Should I be worried?

Started by Janet Harrington, May 17, 2012, 04:22:19 PM

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Janet Harrington

I had a dream last night and I want to ask if you all think I should be worried.

I dreamed that I was chasing a man, trying to arrest him for something. We were driving down extremely muddy county roads. I couldn't catch the guy, so I stopped my car and got out. I immediately sank into the mud. I mean sank. I got myself out, but the mud kept my clothes. I did have boots on. Here I am, standing in the middle of this muddy county road and here comes the man in his car. He almost runs me down, but a mudhole sucks him under. He gets out and I handcuff him. This man looks just like the actor Gerard Butler, who played in "The Bounty Hunter" with Jennifer Aniston and "The Ugly Truth" with Katherine Heigl.

After I get the man handcuffed, his girlfriend walks up to us and tries to give him a kiss. I tell her to go on, what did she think she was doing and who did she think she was. She left.

Ok. So, here we go into the jail. Lots of prisoners walking around and lots of trustees in the control room. They just stare at us. I don't know if it is because I am naked or because I had a man in handcuffs. Well, the man got booked into the jail and I am just standing there.

The next thing I know, a blonde headed woman, a prisoner, is calling for me to come sit down with her at a round table. I sit down with her, (and yes, I am still naked), and she says to me, "Did you know that his (meaning the man I arrested), girlfriend was from New York?"

Now, for the question about should I be worried. Does this dream mean I should be worried about arresting a man who looks like Gerard Butler or should I be worried that these county roads have mud holes so deep that the mud holes will swallow a car?

ROFLMBO (meaning rolling on the floor laughing my butt off).

Just had to share that dream.


i think there is an issue of you publically displaying your nekkedness to your co workers!  :)
ready.....with a robe

Janet Harrington

Ready, you are so funny. In my dream, I wasn't worried at all about being naked. I didn't see any co-workers either. Just prisoners. LOL


lol somethings cannot be unseen!   lmao

Janet Harrington

And I didn't see anyone I knew. That was a plus. I just had to share that dream. I couldn't figure out why I was on such muddy roads and why I would not be bothered by being naked and going into a jail. I sure wonder what I ate before I went to sleep.


I've seen you naked........................I'd rather be a prisoner than to ever see that again!!!..It was traumatic for me.  ( Thats all I'm sayin')  hahaha
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I read this post when it was first posted.  Immediately, many "smart-alec" remarks went through my mind.  I didn't post as I thought it would be inappropriate, but hey, what the hey.

First remark:  "WOW!  How weird!  I had that same dream about being handcuffed by a naked woman......oh wait.....forget that."

Second remark:  "How is it that Teresa has seen Janet naked?"

Third remark:  (not yet formulated.)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Janet Harrington


Ms. T and I have even slept together. Many times. Have shared the bathroom many times. You just use your imagination about what that means. LOL

larryJ way.............Nada.......can't............won't.............not even...........AIN'T GONNA GO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Besides what little imagination I have left is better served thinking of other things such as my afternoon coffee and who is going to fix it for me, etc.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Perhaps the little house out back was a two holer?

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