Why Zimmerman Must Be Lynched....

Started by redcliffsw, April 20, 2012, 07:51:34 AM

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Clash? Yes.  Sublulture or literary clash?  I don't know.

In spite of any potential validity of other sociological assessments, the above article does assume some facts that are not in evidence.  One for sure that was disputed under oath by the lead investigator just yesterday.  

In this story, one mans "busybodyism" could be another mans 'community serviceism'  (anybody can create new words).

The author's assumption that "The initiate of the community's citizen watch program pursued an African-American teenager after a 911 dispatcher advised him not to."  is not fact, it's an assumption in dispute that has not been verified by clear evidence.  In fact, it's been denied.  It's also sounds biased in favor of the narrative that the likes of Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton have spewed forth as fact.

"Zimmerman assumed the hooded teenager to be a hoodlum. Martin assumed that he could manhandle the shorter, pudgier, older man in a fistfight."  Facts not in evidence?  How do we know that Zimmerman judged Martin to be a "hoodlum"?  And the lead investigator, under oath, said yesterday that there was no evidence of who initiated the physical altercation that ended in the shooting.  While the lack of evidence inures to the legal benefit of Zimmerman's claim of being assaulted first, there is no basis in proven fact for the author's assumption which infers Martin struck first.

Since the author appears to be making a sociological analysis of this case, he only undermines the quality of his analysis by making baseless assumptions, IMO.  It's unfortunate that the author's unsupported assumptions may be read by thousands, if not millions, and interpreted as fact.

How about we save the social analysis until AFTER we've determined the facts.  Or at least make tentative analysis based on the facts that are known.  And let's not be so afraid to say, "I don't know."

Then again, maybe the author was just writing an emotional thriller using colorful language...

"The bastion-dweller sees in the very real gates that surround an illusion that blocks out civilization -- or perhaps walls it in.  The thug behaves as a barbarian with the unrealistic expectation those in the way will behave in a civilized manner. We live in our cocoons -- until reality invades."

Am I missing something?  I just don't know.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That's right Patriot ---"you just don't know" So in the mean time let's lynch Zimmerman and let the chips lie where they fall. Seems kinda like when San Fran Nan said "we need to pass this bill so we can find out what's in it"---that set a precedent for how everything is being done---or is that too big'a stretch ?


Quote from: jarhead on April 21, 2012, 08:30:48 AM
That's right Patriot ---"you just don't know" So in the mean time let's lynch Zimmerman and let the chips lie where they fall. Seems kinda like when San Fran Nan said "we need to pass this bill so we can find out what's in it"---that set a precedent for how everything is being done---or is that too big'a stretch ?

To big'a stretch?  Ask San Fran Nan's plastic surgeon.  Apparently, there's room for more stretching as the sides of her mouth aren't touching her ears yet.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Yep you are right.  Most liberal media outlets have judged Zimmerman guilty of murder without ever bringing out the facts...  I wonder why that is?  ::) The race mongering by the usual suspects, Lee, Sharpton, Jackson, NBPP, etc. have made it impossible for not only Martin to receive justice for the bullet that took his life... but also for Zimmerman.. who may have been trying to save his own.  If Zimmerman were eventually to be brought up on charges, prosecuted and found not guilty... well, we have seen what happens when a jury of one's peers concludes differently than the race hustlers.

And Obuma deserves to be singled out for special condemnation (when is that ever not the case) by making inflammatory comments before the actual facts have been laid bare.  Is it because he's half black... a malotto in a constitutional lawyers empty suit and being the prez, that he has a right to speak up in support of his liberal black pals?  Why does it escape his little pea-sized brain that since he does not know the facts... certainly one cannot trust the press to convey them... that he should just offer his condolences and that justice will prevail in the end? 

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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