull down six-figure salaries, and various football and basketball coaches will no longer pull down seven-figure salaries.

Let me add to this: I would retire Air Force One and put it into mothballs and send it to the desert.  Marana, AZ or the Mojave desert, CA. doesn't matter and pay-my-own-way flying commerical.  And second: get rid of the secret service and hire Chuck Norris, and Steven Seagal Teresa and Kjell Heilevang as bodyguards.  

So now, you not only know my policies but, aside from my reluctance to move to Washington, D.C., because of the weather and lousy golf courses, and having to spend most of my waking hours with lying politicians, you know why I have never run for president.  In order for my master plan to become a reality,  I'd have to be a dictator, and not merely the commander-in-chief.

....Vote "Warph for Dictator" Tuesday Nov. 6, 2012
(Don't forget your picture I.D.)

((Here's another picture of me after my boat broke down)):

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


You had my vote until you said you would have Stevie Seagal as your body guard. Would you please rethink that because I think he's a fat toad and a worm and my bet would be on Teresa if the two ever went to fistacuffs.
On domestic problems,as Prez, what would you do to help poor Desmond ? (see below )

Father of 30 kids by 11 women can't pay child support
Published May 18, 2012

A Tennessee man's problems paying child support aren't so surprising: He has 30 children with 11 different women.

Desmond Hatchett, 33, of Knoxville, is pleading with the state to help him pay for child support, citing the fact that he earns minimum wage. Hatchett made national news in 2009, when his tally stood at 21 children.

"I had four kids in the same year," he said. "Twice."

The mothers of his children are supposed to get anywhere from $25 a month to $309 a month for help raising the children. The state takes half of Hatchett's paycheck to divide among the mothers of his children, but now Hatchett has petitioned the state to help him meet his obligations.

The children range in age from toddlers to 14 years old.


China has the population control measures they do because if they didn't, they would sink into the ocean under the pressure of used pampers.  It is a matter of survival and nothing else.

Unfortunately the SAME problem exists here but we are crippled by our race-phobic pc paranoia which prevents any intelligent discussion of this disastrous social problem that is affecting NON-Whites disproportionally than Whites.  It is so difficult to fathom one man could be so irresponsible.  The women who allowed him to impregnate them are just as irresponsible.  Eleven women?? Wow... what have I been missing?  Sorry.

Unfortunately, the children will suffer psychologically, cognitively and ,of course, financially.  Approximately 75% of black children in America are born into fatherless homes or to unwed mothers.  The following are some of the tragic effects on fatherless children---


* 63 percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes
* 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes
* 80 percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes
* 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes
* 75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical-abuse centers come from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes

Nobody wants to support his kids, nor should we.  The only hope for his kids is the educational system where they could get the guidance and resources they need.  But, that takes money and our society is defunding education.  We'd rather spend that money on huge prison bills and the checks for all the multitudes of children that his 30 will have. The cycle will go on.

So THEREIN lies the reason that we go NOWHERE with this problem.  And so the next generation of welfare recipients, elementary school drop-outs, public-housing residents, military flesh-fodder and prison in-mates continues cranking out the hapless and hopeless "diversity" participants and with a goofball president in the White House who KNOWS exactly what needs to be done but won't do a thing about it except give them tax-payer money.

Vote for me... we won't have these kind of problems.  I would send Hatchett to China and let them take care of him.  The women?  Teresa can take care of that situation.  Is she still carrying that little pink rifle around?

WARPH in 2012
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


How do I dislike Barack Hussein Obuma?  I might spin Elizabeth Barrett Browning's immortal words and say, "Let me count the ways.  I dislike him to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach."  But even that doesn't quite cover the contempt I have for this past and present community agitator.  Fifty long years after Martin Luther King suggested we judge a person by his character, this slug is still waging race warfare.  While we are all well-aware that he is basing his entire re-election campaign on separating Americans and playing to wealth envy, religious differences and even engendering gender divisions... it is his insistence on stoking up racial hatred that makes him the archenemy of everything decent that America represents.

---Only Obuma would have made the openly racist Eric Holder his attorney general. 

---Only Obuma would have remained silent when Holder refused to indict the Black Panthers for voter intimidation. 

---Only Obuma would have said that Trayvon Martin reminded him of the son he never had.

---On the other hand, only Obuma would have remained silent when his cohorts, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, converged on Sanford, Florida, and incited the black mobs to demand George Zimmerman's bloodied head on a platter.  Only Obuma would have prevented his Department of Justice from demanding that the Black Panthers be indicted for offering a bounty on young Mr. Zimmerman, dead or alive.

---Only Barack HusseinObuma would encourage his re-election team to connect Mitt Romney to polygamy when it was Obuma's own Kenyan father who was still a married man when he tied the knot with Obuma's mother.  Of course it soon turned out to be a slip-knot when the bigamist scurried back to Africa, leaving wife number two and child behind.

---Only Barack Hussein Obuma would encourage his re-election team to tar Romney for having conveyed the family dog on his car's rooftop, which was not only safe, but provided the dog with all the wind in his face that every dog craves, when, by his own admission, young Obuma had dined on dog.  Which in certain civilized circles, is comparable to cannibalism.

According to his book, "Dreams From My Father," Obuma's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, belonged to a brand of Islam that believed that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate.  One can't help wondering if in his dreams, Obuma chases cats.

Although in 2008, "Fast" Harry Reid boasted that Obuma doesn't speak like a black man and Joe Biden topped him by alerting us to the fact that Obama is clean, the silliest thing anyone ever thought to say about him is that he's a genius.  I'm not even alluding to his contention back in '08 that he had visited 57 states and only had one more to go, or his references to the Austrian language and the U.S. Marine Corpse.  But I am suggesting that for a man who regards diplomacy as his strong suit, telling the presidents or prime ministers of Denmark, Norway, the Philippines, Ireland and Holland, that their little nations all "punch above their weight," indicates that he has either let his membership in the Cliché of the Month Club lapse or that he has hired a very lazy relative to be his speechwriter.

Lest anyone think those gaffes are the exception to the rule, Obuma has also announced on 11 different occasions that the United States has no stronger ally than Australia, Poland, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, South Korea, Israel, Holland, France, Italy and Japan.  Frankly, I think he is showing undiplomatic favoritism to Holland and Denmark by telling the world that they are not only our strongest allies, but that they also punch above their weight.

Would someone who is even slightly brilliant tell 11 different countries that they are his very favorite?  Does he really think that these countries don't talk to each other, even if it's not in Austrian?  Doesn't it even occur to Mr. Tact that Germany and France are always on the verge of a major spat without anyone's needlessly provoking a cat fight?  Doesn't he realize that a young woman who carried on the way he does would be referred to as the town slut?

Finally, as if any additional evidence were required to prove that Obuma is only the smartest man in the room when he's standing in a very small closet, during his highly trumpeted visit to the Summit of the Americas, he tried to show himself on the side of Argentina when he referred to the Falkland Islands as the Malvinas.  That happens to be the Argentine name for the British crown colony they have long coveted, and over which Margaret Thatcher, with Ronald Reagan's blessing, went to war. This is the same Argentina that recently showed its dedication to democratic ideals by nationalizing the nation's largest oil company and banning foreign books.

But, as is his wont, Obuma displayed his vaunted brilliance by calling them the Maldives, which is an actual group of islands, but one that's located in the Indian Ocean, not the Atlantic, and is nowhere near Argentina.  So, at one fell swoop, Obuma not only stabbed the Brits in the back, but made America an even bigger laughing stock than the horny Secret Service agents had done by turning Hotel El Caribe into the most infamous brothel in the world.

As if it's not bad enough that we are constantly told that Obuma's IQ is too high to be accurately measured, (which is a crock) his wife recently told a crowd in Nashville, Tennessee: "This president has brought us out of the darkness and into the light."  Now... if one is to believe certain eyewitness reports, as the collection plate was being passed among the Obuma faithful, the blind could suddenly see, the lame got up and tap-danced and the dead all registered as Democrats.

....Warph For Dictator 2012
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts." -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Conservatives and liberals may disagree on reasons, motivations, and excuses for our Kenyan president, Barack Hussein Obama's performance, but the facts are still facts.  There may be many reasons that a pro football coach goes 1-15, but everyone can agree that his record is still 1-15, right?  Well, here are some basic facts about how the country is faring with Barack Hussein Obama in the White House.  

Take a look at the numbers, sans commentary, and make your own judgment about whether Barack Hussein Obama deserves another term in office... then make up your own mind if I, Warph, would be a better dictator:

1) Real median household income is down $4300 since Obama took office.

2) The percentage of unemployed workers who've been out of a job for more than a year is over 30%.

3) The country has had the longest streak of +8% unemployment since the Depression under Obama: 39 months and counting.

4) In 2011 under Barack Obama, nearly one out of every seven Americans was on food stamps. That's a 70 percent increase from 2007.

5) Fifty percent of new college graduates are underemployed or unemployed.

6) U.S. home ownership is at a decade long low. So is the number of Americans who say their home is worth more than they paid for it. Home prices are the lowest they've been since 2002.

7) Barack Obama ended NASA's manned space program.

8 ) Going into this election cycle, Barack Obama had raised more money from Wall Street than any President in history. He has also raised more money from Wall Street than all of the GOP presidential contenders combined in this election cycle.

9) Under Barack Obama's leadership, the last time Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats passed a budget was April 9, 2009.

10) Barack Obama's budget was defeated 414-0 in the House and 99-0 in the Senate.

11) When he was running for President in 2008, Barack Obama pledged not to raise taxes on families making less than 250,000 dollars per year. He broke that promise with the tanning salon tax and with Obamacare, which raises almost 500 billion dollars in new taxes, a significant portion of which would be paid by people making less than 250,000 dollars per year.

12) When Barack Obama took office, gas was $1.95 per gallon. Today gas is $3.79 per gallon in Surprise, AZ.

13) In February of this year, the federal government had a 229 billion dollar deficit. That was the largest deficit in the history of the United States.

14) America lost its AAA credit rating (which it had held since 1917) on Obama's watch despite the fact that Timothy Geithner publicly said there was "no risk" of that happening.

15) Barack Obama added more to the debt in just 38 months than George Bush did in two full terms as President.

Vote Warph for Dictator
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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